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Does God Exist?

So if you are a person who does not believe in God, I have a few questions for you and my take on them. I pray you
enjoy the read and it gives you something to think about. I have met some amazing people and love seeing people
with compassion, respect and love for each other and due to blatant lies and a very crafty deception they have not had
a relationship with God. Sadly, good people do not go to heaven. I wish I could change the rules but it’s very clear
only those who accept Christ as their saviour and live the way the Bible teaches us will enter heaven. Let’s be honest,
this world has really gone pear shaped but we have been warned and it is all in the Bible if you take the time to read it.

So, let’s get to the nuts and bolts of this document.

• So, if God does not exist where do we come from?

One theory is evolution. Ok so we evolved from monkey, then tell me why are there still monkeys and why do we not
have people in various stages of change from monkeys to modern man?

Then if we evolved from monkeys where did whales evolve from or a squirrel, ostrich, snake and the list can go on.

If we evolved then please explain the complex nature of the soil (and if you don’t know this please do yourself a
favour and read up on it, it’s mind-blowing) how did it evolve and from what?

On top of that the ability for plants, animals or humans to reproduce let alone the whole complex and amazing eco
system, was that really just by chance.

Oh and one last thing before we leave this really silly idea of evolving from monkeys, who made the monkeys and
their environment they lived in?

Then another thought is we came from a big bang. So, the universe explodes, and this explosion creates thousands of
stars and a whole lot of worlds.

Ok, I can see how this could be believable, we have a solar system with lots of little worlds and thousands of stars.
Just one problem with this theory, why are the all the planets round, what are the chances of having just one round ball
from an explosion let alone so many?

The last time I saw an explosion there were big and small pieces of rubble with rugged edges and nothing was round,
unless you know something I don’t. Explosions destroy, not build, so how would an explosion create people, animals
or a world with an ozone layer that creates a perfect environment for life to thrive? Then if it did that on this world,
why did it not happen on other planets?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by an atomic explosion, so imagine the destruction of an explosion in space
and the size of it to create “The big bang”. There is no way a body would survive that or be created by it. Then again
just a simple question, who would have created this space that was supposed to have exploded?

Then I’ve heard of a third possibility, we came from an amoeba. This is a unicellular organism that has the ability to
change shape. They are found in water and can infect a human causing an infection in the brain.

So, something that evolved into man is harmful to man and something that belongs in the algae, fungi or protozoa
groups created us and our amazing world! Oh, and yes it lives in water, water needs a world with a atmosphere to guys really lets toss this one out the window.

• Then ever thought of where languages come from?

So, if we evolved and came from one of the above, I hope we can all agree we were rather basic to start with. So, apes
or monkeys would talk in OOO or AAAH and high-pitched shrieks and some strange sounds, moebers do not make a
sound or not that we can hear and guys that came out of explosions, let’s not even go down that road of explosion
creating people. So then where did languages so complex like Latin, Chinese, Arabi, Japanese, Korean to name a few
come from and English is not an easy one either.
• Why are there different races?

This one might be the easiest to slip into evolution. Ok we live in different areas of the world; Northern people were
paler because of the cold and those in Africa were darker because of the sun. Ok, so if that’s the case why are people
from the east and west not the same? Let’s simplify it, if you take a lateral line, the one running parallel to the equator
we should all look the same on those lines.... Sorry guys we don’t we are all so different, so please explain.

• Then do you believe in the devil or spirits, if yes why don’t you believe in God?

The Bible told you he existed, and he would deceive you. If you go to fortune tellers or read horoscopes or believe in
throwing salt over your shoulder or if you break a mirror, you get 7 years bad luck. All that superstition and
horoscopes is dabbling in the supernatural and believe me there are demons out there that are waiting for you to open
a door and invite them in so they can destroy you but there is a God they fear and who is waiting to back you up and
protect you.

• This is my pet hate... the world is 10 million years old or whatever they decide on the day.

I’ve just googled it and the world is “Estimated to be 4.5 billion years old.” That’s a lot of years if you lived to a 100
just think of what you could achieve 4.5 billion years.

Dating or determining the age of things is done with carbon dating and is supposed to be quite accurate. A little secret,
carbon dating was discovered in 1946 by Willard Libby and works on carbon -14 which is an unstable cell and
degrades over time (so how did they do it before?). It apparently takes 5730 years for the carbon-14 to degrade by
50% so that means 11460 years there is nothing left to measure... just a thought. Or if I have it wrong and every 5730
years it degrades by 50% then let’s do the maths.

0 years 100%
5730 years 50%
11460 years 25%

Then let’s speed up the clock

108870 years 0.000381469726563
120330 years 9.5367431640625 – 05

The above number for those who are a bit lost now is now in the negatives and can we measure this???? And I am
only on the year one hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and thirty. Then recent remains can’t be dated
because they can’t really measure them. Sounds very wishy washy to me.

I’ve taken a few very basic thoughts that I pray will get you to question more and investigate. Life is short and when
you die which could be today, it’s too late to say “Sorry I made a bad decision” I now see God does exist.

There is a big movement which again we were warned about to deter people from getting to know God. The Bible
says in the end times there will be a big turning away from God, please don’t be one of those, I want to meet with you
one day in heaven.

Grab a Bible and look up some references or do it online. I’ve given you a kick start to finding answer to the questions
above and to fill in some gaps. Hopefully this will get you on a quest to find the truth.

1. How was the world created. Geneses 1. Read the whole chapter and
that will give you a overall picture.

2. Who created us. Genesis 1:27. To the point.

3. Why were we created. Leviticus 26:12. God created us to

interact with him. Genesis 3:8 talks of
God walking amongst man, sadly we
sinned and those changed things.

4. Why different languages and races. Genesis 11:1-8.

5. How did man learn skills. Exodus 35:31-35.

6. Where are dinosaurs in the Bible. Job 40:15 – 18.

7. Dragons in the Bible . Job 41. Read the whole chapter, its very

8. Giants in the Bible. Genesis 6:1-4.

9. Warning of the end times 2 Timothy 3:1-5 is one of many.

The few Bible references I have given to you does not give the vast amount of information in The Bible justice, and
was intended to highlight things and hopefully inspire you to read more and make up your own mind about this
amazing book and amazing God. If you decide to walk a Christian walk, God will help you understand it and will
speak to you through scripture.

Sights you can go see today that were written about in the Bible 2000 to 3500 years ago.

• The red sea crossing with Egyptian soldiers remains under the water.
• Mount of Olives
• Southern Temple steps where Jesus walked.
• Golgotha
• Mount Sodom

And there are so many more incredible sites to go visit and to get to understand the ways of those days.

One last thought, why would a good guy lie and write the Bible if it was not true?

If not, then why would a bad guy write a book to make bad people good in so doing condemn his actions?

God gave you a free will to choose what you want to be and to do. Hopefully it’s to get out the material, perverted
and corrupt world we live in and to seek Him. I promise you, if you do chose this road and walk with Christ and give
it everything, you will be blown away, it won’t be the easiest thing you’ll do but definitely the most amazing thing

My challenge to you. If you are on the fence, give a Christian walk a try for a year but give it everything you have got
and by the end of those 12 months if you have not seen Gods hand in your life go back to your worldly ways. I will
lay my head on the block; you won’t return to your old life.

I’m available if you need help or more information, please contact me on the following address


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