Approval Memo Incentive BAF Care - 2020

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Approval Memo


Date : November 05, 2019
From : Operation Support Division
Subject : Approval for New Budget and Scheme Incentive Customer Care Agent
and Team Leader 2020

I. The Points to be approved

1. To approve new budget and scheme incentive for Customer Care Agent (under OC or
Under BAF).

II. Background/ Purpose

1. To increase productivity of Customer Care Agent.
2. To give reward for Customer Care Agent who increase performance consistenly.

III. Detail Proposal

A. Budget and Schedule Incentive January – December 2020 – Customer Care

Agent :

Incentive/ MP Customer
Month Budget/ Month
Agent Care Agent
Jan-20 Rp420.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Feb-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Mar-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Apr-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
May-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Jun-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Jul-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Aug-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Sep-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Oct-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Nov-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Dec-20 Rp450.000 5 Rp2.250.000
Total Budget 2020 Rp27.000.000

B. Budget and Schedule Incentive January – December 2020 – Customer Care Team
Incentive Budget/
Month Customer
TL Month
Care TL
Jan-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Feb-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Mar-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Apr-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
May-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Jun-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Jul-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Aug-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Sep-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Oct-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Nov-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Dec-20 Rp675.000 1 Rp675.000
Total Budget 2020 Rp8.100.000

C. Scheme Incentive for Customer Care Agent

Customer Care Agent Scheme:

1. Agent Inbound Call.

Incentive Formula: Quantity x Quality x Online Quiz

1.1 Quantity componens are:

a. Rank input ticket, sourced Inbound Calls:

Ticket Incentive
600 Rp.125.000
500 Rp.100.000
≤499 -
1. Rank will calculate sort from highest incoming handling by agent in 1
month period.
2. Incoming source is inbound call.

b. FCR (First Call Resolution) is percentage from total customer handled in

the first contact.

FCR Incentive
100% Rp. 200,000
96%-99.99% Rp.175,000
93%-95,99% Rp.150,000
90%-92,99% Rp.125,000
86%-89,99% Rp.100,000
<86% 0
1. FCR will calculated by Analyst team based on the FCR parameters (Total
Call Not Escalate/Total Answer Call).
2. FCR calculated by data Average FCR in 1 month period

c. Additional input ticket (other sources such as email, sms).

Ticket Incentive
≥500 Rp.50.000
≤499 Rp.25.000

1.2 Quality componens are:

a. Quality Management (QM) is quality score in 1 month period. Average

score of agent per month.
QM Score Multiplier
99%-100% 1,2
96%-98.99% 1
93%-95,99% 0,8
< 93.00% 0,3

b. Absence is deduction for any absence without leave permited in 1 month

Awol Multiplier
No Awol 1,0
1 0,8
>1 0,3
c. Disciplinary Action is deduction for any discipline letters.
Discipline Deduct
Reprimand 1
Missprocedure 1 0,8
Missprocedure 2 0,6
Missprocedure 3 0,4
Warning Letter 1 0,2
Warning Letter 2 0,1
Warning Letter 3 0
1.3 Online Quiz is online test to
ensure Agent’s capability about product knowledges, guidelines and any issued
updated info.
Score Multiplier
90-100 1
80-89 0,8
70-79 0,5
<70 0
2. Agent Correspondence
Incentive Formula: Quantity x Quality x Online Quiz

2.1 Quantity componens are:

a. Total ticket is how many email, sms, live chat that replies by Agent.

Ticket Incentive
1000 Rp.125.000
900 Rp.100.000
≤899 -

1. Ticket is created by agent after they do correspondence during 1 month
2. Correspondece sources are email, sms, live chat, website.

b. First Coresspondance Resolution (FCR) is percentage of total

correspondence directly replied by Agent.

FCR Incentive
100% Rp. 200,000
96%-99.99% Rp.175,000
93%-95,99% Rp.150,000
90%-92,99% Rp.125,000
86%-89,99% Rp.100,000
<86% 0

1. FCR will calculate by Analyst team based on the FCR parameters (Total
Correspondence Not Escalate/Total Incoming Correspondece ).
2. FCR calculated by data Average FCR in 1 month period

c. Additional input ticket is from backup inbound during queue calls.

Ticket Incentive
≥200 Rp.50.000
≤199 Rp.25.000

2.2 Quality componens are:

a. Quality Management (QM) is quality score in 1 month period.

Avarege score of agent per month.

QM Score Multiplier
99%-100% 1,2
96%-98.99% 1,0
93%-95,99% 0,8
< 93.00% 0,3

b. Absence is deduction for any absence without leave permited in 1 month


Awol Multiplier
No Awol 1,0
1 0,8
>1 0,3

c. Disciplinary Action is deduction for any discipline letters.

Discipline Deduct
Reprimand 1
Missprocedure 1 0,8
Missprocedure 2 0,6
Missprocedure 3 0,4
Warning Letter 1 0,2
Warning Letter 2 0,1
Warning Letter 3 0

2.3 Online Quiz is online test to ensure Agent’s capability about product knowledges,
guidelines and any issued updated info.

Score Multiplier
90-100 1
80-89 0,8
70-79 0,5
<70 0

D. Scheme Incentiive for Customer Care Team Leader

Incentive calculation formula: Avg.FCR x Avg.QM x DA x AB x Rp. 675.000,-

Team leader will have incentive following this scheme:

a. Average First Contact/ Correspondence Resolution (AVG FCR) is average

customer care agent achievement team percentage from total customer handled in the
first contact/correspondece.

FCR Incentive
100% 1,0
96%-99.99% 0,8
93%-95,99% 0,6
90%-92,99% 0,4
86%-89,99% 0,2
<86% 0

b. Average Quality Management (AVG QM) is average customer care agent

achievement team percentage quality score in 1 month period.

QM Score Multiplier
99%-100% 1,2
96%-98.99% 1,0
93%-95,99% 0,8
< 93.00% 0,3

c. Disciplinary Action (DA) is deduction for any discipline letters.

Discipline Multiplier
Reprimand 1,0
Missprocedure 1 0,8
Missprocedure 2 0,6
Missprocedure 3 0,4
Warning Letter 1 0,2
Warning Letter 2 0,1
Warning Letter 3 0

d. Absence

Awol Multiplier
No Awol 1,0
1 0,8
>1 0,3

E. Submission & Reporting Schemes:

1. Incentive reduction is applied according to the period of punishment that Agent’s or
Team Leader’s received.
2. Actual incentive every month propose by Dept. Head/PIC and approval by Division
Head & Director incharge used form Approval.
3. After approval, Dept. Head/PIC send data to HR by email . after review by HR send
data to Accounting for disbursment before 15.
Note: email must be cc to Dept. Head/Div.Head
4. Payment from Accounting direct to employee’s account salary same time with salary
5. Dept.Head every month send summary plan budget & actual incentive to OPSZZ,

2. Enforcement
This program will be implemented on 2020.

Your approval on “Form for Comments & Approval” is much appreciated.

Thank You.

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