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Teachers' Interview

An Investigation into EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension

The Case of First Year Students of English at the University of Biskra.

Dear teacher,
You are kindly asked for a face-to-face or online interview. This interview is conducted in
order to collect data concerning the major reading comprehension difficulties experienced by
the EFL students. Your responses will be anonymous and will be used for research purposes
only. Your contribution to this work is highly appreciated.
The researcher.
Researcher Contact Details:
Daoudi Aya
University Mohamed Khider of Biskra.
Faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages.
Department of Foreign Languages and English Literature.

I have read and clearly understood the researcher's request. I consent to the participation in a
recorded interview for the research work undertaken by Ms. Daoudi Aya.
Background Information
Name: .CHahira NAsri
Present Occupation: Teacher of English- Reading Comprehension
Degree: pH.D
Email Address:
Signature: .........................................................
The Interview Questions
1. What are the most recurrent and significant problems facing students in reading


Lack of vocabulary difficulty to understand complex sts and multisyllabic words, words
with different meanings, understanding the idioms and phrasal words
2. Based on your observation, what do you think are the common reasons behind the

students’ poor reading comprehension ?

The lack of reading intensively and extensively. Lack of focus and practice
3. Based on your observation, what are the strategies used by students to overcome an

instance of a reading comprehension difficulty (i.e. what are the techniques used by

them to comprehend an ambiguous reading material)?

Skipping over the vague words, guessing the meaning , dictionary, using context and ask
others for help.
4. As a reading comprehension teacher, how do you help students improve their reading

comprehension and /or overcome their reading comprehension difficulties (methods,

techniques, or strategies)?

Ask them to read extensively since reading is the main source of new vocabulary. Use
the context to understand and using the lge everywhere
5. As an EFL teacher, what are the challenges facing you in teaching the reading

comprehension module to first year licence English students ?

Some students are not serious about the module. Some of them are slaves of the
dictionary esp. English Arabic dictionaries.

6. As an EFL teacher, what are sub skills and strategies you find hard to implement

while teaching reading ?

Anticipating the meaning using context

7. Could you provide us with a sample of your lesson plan? And whether the lessons

help learners overcome their reading comprehension problems and achieve the

overall lesson objectives ?

8. Do learners appreciate the reading session?

Some of them do appreciate this session a lot .

9. Would you like to add anything ?

I like the selection of the topic. It is very interesting. And as a teacher of reading I highly
emphasize on the role of reading since it strongly affects the other skills.

Thank you.

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