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Population and Community Health

Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bank

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Population and Community Health Nursing, 6e (Clark)
Chapter 10 Community Empowerment

1) A small city is attempting to rejuvenate itself through housing and business development.
Which concept of community is this city implementing?
1. Mobilization.
2. Organization.
3. Competence.
4. Development.
Answer: 4
Explanation: 4. Community development is often the term used to refer to the rejuvenation of
communities through housing and business development. Community mobilization is a similar
concept that involves working with individuals and groups to provide population-based
community driven assessments, interventions, and evaluations. Community organization is a
process by which community groups are helped to identify common problems or goals, mobilize
resources, and develop and implement strategies for reaching the goals they have collectively set.
Community competence is defined as the ability of the community to engage in effective
problem solving.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Learning Outcome: 10-1

2) The community has identified strategies for reaching the goals that were collectively set. This
best describes the concept of community:
1. Organization.
2. Development.
3. Building.
4. Goal setting.
Answer: 1
Explanation: 1. Community organization is the process by which community groups are helped
to identify common problems or goals, mobilize resources, and develop and implement strategies
for reaching the goals they have collectively set. Community development is often the term used
to refer to the rejuvenation of communities through housing and business development.
Community building is defined as continuous, self-renewing efforts by residents and
professionals to engage in collective action aimed at problem-solving and enrichment, which
creates new or strengthened social networks, new capacities for group action and support, and
new standards and expectations for the life of the community. Community goal setting is not a
community concept.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Planning
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-1

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
3) The nurse assists residents to collect information about pollution and to present a petition to
the City Council requesting greater accountability from local businesses regarding pollution.
This best describes:
1. Individual empowerment.
2. Community empowerment.
3. Community competence.
4. Individual accountability.
Answer: 2
Explanation: 2. Community empowerment focuses on increased civic participation and
preparation for collective action to address common concerns or achieve common goals.
Individual empowerment focuses on improving individual skills and self-esteem as a precursor to
taking control of one's own life. Community competence is defined as the ability of the
community to engage in effective problem solving. Even though one might think the situation
involves community competence, the best description is community empowerment. Individual
accountability is not an applicable description of this situation.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-2

4) The population health nurse assists neighborhood residents to form a neighborhood watch to
help control gang crimes. This best describes:
1. Vertical empowerment.
2. Internal empowerment.
3. Horizontal empowerment.
4. External empowerment.
Answer: 3
Explanation: 3. Horizontal empowerment is internal to the community and is reflected in the
community's ability to solve problems by mobilizing its own resources. Vertical empowerment
involves efforts to change power structures outside the community and to leverage outside power
and resources to address community concerns and may involve organizing marginalized groups
to make demands on the larger society. Internal and external are not terms used to describe
empowerment in this description.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-2

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
5) The population health nurse assists a homeless adolescent with a substance abuse problem
enroll in school, to find work, and to enroll in a recovery program. Recognizing that
empowerment may occur at a variety of levels, what best describes the higher end of the
continuum in relation to this scenario? The nurse assists:
1. A community organization to link with legal advocates and others to promote legislation to
protect the civil rights of homeless adolescents.
2. A group of homeless adolescents to form a support group.
3. In creating an organization composed of homeless adolescents and members of the social
services community to address the health care needs of homeless adolescents.
4. In organizing local housing for homeless adolescents.
Answer: 1
Explanation: 1. Empowerment may occur at a variety of levels. Community empowerment may
be conceived as occurring along a continuum from personal empowerment to the creation of
coalitions and linking with outside resources to address concerns. The community organization
linking with legal advocates and others to promote legislation to protect the homeless
adolescents' civil rights is the higher end of the continuum. At the level of personal
empowerment, a population health nurse might help a homeless adolescent find work and enroll
in a recovery program. At the next level, the nurse might assist a group of homeless adolescents
to find a support group that permits them to share knowledge of resources. Helping to create an
organization composed of homeless adolescents and members of the social services community
to address the health care needs of the homeless adolescents would be an example of the third
level of empowerment. At the fourth level, the population health nurse might assist the
community organization to link with legal advocates and others to promote legislation to protect
the civil rights of homeless adolescents.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-2

6) The community health nurse is focusing on the use of families, friends, and neighbors within
the community to help in resolving community problems. This best describes the:
1. Community Organization model.
2. Natural Helpers model.
3. Community Action model.
4. Planned Approach to Community Health model.
Answer: 2
Explanation: 2. The Natural Helpers Model is not a process model but focuses on the use of
natural helpers within the community to promote community empowerment. The community
organization model is a process model that is involved in community analysis and initiative
design. The community action model is involved with identifying community members for
training. The Planned Approach to Community Health model is involved with mobilizing
community members and developing a comprehensive intervention plan with multisectoral
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-3
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
7) The group of community activists is selecting its members, and identifying goals and
purposes. These group tasks are congruent with which stages of the nursing process? (Select all
that apply.)
1. Assessment.
2. Diagnosis.
3. Planning.
4. Implementation.
5. Evaluation.
Answer: 1, 2
Explanation: 1. Selecting its members and identifying goals and purposes relates to the
assessment and diagnosis steps of the nursing process. The assessment and diagnosis component
of the nursing process relates to the orientation stage of group development, which relates to
group tasks of selection of group members, training for group participation, and identification of
goals and purposes. Planning involves establishment of modes of decision making, development
of mechanisms for conflict resolution, development of communication network, and
development of climate conducive to group collaboration. Evaluation involves planning of
evaluative mechanisms for outcomes of action taken, assignment of member roles and tasks in
evaluation, data collection, analysis or evaluative findings and possible group dissolution.
2. Selecting its members and identifying goals and purposes relates to the assessment and
diagnosis steps of the nursing process. The assessment and diagnosis component of the nursing
process relates to the orientation stage of group development, which relates to group tasks of
selection of group members, training for group participation, and identification of goals and
purposes. Planning involves establishment of modes of decision making, development of
mechanisms for conflict resolution, development of communication network, and development
of climate conducive to group collaboration. Evaluation involves planning of evaluative
mechanisms for outcomes of action taken, assignment of member roles and tasks in evaluation,
data collection, analysis or evaluative findings and possible group dissolution.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-4

8) The population nurse is completing a community assessment. In which way should the nurse
use this information that supports the second general purpose of this assessment?
1. Information for change.
2. Stimulus for change.
3. Data needed for the change.
4. Information for empowerment.
Answer: 4
Explanation: 4. Community assessment, in the context of community empowerment, has two
general purposes. The first is to provide information for change and the second is to provide
information for empowerment. A stimulus for change and information for empowerment are not
general purposes of community assessment in relation to community empowerment.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-4
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) The population health nurse is working with a group trying to determine the best location for a
new community center. The elderly representatives in the group are not participating in the
discussions. The nurse should:
1. Respect their right to be silent and not encourage discussion from them.
2. Manipulate the discussion so that they must contribute.
3. Comment on the fact that they have not participated in the discussion and ask why.
4. Encourage more discussion from the younger representatives as that will encourage the elderly
to join in the discussion.
Answer: 3
Explanation: 3. In this situation the nurse should comment on the fact that the elderly have not
participated and ask them why. The ensuing discussion may expose the conflict and the group
can start to work on it. Recognizing the existence of conflict and identifying its sources and
possible solutions are strategies for constructive use of conflict. A conflict that is ignored in the
hope that it will resolve itself is likely to become worse.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Learning Outcome: 10-6

10) A community group is meeting to discuss the most critical issues related to the community's
health care delivery system. The nurse in charge of the meeting is encouraging all group
members to participate and is trying to provide positive reinforcement for all group
contributions. The nurse is most likely trying to:
1. Establish a climate in which group members feel respected.
2. Manipulate the discussion so that all must participate.
3. Resolve conflict before it can occur.
4. Encourage more discussion.
Answer: 1
Explanation: 1. Establishing a climate in which group members feel respected and in which
differences are accepted contributes to an effective network. This means that all group members
should be encouraged to participate and should receive positive reinforcement for their
contributions. The nurse is not manipulating the discussion. Encouraging participation does not
prevent conflict. Even though more discussion might be encouraged by the nurse's actions, the
nurse's actions most likely will establish a climate in which group members feel respected.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Learning Outcome: 10-6

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
11) The population nurse is facilitating the operation stage of group development. In which stage
of the nursing process is the nurse functioning?
1. Assessment.
2. Planning.
3. Implementation.
4. Evaluation.
Answer: 3
Explanation: 3. The operation stage of group development is analogous to the implementation
stage of the nursing process. It is during this stage that the group assigns and performs specific
roles and tasks to achieve group-designated goals and objectives. The orientation stage of group
development is analogous to the assessment stage of the nursing process as is the
accommodation stage to planning and the dissolution stage to evaluation.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-6

12) The nurse is determining the effectiveness of community empowerment efforts. What should
the nurse use as the final measure for this effectiveness?
1. Budget was not overspent.
2. Community members were included in policy making.
3. Initial data was shown to be reliable.
4. Time schedules were met.
Answer: 2
Explanation: 2. A final measure of the effectiveness of community empowerment efforts would
be the extent to which community members are included in policy making. The ultimate goal of
effective community organizing and empowerment should be the inclusion of community
members in every aspect of policy making. Not overspending, having reliable data, and meeting
time schedules are not the best final measures of the effectiveness of community empowerment.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Learning Outcome: 10-6

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
13) The population health nurse is assisting community leaders in the implementation of the
asset-based community development model. What action should the nurse take to help the
leaders determine community strengths?
1. Assist with asset mapping.
2. Facilitate recognition of self-efficacy.
3. Strategize ways to increase competence.
4. Promote cooperation among community members.
Answer: 1
Explanation: 1. Steps in the ABCD model include recognition and identification of community
strengths and building on those strengths and existing social capital to address problems.
Identification of strengths might occur through the process of asset mapping in which the
resources, skills, and capacities of individual community members are determined. The results
from asset mapping help facilitate recognition of self-efficacy, provide information to strategize
ways to increase competence, and promote cooperation among community members.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-3

14) A group of community leaders are planning to evaluate their organization's structure. What
should the population nurse encourage the leaders to examine during this evaluation? (Select all
that apply.)
1. If resources have been effectively mobilized.
2. If resources have been appropriately allocated.
3. If community leaders are able to foster participation.
4. If the structure facilitates decision-making participation.
5. If community leaders are able to facilitate problem resolution.
Answer: 1, 2, 4
Explanation: 1. When evaluating organizational structure development, areas to evaluate include
if the structure facilitates participation in decision making, have resources been effectively
mobilized, and have resources been appropriately allocated. Leadership development is
evaluated by asking to what extent local leaders are able to foster community participation and
facilitate problem resolution.
2. When evaluating organizational structure development, areas to evaluate include if the
structure facilitates participation in decision making, have resources been effectively mobilized,
and have resources been appropriately allocated. Leadership development is evaluated by asking
to what extent local leaders are able to foster community participation and facilitate problem
4. When evaluating organizational structure development, areas to evaluate include if the
structure facilitates participation in decision making, have resources been effectively mobilized,
and have resources been appropriately allocated. Leadership development is evaluated by asking
to what extent local leaders are able to foster community participation and facilitate problem
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Planning
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Application
Learning Outcome: 10-5
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
15) A community recovering from a devastating tornado calls upon local communities for
assistance and establishes emergency housing for displaced community members in the high
school auditorium and church school facilities. Which domain of this community's
empowerment has been effectively developed?
1. Resource mobilization.
2. Leadership development.
3. Problem assessment capacity.
4. Participation.
Answer: 1
Explanation: 1. Resource mobilization is the extent in which the community able to mobilize
both internal and external resources. For the community experiencing a tornado, calling other
communities for help and establishing emergency housing indicate an effective resource
mobilization domain. Leadership development is determined by the extent that local leaders are
able to foster community participation, facilitate problem resolution, and resolve conflict.
Problem assessment capacity is determined by the extent that the community is able to identify
community problems and possible solutions. Participation is determined by the extent that
community members have increased their participation in small groups and organizations
designed to take action on community problems.
Nursing/Int.Conc: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Learning Outcome: 10-5

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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