Terminal Report

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Terminal Report

Technical Seminar on Building and Occupancy Permits Application Procedures

Date: [Date of the seminar] Location: [Venue of the seminar]
Introduction : The Technical Seminar on Building and Occupancy Permits Application with the
ENGINEERING CHALLENGES" was organized by the third-year Civil Engineering
students from Northwest Samar State University with the goal of giving
participants a thorough knowledge and understanding of the procedures
involved in the application process for building and occupancy permits. 130
people attended the seminar, which took place on May 24, 2023, at BDC AVR,
NwSSU. These attendees included third- and fourth-year civil engineering
students, five civil engineering graduates, and five lecturers from various
government agencies involved in the construction and building permit sectors.
Objectives : The main objectives of the seminar were as follows:
a) To familiarize participants with the process of applying for building permits and occupancy
permits specifically in
b) To provide participants with insights into the legal and regulatory framework governing
building and occupancy permits.
c) To enhance participants' understanding of the documentation requirements and the steps
involved in the application process.
d) To discuss best practices and practical tips for navigating the building and occupancy permit
application process efficiently.
e) To address common challenges and issues faced during the application process and explore
potential solutions.
Group 3: Food and Venue Preparation
Activities Conducted:
1. Research and Planning: The group conducted research to gather information about the
seminar's requirements, such as the expected number of attendees, duration, and any
specific dietary preferences or restrictions. They collaborated with the other groups to
determine the overall theme and objectives of the seminar, which guided their food and
venue preparations.
2. Coordination with Venue: The group liaised with the venue management, ASBAO, to
discuss the availability of the venue during the seminar, ensuring it is reserved for the
necessary time period.
3. Catering Arrangements: The seminar involved a large number of participants, thus the
group needed to coordinate with catering services. The group initially chose Trisha’s
Kitchen but ended up choosing Cribellan Events Catering Services as the adviser
recommended it. They communicated with the chosen caterer through messenger chat.
4. Menu Selection: Based on the seminar's objectives and the information gathered, the
group created a suitable menu. The group ended up choosing caldereta, sweet and sour
chicken fillet, buttered chicken, special chopseuy, black sambo, coffee jelly and
5. Venue Set-up: The group collaborated with other groups to arrange the venue
appropriately. This involved arranging tables, chairs, and tablecloths, setting up buffet
stations, and decorating the space to create an inviting atmosphere for the attendees.
6. Clean-up and Waste Management: After the seminar, the group oversee the clean-up
process. This involved clearing the venue of any food waste, packaging, and other

Problems Encountered During the Preparations and Solutions and Strategies Made to Solve
the Problems:
1. Budget Constraints:
Problem: The allocated budget for food and venue preparation for some attendees may
be too much, making it challenging to meet all the requirements and expectations.
Solution: The group explored cost-saving measures, such as negotiating better prices
with the chosen food caterer, and reevaluating the menu to focus on more affordable
options. Fortunately, the second group assigned for the finance management and
solicitation did their best to gather more sponsors to offset the cost.
2. Limited Venue Availability:
Problem: The initial date for the seminar which was 28 th day of April was already
scheduled for the availability of the venue, leading to scheduling conflicts or insufficient
time for setup and cleanup.
Solution: The group worked closely with the adviser and the head of the event
organizer, Engr. Marlon D. Sobreviga, and with the ASBAO, to secure the necessary time
3. Final Number of Attendees:
Problem: The number of participants or attendees is one of the important data needed
to order with the food cater. However, this was not finalized early because of some
issues and delay.
Solution: The group immediately coordinated with other groups to estimate then fix to
the nearest the number of attendees, and added a number on it incase more than
expected guests arrive.
Summary of the whole day Seminar
The day long technical seminar was divided into two parts, opening ceremony and the
discussion. Registration for the seminar took place before it started. And just like any other
programs it began with the national anthem and invocation, after which the College Dean of
Engineering and Architecture, Engr. Ignacio G. Tocayon, gave the opening remarks. Next, the
JPICE Advisor Engineer Marlon D. Sobreviga, addressed the rationale or the significance of the
Then, the discussion started which covered various topics related to occupancy and
permits application. The technical seminar spanned the entire day and featured three resource
speakers: Engr. Marlou Resulta, SF01 Richard Bulawit, CE, and Engr. Harold E. Sodusta, Enp.
Engr. Marlou T. Resulta, is the first to discuss legal and regulatory framework governing
permits. He provided a detailed overview of the application process, emphasizing safety
protocols, environmental considerations, and compliance with local regulations. He further
discussed the necessary documentation and steps to obtain a building permit together with
ancillary permits such as architectural, civil/structural, electrical, mechanical, sanitary,
plumbing, and electronics permits.
SF01 Richard Bulawit together with his two subordinates, then took the stage to discuss
Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance and Fire Safety Inspection Certificate. Consecutively, they
began by discussing the requirements and procedures for obtaining clearance, which involves
submitting necessary documents, conducting inspections, and ensuring that the building's fire
safety measures meet the prescribed standards. They highlighted the significance of obtaining
fire safety clearance before occupancy to ensure the safety of occupants.
Then, the last resource speaker, Engr. Harold E. Sodusta, began by explaining the
concept of land use and its significance in urban planning and development. He discussed the
various categories of land use, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional, and
how they impact the overall development of an area. He highlighted the importance of proper
land use planning to ensure a harmonious and sustainable environment. He also explained the
zoning process, which involves dividing land into different zones based on specific regulations
and restrictions. He discussed the zoning requirements for different types of developments. He
emphasized the importance of adhering to zoning regulations to ensure proper development
and avoid potential conflicts.
As an additional information for the attendees, one of the guests, a CE graduate who’s
currently working at DPWH at Calbayog City, shortly discussed some regulations for building
permit in terms of the setback near highways. Then, Engr. Marlon D. Sobreviga, showed the
participants the actual photos of the documents needed for application of building permit.
Throughout the seminar, every after the resource speakers finished their discussions,
they engaged the participants by addressing their questions and providing examples.
In conclusion, the technical seminar on building and occupancy permits applications, led
by Engr. Marlon D. Sobreviga, provided a comprehensive overview of the procedures and
requirements for obtaining permits in various areas of construction. Each speaker brought a
unique perspective and contributed to the overall success of the seminar. The seminar
equipped the participants with the necessary knowledge to navigate the permit application
process effectively and ensure compliance with local regulations.
Significant Lessons Learned about the Seminar:
1. The engineer signed for the supervision of a project of a building is liable for damages if
within fifteen years from the completion of the structure, the same should collapse by
reason of a defect in those plans and specifications, or due to the defects in the ground.
2. Public buildings and traditional indigenous family dwellings shall be exempt from
payment of building permit fees.
3. The payment for the fire code construction tax depends on the construction tax
4. I learned the distance requirements for every buildings from the location of market

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