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Lost of flora

and fauna
Name: Mileidy Morales
and Jonatan Oñate
Grade: 8°A
what is?
is the decrease or disappearance of biological
The causes
The loss and deterioration of habitats is the main cause of
biodiversity loss. By transforming jungles, forests, bushes,
grasslands, mangroves, lagoons, and reefs into agricultural
fields, livestock farms, shrimp farms, dams, roads and urban
areas, we destroy the habitat of thousands of species.

*Climate change.
*Destruction of habitats.
*Invasive exotic species.
*Overexploitation of the natural
Solutions for the loss
of flora and fauna
The solutions for the loss of flora and fauna
Control invasive species. ...
Avoid overexploitation of natural resources. ...
Reduce pollution. ...
Stop climate change. ...
Fight illegal hunting. ...
The consequences are radical
changes in the distribution of
ecosystems and species, rise in sea
level, disappearance of glaciers and
large areas of coral, unpredictable
and extreme climates such as
droughts and storms.
1.If we don't take care of the animals, they will become extinct.

2.If we do not stop exploiting the flora and fauna, it will be

exhausted later.

3.If people recycle, what will happen?

4.If we take care of the flora and fauna, we will all live
together in harmony.

5.We should not destroy the flora, because we will not

have oxygen.


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