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Bijdragen 10 1 de Dierk unde, 60 (314) 137-143 (1990)

SPB A cademic Publishing b v, The Hague

The origin of the anchialine cave fauna - the "deep sea" versus the
"shallow water" hypothesis tested against the empirical evidence of the
Thaumatocyprididae (Ostracoda)

Dan L. Danielopol
Limnological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, A-5310 Mondsee, Austria

Keywords: Anchialine cave fauna, Thaumatocyprididae, stygobionts

Abstract For the historical biogeography a very intriguing

problem arose concerning the fauna o f these an-
Two alternative hypotheses explaining the o rigin o f some of the chialine caves of oceanic islands. As Iliffe et al.
ocea nic anchia line cave faun as, viz. those of Iliffe et a l. (t984)
(1984) noted, many ancient and/ or primitive taxo-
and Stock ( 1986a) are critica lly reviewed .
Data pertaining to the phylogeny, ecology and biogeography
nomic groups (e.g. the crustacean Remipedia or
o f the myodocop id ost racods belo nging to t he T ha umatocyprid- Thermosbaenacea) absent from epigean marine
idae (Halocyprida) show close affinities between the caver- habitats occur on both old land masses and young
nico!o us and th e ma ri ne shall o w wa ter d wellin g representa tives . oceanic islands. It is difficult to explain how such
"living fossils" dispersed to oceanic islands, like
Resume Bermuda or the Galapagos Islands , which were
never connected to continental land masses and
Deux hypo theses alternat ives qui ex pliq ue nt l' o rigin e de certains
which are separated from the continental coasts
elements fa unistiques des grottes anchialines ocea niques , c'est-
a-dire celles d'lliffe et al. ( 1984) et ce!le de Stoc k (l986a), sont
through deep oceans. Different hypotheses have
revues d ' une ma niere critique . been proposed for such biogeographic patterns .
D es donnees concernan t Ja ph ylogenie, J'eco logie et la bio - Iliffe et al. (1984) when analyzing the fauna of
geographie des Os tracodes Myodocopides .a ppa rtena nt a ux the Jameos de! Agua cave, on Lanzarote , Canary
Thauma tocyprididae (H a locyprida) indi q ue~t des a ffinites
Islands, proposed that some of the troglobionts oc-
etroites entre Jes Tha umatocypridides caverni coles et les repre-
senta nts marins vivants d a ns des ea ux peu profondes en dehors
curring on ocea nic islands of volcanic origin could
des grottes. originate by immigration of deep sea elements liv-
ing below 200 m depth through crevicular systems
(sensu Hart et al. , 1985: 291). Stock (1986a, 1986b)
Introduction challe nged the hypothesis of the " deep sea" and
suggested that the fauna of a nchialine marine caves
In the last twenty years there was a tremendous in- originates from benthic, shallow water, animals
crease in knowledge of the diversity of the subterra- whose colonization of the oceanic islands occurred
nean fauna (see Botosaneanu, 1986, for a review). in not so remote times (e. g. from the Atlantic is-
It was a surprise to discover the rich marine fauna lands in the last 30- 40 million years) . Both
which lives in anchialine caves (sensu Stock et al., hypotheses are historical-narrative explanations
1986: 9) of ocea nic islands. But not only new taxa (sensu Bock, 1981) and their validity should be test-
have been described, also new biogeographical pat- ed against additional empirical observations.
terns and hypotheses explaining the origin a nd the Despite the inductive character o f statements with
distribution of the subterranean fauna emerged. low predictive power, these historical-narrative
138 D .L. Danielopol - The origin of the anchialine cave fauna

models offer us scientific explanations for the bio- waters from a deep sea stock, because both environ-
geographical patterns and allow the development of ments have the same low temperature conditions. A
better research programmes. similar scenario is conceived for the water mites of
The halocyprid ostracods of the family Thau- the genus Bathyhalacarus (Bartsch, 1988).
matocyprididae are recorded from the Permian to A cladistic phylogenetical analysis of the Mis-
Recent. As living representatives they are distribut- ophrioida, a group of copepods with species occur-
ed in deep sea and anchialine cave habitats. The two ring either in the deep sea or in marine caves of
alternative hypotheses mentioned will be tested oceanic islands suggested to Boxshall (1989) that
against the empirical evidence of the Thauma- the colonization route of anchialine subterranean
tocyprididae. habitats on islands took place through crevicular
corridors which connect the deep sea with the caves.
H owever , N ewman (1985) noted that there is up to
The alternative hypotheses under test today no clear evidence for such direct crevicular
connections .
!. The "deep sea hypothesis" Stock (l 986a, I 986b) criticized the "deep sea"
Iliffe et al. (1984) consider that bathyal and/ or scenario. He considered that some of the examples
abyssal organisms penetrate into the subsurface given by Ili ffe and his associates (e.g. the amphi-
habitats through crevices. Deep sea biota colonized pods Paradaliscidae) are based on taxa that could
crevicular systems formed in solid rocks (especially not have a long history in the bathyal/abyssal
those of volcanic origin) and migrated upwards habitats, because an extended anoxia period oc-
through the macropores reaching the anchialine curred in the oceans, especially during the Upper
caves . Documentation of phylogenetical affinities Cretaceous and/ or the P aleocene (Benson, 1979,
between deep sea and marine cave taxa exists since 1984; Arthur & Schlanger, 1979) . Therefore, their
more than 100 years (Fuchs , 1894; Racovitza, 1912; origin should be better searched in a shallow water
Vandel, 1965; Riedl, 1966; Margalef, 1976). M igra- fauna.
tion of organisms from the deep sea to shallow
water anchialine caves is considered possible be- 2. The "shallow water hypothesis", Stock's (1986a)
cause of the similarities between these two types of scenario
environment like total darkness, low food re- There are faunistical indications pointing to closer
sources, and thermal stability (Margalef, 1976). phylogenetical relationships between anchialine
Evidences for this hypothesis have been provided cave taxa and marine taxa living outside the caves
by Iliffe and/or his associates in various papers (Il- in the shallow water zones. For instance, the
iffe et al., 1983; Hart et al., 1985; Manning et al., representatives of Thermosbaenacea which colo-
1986; Wilkens et al., 1986; Boxshall, 1989). Be- nize oceanic anchialine caves have no relatives in
cause the deep sea fauna is accepted by these the deep sea, but have closer affinities to littoral in-
authors to be very old, the migrations to anchialine terstitial species (Stock, I 986c).
caves could occur since more than 100 million years Stock (1986a, 1986b) considers that the anchia-
(Iliffe et al., 1983). Wilkens et al. (1986: 223) con- line cave fauna of the oceanic islands derived from
sider that the origin of some of the endemic oxiphilous or hypoxic animals which lived during
hypogean fauna of the Canary Islands "probably the Neogene on the continental shelf.
derived from widely spread deep sea ancestors".
The plausibility that the deep sea fauna can ex- Empirical evidence for the Thaumatocyprididae
pand upwards in habitats with similar ecological
conditions can be documented with analogical ex- 1. Ecology and biogeography (Fig. I)
amples. For instance H essler & Thistle (1975) con- The first anchialine cave thaumatocypridid Thau-
sider that some deep sea isopod Ilyarachnidae matocypris orghidani was recorded by Danielopol
(Janiroidea) were able to invade the shallow polar ( 1972) from Cuba. This species is now attributed to
Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 60 (3 I 4) - 1990 139

Fig. I. Distribution of living and fossil Thaumatocyprididae: Squares = Thaumatocypris echinata; dots = Thaumatoconcha, various
species (A = T. elongata, B = T. polyihrix); black stars = anchialine cave species, white star = deep sea dwelling species (I = Danie-
lopolina orghidani, 2 =D. carolinae, 3 =D. wilkensi, 4 =D. mexicana, 5 = D. bahamensis, 6 = D. slyx); hemicircle = Thaumatom-
ma piscifrons; triangle = Pokornyopsis, two fossil species. (Map adapted from Kornicker & Sohn, 1976a; Kornicker & Iliffe, l 989a, c.)

the genus Danielopolina Kornicker & Sohn, 1976a. depth of the Antarctic shelf close to King George Is-
Four other species of Danielopolina occur in an- land. All these species are epibenthic dwelling os-
chialine caves, viz. in Lanzarote (Jameos de! tracods. Thaumatoconcha po!ythrix Kornicker &
Agua), Canary Islands, D. wilkensi Hartmann, Sohn, 1976a, occurs in the deep sea (below 2000 m
1985; in the Bahamas and the Yucatan Peninsula, depth) not far from Bermuda Island and Th. elonga-
Mexico, D. bahamensis and D. mexicana Kornicker ta Kornicker & Sohn, 1976a, was found at
& Iliffe, 1989a; and finally in the Galapagos Islands, 3750-4125 m depth in the South Pacific off the
D. styxKornicker & Iliffe, 1989c. D. wilkensi occurs Peru-Chilean coasts, thus not so far remote from the
also in the shallow crevicular system (2 to 8 m below Galapagos Islands.
the surface) of Lanzarote, located closely to the Triebel ( 1941) and Bartenstein (1949) found two
coast, and up to 300 m inland (Wilkens et al., 1986). thaumatocypridid species (now attributed to the ge-
There is one species of Danielopolina known, viz. D. nus Pokornyopsis Kozur) in the lower Jurassic sedi-
carolinae Kornicker & Sohn, 1976a, occurring in a ments of Germany (Kornicker & Sohn, 1976b ). The
benthic deep sea zone off the Brazilian coast in the paleo-environment is a silty sediment deposited in
Atlantic Ocean at 3459 m depth. shallow waters not deeper than 200 m of an epicon-
The genus Thaumatocypris has only one species, tinental sea and the ostracods, with well-calcified
Thaumatocypris echinata Muller, 1906, which was carapaces, are benthic forms (see also Neale, 1983).
found in the pelagic waters of Indonesia between The Thaumatocyprididae have antennae with
1100 and 2000 m depths (Poulsen, 1969). The deep long natatory setae and a strong furca. The carapace
sea thaumatocypridid species included in the genus has a rounded shape. With the exception of the
Thaumatoconcha Kornicker & Sohn, 1976a were pelagic species Thaumatocypris echinata which has
collected in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans on the carapace very long tubular processes, the
and have been described by Kornicker & Sohn other Thaumatocyprididae species have short blunt
(1976a) and Kornicker (1985). Hartmann (1985) processes. Considering these morphological fea-
found one female of Thaumatoconcha sp. in 150 m tures one could hypothesize that the species can bur-
140 D.L. Danielopol - The origin of the anchialine cave fauna

row into the fine sediment and/or live in interstitial many pelagic representatives, clustered in several
spaces of coarse grain sediments or alternatively families, while the former has only one family: the
swim free in water above the bottom. Thaumatocyprididae.
The Danielopolina species in the anchialine caves Kornicker & Sohn (1976b) consider that the
have been caught swimming in free waters (Danie- Thaumatocyprididae derive from the Devonian os-
lopol, 1976; Kornicker & Iliffe, l 989a, l 989c). It is tracod group Checotonomus Kesling (Entomocon-
interesting to mention the morphological and eco- chidae). The oldest known thaumatocypridid,
logical analogies of this genus with the ostracod Thaumatomma piscifrons Kornicker & Sohn,
Polycopidae. These species have also round cara- l 976a, was found in Permian sediments in Greece
paces, strong natatory antennae and a strong furca. (Kornicker & Sohn, 1976a). Two Jurassic "Thau-
Most of the recent polycopids live endo- and epiben- matocypris" species, T. feifeli Triebel, 1941 and T.
thically or in interstitial habitats (Neale, 1983). The bettenstaedti Bartenstein, 1949, now assigned to the
species of the genus Metapolycope occur in anchia- genus Pokornyopsis, have affinities with Thau-
line caves (in Bermuda), in the deep sea and in polar matomma Kornicker & Sohn and with the Recent
shallow waters (Kornicker & Iliffe, l 989b ). cave dwelling thaumatocypridids of the genus
Because the anchialine caves are in contact with Danielopolina (cf. Kornicker & Sohn, 1976b). The
the marine shallow environment outside the caves genera Thaumatocypris and Thaumatoconcha
one can presume that a continuity of some sandy form a separate phylogenetical lineage within the
gravelly or silty sediment habitats existed between Thaumatocyprididae (Kornicker & Sohn, 1976b).
the epigean and hypogean systems. The benthic os- These are benthic species of large size - the cara-
tracods could therefore easily colonize the hypo- pace has generally more than 1.4 mm length - (the
gean habitats. Such an example is documented by range is between 1.4-2.3 mm) living in the deep sea
Maddocks & Iliffe (1986) for Anchistrocheles hart- (Kornicker & Sohn, l 976a; Kornicker, 1985).
manni Maddocks, 1976 (Bairdiacea) from an an- Within the genus Danielopolina, D. mexicana
chialine cave in Bermuda. This is an interstitial spe- appears more primitive than the other species, i.e.
cies initially found living in the sublittoral zone it has a carapace of medium size (0.8 mm length)
along the coast of Bermuda (Maddocks, 1976). and a Bellonci organ (most of the halocyprids have
Danielopo!ina orghidani could also be an intersti- this organ). Pokornyopsis species which show
tial species which penetrated from the sandy coast phylogenetical affinities with Danielopolina have
into the Grietas Matansas, Cuba, where such sandy carapaces of medium size, viz. P. bettenstaedti,
gravelly sediments exist (Juberthie et al., 1977, and 0.8-1 mm length and P. feifeli, 1-1.2 mm length
Orghidan & Juberthie, pers. comm.). (Triebel, 1941; Bartenstein, 1949; Kornicker &
It is interesting that the more primitive species Sohn, l 976a). The other Danielopolina species de-
Danielopolina mexicana (see further) occurs on the void of a Bellonci organ can be clustered in two
continent in the Yucatan Peninsula while the other groups, one living in anchialine caves (D. orghida-
less primitive cave dwelling Danielopolina species ni, D. styx, D. wilkensi, and D. bahamensis) with
occur on islands of different ages like Cuba, an old small carapace size (0.4 to 0.6 mm length) and a
land mass, or Galapagos and Lanzarote, which are group with very large carapace size (1.85 mm
young volcanic islands. length) composed of the deep sea dwelling D.
2. Phylogeny and evolution Kornicker & Sohn (l 976a) consider the shallow
Kornicker & Sohn ( l 976a) distinguished within the benthic taxa like Pokornyopsis species from the
order Halocyprida with a cladistic analysis two Jurassic to be at the origin of the thaumatocy-
main phylogenetical groups: the Cladocopina con- pridids which gave rise to the Danielopolina group.
taining the group of the Polycopacea, and the Some of the Danielopolina species colonized the
Halocypridina containing the Thaumatocypridacea subsurface environment of the marine caves, while
and the Halocypridacea. The latter superfamily has others migrated into the deep sea. Strangely
Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 60 (3 14) - 1990 141

enough, no Danielopolina species display any adap- habitats, because of their inaptitude to cross the
tation to aphotic environments. All the living Thau- thermocline zone of the oceanic layered waters
matocyprididae are blind. But this is not due to a (Benson et al., 1984, 1985). The genus Thau-
regressive evolution which occurred in the caves or matoconcha, for instance, has ten species living in
in the deep sea, but a characteristic of the Halo- the deep sea and one species occurs in antarctic cold
cyprida. waters at less than 200 m depth, but none in the
shallow warm water habitats (Hartmann, 1985).
In conclusion the brief review on the evolution-
Discussion ary history, ecology, and biogeography of the
Thaumatocyprididae does not corroborate the
Following the Iliffe et al. (1984) hypothesis one "deep sea hypothesis". The present data suggest
should expect to find in anchialine caves the Thau- that the anchialine caves on oceanic islands derived
matoconcha or Danie/opo/ina species of large size their Danielopolina species from shallow water
(more than 1 mm carapace length) that could have habitats, either surface or interstitial ones, located
penetrated into the crevicular systems of the ocean- along the continental margins or oceanic islands.
ic islands from the deep sea . One would expect these This scenario is in accordance with the "shallow
especially in Bermuda and the Galapagos Islands water hypothesis" of Stock (l 986a).
(Fig. 1). But this is not the case . The contention of
Wilkens et al. (1986) and Boxshall (1989) that
Danielopolina species from anchialine caves derive Homage to Jan H. Stock
from deep sea ancestors which spread through
crevicular systems can be questioned in the light of The present note was stimulated by Stock's ideas
the morphology and ecology of these species. Why (1986a) and by his research on the subterranean
should a deep sea thaumatocypridid with large fauna of oceanic islands. Incidentally my data cor-
carapace size evolve miniaturized (small) carapaces roborate Stock's "shallow water" hypothesis. But
as we see in the anchialine cave dwelling Danie/opo- I consider that the best homage that I can bring to
/ina? The crevicular corridors are macroporous sys- this scientist is to show him that the research direc-
tems which enables the life of many large Crusta- tion within which he worked so successfully (viz.
cea. Such an example is, e.g., the remipedian La- the explanation of the diverse and original subsur-
sionectes entrichoma Yager & Schram, 1986; it has face aquatic fauna of oceanic islands) will be fur-
22 mm length and the cephalon is more than 2 mm ther followed using the ostracods. I intend to stimu-
large! A more parsimonius explanation is that the late people to intensify the search of Thau-
anchialine caves have been colonized by shallow matocyprididae . If my intuition is correct, then one
water dwellingDanie/opo/ina with medium or small could find representatives of this group along the
carapace sizes which live either in surface or inter- continental coasts in interstitial habitats. New in-
stitial habitats. Ecological difficulties with the vestigations of the dispersal mechanisms of os-
" deep sea" hypothesis applied to the Thaumato- tracods to oceanic islands from remote coasts have
cyprididae occur when one considers the specializa- also to be looked for. Ehlers & Ehlers (1980) point-
tion to low temperature in the oceanic deep sea ed out that the interstitial Turbellaria from the Ca-
waters of the benthic ostracods. Benson (1975) nary Islands could originate independently from
showed that during the Late Eocene I Early Oligo- continental interstitial taxa. This scenario is dis-
cene the thermospheric deep sea ostracod fauna, es- cussed also by Danielopol & Bonaduce (in press) for
pecially in the Atlantic, changed drastically its com- interstitial Xestobleberidae occurring on volcanic
position. During the last 40 million years the deep islands like Galapagos in the Pacific, and Stromboli
sea benthic ostracod fauna, mainly in the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean.
is characterized by psychrophilic species. These do The possibility of a combination of dispersal
not colonize the shallow warm waters of the shelf along the continental margins and short passive dis-
142 D.L. Danielopol - The origin of the anchialine cave fauna

persal by rafting is conceived for marine interstitial Benson, R.H., 1984. Estimating greater paleodepths with ostra-
polychaetes (Westheide, 1977; Westheide & Rieger, codes, especially in past thermospheric oceans. Palaeogeogr.
Palaeoclimat. Palaeoecol., 48: 107-141.
1987) . Such a possibility of dispersal could apply to
Benson, R.H., R.E. Chapman & L.T. Deck, 1984. Paleooceano-
ostracods as well (Danielopol & Bonaduce, in graphic events and deep-sea ostracodes. Science, 224:
press). We need certainly more field observations 1334-1336.
and experimental studies considering subsurface Benson, R.H., R.E . Chapman & L.T. Deck, 1985. Evidence
dwelling Ostracoda! from the Ostracoda of major events in the South Atlantic and
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