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Nombre: Maldonado Solano Lito

1. Prepare answers for these questions in your notebook.

• What day is special to you?

The day that is special to me is my birthday.

• What do you do? Who do you spend it with?

On my birthday, I like to do something special, like going out to dinner with close friends or family, or
perhaps doing a fun activity. I also usually receive well wishes from friends and family through calls,
messages, or social media.

• What do you wear?

On my birthday, I like to dress comfortably, with clothes that make me feel good and are appropriate for
the occasion.

• Do you have fireworks? Decorations? Presents?

I usually don't have fireworks or special decorations on my birthday, but sometimes I receive gifts from
friends and family, which is always a nice gesture.

2.- MY WORLD In pairs, discuss the questions about your country.

1. When do you have special days?

What do you do?

We celebrate many special days throughout the year, such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and
important occasions. We usually celebrate these days with family and friends, sharing special meals and
spending time together.

2. Do you watch fireworks?

I so, when?

Yes, definitely! Fireworks are an important part of our New Year's celebration. We watch them just after
the midnight countdown, and stay up late to enjoy the light show.
3. Do you wear costumes?

If so, when?

We don't usually wear costumes for New Year's celebration, but in some cultures or regions, it may be a
tradition. If so, we would usually wear them during street festivities or private celebrations.

4. Do you give presents?

If so, when?

In our culture, we don't usually give gifts on New Year's, but in some cultures or families, it may be a
tradition. If so, gifts are usually exchanged just after the midnight countdown or during the celebrations
of the first day of the new year.

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