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Mobility The Netherlands – Monday 13th March 2023

Activity 1 – Introduction


- Getting to know each other and the different cultures.

- Speaking English amongst each other to communicate and work together.
- Incorporating the different cultures into decorating a part of a wooden globe and wooden
figures to make European citizens.
- Working together to make one end product per group. Every group has children from the
different countries: Latvia, Spain, Italy, Slovenia and The Netherlands.


- After the general introduction of the countries and the teachers, we split the children into
different groups. In every group are children from different countries. We explain the activity
and emphasize that it is important they work together on one wooden part of a globe. They
need to discuss their own cultures by for example the colour of their flags, what their country
is famous for and what colour they think represents their country and why.
They then need to incorporate all these colours on the wooden part of the globe to make an
endproduct that represents all the cultures of the group.
Once they have decided how they want to colour their part of the globe, they will get paint
and work together to colour it.
- The teachers will walk around the room and help them.


- After everyone has finished we discuss the endproducts and each group will explain the
colours they used and why they chose these colours to represent the different cultures and
countries of the group.
Mobility The Netherlands – Thursday 16th March 2023

Activity 2 – Making Powerpoint presentations about The Netherlands and the difference in cultures.


- Making a PowerPoint presentation about what the children have learned during their stay in
The Netherlands.
- Working together in groups with children from different countries.
- Speaking English to communicate and work together.
- The children can show their new knowledge of The Netherlands and can compare this to
their own culture. What are the differences and similarities? What did they learn during this

The presentations must meet the following requirements:

- Feature the photographs they took themselves during the tours.

- Information in their own words about Rotterdam and Kinderdijk.
- Comparisons to their own culture.
- Differences and similarities between the cultures.
- What they have learned this week.
- What they like best about The Netherlands.

The PowerPoint must meet the following technical requirements:

- Uploading their own photo’s in the presentation.

- Using different styles of slides.
- Typing information in their own words.
- Using different transitions between slides.
- Different backgrounds.
- Clear and visible text.


The children form groups of different nationalities to make a PowerPoint presentation together. They
have to discuss which information they have learned the past week and put this into their own words.
They have to choose the most important parts and put this into a PowerPoint presentation that
meets the requirements. They also have to choose which photos and video’s they want to add and
upload them into the PowerPoint.
They will also prepare and practice the presentation and divide the tasks.

The teachers walk around the room and help where necessary.


On the last day the groups will each give their presentations.

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