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TEST – 1

Chapter-1 ( Introduc on to Accoun ng )

Time allo ed : 45 mins MM : 20

1. What do you understand by the term Window Dressing? (2)

2. Define Accoun ng. Name any two objec ves of accoun ng. (4)

3. Ramesh goes to his office on a daily basis and keeps records of financial
transac ons that take place in the business. Mr. Madan the CEO of the
company decides to upli his way of working and try to develop more
skills in his work related ac vi es in order for him to be more
competent. He engages Ramesh in a course of accoun ng to be more
skillful and produc ve than what he is. A er some me Ramesh learns
new skills and is now able to interpret and communicate the financial
statements to the users of the business as well. Discuss what Ramesh
was doing before the training and what he is doing a er the comple on
of the training. Also mark out any 2 differences between the jobs he
performed as an employee in the co. (5)

4. Write a short note on users of accoun ng informa on. (4)

5. Write any 6 advantages of accoun ng. (5)

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