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BNU NR:22019492



In this Reflective Essay I will talk about myself and how I developed as
a student at Oxford Business College. In this essay I will talk about all
the subjects I have learned so far, and how they will help me after I
finish this course in my future

In only five weeks I already notice an improvement in my level of

English, in my communication skills, in writing skills and business skills.

I came to the Uk, in September 2019, with my little girl and husband. It
was a very difficult decision for me, because my other two children
stayed in Romania, I didn’t know how to speak English very well, I had
no friends here, and I left behind a profitable business in my country.
In the beginning it was very difficult, we struggled a lot, living in a
caravan, I didn’t speak English fluently and my daughter didn’t go to
school, but I was determined to overcome all of this, I became strong , I
decided I wanted to study and settle here to achieve a better life for my
kids and family.

Albert Einstein said: ”Teaching should be such that what is offered is

perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty”(Albert Einstein). So
I joined the BOC course and so far I have been learning many things, I
have been observing, planning, marking work, talking with teacher and
working with group of people of different nationalities. This has given
me a valuable information about myself, that I can communicate in
public and that this course helped me discover that I am ‘Accepter’, I
didn’t know that in the past, but I think it will help me a lot in my future.

Also interesting was how I discovered what learning style I have: I am

an Independent learner, I like to study alone ,and in the learning styles
of Honey and Mumford, I discovered in this course, that I am a
Pragmatist, because I learn better with practical tips.

The course has taught me to think differently and change my way of

thinking. My greatest communication barrier was my level of English, I
felt insecure and ashamed. I want to achieve the confidence I feel when
I speak in my mother tongue. However, I have improved a lot and now
when the teacher speaks to us, it gives me confidence and encourages
me to learn so much more!

Regarding Intelligence, Albert Einstein said:” Everybody is a genius ,but

if you judge a finish by its ability to climb a three, it will live its whole
life believing that it is”(Albert Einstein) . I always thought that very
intelligent people are nerds, but in fact I am very intelligent, according
to Howard Gardner level of intelligence, I have discovered that, I am
Interpersonal(I have ability to perceive and make distinction in the
moods and feelings of other peoples),Bodily-Kinesthetic(because I am a
good cook, a smart worker, a great dancer.

The biggest hurdle in the class for me was time management . I am a

procrastinator and always have been so completing assignments on
time was and still is a challenge for me . I did make changes in my life
as to how I can manage time management ,now I work the night
shift .Instead of focusing on proposed meanings or biographical
background , I have learned to continuously ask ”why” on many
different levels .I challenge myself to dig into a text as deeply as
possible and unpack every detail to develop a satisfying close read .
Also ,by reading multiple lectures , I have learned to identify different
writing styles and make connections that weave texts together.
S.Churchill said :”We are masters of the unsaid words , but slaves of
those we let slip out”(Churchill) .I guess it can be said that this course
motivated me to learn and read in English detailed .This style Reading
For Detail ,is my style discovered after this course.

During the course I discovered different reading styles, including

reading the hieroglyphic signs that I really like. Thank you for
everything Dear Teacher!
Also interesting was how I discovered my reflection tecniques,
Reflecting on action, because I have the ability to look into my past and
easily tell even my mistakes. In another still, Schon(1983) made a
remarkable contribution to our understanding of the theory and
practice of learning. His innovative thinking around nations such as “the
learning society”,double -loop learning ”and “reflection-in-action”, has
become part of the language of education.

In the past five week, I realized that the teaching learning methods
required at Oxford Business College are very different than my past
learning, in my actual course teacher encourage students to bring out
their own work, and helping making changes when needed, allowing
students the freedom of doing their own research.

Thank you very much to the teacher, because she helped me a lot to
discover many things that I didn’t know in the past. I am very proud of
myself studying at Oxford Business College, I feel honored to study in a
famous college in the Uk, and that help me a lot to develop my skills,
and to become the best manager. I never throught of myself as a leader
,but the course has helped me develop leadership skills too. I have also
developed technological skills, learning how to create power oints and
so on.

My Reflective Essay started with a wide desire to learn more about me,
about my skills, my style of learning in this course at Oxford Business
College, about how everything I learn here, can help me use in the
future in my career. These things learned here in course will develop my
vision of the Business, and help me be a successful business woman.
My dream is to open a Kindergarden as I love working with children.

I am very pround of what I am learning, of my change and of how this

course develops me .I thank the College and the teachers for their
WINSTON S.CHURCHILL(We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves
of those we let slip out),Winston Churchill Quotes,Winston Churchill
Biography(born 11 June,died 1December –

SCHON(1983)Books:”Double-loop learning”,”The learning society”,and

HOWARD GARDNER:Multiple Intelligences(1993).

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