Anova Final (Unit 3)

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By comparing the amount of variance inside each sample to the amount of variation across
samples, an ANOVA is used to test for differences in population mean values. The idea that
the means of two or more populations are equal is tested through variance analysis. The
ANOVA test is used in regression analysis to evaluate the influence of independent variables
on the dependent variable. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a tool that analysts use to
examine certain hypotheses. With the null hypothesis being that the means of the various
groups are equal, you would use ANOVA to determine how your various groups respond.
The two populations are not equal if there is a statistically significant difference between

One way ANOVA

One-way ANOVA is the approach to an ANOVA test that is used the most frequently. The
one-way ANOVA signifies that there is only one independent variable in the analysis of
variance. To determine whether there are any appreciable variations in the means of your
independent variables, you can use the one-way ANOVA. Knowing how each independent
variable's mean differs from the others can help you identify which independent variable is
connected to your dependent variable and begin to understand what is causing that behaviour.
A variant of the one-way analysis of variance is the two-way analysis. In this equation, there
are two independent variables (hence the name two-way). The idea is that there are two
variables, or factors, that have an impact on the dependent variable.

STEP 1: the data is made. for coping and adjustment was selected and imported into the
SPSS software.
Step 2 : the dummy data is used for coping and adjustment was selected and imported into the
SPSS software.

Data view

Step 3: That’s the Variable View where; Group is measured as Nominal measure and the
TIME TAKEN is in the Scale measure.
Step 4: Here coding is done where OB-1, OM-2 and OA is 3.

Step 5: After all the coding is done. We have to go the analyses where we have to click on the
compared means and then One -way anova.
Step 6: we have to add the time taken variable in the dependent list and the other variable ie.
Group in the factor pane.

Step 7: After that we have to click omn the Option where we have go to Descriptive and then
press ok.
Step 8: After doing the previous step we have to click on Tukey and then continue
were we will be obtaining descriptive data.

Step 9 : Finally our Output obtained

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