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ROLL NO . 39
ROLL NO . 41
Definition of Polynomial:
 A polynomial is an expression consisting of variables and
coefficients, that involves only the operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer
exponentiation of variables.
Real life applications
Polynomials are used for various purposes in life. Polynomials are
used in modelling, physics, industries, finance, construction,
gravitation, chemistry etc.
Real Life Example: Adding Polynomials
 When you Reduce or Double a
Recipe, you are Using a
 For example: Pancakes
 1 Cup Flour (We'll Call This A)
 1/4 Cup Sugar (This is B)
 1/3 Cup Milk (This is C)
 2 Eggs (D)
 1/2 Teaspoon of Vanilla (E)
 Pancakes = 1A +(1/4)B +(1/3)C +
2D +(1/2)E
 If wanted, you can double the
recipe, by multiplying everything
by 2
Real Life Example: Multiplying Polynomials
 A rectangular swimming pool is twice as long as it is wide.
A small concrete walkway surrounds the pool. The
walkway is a constant 2 feet wide and has an area of 196
square feet. Find the dimensions of the pool.

 (2x + 4)(x + 4) - (2x)(x) = 196

 2x² + 8x + 4x + 16 - 2x² = 196
 12x + 16 = 196
 12x = 180
 x = 15
 The pool is 15 feet wide and
30 feet long.
• Financial Planning:
A polynomial equation can be used to figure out the amount
of interest that will accrue for an intial deposit amount in an
investment or savings account at a given rate.
• If a savings account with an initial deposit of ₹ 3,000 gains 3 %
interest, then this polynomial equation shows the interest gained
for 3 years:
• Interest = P x IR % x T = (3,000)(3%)(3).
• In this situation, the savings account would accrue ₹ 270 of
interest during the three years
• Expense Budgeting:
When you need to earn a given amount of money within
a certain time period, polynomials can help you
determine the exact period of time you need to earn that
By perdicting your expences and knowing your rate of
income, you easily can determine the amount of time you
need to work.
Tax and economic calculations can usually be written as
Physics and Engineering
Physics and engineering are fundamental studies in proportionality.
If a stress is increased, how much does the beam deflect?
If a trajectory is fired at a certain angle, how far away will it land?
Well-known examples from physics include:
F=ma (Newton's laws of motion),
E=mc2 (Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity)
F=Gm1m2/r2 (Newton's law of Gravitation)
Physics and Engineering
• Electronics use many polynomials.
• The definition of resistance, V=IR, is a polynomial relating the
resistance from a resistor to the current through it and the potential
drop across it.
• Other polynomials in electronics include the relation of power loss
to resistance and voltage drop: P=IV=IR2. Kirchhoff's junction rule
(describing current at junctions) and Kirchhoff's loop rule (describing
voltage drop around a closed circuit) are also polynomials.
Curve Fitting
 Polynomials are fit to data points in both regression and
 In regression, a large number of data points is fit with a
function, usually a line: y=mx+b. The equation may have
more than one "x" (more than one dependent variable),
which is called multiple linear regression.
 In interpolation, short polynomials are joined together so
they pass through all the data points.
 Since polynomials are used to describe curves of various
types, people use them in real world to graph curves. For
example engineers use to graph curves of roller coasters
and bridges.
Polynomials come up often in chemistry.
• Gas equations relating diagnostic parameters can usually be
written as polynomials, such as the ideal gas law: PV=nRT
(where n is mole count and R is a proportionality constant).
• Balancing of chemical equations. For example:

• Formulas of molecules in concentration at equilibrium also can

be written as polynomials.
Health Care
 Doctors, nursing, psychiatric and home-health aides use
polynomials to determine schedules and keep records of
patient records.
 People seeking employment in these areas require a keen
mathematical background using polynomial

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