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Journal of Abnormal Psychology Copyright 2005 by the American Psychological Association

2005, Vol. 114, No. 4, 599 – 611 0021-843X/05/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.114.4.599

Working Memory Impairments in Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis

Junghee Lee and Sohee Park
Vanderbilt University

Working memory (WM) deficit is a cardinal cognitive symptom of schizophrenia, but the differences
among the tasks and measures used to assess WM make it difficult to compare across studies. The authors
conducted a meta-analytic review to address 3 major questions: (a) Do patients with schizophrenia show
WM deficits across diverse methodology; (b) Is WM deficit supramodal; and (c) Does the WM deficit
worsen with longer delays? The results indicate that significant WM deficit was present in schizophrenia
patients in all modalities examined. Increasing delay beyond 1 s did not influence the performance
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

difference between schizophrenia patients and healthy control participants in WM. These results suggest
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

that WM deficit in schizophrenia is modality independent and that encoding and/or early part of
maintenance may be problematic.

Keywords: working memory, schizophrenia, frontal lobe, spatial, verbal

Schizophrenia is a complex brain disorder characterized by behavioral neuroscience literature, working memory is often de-
clinical heterogeneity and deficits of cognitive functions such as fined as the system that maintains task-relevant information “on-
distractibility, perseveration, and inability to inhibit irrelevant in- line” for a short period of time (e.g., Goldman-Rakic, 1991).
formation or responses. Although much was already known about Therefore, depending on the theoretical and empirical framework
the neuropsychological profile of schizophrenia patients in the adopted, definitions, approaches, and experimental paradigms con-
1980s, it was not until the early 1990s that researchers began to cerning working memory in schizophrenia vary significantly
look toward the emerging field of cognitive neuroscience for a across different studies.
conceptual vessel that could integrate the diverse and seemingly Although some investigators in schizophrenia research have
heterogeneous neurocognitive deficits of schizophrenia with a adopted working memory tasks developed in cognitive psychology
focus on working memory. or behavioral neuroscience, the more dominant trend in psychiatric
Since the publication of the first article demonstrating the pres- and clinical fields has been to use available neuropsychological
ence of working memory deficit in schizophrenia (Park & Holz- tasks that are hypothesized to tap working memory. However,
man, 1992), working memory research has become central to most of the available neuropsychological tasks were not developed
studies of neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Accumulating to probe working memory per se, and thus it is not so clear what
evidence indicates that working memory deficit is a core feature of function(s) they are testing. For example, the Wisconsin Card
schizophrenia (Cohen & Servan-Schreiber, 1992; Gold, Carpenter, Sorting Task (WCST; Heaton, 1981) has been used in several
Randolph, Goldberg, & Weinberger, 1997; Goldman-Rakic, studies to measure working memory deficits in schizophrenia
1994), but the source of the deficit is not yet clearly elucidated. (Bertolino et al., 2000; Schroder, Tittel, Stockert, & Karr, 1996).
Baddeley (1986) originally defined working memory as an Though working memory is important for successful performance
active short-term memory consisting of a central executive and in the WCST, there are several other cognitive functions necessary
modality-specific slave system. Since then, the concept of working to perform the WCST, such as deducing a rule, planning, inhibi-
memory has evolved into different forms, depending on the theo- tion, and so forth. Therefore, it is not easy to decide whether poor
retical research framework. For example, Kieras, Meyer, Mueller, performance of schizophrenia patients in the WCST results from
and Seymour (1999) regarded working memory as an entire sys- working memory deficits or other cognitive dysfunction. Consid-
tem of temporary stored codes, human knowledge representation, ering diverse methodology and paradigms used to study working
and procedures, whereas Ericsson and Delaney (1999) conceptu- memory in schizophrenia, it is not surprising to find studies that
alized working memory as a component of a long-term memory have failed to show working memory deficits in schizophrenia.
system whose function is to maintain selective access to informa- Yet, the field as a whole has accepted working memory deficit as
tion that is needed to complete a task with unlimited capacity. a fact without definitive quantitative evidence. Therefore, it is
Engle and his colleagues (1999) also considered working memory necessary to investigate whether working memory deficits in
as a system consisting of active long-term memory traces active schizophrenia do exist across very heterogeneous and diverse
above threshold plus controlled attention. In neurophysiology or approaches and paradigms.
We designed the present study to evaluate the consistency and
strength of working memory deficit in schizophrenia using quan-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Junghee titative, meta-analytic review of published studies. The main re-
Lee or Sohee Park, Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, 111 search question we were interested in answering was whether
21st Avenue South, Nashville TN 37240. E-mail: Junghee.Lee@ schizophrenia patients show consistent working memory deficits. or Two important aspects of the present study regarding this question

were (a) the motivation for a quantitative review and (b) how to Barch, Csernansky, Conturo, & Snyder, 2002; Fossati, Amar,
refine the definition of working memory. Although it is generally Raoux, Ergis, & Allilaire, 1999; Park & Holzman, 1992; Pukrop et
accepted that schizophrenic patients show working memory defi- al., 2003; Spindler, Sullivan, Menon, Lim, & Pfefferbaum, 1997),
cits, there is no study that verifies the validity of this statement but it is not clear whether patients with schizophrenia showed
with a quantitative technique. Meta-analysis is a powerful quanti- differential deficits in tasks on the basis of the modality of infor-
tative tool that allows us to test hypotheses across diverse methods, mation in working memory. For example, Pukrop et al. measured
techniques, and paradigms (Cooper & Hedges, 1994). By focusing verbal and visuospatial working memory by using letter–number
on the effect size, the meta-analysis provides a technique for span and visuospatial delayed response task, respectively, but they
examining the magnitude and the consistency of evidence (i.e., did not examine whether patients with schizophrenia showed more
effect size d or r) across different studies instead of relying on the severe deficits in one modality compared with the other. This
significance test of the findings. Effect size analysis allows us to question is also important for understanding the biological mech-
avoid the pitfalls of null-hypothesis–statistical significance testing, anism of working memory deficits in schizophrenia, considering
such as faulty conclusions about a hypothesis that are based on a that different parts of the prefrontal cortex are involved in different
count of significant and nonsignificant studies. Variability of effect modalities of representation in working memory (e.g., D’Esposito
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

sizes across studies can be indexed by common statistics such as et al., 1998; Goldman-Rakic, 1999). For example, Smith and
standard deviations and confidence intervals as well as the homo- Jonides (1999) suggested that domain specificity in working mem-
geneity test statistics of effect size estimates. ory may be reflected in the lateralization of activation (e.g.,
One pivotal aspect of our review concerns the concept of work- language-related information activates left frontal lobe and spatial
ing memory. As described above briefly, the definition of working information activates right frontal lobe). Therefore, it is of interest
memory depends on one’s theoretical framework. However, it is of to examine whether modality-specific systems are differentially
utmost importance to define what working memory is for the impaired in schizophrenia to understand the role of working mem-
purpose of this meta-analysis, because the definition of working ory deficits in schizophrenia comprehensively and bridge the gap
memory directly determines which studies are included or ex- between cognitive dysfunction and neurobiological abnormalities
cluded. Miyake and Shah (1999) assessed the definition of work- in schizophrenia.
ing memory by comparing the existing 10 models of working In addition to examining the effect of modality, we examined
memory in terms of basic mechanisms and the nature of represen- how the duration of delay may affect working memory deficits of
tations. These leading theories of working memory indicate that schizophrenia patients. The delay periods vary widely across the
the core part of working memory is the system or procedure of studies of working memory and may have differential effects on
maintaining mental representation for further processing of the schizophrenic patients compared with normal controls. Longer
representation. In our research, we focused on the definition of delays may result in greater working memory deficits in schizo-
working memory as a system or mechanism where information is phrenic patients because the likelihood of disrupting mental rep-
represented, maintained, and updated for a short period of time. resentation or being distracted by internal or external events (e.g.,
This definition emphasizes the process of maintaining representa- hallucination or noise) may increase with time especially if they
tion active above threshold, so that the activation of information are disproportionately vulnerable to interference. It is also possible
relevant to the current task can be maintained under the focus of that there is temporal gradient of vulnerability to disruptions
attention, particularly when individuals experience interference during the delay. The time course of vulnerability to distraction
from internal or external events. Maintaining the mental represen- may change such that disruptions may be more detrimental at the
tation under the focus of attention in the presence of distraction, beginning of the delay period where the mental representation is
either internal or external, also requires updating of the represen- not yet fully consolidated (Vogel, Woodman, & Luck, in press;
tation. This definition separates working memory from traditional, Woodman & Vogel, 2005). However, it is also possible that
short-term memory by emphasizing the maintenance of represen- increasing the delay may have no incremental effect on working
tation under the focus of attention. Short-term memory, which is memory errors in schizophrenia patients. If internal representations
closely related to working memory, is a more passive system are not formed during the encoding stage, there will be a working
where items (either encoded or transferred from long-term mem- memory error regardless of the duration of the delay. Similarly, if
ory and activated) decay quickly, especially when interference is a wrong stimulus is encoded, the result would be an error no matter
present (e.g., Cowan, 1988). Indeed, short-term memory tasks such how short or long the delay period may be. Last, even if longer
as forward-digit and spatial span tasks, despite their surface sim- delays increase errors in patients with schizophrenia, control par-
ilarity to some working memory tasks, do not necessarily tap ticipants may also be equally vulnerable, such that the group
working memory (Engle, Tuholski, Laughlin, & Conway, 1999). difference (i.e., the extent of the deficit) may remain stable. We
By choosing a more process-oriented definition, we can focus in examined the effects of the length of the delay on working memory
more detail on other equally important questions of working mem- in schizophrenia patients across studies in our review to further
ory deficits in schizophrenia: (a) whether schizophrenia patients elucidate the nature of working memory deficits in schizophrenia.
show differential deficits in working memory task depending on In summary, this meta-analysis study intended to quantify the
which kind of material—the modality of information (i.e., verbal, general, qualitative statement of working memory deficits in
visuospatial)—is primarily required to be maintained in a specific schizophrenia. By choosing the process-oriented definition of
task and (b) to what extent the delay (i.e., the period when working memory, we tried to reduce confusion over diverse meth-
representation should be kept in working memory) affects perfor- odology in the field. The three main questions we addressed are as
mance of patients with schizophrenia. Some previous studies im- follows: (a) Are working memory deficits in schizophrenia con-
plemented working memory tasks in more than one modality (e.g., sistent across studies; (b) if so, do working memory deficits in

schizophrenia vary depending on the modality of the task used in Calculation of Effect Sizes and Data Analysis
studies or are they independent of the modality of working mem-
ory task; and (c) do schizophrenia patients show differential def- Effect size (r) was calculated on the basis of reported statistics
icits in working memory task depending on the length of delay? (Rosenthal, 1991). When means and standard deviations in each group
were reported, Cohen’s d was calculated with these statistics first and
Cohen’s d was converted to effect size r. If studies did not report means
Method and standard deviations, effect size r was calculated with reported t or F
statistics or the significance values.
Literature Search A number of studies included in this review used several measures to
To identify relevant articles, literature searches were conducted on examine working memory in schizophrenia, and therefore it was pos-
computerized databases, including PsycINFO and Medline, and manual sible to calculate more than one effect size estimate for one study. In
searches of the bibliographies of a recent review (Park & Lee, 2002). addition the same research team may have conducted a series of studies
Because the main question of the present article is whether the qualitative included in this review so the participants may have been overlapped
statement of working memory deficits in schizophrenia can be held through across studies. Because the measures of each participant were corre-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

a meta-analysis, the terms for the literature search were selected to include lated, the effect size estimates from these studies are likely to be
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the maximum number of articles on working memory and schizophrenia. In correlated within studies or among studies. There are several ap-
this study, we considered working memory as a system or mechanism proaches to resolve dependencies among effect size estimates (i.e.,
where information is represented, maintained, and updated for a short Gleser & Olkin, 1994). If the estimates of the covariance structure
period of time. The tasks that are thought to measure working memory are among the correlated effect sizes are known, a multivariate method can
the following: the delayed-response task, the delayed-matching-to-sample be applied to produce the most precise effect size among the estimated
task, the n-back task, the “span” tasks (i.e., digit and spatial backward span effect sizes (Gleser & Olkin, 1994). However, none of the studies
tests, reading span, speaking span, letter–number span, and mathematical included in the review provided the covariance structure of correlated
span), AX-continuous performance test with a delay, and spatial working effect sizes, and none published covariance structure among several
memory task from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated measures of working memory tasks available. Therefore, when several
Battery (CANTAB; Sahakian & Owen, 1992). On the basis of these tasks, effect size estimates were computed within studies, two decisions were
the followings terms were used to locate relevant articles in the comput- made on the basis of the research question of interest. To examine the
erized search: working memory and schizophrenia, verbal span and schizo- general working memory deficits and the effect of stimulus modality on
phrenia, spatial span and schizophrenia, and continuous performance task working memory deficits in schizophrenia, the median of all possible
(or test) and schizophrenia. The articles located by the computer and effect size estimates was selected in each modality of working memory
manual search were limited to peer-reviewed articles written in English. task within individual studies. However, no correction was applied to
Among nearly 600 studies found with these two methods, the following potentially correlated effect size estimates from studies that were con-
criteria were applied to select articles for this review: First, studies must ducted by same research groups (therefore possibly using overlapping
have been published between 1980 and September 2004. The year 1980 set of participants) because of lack of available information on covari-
was chosen as a year of publication criterion because it corresponded ance structure. For the relationship between the length of the delay and
roughly to the introduction and use of more systematic and reliable diag- working memory deficits in schizophrenia, the median effect size
nostic criteria for schizophrenia such as the Diagnostic and Statistical estimate was chosen for each delay (if more than one delay was used)
Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III; American Psychi- for each study.
atric Association, 1980). The year 2004 was chosen as an upper limit to An unweighted average effect size estimate and corresponding 95%
ensure maximal coverage of the literature by the computer-based journal and 99% confidence intervals (CIs), the coefficient of robustness (CR),
database. Studies must also have had a research design with a control group and a measure of effect size homogeneity (i.e., the Q statistic) were
comprising healthy participants and an experimental group consisting of calculated across studies (Rosenthal, 1991, 1995; Shadish & Haddock,
patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenic patients must have met diag- 1994). CIs that excluded zero were considered significant. CR, the
nostic criteria for either the DSM-III or DSM-IV (4th ed; American Psy- mean effect size divided by the standard deviation, provides an index of
chiatric Association, 1994) or the International Classification of Diseases
the stability and replicability of the average effect size. The Q statistic
(ICD-9 or ICD-10; World Health Organization, 1978, 1992, respectively)
has a chi-square distribution with (k – 1) degrees of freedom, where k
and have satisfied these criteria on the basis of a structured clinical
is the number of effect sizes being combined. The critical alpha for the
interview or the diagnosis of psychiatrists. In addition, studies must have
Q statistic was set at .05.
included one of the working memory tasks listed above. The studies were
further specified on the basis of which modality of representation was
required to perform the task: verbal or visuospatial. Last, studies must have
included statistics convertible to effect size r (e.g., M, SD, F, t, or the
significance value). If studies met the previous three criteria, but did not
present statistics, a direct contact to author(s) through e-mail was con-
Effect Sizes, Significance Testing, and the Effect of
ducted to request statistics.1 Among articles found through the search of Modality
computerized databases and the manual search, 124 studies were selected
for this review after applying these criteria. One hundred twenty-four studies published between 1980 and
2004 were included in the present study, and 129 effect size
estimates were computed on the basis of statistics reported in
Coding of Study Characteristics
studies (see the Appendix). Table 1 contains a stem-and-leaf
Recorded variables for every article used in meta-analyses included the display of the effect size of the studies in the meta-analysis. Table
journal name, author(s), date of publication of the articles, the number of
participants in each group (schizophrenia group and healthy control group),
working memory tasks used in the studies, and the statistics that were Studies where we were not able to contact the authors and/or access
convertible to effect size. their data were excluded from this review.

Table 1 Table 3
Stem and Leaf Plot of Effect Size (r) Mean Effect Sizes (r) for Working Memory (WM) Deficits

Stem Leaf Modalities kr Mr SDr CR Q 95% CI

.9 0 2 6 Visuospatial WM 59 .459 .157 2.923 121.25** .152, .766

.8 1 9 Verbal WM 70 .446 .193 2.310 368.77** .068, .824
.7 0 0 1 4 4 6 7 8
.6 0 1 2 2 4 6 7 7 9 Note. CR ⫽ coefficient of robustness; Q ⫽ the homogeneity test statistic;
.5 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 777999 CI ⫽ confidence interval.
.4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5566677899999 ** p ⬍ .01.
.3 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6777888888889
.2 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 9 9
.1 3 4 6 8
.0 2 9 no significant difference among the modalities of working memory
tasks. The size of the coefficient of robustness, however, suggests
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

that there are more consistent impairments in visuospatial working

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

2 contains additional information about central tendency, variabil- memory tasks than in verbal working memory tasks in patients
ity, significant tests, and CIs. with schizophrenia.
All results showed a positive effect size for the working memory
impairment in schizophrenia. The unweighted mean effect size The Length of the Delay and Working Memory Deficit
from all working memory tasks was .452, and the result of t test for
To examine whether increasing the duration of the delay
mean effect size was significant. This significant t test of effect
period may increase working memory deficits in schizophrenia,
size estimates indicated that schizophrenic patients showed deficits
65 effect size estimates from studies that specified the delay
in working memory. The 95% confidence interval suggested the
component were included in this analysis. When several work-
likely range of effect sizes to be from .106 to .798. The Q statistic
ing memory tasks were used in a study, the median value of
showed the heterogeneity among effect size estimates included in
effect size estimates was chosen for each specific delay period.
this review.
Correlation analysis showed that increasing the delay did not
To investigate whether schizophrenia patients show differential
increase working memory deficits in schizophrenia beyond 1 s,
deficits depending on the modality of working memory tasks,
which was the shortest delay duration reported in these studies
studies were classified and compared. These categories and their
(see Figure 1).
respective results are displayed in Table 3. A Z test was performed
to find whether differences in modality of working memory task
would lead to disparate results. The contrast analysis (visuospatial File Drawer Analysis
working memory vs. verbal working memory, Z ⫽ .011) showed It is likely that studies with nonsignificant results would not be
published. Because of this “file drawer” problem, studies included
in this meta-analysis are not likely to be a random sample of all
Table 2 studies actually conducted on working memory and schizophrenia.
Statistical Summary (Based on r) For the probability for this meta-analysis to become nonsignificant
Statistic Value ( p ⬎ .05), there would have to be 1,560 studies with mean
probability of .05 remaining hidden away in the file drawer
Central tendency (Rosenthal, 1991).
Unweighted M .452
Proportion ⬎ .00 .100
Significance test Conclusion and Discussion
t test for mean r 29.08
Variability To our knowledge, this is the first quantitative meta-analytic
Maximum .967 study of working memory deficits in schizophrenia. The result
Quartile 3 (Q3) .564 of the meta-analysis showed that working memory deficits in
Median (Q2) .432 schizophrenia are reliably found across very diverse methods
Quartile 1 (Q1) .329
Minimum .028
and approaches. Furthermore, the present study indicates that
Q3 ⫺ Q1 .235 working memory deficit is present in schizophrenia indepen-
␴ [.75(Q3 ⫺ Q1)] .176 dent of the specific modality of the task. This suggests that
SD .177 common cognitive processes necessary to perform working
SE .016 memory tasks may be abnormal in schizophrenia in addition to
CR (M/SD) 2.553
Q 490.01** any problems that may be specific to the modality-specific
CI for r systems. Although there was no significant difference in the
95% .106, .798 effect sizes in relation to the modality of working memory,
99% ⫺.004, .908 visuospatial working memory deficit in schizophrenia seems to
Note. CR ⫽ coefficient of robustness; Q ⫽ the homogeneity test statistic;
be more consistent and robust than deficits found in verbal
CI ⫽ confidence interval. working memory, as observed in the size of the coefficient of
** p ⬍ .01. robustness. Last, increasing the duration of the delay beyond 1 s
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 1. Relationship between the effect size estimates of working memory deficit and the duration of the

did not result in greater working memory deficit in patients with ning, and McCann (2002) showed that increasing stimulus
schizophrenia compared with control subjects. presentation duration improved the performance of schizophre-
The consistent finding of working memory deficits across nia patients in a visuospatial working memory task. We also
124 studies strongly supports the important role of working found a facilitation of working memory in schizophrenia pa-
memory deficits in unraveling the mystery of schizophrenia. tients when we increased the attentional salience of the targets
This study clearly showed that working memory deficit is not (Lee & Park, 2002; Park, Swisher, & Knurek, 2001). Thus,
an artifact of specific characteristics of a task. That is, working inefficient encoding seems to be partly responsible for visuo-
memory deficits were present regardless of specific stimulus spatial working memory deficits in schizophrenia. As to what
modality of tasks or the duration of the delay periods. In factors cause imprecise encoding, there are several possibilities.
addition, working memory deficits have been found in biolog- Schizophrenia patients may simply need more time to form
ical relatives of schizophrenia patients (Conklin, Curtis, Katsa- mental representation, as suggested by Hartman et al. In addi-
nis, & Iacono, 2000; Myles-Worsley & Park, 2002; Park, Hol- tion, schizophrenia patients may have imprecise encoding be-
zman, & Goldman-Rakic, 1995) and healthy individuals with cause they have difficulties in selecting relevant information or
schizotypical characteristics (Park, Holzman, & Lenzenweger, they are unable to deploy attention to the relevant feature
1995; Park & McTigue, 1997; Tallent & Gooding, 1999). These efficiently (e.g., Adler et al., 1998; Braver, Barch, & Cohen,
studies as well as the results of the present study suggest that 1999). Such difficulties may result in imprecise encoding as
working memory deficit is a strong candidate for an endophe- well as of encoding wrong stimuli. To understand what causes
notypic marker of schizophrenia patients. poor encoding, it is necessary to specify how impairments in
Furthermore, the consistency of working memory deficit in perceptual and attentional processes may contribute to working
schizophrenia across the stimulus modality of the tasks suggests memory deficits. However, it is also important to note that
a potentially fruitful strategy for disentangling the etiology of degraded or imprecise encoding alone cannot fully account for
this impairment. Rather than focusing on the modality-specific working memory deficits in schizophrenia because, as Tek et al.
subsystems as described by Baddeley (1986), it may be more (2002) pointed out, even when encoding was optimized, spatial
useful to parse the cognitive processes necessary for successful working memory deficits were still observed. In other words,
performance in working memory tasks into dissociable, tempo- working memory maintenance and retrieval also present signif-
ral components. To perform a working memory task success- icant problems in schizophrenia patients, and future studies are
fully, one has to encode the target, internally represent the necessary to specify the roles of each component in working
target, maintain the mental representation of the target while memory deficits of schizophrenia patients.
inhibiting irrelevant information, and retrieve the mental rep- This study showed that increasing the length of the delay was
resentation at the right moment. Dysfunction in one of these not associated with the effect sizes of working memory deficit.
subprocesses may result in impaired performance. Recently, That is, after a 1-s delay, increasing the duration of the delay
several studies reported that poor encoding may contribute to did not increase the working memory deficit further. This result
the working memory deficits of schizophrenia patients. Tek et suggests perhaps the importance of encoding and the early part
al. (2002) showed that impaired perceptual processing in of the delay in maintaining mental representation. If schizo-
schizophrenia patients mediates their visuospatial working phrenia patients have difficulties forming mental representation
memory deficits. In addition, Hartman, Steketee, Silva, Lan- that is impervious to disruptions in the first place, they may be

more vulnerable to interference especially at the early stages of control tasks to rule out other cognitive, perceptual, and motor
the delay. However, if they can maintain the representation for deficits that are not inherent components of working memory.
the crucial few seconds at the beginning, then the neural circuits These studies demonstrate that working memory deficits are
that support the maintenance may have enough signal strength present in schizophrenia patients even when other cognitive and
to continue. In other words, it may be possible that even perceptual functions are intact. In addition, working memory
partially consolidated images from poor encoding could be deficit was still found even when schizophrenic patients and the
remembered. Unfortunately, merely comparing the effects of controls were matched on IQ and education (e.g., Park &
different delay intervals does not allow us to fully investigate Holzman, 1992). Of course, it can still be argued that the fact
the temporal dynamics of working memory process. These that schizophrenic patients perform normally on control tasks
possibilities can be explored empirically in future studies by does not rule out the possibility of generalized deficit because
comparing the effect of delay with optimized encoding (stable some control tasks may not have comparable discriminating
representation) versus poor encoding (degraded representation). power (Strauss, 2001), but this argument seems weakened when
The length of delay did not affect the effect sizes of working we consider the fact that psychometric schizotypal undergrad-
memory deficit in schizophrenia. First, it is important to note uates show specific working memory deficits (e.g., Park, Len-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

that this result does not imply maintenance is unimpaired in zenweger, & Holman, 1995; Park & McTigue, 1997; Tallent &
schizophrenia. This finding shows that the group differences in Gooding, 1999), because these undergraduate students had nor-
working memory performance, as indexed by the effect size mal or above normal IQ, showed intact performance on other
estimates of working memory deficit, remained stable across neuropsychological tests, and were enrolled and taking courses
different delay durations. In other words, it means that schizo- at highly competitive universities (e.g., Northwestern, Cornell,
phrenic patients make more working memory errors than con- University of Wisconsin), which suggests that they did not have
trol participants at all delays but the size of this deficit is fairly generalized cognitive deficits. In other words, in individuals
stable regardless of the length of the delay. Second, there were who carry latent liability for schizophrenia, working memory
not enough studies with variable delays in the current database deficit is found without generalized deficits and this working
to perform a comprehensive delay-related meta-analysis so this memory deficit seems to be correlated with schizotypal person-
finding may not be generalized. Third, most studies included in ality traits. Although this argument does not rule out the pos-
the meta-analysis of the effect of delay included delay of less sibility of a generalized deficit as a primary cause of working
than 10 s and many of the experiments, including the N-back memory deficits in schizophrenia and schizotypy, it suggests
tasks, used delays of 1 s (see Figure 1). The restricted range of that it is possible to have pockets of working memory deficits
the delays may contribute to the statistically insignificant rela- without having deficits in all aspects of cognition. It seems that
tionship between the length of delay and the magnitude of the additional work is needed to determine whether working mem-
effect size estimates. A future meta-analytic study that includes ory deficit in schizophrenia is a differential deficit or a gener-
various ranges of delays in working memory tasks is needed to alized deficit. To determine this, it will be useful to focus on
test this hypothesis. theoretically constrained models of cognitive deficits and parse
Our results render support for the growing view that cogni- them into testable components.
tive and perceptual abnormalities may be just as important as Although the results of our meta-analysis are clear, there are
clinical symptoms in schizophrenia. Neurocognitive deficits some caveats. First, in this review, we applied theoretically
have been better predictors of the social function and outcome constrained and stringent inclusion criteria for working memory
of schizophrenia (e.g., Green, 1996), and, at present, remedia- tasks. The concept of working memory in this study emphasizes
tion of cognitive deficits is a major goal of treatment of atypical the role of actively maintaining mental representation “online”
antipsychotic drugs. Heinrichs (2001) demonstrated the while inhibiting interference or distraction. These criteria may
strength and consistency of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia be regarded as limited by other investigators; however, our
in a comprehensive and integrated synthesis of neurobiological reasons for using these strict inclusion– exclusion criteria are
and psychological studies of schizophrenia using meta-analytic explicit and therefore we do not intend to generalize our finding
methods. In his review, the most powerful and consistent find- beyond the scope of this particular analysis. Second, a vast
ings in schizophrenia research were cognitive and perceptual majority of the studies included in this meta-analysis examined
differences between schizophrenia patients and healthy people, medicated patients. Working memory deficit in schizophrenia is
such as learning, reasoning, visual or auditory attention, and probably not a mere artifact of antipsychotic medication, as
expressive language. Working memory is a key component of some studies included in this review examined unmedicated
many of the tests that Heinrichs included in his meta-analysis, patients and still found working memory deficits (i.e., C. Carter
and we augment his finding by providing the presence of et al., 1996). Furthermore, there is also a report of beneficial
working memory deficit in patients with schizophrenia inde- effects of atypical antipsychotic medication on verbal working
pendent of the stimulus modality. Heinrichs’s and our findings memory in schizophrenia (Green et al., 1997). However, we
emphasize the importance of understanding the nature of cog- cannot entirely rule out the possible effects of antipsychotic
nitive abnormalities in schizophrenia. medication on working memory over time. In the future, it may
Although we interpret the results of the meta-analysis as be possible to examine the results from studies that include only
providing evidence for the important role of working memory unmedicated patients to examine whether effect sizes of work-
deficit in schizophrenia, others may argue that this result is ing memory deficit are related to medication status, but at
indicative of a generalized deficit. Many of the studies, espe- present, we do not have enough data. Third, consistent working
cially those from cognitive neuroscience tradition, included memory deficits across diverse methods suggest working mem-

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Summary Table of Studies

Studies Modality SZ (n) CO (n) r Zr

Abi-Dargham et al., 2002 Verbal 16 16 .496 0.543

Anil et al., 2003 Verbal 53 236 .414 0.440
Bagner et al., 2003 Verbal 27 28 .223 0.227
Barch et al., 2001 Verbal 14 12 .568 0.645
Barch et al., 2002 Verbal 38 48 .316 0.327
Barch et al., 2002 Visuospatial 38 48 .329 0.341
Barch, Carter, et al., 2003 Verbal 72 49 .545 0.612
Barch, Sheline, et al., 2003 Verbal 38 49 .316 0.327
Barch, Sheline, 2003 Visuospatial 38 48 .313 0.324
Bertolino et al., 2003 Verbal 24 24 .298 0.307
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Bollini et al., 2000 Visuospatial 29 19 .374 0.393

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Brebion et al., 1998 Verbal 44 40 .214 0.217

Bruder et al., 2004 Verbal 17 26 .904 1.494
Burglen et al., 2004 Visuospatial 25 25 .408 0.433
Cadenhead et al., 1999 Verbal 20 20 .384 0.405
Callicott et al., 1998 Verbal 10 10 .705 0.878
Callicott et al., 2000 Verbal 13 18 .418 0.445
Callicott et al., 2003 Verbal 14 14 .388 0.409
Cameron et al., 2003 Visuospatial 48 46 .385 0.405
C. Carter et al., 1996 Visuospatial 18 15 .441 0.473
C. S. Carter et al., 1998 Verbal 8 8 .773 1.026
C. S. Carter et al., 2001 Verbal 17 16 .137 0.138
Chen et al., 2000 Verbal 23 26 .322 0.334
Chey et al., 2002 Visuospatial 15 16 .458 0.495
Cohen et al., 1999 Verbal 53 25 .967 2.042
Coleman et al., 2002 Visuospatial 28 31 .435 0.465
Condray et al., 1996 Verbal 11 11 .243 0.247
Conklin et al., 2000 Verbal 52 73 .276 0.284
Danion et al., 2001 Verbal 48 24 .247 0.252
Dolan et al., 2004 Visuospatial 22 28 .167 0.169
Dreher et al., 2001 Visuospatial 18 18 .762 1.002
Egeland et al., 2003 Verbal 53 50 .501 0.550
Elliott et al., 1998 Visuospatial 12 12 .181 0.183
Fallgatter et al., 2003 Verbal 31 31 .231 0.235
Fleming et al., 1995 Verbal 15 13 .451 0.486
Fleming et al., 1997 Visuospatial 32 27 .505 0.555
Fossati et al., 1999 Verbal 14 20 .317 0.329
Fossati et al., 1999 Visuospatial 14 20 .465 0.504
Fraser et al., 2004 Visuospatial 21 16 .494 0.541
George et al., 2002 Visuospatial 31 45 .445 0.478
Glahn et al., 2000 Verbal 64 64 .398 0.422
Glahn et al., 2003 Visuospatial 17 42 .346 0.361
Gold et al., 1997 Verbal 36 30 .564 0.639
Gold et al., 2003 Visuospatial 20 18 .356 0.372
Goldberg, Aloia, 1998 Verbal 13 23 .494 0.541
Goldberg, Patterson, 1998 Verbal 15 15 .783 1.052
Goldberg et al., 2003 Verbal 74 68 .259 0.265
Gooding & Tallent, 2004 Visuospatial 65 29 .408 0.433
Gooding & Tallent, 2001 Visuospatial 34 30 .570 0.647
Gooding & Tallent, 2002 Visuospatial 34 30 .592 0.681
Granholm et al., 1997 Verbal 24 32 .415 0.441
Hartman et al., 2002 Visuospatial 16 16 .811 1.130
Honey et al., 1999 Verbal 10 10 .408 0.433
Honey et al., 2002 Verbal 20 20 .240 0.245
Honey et al., 2003 Verbal 30 27 .433 0.464
Huguelet et al., 2000 Verbal 24 24 .375 0.394
Hutton et al., 1998 Visuospatial 30 30 .566 0.642
Hutton et al., 2004 Visuospatial 109 59 .387 0.408
Jacobsen et al., 2004 Visuospatial 13 13 .277 0.284
Jansma et al., 2004 Visuospatial 10 10 .503 0.553
Javitt et al., 1997 Verbal 18 17 .243 0.247
Joyce et al., 2002 Visuospatial 136 81 .484 0.528
Keefe et al., 1995 Visuospatial 42 17 .460 0.497
Keefe et al., 1997 Visuospatial 18 28 .542 0.606
Kiefer et al., 2002 Verbal 24 24 .218 0.221

Appendix (continued)
Studies Modality SZ (n) CO (n) r Zr

J. J. Kim et al., 2003 Visuospatial 12 12 .262 0.269

J. Kim et al., 2004 Visuospatial 16 16 .310 0.320
J. Kim et al., 2004 Verbal 16 16 .266 0.273
Kindermann et al., 2004 Visuospatial 10 12 .329 0.341
Kravariti et al., 2003 Visuospatial 42 43 .384 0.405
Landro et al., 2001 Verbal 33 33 .148 0.149
Leiderman & Strejilevich, Visuospatial 15 14 .676 0.822
Lencz et al., 2003 Visuospatial 57 22 .262 0.269
Leudar et al., 1992 Verbal 46 22 .448 0.482
Low et al., 2000 Visuospatial 12 12 .473 0.514
Manoach et al., 1999 Verbal 10 12 .590 0.677
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Manoach et al., 2000 Verbal 9 9 .561 0.634

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

McGrath et al., 2001 Visuospatial 19 19 .645 0.767

Mendrek et al., 2004 Verbal 10 10 .708 0.884
Menon et al., 2001 Verbal 11 13 .626 0.735
Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2001 Verbal 13 13 .571 0.649
Morice & Delahunty, 1996 Verbal 17 17 .492 0.539
Moritz et al., 2002 Verbal 25 70 .360 0.377
Morris et al., 1997 Verbal 29 35 .432 0.463
Myles-Worsley & Park, 2002 Visuospatial 32 19 .410 0.436
Nienow & Docherty, 2004 Verbal 52 52 .419 0.446
Oie et al., 1999 Verbal 19 30 .028 0.028
Okada, 2002 Visuospatial 22 22 .377 0.397
Pantelis et al., 1997 Visuospatial 36 31 .538 0.601
Park & Holzman, 1992 Visuospatial 12 12 .922 1.599
Park & Holzman, 1992 Verbal 12 12 .497 0.545
Park et al., 1999 Visuospatial 34 39 .380 0.399
Park, Holzman, et al., 1995 Visuospatial 18 18 .710 0.887
Park et al., 2003 Visuospatial 28 33 .473 0.513
Park, 1999 Visuospatial 33 29 .573 0.653
Park & Holzman, 1993 Visuospatial 18 40 .559 0.632
Park, 1997 Visuospatial 14 15 .743 0.956
Perlstein et al., 2001 Verbal 17 16 .312 0.323
Perry et al., 2001 Verbal 50 50 .565 0.640
Perlstein et al., 2003 Verbal 16 15 .368 0.386
Pukrop et al., 2003 Verbal 66 45 .341 0.355
Pukrop et al., 2003 Visuospatial 66 45 .259 0.265
Quintana et al., 2001 Visuospatial 8 8 .335 0.349
Quintana et al., 2003 Visuospatial 8 8 .389 0.411
Ross et al., 2000 Visuospatial 10 10 .748 0.969
Sabri et al., 2003 Verbal 11 10 .092 0.092
Salgado-Pineda et al., 2004 Verbal 14 14 .893 1.438
Schlösser et al., 2003 Verbal 6 6 .592 0.680
Schwartz et al., 2003 Verbal 24 24 .414 0.440
Servan-Schreiber et al., 1996 Verbal 11 11 .336 0.350
Shelley et al., 1996 Verbal 11 13 .692 0.851
Silver et al., 2003 Verbal 27 38 .536 0.598
Snitz et al., 1999 Visuospatial 42 54 .296 0.306
Spindler et al., 1997 Visuospatial 14 12 .460 0.497
Spitzer, 1993 Visuospatial 25 12 .270 0.277
Stevens et al., 1998 Verbal 14 14 .454 0.490
Stone et al., 1998 Verbal 18 15 .620 0.725
Stratta et al., 1997 Verbal 30 25 .618 0.721
Stratta et al., 1999 Visuospatial 25 25 .601 0.695
Stratta et al., 2001 Verbal 20 20 .556 0.627
Stratta et al., 2001 Visuospatial 25 35 .579 0.661
Straube et al., 2002 Verbal 30 20 .665 0.802
Suwa et al., 2004 Verbal 36 25 .501 0.551
Tek et al., 2002 Visuospatial 30 20 .507 0.559
Thoma et al., 2003 Verbal 20 15 .673 0.816
Toulopoulou et al., 2003 Visuospatial 70 66 .359 0.376
Ueland et al., 2004 Verbal 22 31 .383 0.404
Zuffante et al., 2001 Visuospatial 23 23 .361 0.377

Note. SZ ⫽ patients with schizophrenia; CO ⫽ healthy controls.

Received March 24, 2003
Revision received April 19, 2005
Accepted April 25, 2005 䡲

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