Gerry Copeman Nov 12th 2023 Rev5 PDF

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Announcements Sharon Christie

All Peoples
Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church!
If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book.
United Church
Nov 12th, 2023,
Nov 18, 2023 Collecting Donations for our upcoming Sudbury, Ontario
Second yard sale coming up on Saturday.

Dec 2nd Christmas Bazaar Welcome Gerry

Collecting donation items for penny table & Bake table. Copeman
Also items for our food basket Raffle
The 24th Sunday
after Pentecost

We are collecting donations for

Sleeping Children Around the World. See nancy
Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty!
Bed kits $35 or any amount is appreciated. Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Collecting donations for Shoe Boxes for homeless Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty
God in three persons blessed Trinity!
Sudbury Secondary School - The Value Vault
The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS) O’ CANADA –
students who need food, clothing,
small household items, living supplies. Etc.…

Our Prayer List

All the wars, Nancy McDonald,
Gil Davies, Phil Christie Call to worship. (Responsive)
E-mail “” We have gathered together to seek wisdom and understanding.
We seek inspiration, and insight.
Facebook @allpeoplesunited We open ourselves to the presence of God's Spirit
We celebrate the changing seasons, reminding us of the transitions in our lives,
Upcoming and we ask God's help in our learning and in our growing.
Nov 19th - David Chuipka Join us for coffee, Tea and
Conversation following Opening Hymn VU 580 Faith of our fathers
Nov 26th – Gerry Copeman
the Service.
Dec 3rd - David Chuipka
facing east Glory be to the father and to the son, and to the Holy Spirit…
From the East, the direction of the rising sun,
we receive peace and light and wisdom and knowledge.
We are grateful for these gifts, O God. Sermon Wisdom Seekers
facing south
Hymn VU 679 Let there be light
From the South, comes warmth, guidance,
and the beginning and end of life. Invitation to Offering:
We are grateful for these gifts, O God.
facing west Offering Song (Sung by all)
From the West comes the rain, Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God.
purifying waters, to sustain all living things. Thanks for the food we eat,
We are grateful for these gifts, O God.
And for the friends we meet.
facing north
From the North comes the cold and mighty wind, For each new day we greet
the white snows, giving us strength and endurance. Thanks Be to God!
We are grateful for these gifts, O God.
facing upward OFFERING PRAYER (Unison):
From the heavens we receive darkness and light, Ever-present God,
the air of your breath, with this offering we present ourselves:
and messages from your winged creatures. all that we have been,
We are grateful for these gifts, O God. and all that we shall become,
facing downward and our resolve to walk in your way.
From the earth we come and to the earth we will return. Accept us and our offering, we pray. Amen.
We are grateful for your creation, Mother Earth, O God.
May we walk good paths, O God, Prayer’s of the people and the Lords Prayer
living on the earth as brothers and sisters should,
rejoicing in one another's blessing, Closing hymn VU 684 Make me a channel of your peace
sympathizing in one another's sorrows,
and together with you, renewing the face of the earth. COMMISSIONING
May the God who dances in creation,
Welcome and Announcements who embraces us with human love,
who shakes our lives like thunder,
Minute for Mission
bless us and drive us out with power,
Scripture readings to seek wisdom and understanding. Amen
Wisdom 6:12-16
Psalm 78 Part One (Page 792 VU) BENEDICTION (Sung by all)
Matthew 25:1-13 May God’s sheltering wings,
Her gathering wings protect you
Readings Response: May God’s nurturing arms,
All: This is the word of the Lord. His cradling arms sustain you.
Thanks be to God. And hold you in her love, and hold you in his love.

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