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Practice Test 5 ¢ Reading Parti For each question, choose the correct answer, x ‘A. You must say ifyou want to study art before the end of Apri. Evening Art Classes Ifyou wish to do art classes ext month, go to Room 5 and tell Paul Davidson (the art ronan of gal teacher) by 20° April 1 Ihe at class wil beim Koom 55 You should give your art work to [Mr Davidson in Room 58. 2 Ruby should Saas A take Michael and Dave to the bus station after 9.00 this evening, Pease ask Dove to wait forme stiheiensaien, ebifateh Bask Dave to take the last bus, Statonin own, There are no tans ater 9 pin beon the lostbum, which leaves fom the staium 3t 3.30, € tell Dave to meet Michael at the bus station instead of the train station, which departs at 9.20. 3 Gerryis asking Paula to ‘A. check is pets when she returns Paula ‘on Monday Canyounatecuothecats have enough water? goss ie ‘re yon vom undersea 1& Duy, yellow bow! to use for the Abe back onMonday 12° cats water, Gey © giveis pets something to drink while he's away. 122 PRACTICE TESTS « READING + PART. ATTENTION CYCLISTS! Please step off your bicycles. Use the pedestrian crossing. Backpack containing wallet and photos found in shop. Call manager on (08081 570987. (Gctists must cross the road on foot Pedestrians should be careful of bicycles. (Cyclists should ride their bikes across the road, ‘The owner ofa lost wallet has lefctheir contact number in a shop. Someone's money and pictures ina backpack were lost in shop. “The shop manager has taken some pletures ofthe lost items PRACTICE TESTS © READING + PART1. 123 Practice Test 5 « Reading Part 2 For each question, choose the correct answer, ‘The people below all want to choose a fim to watch at the cinema, On the opposite page there are some film reviews. Decide which film would be the most suitable for the people below. 124 PRACTICE TESTS « READING + PART2 Joe is mostly interested in fms about true, historic events His favourites are about well-known people, especialy those whose lives were changed by their experiences, Sandra's favourite fims are usually love stores, but she doesn't mind if they have unhapay endings. The performances of the actors must be relly good though! Dimitri doesn’ like films that are complicated and particularly enjoys watching films about lf in the countryside, Hes also interested in fms that show the joys and diffculties of family ie Danielle watches alot of films but is especially keen on flms set Ir uve ast cenuury Ste usually iouses w wate acon fis and really enjoys a surprise ending, ‘Maria likes fms that make her think. In her opinion, the best ones are those which are filmed in a beautiful location. I's also important that the fim has an exiting story. FILM REVIEWS: A The Long Journey E Tree Of Life This is the story of two young ‘A beautiful documentary about people who set off on 2 road the diffculties of life for the trip. Filmed entirely in New inhabitants ofthe Brazilian Amazon Zealand, you'll see a lot of the Rainforest. I's a surprising film, ‘wild countryside. Plenty of made almost entirely of interviews drama to enjoy plus there's with local people, recorded as they a real message to this film toured North America to tell people ‘about the damage being done to their environment. B Stealing By Numbers F Down On The Farm Thisis aclassic adventure story ‘There are some exciting scenes from the past. Sie Harry Rifken isa where Winona Judd learns to world-famous diamond thief in the race horses on her parents’ farm, 19308 wno escapes from prison Dur the relationsiip between and, aftera series of dramatic ‘Winona and her strict father is adventures, begins a newlifein the central topic of this smmisnal America, Director Sally Hartman film, Although a lot of things has created film chat will keep you hhappen in this film, it's so well guessing until the final scene. written that the story is always easy to understand. © Joss To The Rescue G The Island Everyone loves Joss, the Saint This is a romantic film partly Bernard dog who rescues fiimed on a beautiful Pacific people lost in the mountains of island. What's special about Switzerland. It's loosely based this film is the quality of the ona truc story. The scene at the acting. The audience really sees end where two young people the couple's happiness when are rescued is sure to make they are together and feels the Jou sr sadness of the conclusion. D Aim For The Stars Hi Maximum Force This story is about the very fst people Ronnie Deane is the star oF tony 10 Te Moon. 19KS Ito Te Ug fim, so you know wha to lives of some ofthe people involved in expect - a lot of car chases, this important ever, narislaiy Piz? fightina and jumping out of planes. ‘Alain, the s200nd man to step onto This one’s about a criminal wha ‘the moon's surface Tis may be a true decides to become the best private story, but there's enough drama init to detective of the 21" century Fans ‘Keep mast people interested. The lst will [ove it! part ofthe fi is quite unexpected, PRACTICE TEST + READING Practice Test 5 « Reading Part 3 For each question, choose the correct answer. Buddy Jones, musician Pim a aeasion m jan, which means that poople hire me When they need a musician, rather than me working for at baad oF ont a pai uy uw Tes sil Hemportant to ane that 'm doing what! like and believe in, so I don’t accept all dhe work Tm offered. Cve beet doltg dls Job for guite some time and I'm happy to consider the offers and ‘men aectae, You need certain qualities to be a dood session musician. One such quality is that you have to be able to fit quickly into a team. It's no good if you go to the studio and have an argument with the trumpet player. It helps if you get along with people you've just met, as very often you play with musicians you've never seen before. Then of course there are particular musical skills you need. For example, you've got to lear parts, very quickly and be able to play a lot of different musical styles. And of course, despite all your talents, you are in the background, so you have to he prepared to let somebody else be admired. Another very important quality that you definitely need to have Is flexibility. Some bands may have rehearsals at specific times and you need to be there when they need you. Sometimes a band or a solo artist may call you for a recording at the last minute because a musician hasn't tured up, and it’s important that you can be there at short notice. = ve found there's plenty of variety in this work, Sometimes I'm acked to play guitar fora top band at a big live concert, Or I might go on a long tour with a famous singer. But my main \comie has always been from studio work. I might do one short section of a song, or I could be asked to join a band for a whole album. Most session musicians generally get paid the same amount. It's fairly good money, but of course if an album I work on sells @ million copies, the band make a huge amount of money, bbut nobody gives me a big cheque. 4125 PRACTICE TESTS + READING + PART3 411. What does Buddy say that a session musician does? ‘A. pays other musicians to work with him/her 8 makes money with his/her own band C_eams money performing alone works for diferent bands fora payment 112 According to Buddy, what makes a good session musician? ‘A. someone who's willing to spend a lot of time earning BB someone who can play many types of music someone who admires many famous musicians someone who's flexible about attending long rehearsals 13 What does Duddy sey about his job? ‘A. He doesnt like being away from home, B_ Hed lke to record his ovm album one day. He rarely gets to work with famous musicians. He gets to do a lot of different things. 414 What does Buddy say about his pay? A. He gets paid extra if an album does wel, B_ Most of it comes from making recordings. (C He usually ets a large cheque when he’ finished. 1D Different session musicians get different amounts of money, 415 What might Buddy say about his life as a musician? A ike my job because | get to do 2 lot of different things in music end Im nat worsied ebout being famous, ['mgood at my job because Vike entertaining people and ‘on utevisios Hove being @ musician becouse | get a chance to meet famous enjoy my job because | yet the chance to playa lot of people and earn a lot of money. instruments and try out different types of music. PRACTICE TEST © READING» PART3. 127 Practice Test 5 ¢ Reading OXFORD Part 4 Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Saved by dolphins ve always loved the sea, and I started surfing when I was five years old. I live near the beach In Californta, so 1 try to get out on the waves every day. 16____It was a warm, windy day with some good waves. I was resting on my board and watching a group of bottlenose dolphins playing in the surt a short distance away, when suddenly a great white shark appeared. It was huge, but it moved so fast that I didn't see it coming The shark tried to bite me, but it couldn’t get its teeth around me and the board. It tore a big ‘chunk out of che board, but 1 wasn’t hurt that time, Then the shark came at me aga Tre Tstayed calm eventhough I knew the next bite was probably seconds away. 18______ I looked up and saw the bottlenose dolphins swimming around me. They formed a circle around me and my surfboard, so the shark couldn't get near me. I was amazed. It was like something out of a film, knew a lot of stories about dolphins helping humans, but I never really belleved them until it happened to me, Dolphins are very intelligent and they knew what to do to help me stay safe. ‘They stayed elose to me until I managed to get hack an my board and catch a wave back to the shore, where I collapsed with relief. Someone who was at the beach called an ambulance, and I was taken to hospital 19___T won't give up my favourite activity. 'm not angry with the shark. 20_____Il always be grateful to the dolphins. They saved my life. ‘A Ivestayee out of the sea ever since B Butthe nest bite never came. © Sixweeks later | as back on my surfboard. Two months ago, went surfing alone ve ataysoved aoipins. F know was in bis home, and he was protecting it. G knew that would survive the attack This time itbit my eg and pulled me off my surfboard. 128 PRACTICE TESTS » READING + PART 4 Practice Test 5 © Reading Part 5 For each question, choose the correct answer. Healthy snacks on the run In today’s busy lives we often have little time for healthy eating, so we do the easy thing, and eat snacks like crisps or sweets instead. 21__, It’s possible to eat quickly and Iucalhily. All you 22 ty du is fulluw a few simple 1ules. First ofall, read what it 23____ on the packet before you buy a snack. This is important because people often think that they Te buying, healthy snacks, but sugar may be the 24___ ingredient. Ly 10 look tor healthier options ~ instead of eating ice cream, try frozen fruit juices and, ‘most importantly, eat at 25____ times of the day. Lea when your body needs food so 26 you don't suddenly feel the need to eat a lat of unhealthy snack food 21-A Ago 8 Alike However Whenever 22 A can B must € need D shows 23: puts B says C tals D writes 24 A big B great © large D main 25 A common 8 equal even D regular 26 A that B what © when D which PRACTICE TEST'S « READING » PARTS. 129 Practice Test 5 ¢ Reading Part6 For each question, write the correct answer, Write one word for each gap. [ Tfyou ever visit the USA, duu't mis he Chance tw visit dhe Smalcsontan Institute. I's made up of 17 museums and galleries and the National Zoo in ‘Washington D.C., as 27______ as two museums in New York City. The Smithsonian museums feature exhibits related 28, art, design, technology, history and culture, and contain about 154 million objects. You can leam 29__ everything from the origins of man at the Natural History Museum to the future of space travel at the Air and Space Museum, Ifyou spent one minute at each exhibit, it would take 30. ‘than 1258 years to see them all Best of 31__, its free to enter all the Smithsontan museums and galleries, so you can Jeam about anything in the world 32 paying a penny! 130 PRACTICE TESTS » READING = PARTS. Practice Test 5 ¢ Writing Parti You must answer this question Write your answer in about 100 words. Question 1 Read this email from your English-speaking friend Peter and the notes youhave made. From: Peter Subject: Hobbies ¥, eet How are you" Has anytning exciting nappened since you last emaiied me? I've moved to a new house, [fm thinking of taking up a new hobby, but I'm not ‘sure what | want to do. Have you got any ideas? What hobbies have you got? ae siiesiout My hobbies are... Have you got any plans for the weekend? I'm ‘going o visit my grandparents. They Ive near te Tell Peter beach, so I'm going to go swimming in the seal ‘Write soon! Peter \Weite your amail ta Peter using all the nates PRACTICETESTS » WRITING » PART. 131 Practice Test 5 ¢ Writing Part2 Choose one of these questions. \Write your answer in about 100 words. Question2 You see this notice in an English-language magazine. We need your articles! SPORTS ‘What kind of sports do you enjoy? How often do you take ‘part in sports? Do you prefer watching sports or playing sports? Why? Write an article anaworing thozo questions and wo will put it onour website! Write your article. Question 3 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence: Sally was pleased because at last the special day had arrived, Write your story. 122 PRACTICE TESTS + WRITING + PART 2 Practice Test 5 ¢ Listening Part 1 (QED For each question choose the corect answer 1 What date does the womans holiday begin? 4 menamircammvnotae 4 e. es , ; 4 How do you get to the bookshop? eee aan c PRACTICE TESTS + LISTENING + PART. 133 5 Howmany people ive next door? 2 14 PRACTICE TEST 5 « LISTENING + PART Practice Test 5 ¢ Listening Part2 (IEEE For each question choose the correct answer 8 Youwill hear two friends talking about football training ‘The boy feels that A hekas fit as the others. B heb let everyone down. € hellimprove overtime. ‘9. Youwill hear two friends talking about traveling to and from school ‘What does the boy say? A. He goes to school by car. B_ He usually cycles to school © He comes home from school on the bus. 10 You willhear two people talking abouta recipe. What does the boy decide is wrong with it? A There’ an ingredient missing, B The quantities of ingredients are incorrect. He has added the ingredients in the wrong order. 14 You will hear two people talking about a gym. The woman says that A thereisnt enough equipment. B the lockers are always fll € itsabit dirty, PRACTICE TEST + LISTENING + z a 5 g a 12 You willhear a gir telling a Fiend about her new hobby. What does the gir say about it? A Allof her photographs are for sal Her parents sent her ona photography course. She: trying lfferent styles now. 413 You will hear two friends talking about a TV show, Wat does the man say aboutit? |A. The series ic too ong. The story was disappointing, The ending made him want to watch the next episode. 138. PRACTICE TESTS + LISTENING + PART 2 Practice Test 5 ¢ Listening Part3 (DEB For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words (or anumber or a date or a time, You will hear a recorded message giving information about a museum. DORSET CHOCOLATE MUSEUM Displays Fehinitian showing the 44 af chocolate production See how chocolates and 25___ are made Opening times 12.00 midday ~ 6,00 p.m, July and August 12.00 midday ~ 8.00 p.m. Not open in 16 - Prices ‘Adults: ten pounds ‘Students: 17___ pounds Group visits Discounts available for groups of at least 18__visitors Free 19__of chocolates § 3501 89139e1g PRACTICE TESTS « LISTENING + PART 3.137 Pri Practice Test 5 © Listening Part4 (QIEEG For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear a chef talking about his career. 20 When Paul left school, ‘A he got ajob asa chef ina hotel he opened a shop, hed several different jobs. 24. aurs nrst restaurant joo was A boring but well paid, B difficult butinteresting, enjoyable but dangerous. 22 When did Paul begin his working day? A attwo otlock B in the early morning © at 12.00 midday 23 Part of Pauls currentjob as head chef involves. [A deciding who works in the kitchen. Bordering the food for the restaurant. cooking the faod every night. 24 Paul says that to bea good chef you must Awash alot of floors. B work well with others © cook things very fast. 25 What does Paul say about cooking in «top restaurant? A You need to use high quality ingredients. The euctomere think they'ee alaaye right You have to serve complicated meals. 58 PRACTICETESTS + LISTENING + PART 4

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