Chapter 7 Spread Sheet - Excel

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At the end of the chapter the learner shall be able to;
• Explain the different Spreadsheet terms
• Create a new spreadsheet and open an existing one
• Input text, numbers and simple formulae
• Employ simple functions such as SUM, AVERAGE
• Create and modify charts/graphs to illustrate data

7.1 Introduction
 Spreadsheets are application packages used for manipulation of figures.
 A spreadsheet usually consists of a series of rows and columns.
 The figures or text are inserted into cells which is an intersection between a row and a column
 . Examples include Ms Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Supercalc, Quattro Pro.

Applications of Spreadsheets
1. Can be used to record sales, produce invoices and compile statements.
2. Researchers can compile and analyze their results.
3. Teachers can compile their students‟ marks and produce overall results.
4. Clerks and secretaries can easily create tables of figures and manipulate.
5. Excel can also be used to visualize data


Starting Excel Option 1
• Click the start button
• Click All programs/ All apps
• Select Microsoft Office menu
• Select and click Microsoft Excel menu item


Com 111 – Chapter 7: Spreadsheets Page 1

NB:Ms Excel is a workbook saved as .xlsx or .xls depending on the version.

Definition of terms

 Workbook - is an Excel file that contains multiple sheets/ pages

 A worksheet - in Excel is a single page within a workbook that acts as a grid for organizing and
analyzing data.
 Cell- is an intersection of a row and a column
Each cell is capable of containing different types of information e.g. text, number, times, formulas.
Excel data basically comes in two varieties: labels and values.

• A label is a text entry consisting of alphanumeric characters. It is called a label because it typically
provides descriptive information such as the name of a place, person, e.t.c. A label has no numerical
significance in Excel.

A value is data that has numerical significance. These include numbers, dates and times that you
enter on your worksheet. Values can be acted on by formulas and functions.
 Active Cell - It indicates the cell in which the typed data will be entered. It is also known as the
current cell.
 Row - A row is a horizontal line of cells. Each row has a unique number that identifies it.
 Column - A column is a vertical line of cells. Each column has a special letter that
identifies it.

Com 111 – Chapter 7: Spreadsheets Page 2

Task one
Open a new blank workbook, and type the following information in an excel worksheet.

Mark Mean Mark
for for
English Kiswahili
Social and and Social
Kiswahil Science Total Mean Maths sciences
Name English i Maths s Marks Mark only only
Ann Mutiso 78 67 89 89
Jane Wamae 76 65 86 78
Evan Mutego 79 69 56 67
Jackline Mwenda 75 56 90 76
Onyango 70 90 89 78

i. Use the correct function to calculate the total marks for the students
ii. Use the correct function to calculate the mean of the total marks.
iii. Use the correct function to calculate the total mark for English and Maths only.
iv. Use the correct function to calculate the mean mark for Kiswahili and social sciences only.
v. Convert the titles to bold, font size 14, font type Arial, Font color Red, and center align them.
vi. Insert borders into the document
vii. Use the correct function to show the highest mark in English.
viii. Use the correct function to show the lowest mark in Kiswahili.
ix. Represent the names and the units in a bar graph.
x. Represent all the data in a Pie Chart
xi. Rename your worksheet to ‘Class 8 Results’
xii. Save your workbook as Results2021.

Task Two

1. From the workbook created in task one, add a worksheet and rename it as ‘task two’.
2. Copy the names and the marks of the students from sheet one to sheet two
3. Calculate the mean mark then use the IF function to grade the students as follows
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59-0 E
4. In 2022 the marks of the students dropped by 20% Compared to 2021 due to teacher’s strike. Write
an excel formula that will automatically calculate the mark for each student for the year 2022 in
each cell from H2 to H6.
5. In 2023 the marks of the students increased by 40% compared to 2022 due to tuitions services.
Write an excel formula that will automatically calculate the mark for each student for the year
2023 in each cell from I2 to I6.

Com 111 – Chapter 7: Spreadsheets Page 3


#N/A Not available Can’t find the value you’re looking for
#VALUE! Invalid value Wrong arguments in the formula
We remove references that are part of the Excel
#REF! No references
#NAME? Divided by zero Excel formula typing error
Can’t find the
#DIV/O! The denominator is zero
######### Can’t display value Can’t display cell content
#NULL! Empty value Can’t determine a range of formula
#NUM! Invalid number Invalid numeric values

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