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The Grand Canyon Hidden

Ancient History-Egyptian
and Mayan Pyramids and
Related Secrets

Deep Dives Decode

By Brynn
Blessed For Service Coordinator

Giants in the Grand Canyon

Three researchers (pictured above), Horn, Quayle, and

Alberino, received a huge interview opportunity with tribal
elders in the area. They were introduced by a man who
lived with the Navajo for years. They were told the history
of the Grand Canyon and the people who inhabited the
Grand Canyon in ancient times.

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Tom Horn was told a story about the Anasazi who lived in
the cliff dwellings (see photos below). These cliff dwellings
had been torn apart by giants trying to dig the humans out.
The story continues to tell how the Anasazi left silently by
night and dispersed into the populations of New Mexico,
Arizona and Colorado. The Zunis of New Mexico say that
the Anasazi were their ancestors.

The Anasazi settled in these locations in the 1st century

AD and stayed until the 1100s. As the story goes, they
disappeared in one night. They say they ran from the
cannibalistic giants.
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Fleeing the fertile plains where they originally lived, they

moved and built these cliff dwellings that offered the well
protected areas within the rock face. After they had been
there for 1,000 years, the giant cannibals found them
again. From these images, it does look like huge scratch
marks and all the large boulders and rubble scattered all
around make this a compelling story.

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Anasazi petroglyphs of giant six-toed footprints

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Six fingered petroglyphs from the walls of the Grand Canyon

The Hebrew Israelis state that they were like

grasshoppers to these beings. Neither 9 feet nor 12 feet
giants would qualify for this description. King Og, who
lived during that time, was 12 feet tall and they did not talk
of themselves as being grasshoppers in comparison but of
winning in a war against him and his people.
But giants the height of 20-30 feet would make sense—the
average person would be at their feet, feeling the size of
an insect.

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The tribes will tell you these beings could run as fast as a
herd of bison and would pick up a bison under each arm
and walk away pulling legs off of them and eating them
while the animal was still alive. It makes sense that the
tribes would fear these beings and abandon their villages
suddenly when they arrived.

The Anasazi also revered the constellations and built their

inhabited areas on them, as shown in the previous
From Holocaust of the Giants, Tim Alberino follows their
trail to Sardinia, where people there claim that they are
ancestors of the giants, some having grandparents who
were seven to almost eight feet tall.

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They found giant bones everywhere and gold jewelry in

the fields they plow for farming. The structures below are
called Naraghi (Na-ra-gee) and are located all over the
island; they look similar to what we see in the Grand

Sourced from Holocaust of Giants. Sardinia—Alberino, Quayle and Horn 2017

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This image (above) taken in Sardinia by Tim Alberino of

another Naraghi, looks remarkably similar to some of what
is found in the Grand Canyon pictures as well.
Steve Quayle also had several opportunities to speak with
the late Zuni Pueblo Indian Elder, Cliff Mahooty, who
attested to his own eyewitness account of seeing military
troops and helicopters landing in the Grand Canyon, in the
locations of both Kinkaid’s and Powell’s Caves, removing
Egyptian artifacts.

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Clifford Mahooty

Clifford Mahooty, a Zuni Pueblo Indian, was a Zuni elder

and civil engineer (Civil/ Environmental Engineer BSCE-
NMSU-1969, retired).
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Clifford was a member of the tribal orders of the Kachina

Priesthood, Galaxy medicine society Sun Clan and
wisdom keeper of the Zuni history and spiritual practices.
Tribal Elder Clifford Mahooty taught Zuni Tribal teachings
including oral history, religion, rituals, kachinas and
spiritual practices and how they relate to star people and
spiritual beings.
The Pueblo Indians speak of stargates that are still
operable and of giant bones still entombed. After the first
few times that they allowed the entombed beings to be
taken to the Smithsonian for public display, they went
missing, and they stopped calling the Smithsonian.
Has anyone noticed that in the last couple of decades
libraries are having fires that consume old newspaper
collections in a "spontaneous combustion?" It would be
interesting to see if the images remain on microfiche. You
can find many old articles, like the ones below, in city

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Newspaper article from the New York Times newspaper documenting in 1902 the
sarcophagus of a giant being

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True Legends: Holocaust of the Giants Videos,

Episode 3: Holocaust of Giants
"An ancient conspiracy has been quietly burgeoning
behind the bustle of the modern world. From the mounds
of America to the megalithic ruins on the island of Sardinia
in the Mediterranean Sea, the desiccated bones of dead
giants are being systematically disentombed and secreted
away to clandestine vaults for apocalyptic purposes. While
occultists are attempting to harness the arcane
necromancy of the Canaanites, genetic engineers are
working feverishly to reconstitute the genomes of the
giants and resurrect the dreaded race of Rephaim in the
Earth. Discover why Sardinia was ground-zero for the
man-eating Canaanite giants that ravished the Promised
Land before their expulsion by “‘Joshua the Robber’.”
There is an interesting Biblical reference in The
Cloudeaters video: "We are the race of Canaanites who
fled before the robber Joshua. The Son of Nun."
They are sometimes explained as the Phoenicians
interspersed with the giant tribe of the Canaanites/Anak,
who traveled to Sardinia and then on to the Americas via
the Hudson River, which at that time was a waterway that
allowed passage to the Great Lakes.

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Here are more interviews with Quayle, Horn and Alberino:- watch?v=wmq7bnPEBXw
watch?v=hiS5hXvUMso watch?v=GnlaLPTX_ZQ

More About the Giants/Anunnaki in the Grand

Canyon—John Brewers Cave
Terry Carter Youtube 2017

In an interview with Gale Porrett, a friend of John Brewer,

he describes what John Brewer told him about the King
and Queen Nephilim Giants: their armor, crowns, weapons
and how they were placed in a stone sarcophagus, what
the inside of the tomb looked like, and some clues to
where its located.
He talks about how John was tortured by some people
trying to get his secret out of him. This tomb also
contained ancient records written on gold, lead, copper,
and stones. These ancient records were stored in stone
boxes covered with cedar bark and pine pitch. Carbon
dating done on the bark that covered one of the boxes
dated back to between 50 to 350 BC.

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Plates in gold, brass, copper, bronze and lead from

different civilizations were found as well as two mummies,
one large red-haired man and one large blond-haired

The Various Plates Found

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Carbon Dating Article

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The story of the Brewer Cave begins in the 1950s. The

cave, which remains unidentified, is located close to Manti,
Utah. Mr. John Brewer discovered this cave sometime
around 1955 when he was only 22 years old.
The outsides of the boxes were carved with intricate
designs displaying images that are oddly out of place for
the North American continent.
One box, entirely covered with symbols, writings, and
drawings, had a large engraving of a boat that displayed
oars, a swelled sail and a dragonhead prow. Another box
was adorned with a carving of a chariot with horses and a
winged man, among other interesting drawings.
The tree bark in which the boxes were preserved was
radiocarbon dated by Steven E. Jones, Professor of
Physics at Brigham Young University, who stated: “With a
radiocarbon age of 5 BC to 390 BC, the Brewer bark
sample is thus scientifically demonstrated to be very old.
The bark used to cover the stone box in question is indeed

The most controversial discovery lay hidden behind the

wall itself. Sometime after the initial discovery of the
chamber, John Brewer and his son stumbled upon a pair
of sarcophagi – stacked one on top of the other.

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The lower one held the preserved body of a woman, while

the top one held the body of a man. Brewer, wishing to
preserve them as much as possible and not cause excess
disturbance of the remains, made careful examinations
and his son drew detailed sketches, since photography
was not at their disposal at the time.
The mummies were covered with woven “straw-like”
blankets and three more subsequent covers, all covered
with resin, which could have led to partial preservation of
the bodies. According to the sketches and Brewer’s
writings, the mummies were preserved to a good extent
and were of very great size.
The male was around 9 feet 2 inches (2.80 meters) tall, 4
feet (1.21 meters) across the shoulders, and had red hair
and beard. The female mummy was 8 feet 10 inches (2.46
meters) and had blonde hair. Both were elaborately
decorated with golden items—crowns, breastplates and
shoulder pads. The female had a much more elaborate
crown of great size and golden coverings on her breasts.

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The detailed sketches of the Sarcophagi, by Brewer’s Son

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Entombed Anakim in Stasis in the Grand Canyon

A few researchers revealed giant entities, seemingly
asleep, that have been unearthed from the Middle East to
America. The archeologists candidly talk about their
amazing discoveries only to have all discussion end and
the articles and accounts disappear altogether. Now we
have the term "debunked" or "hoax" attached to them. The
Anak, who were giants, were interspersed amongst the
Punic people (see page 159 of this decode for more
information about the Punic).
An interesting source of documents from the early 20th
century was called The American Antiquarian and Oriental
Journal 1878-1914, which Dr. Kinnaman headed at one
point. The mound builders are mentioned in quite a few
articles. Giant mummies were found.
journal?and%5B%5D=year%3A%221901%22&% 5B%5D=year%3A

Below are a few notes from Steve Quayle’s Gen Six

Productions documentary called Forbidden History

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A giant in the Southwest is found in stasis. A red-haired

giant King and Queen are found in southern Utah. Many
people have eyewitness accounts in the Southwest and
have seen these giants in stasis and the many mummies
who are buried there as well.
It is reported that two giants have been removed from the
Grand Canyon tunnels and taken to Area 51. Because
these entities, who were in stasis, had super-human
strengths and abilities, the scientists are interested in their

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A whistleblower, who is a very high-level military officer,

had been to the lab and approached Steve Quayle to tell
him what he saw there: giants in stasis tanks, much like
what we have heard about before from other
whistleblowers, and humans who had been hybridized and
were asking to be released, saying that they are human.
The General said with remorse, that in truth they are no
longer technically human.
Remember all those half-bird, half-men carved into the
stone reliefs in ancient Egypt? Hybridizing humans started
a long time ago. The Ancient People did not take the time
to carve fiction into rock. They recorded history.
Now, scientists have the DNA from the ancient beings
taken from the Grand Canyon to manipulate and clone
other beings.
“The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose
bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on
Niagara, as ours do now.” — Abraham Lincoln, 1848
Kinnaman and the Giza Pyramids and the Grand
Canyon by Stephen Mehler.
Following are excerpts from an article that was originally
published in World Explorer Magazine.

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The lecture given by Dr. Kinnaman was not for the general
public, but to a select group of Masons (both he and Petrie
were Masons). This happened in a private home in
Northern California around 1955. In this talk, Dr.
Kinnaman begins with a normal discussion of his work
with Sir Flinders Petrie and a general factual lecture of the
dimensions of the Great Pyramid.
After a while, he casually mentions that he and Petrie
discovered a secret entrance into the Pyramid on the
South face, quite by accident. The traditionally accepted
entrance is the one on the north face.
Dr. Kinnaman then describes several interior chambers in
which were found ancient records from Atlantis and anti-
gravitational machines that were used by the Atlanteans to
construct the Great Pyramid.
Furthermore, Dr. Kinnaman declared that manuscripts
they found stated that the Great Pyramid was built over
35,000 years ago and was never intended to be a tomb for
a king.
Dr. Kinnaman stated that he and Sir Flinders Petrie
agreed that the world was not ready for this information at
that time. The pair then swore an oath to the highest
government officials in Egypt and Great Britain never to
divulge this knowledge during their lifetimes.

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“He informed me that Dr. Kinnaman had stated that

one of the functions of the Great Pyramid had been as
a giant radio system. By virtue of the huge crystal
stored in a chamber 1,100 feet below the bedrock of
the Giza Plateau, Egyptian priests could send
telepathic messages around the world! According to
McDonald, one of the places Dr. Kinnaman said these
messages were sent was the Grand Canyon!”

The Stasis Chamber Giants match carvings like the above, which are found all over
the Middle East and other areas and which Sumerian tablets identify as the
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Dr. Kinnaman’s story is similar to an archeology report out

of Egypt that said they had dug down and found a door off
a wide stone passageway. When they managed to open it
and entered the first room, they found another room off
that room. Inside this room was a huge being, who was
adorned much like the giant in stasis that Corey Goode
spoke about in his interview with David Wilcock.
There were around five archeologists who entered the first
room and the inscription was much like the Tutankhaten
inscription: “Do not enter the room or you will be cursed
and die.”
This large entity looked alive, just as if he were sleeping.
He looked like the image of the Pharaoh carved into stone.
One scientist went forward undaunted by the warning and
ran into an invisible barrier and was killed. A second tried
to help the first, not knowing what had happened, and he
also died. They couldn't get beyond it. They sealed the
passage up and left, and it was said they did not return.
The photos looked like they were from around the 1910s
to the 1930s. Corey Goode has recently come out to
corroborate the fact that Anunnaki are indeed in stasis
around the world.

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