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, London Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 10, 371-377 (1997)

The History of Endocrinology in Philately

Teoman Onat

Cerrahpa§a Pediatric Clinic, University of Istanbul, Turkey

One can find much in postal material, such as compiled in his books. He had discussions on
stamps, cancellations and postal stationary, of diabetes 12,2,1.
medical interest, even in the field of endocrinology. Ibn Sina (980-1037) (Fig. 3) is the Turkish
Herewith is an attempt to summarize the history of "Prince of Physicians" from Bukhara. His medical
endocrinology by the presentation of philatelic writings in "Kanun" (Canon medicinae) became the
material. The story starts with diabetes mellitus and basis of medical teaching in the middle ages /3/. He
continues with the gonads, thyroid, pituitary and classified diabetes 111, and pointed out that sweet
adrenal glands. The total collection of Endoain- urine is heavy, dries quicker and leaves a sweet
ology in Philately, comprising 122 pages, was residue. He also noted the relationship between
exhibited at the First Mediterranean Meeting of diabetes mellitus and gangrene IAl.
PEMS (Pediatric Endocrinology in the Mediter- Maimonides Moshe ben Maimon (1135-1204)
ranean Area Study Group) in Antalya, Turkey, in was a Spanish Jewish physician to Sultan Saladin
May 1996. Philatelically honored personalities with (Fig. 4). Among his over 1000 writings are
contributions to endocrinology who are not ment urinalysis and diabetes /l/.
ioned below include: Bela Entz (1877-1959) Towards the 17th to 18th century there came an
cancellation issued by Hungary 1992; Nikolaus era of iatrochemistry when chemical urinalysis was
Friedrich (1825-1882) cancellation by GFR 1982; started. Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738) believed
Gregorio Pasadillo-Maranon (1887-1960) stamp by that glycosuria of diabetics is due to hyperglycemia
Spain in 1979; Carl von Noorden (1858-1944) GFR (Fig. 5). He also studied the role of the larynx and
postal stationary in 1983; Constantin Parhon (1874- the thyroid gland in the formation of voice /3/. The
1969) Romanian stamps in 1974 and 1983. A list of famous French chemist, Louis Jacques Thenard
all philatelic items has been compiled by the author (1777-1857), evaporated diabetic urine and noted
and is available upon request. that the residual granules behaved like sugar when
treated with alcohol (Fig. 7). The Austrian pathol-
ogist and biochemist, Johann Florian Heller
CONTRIBUTIONS TO DIABETES MELLITUS (1813-1871) (Fig. 6), introduced the nitric acid ring
test for proteinuria and the caustic potash test for
Diabetes was already described in Nei Ching (in
the third millenium B.C.) in China. This work
The famous French physiologist, Claude
consists of books on diagnosis, prognosis, therapy
Bernard (1813-1878), described the glycogenic
and regimens including body functions /l/. In the
liver function, the action of pancreatic juice (1848),
2nd millenium in India (Ayurvedic medicine) a
and the presence of sugar in blood under fasting
condition like diabetes was described III. Charaka
conditions (Fig. 8). He is eponymically remembered
and Susruta later used the sweet taste of the urine in
by Bernard's puncture of the IVth ventricle, which
diagnosis and the disease was named Madhumeha
causes artificial diabetes with glycosuria /3/.
(Hindu = honey urine) /1,2/. In Asia Minor
Aretaeus of Cappadocia (130-200) described all The US physician, Stanley Rossiter Benedict
the symptoms of diabetes (Fig. 1) and also named it (1884-1936), introduced the Benedict solution test
dia-betes which means to pass through /2,3/. (with sodium or potassium citrate, N a ^ O j , potas-
sium sulfocyanate and copper sulfate) for urine
Ebubekir Ibn Zekeriya Razi (865-925) (Fig.
sugar (with increasing dextrose quantity the
2) was a great Muslim physician, who worked at
precipitate turns from blue to green, yellow and
Baghdad Hospital. The total medicine of his time is

VOLUME 10, NO. 4, 1997 371

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372 Τ. ΟΝΑΤ

red) (Fig. 40) /1,7/. This Belgian stamp also shows CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE
the spiral molecular structure of insulin. GENITALIA
Experimental studies, especially with pancreat-
Herodotus (490-420? B.C.) (Fig. 41) observed
ectomy, started at the turn of this century and shed
that continuous horse riding leads to impotence due
some light on the secretion of insulin. The first of
to pressure on the testes /3/.
them was by Oskar Minkowski (1858-1931), who
showed that the removal of the pancreas in the dog According to the famous Greek physician
causes diuresis /3/ and glycosuria (diabetes Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) (Fig. 14) the brain is a
mellitus), and that fat and proteins are not digested large secretory gland. The body is formed by the
161. He further demonstrated the presence of union of four elements (and attributes): earth (dry),
ß-oxybutyric acid and its relationship to diabetic air (cold), fire (hot) and water (wet). The Hippo-
coma 12/. He also reported on pituitary tumors in cratic system of humoral pathology consists of the
1890 (Fig. 9). Bernardo Alberto Houssay (1887- disharmony of four body fluids: blood, mucus,
1971) (Fig. 10) showed that blood sugar is elevated yellow and black gall. These are modified by
in pancreatectomized dogs, and that this is lowered external factors such as climate. Prognosis is very
after they were hypophysectomized. He thus important. His experiences are collected in 406
demonstrated the anti-insulin action of the pituitary "Aphorisms". He described diseases of the testes:
gland /4,6/. He showed also that there is increased their involvement in parotitis epidemica, the effects
insulin sensitivity in diabetes with Simmonds- of castration. He pointed to the relationship
Sheehan syndrome, leading to hypoglycemia and to between drinking water and goiter (hydro-theory)
brain anoxia /3/. and postulated that excessive watery urine of long
duration (diabetes!) has no cure /10/.
Nicolae Paulescu (1869-1931) (Fig. 11)
Aristoteles (384-322 B.C.) (Fig. 15) was one of
developed the best method of hypophysectomy and
the first to study reproduction and the effects of
epiphysectomy. He observed, 10 months before
castration in animals and human beings /3/.
Banting and Best (31.8.1921), that the injection of
Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694) (Fig. 16) used for
pancreatic juice to the dog causes hypoglycemia,
the first time the term "corpus luteum" β / . The
and he called this substance "pancrein" /8/. Ten
famous Italian pathologist, Giovanni Battista
months later, Frederick Grant Banting (1891-
Morgagni (1682-1771) (Fig. 43) described the
1941) from Toronto, Canada (Fig. 12) with his
following of interest to endocrinology: hypertrophy
student Charles Herbert Best (1899-1978) (Fig.
and carcinoma of the prostate; anatomy of the
13), proved the existence of a pancreatic internal
penis, urethra and hymen; a syndrome with obesity,
secretion (Isletin), which controls diabetes mellitus
virilismus and internal frontal hyperostosis; the
in pancreatectomized dogs /3,4,6/, for which
follicular structure of the thyroid gland containing
Banting and John James Richard Macleod
viscous colloid 111.
(1876-1935) (Fig. 36), but not Paulescu, were
awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1923 191. Niels Stensen (1638-1686) (Fig. 18), epoiym
ically remembered by the ductus parotideus (1660),
It was Eli Lilly's (1838-1898) US pharma-
coined the term ovarium. He first described the
ceutical firm (Fig. 37-39), which was founded in
anatomy and function of the lacrimal glands
1876 and continued after his death by his son,
(1664), the thyroid gland and the cricoid cartilage
where the insulin of MacLeod was purified (by J.B.
ß / . French naturalist Georges L.L. de Buffon
Collip and Clowes 161) and produced by the firm in
(1707-1788) (Fig. 19) was the first to consider the
6 months from 100,000 rabbits in 1922. The firm
corpus luteum as a gland /11/. He studied ejaculates
started producing human insulin and growth
taken from the vesicle of a newly dead body and
hormone after 1980.
from different animals. He described the flagellate
movement of spermatozoa that he called "oval
corpuscles" β / . He published a longitudinal growth
chart of De Montbeillard's son /12/ from birth to 18
years (1759-1777).


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374 Τ. ΟΝΑΤ


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376 Τ. ΟΝΑΤ

Lazarro Spallanzani (1729-1799) was one of Paracelsus (1493-1541) (Fig. 23) introduced
the first to see spermatozoa with the microscope biochemical urinalysis and the use of metals in
(Fig. 17). He studied regeneration and reproduction medicine (iatrochemistry). He had his own materia
and showed in frogs that spermatozoa from the medica. He described symptoms like diabetes: "the
male are necessary for fertilization of the female sweet-acid vast quantity of urine" /3/. He pointed
ova ß/. out the relationship of endemic goiter and the
Johannes Peter Müller (1801-1858) (Fig. 44), minerals in drinking water (hydrotelluric theory)
the famous German physiologist, described the /15/. He added to the four original substances of
fetal paramesonephric duct (Müllerian duct), which Hippocrates, color and stiffness (Sal), body
develops from plica urogenitalis into uterine tubes, (sulphurius) and force (mercurius).
and into the appendix testis and the utriculus Carl Adolf von Basedow (1799-1854) was
prostaticus in males. He explained the nature of honored postally by a cancellation for an inter-
hermaphroditism /3/. national thyroid symposium (Fig. 46). He described
Charles-Eduard Brown-Sequard (1817-1894) in 1840 a disease with exophthalmic toxic diffuse
(Fig. 20), known as a neurologist, postulated that goiter, tachycardia, profuse sweating, and fine
substances secreted into the blood from some muscular tremors 111, now known as to be due to
organs can affect other distant organs. He showed hyperthyroidism which increases basal metabol ism
that adrenalectomy in animals led to death /3/. At (Basedow's disease).
the age of 70, he was the first to experiment on Albrecht von Graefe (1828-1870), a German
himself by injecting s.c. extracts from dog and ophthalmologist (Fig. 24), described the Graefe
rabbit testicles /3,13/. He felt younger and had sign in hyperthyroidism, in which the eyelid cannot
erections. The effects must have been psycho- follow the upper eye movement while looking
logical, as this was shown later not to be effective down 15,11. The famous French neuro-psychiatrist,
even in lOOx larger quantities /14/. Jean-Matin Charcot (1825-1893) (Fig. 25),
Julius Tandler (1869-1936) (Fig. 21) studied described among many other signs and syndromes,
human embryology, the evolution and anatomy of that the electrical skin resistance in exophthalmic
the female genitalia, secondary sexual charact- goiter is decreased (Charcot's sign) 111.
eristics, topography of the uterus, and the anatomy Julius Von Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940) (Fig.
and clinical symptoms of prostate hypertrophy. 26) studied cretinism and treated it with thyroid
George Nicolas Papanicolaou (1883-1962) extracts and goiter with iodine /3/, and the Italian
studied cellular changes during the female cycle in physicist Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) (Fig. 27)
vaginal smears and correlated them with estrogen prepared radioiodine solutions /3/ for the treatment
levels 151. He devised the PAP test for cancer from of hyperthyroidism in 1934.
vaginal smears (Fig. 22). Theodor Emil Kocher (1841-1917) (Fig. 28)
Gregory Pincus (1903-1967) (Fig. 45) studied the physiopathology of the thyroid gland
discovered that excessive amounts of progesterone and performed over 5000 thyroidectomies, and also
prevent the process of ovulation ("ovulation removed pituitary glands (Nobel Prize, 1909) 151.
stopper"). It became the contraceptive pill 151. He Anton Von Eiselsberg (1860-1939) (Fig. 29)
wrote five volumes on "The Hormones" (1948- performed successful thyroidectomies and hypo-
1964) and "The Control of Fertility" (1965). physectomies / l l / . He showed in cats that
parathyroidectomy leads to tetany (1892).


The Italian anatomist, Bartholomeus
Eustachius (1510-1574), eponymically remem- Claudeus Galen (138-201) (Fig. 30) dissected
bered by the eustachian tube (Fig. 42), described the thyroid, epiphysis and hypophysis in animals.
the anatomy of the thyroid and adrenal glands /3,5/ He mentioned that the hypophysis filters the mucus
in "Opuscula anatomica" (Venice 1563). of the brain through the ethmoid holes to the naso-


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pharynx /3/. He postulated that, if the urine is like Philip Showalter Hench (1896-1965) (Fig. 48)
drinking water (unchanged drink), this is due to a was the rheumatologist who used cortisone and
weakness of the kidneys (hypostenuria) which ACTH in alleviation of rheumatoid arthritis. He
cannot hold back water 131. received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1950 with
Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) (Fig. 31) coined T. Reichstein for their discoveries concerning
the name "glandula pituitaria" for the hypophysis. hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structures and
He described the anatomy of the thyroid gland and biological effects 151.
mentioned the "corpus luteum" (1555) without
naming it thus /3/.
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) (Fig. 32) left
drawings of the hypophysis and circulation. Acc- 1. Athale DM. Diabetes through the eyes of philately.
ording to him, the blood heated in the heart goes to Scalpel & Tongs. Am J Med Philately 1995; 30: 41-46.
the hypophysis, the center of the soul, with afferent 2. Barach JA. History of the disease. In: Diabetes and its
and efferent nervous pathways /3/. Treatment. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1949; 3-11.
Albrecht Von Haller (1708-1777) (Fig. 34), 3. Vague J. Die Geschichte der Endokrinologie bis zum
Zweiten Weltkrieg. In: Toellner R, Illustrierte
among thousands of articles on anatomy, physiol-
Geschichte der Medizin, Vol 5. Salzburg: Andreas u.
ogy and botany, described the structure of the Andreas Verlag, 1986; 2679-2700.
anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland 4. Duncan GG. History of diabetes. In: Diabetes Mellitus.
β/. Principles and Treatment. Philadelphia and London:
William Harvey Cushing (1869-1939) (Fig. W.B. Saunders Co., 1951; 12-15.
35) is the famous US neurosurgeon who described 5. Roche Lexikon Medizin, 3rd Ed. München: Urban &
Schwarzenberg, 1993.
the anterior pituitary basophily with adipositas,
6. Frank E. Experimentelle Diabetesforschung. In:
moon face, hypertension, hypertrichosis, adynamia, Pathologie des Kohlehydratstoffwechsels. Basel:
impotence and polycythemia (Cushing's syndrome) Benno Schwabe & Co. Verlag, 1949; 13-38.
/16/. He devised a test for hypopituitarism based on 7. Dorland WAN. The American Illustrated Medical
the thermic reaction after s.c. injections of anterior Dictionary. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co.,
pituitary extracts of an ox. He performed pituitary 1946.
8. Marginean M. Nicolae Paulescu. Philatelia Medica
1994; 24/No. 94: 3.
Theodor Brügsch (1878-1963) (Fig. 33) 9. Schwartz A. Macleod John James Richard. Philatelia
described a syndrome of anterior hypophyseal Medica 1992; 22/No. 88; 12.
insufficiency due to inflammation or tumor, which 10. Löffler W. Begründung der wissenschaftlichen Medizin
manifests itself with brachytelephalangy, acro- durch Hippokrates. CIBA Symposium 1956: 194-204.
11. Newerla GJ. Medical History in Philately and
micry, thickening of the mid- and proximal
Numismatics. Pine Hill Press. Libr. of Congress Cat
phalanges, osteolysis, amenorrhoa and diabetes No. 79-169791. 1971; 179.
insipidus / 5/. 12. Tanner JM. A Historical Perspective in Human
Auxology. Auxology '94. Human Biol Budapest, 1994;
25: 9-22.
CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ADRENAL GLAND 13. Schwartz A. Brown-Sequard Charles-Eduard. Philatelia
Medica 1995; 25/No. 97; 15.
Thomas A. Addison (1793-1860) described the 14. De Kruif P. Das maennliche Hormon. Jugendliche
usually fatal disease with bronzelike pigmentation Spannkraft bis ins hohe Alter. Zürich: Orell Fussli
of the skin, low blood pressure, diarrhea, digestive Verlag, 1947; 54.
15. Breitner B. Das Kropfproblem bei Paracelsus und
disturbances, severe prostration, progressive anem-
heute. CIBA Symposium 1955; 128-132.
ia, secondary to the infiltration of the adrenal 16. Shampo MA, Kyle RA. Harvey William Cushing -
glands (1849) 151. His name appears on a US postal Pioneer neurosurgeon. Mayo Clin Proc 1993; 68: 68.
cancellation (Fig. 47). He also described with Gull,
xanthoma diabeticum in 1851 111.

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