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How long do you think the Sunlight travels to Wave

the Earth?
- Christian Huygens
- The earth is 93 million miles away from - Light is a wave
the sun but it only takes 8 minutes for
the light of the sun to reach the earth.
- Isaac Newton
Speed of Light
- Light is made up of Stream of particles
• Light travels at 300,000,000 m/s
Newton thought that light was a particle
• Symbol for speed of light (c) because the edges of the shadows it created
were extremely sharp and clear.
• primary source of light (sun)
About the same time as Newton, Dutch
• We see the moon because it reflects the
physicist, Christian Huygens, believed that light
sun’s light
was made up of waves vibrating up and down
Classification of light based on its origin: perpendicular to the direction of the light
Natural sources: sun, moon, lightning, light travels. It explained diffraction and could be
coming from worms, fishes through demonstrated through experimentation.
bioluminescence Later on, since Scientists found the explanation
Artificial sources: candle flame, torches, of Huygens and Newton correct, they combined
lamps bulbs both theories.
It takes 1 second for light reflected off the
moon to reach the earth. Conclusion: Light is a wave and a particle

Wave-particle Duality
Light as a particle
• A theory that describes light and matter
• contains photon (packet of energy) showing both the characteristics of a
which has no mass particle with mass and a wave that
carries energy.
• Elementary particles like neutron and
protons which means it has NO • Objects that do not allow light to pass
SUBPARTICLES. through them and change the path of
light are called opaque.
• Forms the basic unit of electromagnetic
(EM) radiation, which propagates in • Objects that allow light to pass through
space through electromagnetic waves. them are considered transparent.

Think of a photon as a grain of sand. • Objects allows light to pass through

them partially are called translucent.
We see so many photons at the same time it’s
like seeing all the sand on a beach; we don’t Opaque- wood, stone, human
notice the single grains Transparent- water, glass
Translucent- tracing paper, wax paper,
A wave is a temporary disturbance that transfer A common example is when a cellphone is
energy from one place to another. placed near powered audio equipment or
speakers, and it causes a noise or series of
We have 2 types of a wave: mechanical and
beeps to be heard.
electromagnetic wave
Diffraction- is the bending of a wave around the
Waves in water and sound waves in air are two
corners of an obstacle.
examples of mechanical waves
Formation of rainbow
Matter, such as solid, liquid, gas, or plasma that
mechanical waves are traveling through is called CHARACTERISTICS OF WAVES
a medium.
 The greater the amplitude (a) of a wave
Electromagnetic waves, such a visible light then the more energy it is carrying.
differ from mechanical waves in that they do
Amplitude is the distance between the resting
not require a medium to propagate.
position when a wave passes through
This means that electromagnetic waves can
 Wavelength ( ) – the distance between
travel not only through air and solid materials,
2 consecutive crests or troughs, and
but also through a vacuum space.
usually measured in meters ( m ).
How are electromagnetic waves or EM waves -LAMBDA
formed?  Frequency (f)– the number of waves
passing a point in a certain time. We
- Electromagnetic waves are formed
normally use a time of 1 second, so this
when an electric field comes in contact
gives frequency the unit hertz (Hz),
with a magnetic field.
since one hertz is equal to one wave per
- EM Waves are created as a result of
vibrations between an electric field and
magnetic field

Electricity and magnetism can be static, but

changing magnetic field will induce electric
field and vice versa.

These changing fields form electromagnetic


The electric field and magnetic field are also  Speed of Light (c) – all electromagnetic
perpendicular to the direction of the EM wave. wave travels at the same sped which is
about 3.0 x 10^8 m/s through a vacuum
EM waves are transverse waves

EM waves are capable of showing diffraction or


Interference- a phenomenon where two waves

of the same kind overlap to produce a resultant
TYPES OF EM WAVES: the right side of the electromagnetic
spectrum in the figure below.
 MICROWAVES Ionizing em waves are more dangerous to
 INFRARED humans than non-ionizing
 GAMMA RAYS – most energetic, has the
highest frequency


Em waves can be classified as ionizing or non-

ionizing form of radiation

 Non-ionizing radiation is the part of the

electromagnetic spectrum where there
is sufficient energy to cause ionization,
these includes: radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, visible light, and
 Non-ionizing radiation is not strong
enough to directly affect the structure
of atoms or damage DNA; however, it
does cause atoms to vibrate, which can
cause them to heat up.
 Ionizing radiation is a type of energy
released by atoms that travels in the
form of electromagnetic waves, these
includes: gamma rays and x-rays
 Ionizing radiation is a form of energy
that acts by removing electrons from
atoms and molecules of materials that
include air, water, and living tissue.
Ionizing radiation can travel unseen and
pass through these materials. It is on
- military surveillance
- air traffic control
- monitoring speed of highway patrol
- tracking satellites and debris
- Automatic doors
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth
- Global Positioning System (GPS) –
cellphones have built-in GPS feature
which locates positions within a 10 –
100m accuracy.
Radio Waves - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) –
store and transmit data, which is similar
 Longest wavelengths – ranging from
to the universal product code (UPC) or
0.1m to 10 000m.
bar code that is seen on grocery items.
 Lowest frequencies– from about 30 000
- In the Philippines:
cycles per second or 30 000 hertz, up to
about 300 trillion hertz or 3000
COLLECTION commonly known as ETC
- In School, RFID is used for libraries and
 1887
tracking the attendance of students at
 Heinrich Hertz became the first person
to transmit and receive controlled radio
 The unit of frequency of an EM wave –
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) –
one cycle per second – is called a Hertz
for viewing internal parts of the human
body without invasive exploratory
 best-known for their use in
communication technologies
 ideal for reducing cellulite on the body
Radio Frequency Bands
and wrinkles and fine lines on the face
and for tightening sagging or loose skin.

 SUN and JUPITER are extraterrestrial



Radar (radio detection and ranging)

- use for detection of objects

- weather forecasting

 Frequency – 300 000 000 Hz to 300 000  William Herschel, a British Astronomer,
000 000 Hz, which is from 300 MHz to discovered these rays in 1800
300 GHz
 Infrared radiation cannot be seen by
 Wavelength – 0.001m to 0.1 m
the naked eye but it can be felt as
 Discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in
 Microwaves cause water and fat Always Remember!!!
molecules to vibrate, which makes the
Objects with higher temperatures produce
substances hot. It uses 2.45 GHz to cook
infrared rays of shorter wavelengths and higher
frequencies than object with lower
 Mobile phones use microwaves, as they
can be generated by a small antenna,
which means that the phone doesn’t  Infrared waves are just below visible
need to be very big. red light in the electromagnetic
Application of Microwaves:
 Given off by hot objects, and you can
 Used in industrial processes for drying feel them as warmth on your skin.
and curing products.  Infrared waves are also given off by
stars, lamps, flames and anything else
 Used in Medical Field
that’s warm.
 Microwave Ablation uses the heat of  Computers, laptops, palmtops, and
the microwaves to shrink or destroy printers are equipped with infrared
tumors. data association ports that enable you
to transfer and print data without
 Microwave imaging is used to assess
connecting them with a cable
and monitor progress of treatment of
 Food can also be cooked using infrared
breast cancer via microwave
 Physiotherapists use heat lamps to help
 Are high frequency radio waves mainly heal sports injuries.
used for communication, especially  Medical infrared imaging is used for
from 2 to 40 GHz diagnosis and prognosis in areas such as
 Mostly used for long-distance oncology, rheumatology, sports
telephone calls before the introduction medicine, and orthopedics.
of optical fibers  It also used to monitor progress of
 Used to send signals for cable therapy and rehabilitation.
television, as well as video or audio  IR is also used for short-range
feeds for production vans to broadcast communications, for example between
stations mobiles phones, or for the Dolby
 Used in remote sensing for disaster Screentalk headset system used in
management and mapping some cinemas.
 MICROWAVE DOPPLER RADARS are  Night sights for weapons sometimes
used in weather forecasting use a sensitive IR detector.
 These detect the Infra-Red emitted by
people and animals.
 Police helicopters tracks criminal at
night, using “thermal imaging” cameras
which can see in the dark
 Weather forecasters use satellite
pictures to see what’s heading our way
because some of the images they use
are taken using IR cameras, which can
show cloud and rain patterns more
 Ear Thermometer – pyroelectric
thermometer was developed based on
the fact that the human body generates
heat that is dependent on its
 Autofocus Camera - sends infrared
radiation to the subject to be
photographed. The camera determines
the distance of the subject from the
time lapse between the sending of
infrared radiation to the detection of its
reflected radiation. The camera, then
automatically adjusts its focus.

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