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Sources: Tests measure general ability to use specific skills.

Testing can identify the areas where she needs targeted instruction and help

-Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)
-Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (WRMT -III)
-Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT ? 5)
-Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
-Test of Word reading Efficiency (TOWRE ? 2)
-Rapid Automatized Naming Tasks
-Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA ? 3) Sources: Diagnostic measures for determining a child ?
s gross motors skills, fine manipulative skills and hearing, sight speech and language abilitie
Tests for reading, writing & math
-Wide Range Achievement Test 4
-Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)
-Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (WRMT -III)
-Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT ? 5) Skill evaluation Tools: Full physical test Evaluation as part of the process of gathering the evidence.
-Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
-Test of Word reading Efficiency (TOWRE ? 2)
-Rapid Automatized Naming Tasks
-Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA ? 3) People involved: Speech pathologist Pediatrician Specialist
-Wide Range Achievement Test 4

Sources: Daily, weekly & monthly observational records that show a child ?
s performance
People involved: Psychologists specialized in applying this type of test

Sources: Standardized tests that assess the intellectual capacity of the child Observational Classwork Homework
records Tests
Participation Observing all of th

Intellectual areas
K ? ABC People involved: Anyone who works with the child
Raven's progressive matrices test

Sources: Folder of assignments Portfolio

People involved: Psychologist Evaluator Parents Draft

The evaluation process and its tools

Sources: test batteries whose objective is to collect medical, adaptive, cognitive, perceptive- motor, and sociocultural information. Samples of student work Tools: Test Homework Projects

Tools: System of Multicultural and Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA) adapted in Mexico. Motor development References:
People involved: teachers
Learning Disabilities Association of America. (n.d.). Symptoms of
learning disabilities. Retrieved June 15, 2012, from learning-disabilities/
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (n.d.). Dyslexia
information page. Retrieved March 6, 2017, from
People involved:Physical therapy specialist or neurodevelopmental specialist Disorders/Dyslexia- Sources: Teacher?s interview, who he/she interacts with, work with...
Information-Page#disorders- r1
SEP. ?La integración educativa en el aula regular. Principios,
finalidades y estrategias?: 2009. Recuperado de:
Source Caring for Your School-Age Child: Ages 5 to 12 (Copyright
Sources: Evaluates the child's performance in roles outside of school. 2004 American Academy of Pediatrics) School Tools: Interview Observation Interaction

Tools: Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children (ABIC) adapted in Mexico. Aspects of adaptation & social intersection People involved: Teacher Classmates

People involved: Psychologist Social worker Sources: Fill out checklists.

Answer questions Participate in an interview. Write a report addressing a child?s strengths, challenges, and development (or lack thereof) over time

Sources: Projective tests to know the structure of the person, discover their emotions and internal "conflicts" that the child can project in their responses.
Developmental & social history Tools: Questionnaires Interviews Observation

Tools:House, Tree, Person (HTP) Human figure

Incomplete Sacks sentences Children Apperception Test (CAT) Emotional aspects
People involved: Teacher
Parents Pediatricians School specialists

People involved: Psychologist

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