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Personalised proposal for securing your life goals HiSmart planner , Congratulations on taking the first step towards fulfiling your life goals with a regular income for whole of life and a lump sum on maturity along with the security of a life insurance cover. Please go through your personalised ICICI Pru Gold proposal and reach out to your financial planner in case you need any further details. @ICICI PRUDENTIAL?" © scan witsonen scanner ICICI Pru Gold belongs to ‘Participating’ category of products. In this category of products, your benefits are partially guaranteed and partially dependent on bonuses. Below is a detailed explanation of how your plan will work. For your clarity, we have shown the split of your benefits into guaranteed and bonus linked benefits. Snapshot of your plan Smart planner Yearly premium of 33 years / Male %1,00,000/- for 10 years swe FEAAAA TD sep 2075 UA Income every year till youtumna5 years of age on maturity os Total Guaranteed benefits: 16,50,000/- - Total bonus based benefits: At 8% ARR: ®54,35,402- At 496 ARR: € 13,87,631 jl & we Guaranteed income: £12,500) Guaranteed lump sum & (Sum Assured on Maturity): Bonus based income (Cash Bonus): ¥10.00.000 ‘At 8% ARR 8 24,500/- + ‘At 4% ARR: €8.750/- Bonus based lump sum (Termine! Bonus}: Total income: At@% ARR: 41 61,402) Total benefits: At 89% ARR: €37,000/- [at ag ARR:79,32,631/- ‘At 4% ARR: &21,250/- ihc ‘At 8% ARR: 2 70,85.402/- Total Lump sum (Maturity Benefit): ‘At 4% ARR: ® 30,37.631/- (every year ‘At 8% ARR: €51.61.402/ tromSep 2026. to Sep 2075 } At 4% ARR:E 19.3263. Oo Also, get a life insurance cover of & 12,20,000/- * throughout the policy term ICICI PRUDENTIAL? EEEREEERETES © scanned wth OREN Scanner Detailed break-up of premium and taxes Bg Applicable | Total Yearly CIE fered re Yearly Premium a st % 1,00,000/- %4,501/- %1,04,501/- during 1" year Yearly Premium ne %1,00,000/- %2,25y- %1,02,251/- from 2” year onwards Additional Flexibility through Savings wallet You can choose to accumulate your guaranteed income and let it grow, with an option to withdraw the accumulated amount anytime, partially or completely, as per your preference during the policy term. With this feature, your policy acts like a wallet giving you complete freedom to accumulate or withdraw income as per your requirement. @ICICI PRUDENTIAL, © scanned wth OREN Scanner 7.72 Cr @P %2.36 Lakh Cr Lives covered as on 1 Benefits paid till March 31, 2023 March 31, 2023 @ %2.50 Lakh Cr A) 24 hrs claim settlement Assets under management as on Quick claim settlement March 31, 2023 process available Tax Saving Get tax benefits on premium paid & benefits ‘ane ston for Anured ote of tun he py fers guaranteed curs then these wil be dec marked "guaranteed ton. Since the pay tiers sorabe returns the een Mutat shows two ferent rotes of osianed tre nvestmer rtm, The tune shove obo orate ond they rene {he upper ot lower nso wnat you might et oc, os he metry vale of ply depends on amber of focersincng Aue perfomance, Ase nsuance cover owns te Sum Assted or Ded at paley opin Death nett eval: Sum Asses on Death, plus Sareea Savings Wt (fo). us ner Sure Bere ian pun Temnel Gana deere Where ie rn Aasiredon Deaths the highest of 7 times te Aruolzed Premium or 105% of he "he tur mensoned hae ate meats based onthe dete an wien you ppd the pty The exact vu Wl eas pe the date of esuonce of your pally on respected inte Poicy Ceres atachedin your weleomekt "C1 Paden ite surance Company IRDA! ag No 105, CIN1550LOUH2000PLC 12787, term &conations please read the polcy document ICICI Pru Gold Re JOSNISOVOL, COMPDOGINoW2022/2311/1555, © scanned wth OREN Scanner @ICICI PRLDENTIALT er Name of ProspectPolcyholder Me. Smart planner Benefit Illustration - ICICI Pru GOLD Name of the Product cic! Pru GOLD [Age ofthe Policyhalder at inception 13-Sep-1990 (33 years) -—-TagLine Non Linked Partcpating Savings Pian Gender of the Polcyholier MALE Name ofthe Life Assured Mr. Smart planner Unique Identification Number = 105Nt90V01 Age ofthe Life Assured at inception 13-Sep-1890 33 years) GST Rate for Year 1 145% Gender of the Lite Assured MALE GST Rate For Year? Onwards 2.25% Poiicy Term 52 years ‘Sales Channe! Agency Premium Payment Term to years Amount of instalment Premium (Without: Rs. 100,000/- GST and cesses any) Mode of payment of premium Yearly How to read and understand this benefit illustration? ‘This boneftilustration sintonded to show yoar-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy, at two assumed rates of intrest. 8% pa. and 4% p.a. Some benefits are quaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based onthe fuure performance of your insurer carrying on Ite ingurance business. If your poly offers quarantood benafits,theso wil be carly markod "guaranteed" in tho llustratin table on this page. your policy offers variable benefits, then theilustration on tis page wll show two ferent rates of assumed future investment returns, (1 8% p.a. and 4% pa. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper o lowe its of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dopendent on a numberof factors incuding future investment performance. Potey Dai Foren redone Si As en Mak is 100909 Bateman Fo etegea| Tim Ate on Dao epton ie si 1.20000 Ber pe Srp Bos ‘Sena Thee ae east] Pron Summary Patten por” | eet eee roar of Bate aya rar corso he Pll Tem ‘carried Berets pai Surv! Denes ditag the ane Tem (Gaede eer tnssney cose you As 12800] Gurren Gow mg: essen bse Ne Aoi Prepay of Guseos ese Renes| ——Fanency ot Guberteed Bone ne Ape Guvatee sre prea year Ta 12500| Guten eo pea a et, wa Ne Aoi] Tou Guaaree income pyanie A Benet a eps Esai Tot Cash Sonus poyaie ove tne nears Tom) a sce i 1374000 trated ol Matty Benet) Rs raze he beta ta Beets pupil ustriy (As BE) Rs. 207.6 Rs 7.0502 © scanned wth omen scamer anaes | catye AR oe ore 5s 5)" 7 eae Ea =Tivosol isco! al afc] of “ere soars stl srus| of oon rol se] ie [sas] aso] of of ssn] of “20 sssoy| ts sano] of axa zone falco — of of ssn ol “a8 atc zl sano) of ama zeal rene. ‘5[ afl — of — of sz] of “23 ‘eats ——o[ am || So] al cal — of eran| send ol 00 sa [ sta] on] of ol vz son| so] raes 23] of sel ol eas xc] al ar sra|——al of taro wees #3] of sel srs xc] afar sais stl sap ol of rama neal sia nt S| — of ese] —el rs] | srr eal sao] of aa serena ast Ss] of sal al as xc| ——alar Testor sonal of acc tae reas sa] of tesa] sn] rao] a] arslrsae| ses ton steal sro] of 0 tasen] goon] sia] aes si] —of eal sap 2s al ~ar| resar| se rae stl res] ol oo esse ta aac se] of ese] eso] uo] a] aro[ amas] ses cre ste] ra] of 0] t303| aera 100 ase jo] of esl a as] al ar raie| se ex stl ares] ol ose acer asa a Note: Annualized Premium excludes underwrting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums pala towards the rides, any, and Goods & Service Tax, if any. Important points to note: 1. Example to understand when does Survival Benefits become payabl Ifthe date of risk commencement of your policy's Jan 15, 2023, then Survival Benefits wil stat rom: + For Annual mode: Jan 14, 2024 « For Monthly mode: Feb 14, 2023, under ‘Immediate Income’ or Immediate Income with Booster variants ‘Fo Annual mede: Jan 14, 2029+ For Manthly mode: Feb 14, 2028, unde ‘Deterred Income variant wih deferment ol § yeas (lor example) + For Annual mede: 1 June of policy year when itis rst due tobe paid + Fer Monthly mode: Not Applicable, under all variants when Special Date chosen ls 1 June under ‘Save The Date’ feature © scanned wth omen scamer “These pay out dates are indicate and the applicable date will be mentioned in the Policy Schedule of your policy document 2. The Sunval Benet are payable during the policy year when they are due as per the frequency of date choson at inception. The payments wil continue tobe paid onthe due date(s) as applicable Wl the last policy year, provided the Life Assutedis alive. The payments will stop once the policy matures. 3. If Save the date is opted, the survival baneft values mentioned hore ara indicative based on the date on which this benoit lustration was generated for this policy. The exact values wl be 2s per the date of issuance of your policy and are specified in the Policy Schadule attached in your welcome kit 4 Tho Surrender Value (benefit amount payable on policy suender} and Death Bonelit (benef amount payable on death cl the Lite Assured) mentioned above are ilusrated assuming thatthe event occurs a the end ofthe respective year and after the payment of any survival benefit dus at the end of respective year. The Maturty Benefits mentioned are payable atthe end of the poly term. Post payment ofthis benefit (whichever isthe ‘aries! the policy terminates and na futher benefits payable. 5, The surender value payablo wil be higher of Guaranteed Surender Value ox Special Surrender Value (including any Terminal Bonus payable, it ectared) and is hustrated under "Total Surrender Benefit columns. The guaranteed benettilustrated under ‘Surrender Benefit isthe minimum amount payable under both 4% and 8% gross return per annum. 6. Savings Wallet: At any point during the poly term, you wll have the option to accumulate Survival Beneft instead of taking as payment and withdraw the accumulated Survival Benefit partially cr completely. If not withdrawn, ary balance let will be paid ut along with death, surrender or matutly payment, whichever hapepns fst. For more deal, please reler to the policy document, 7, Please reer ta your sales brechure and policy document lor more deals. In case of any ciserepancy between his document and poley document, the latter shall preval 8. For any furthorcarficatons, palcyholder can contact thet advisor or the Company. 4) ave expiaines | naving received the the premiums, and benefits under the poly fuly tthe Information with respect to the above, have understood the prospect policyholder. above statement before entering into the contract. Place Place: Date: Signature of Agont/Intormectary /Officit Date: ‘Signature of Prospect /Polisyholder [C1 Frode ie surance Company Lint. 1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadev, Numba = 400025 Email itn ccipruife com ‘we ieiprufe com © scanned wth omen scamer HOW TO READ YOUR 'BI' The benefit illustration provides a year-by-year summary of how your benefits will ook ike, ICICI Pru Gold belongs to ‘Participating’ category of products. in this category of products, your benefits are partially guaranteed and partially dependent on bonuses ‘Therefore, all the benefits will be shown at an assumed rate of returns of 4% and 8%. The guaranteed benefits are shown in sub- section ‘Guaranteed Benefits’ and the bonus based benefits are shown under sub-section 'Non-Guaranteed Benefits’ Here are a few pointers which will help you read the table in the Benefit Ilustration better eg Annualized premium: Se Cu RO a CU ae ee ac CLR) ere Muka ne ____) Maturity benefit: ee noc aCe ee asi ea eee eo) Pee omc a ete en nrc an ey Mur Cee mee Cree Tea This is the amount paid to you if you exit the plan. The final surrender value is calculated as higher of (the guaranteed, surrender value and bonus-based surrender value). The final surrender value is shown in the last two columns ie. column, Coy Eee) © scone win one cane

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