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.hack//g.u. vol.

2//reminisce: faq/walkthrough by azurekay

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.hack// g.u.
vol. 2 // reminisce

"do you not wish to finially know the truth?"

---in-depth step-by-step walk through / faq

---(!!!!!)---this guide has been written by azurekay and only by

azurekay. (unless other wise stated)
you may not copy or reproduce it under any circumstances except for
private use. it may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
publicly without advance written permission. use of the guide on any
other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright. this guide was written for only and
is not
for use on other web sites. any requests to use this guide for anyhting
other then personal use will likely be denied. thank you.

this guide may contain mild language but
no worse then what you'll hear in the game.

-------(!!!) -------------------

*note*-for personal use on a computer i suggest using the 'select all'

and then copy and paste this on a blank word pad document. this program
is the
most basic word processor document and comes standard on all windows

-----table of contents----

i) intro. to guide

ii) g.u. series

((area words marked with (q) are quest shop related areas))

b) vol. 2- reminisce

-- seeds of chaos --
1)setting,eterinty's,night moon
-- the path --
6)hidden,forbidden ,holy ground
7)airy,engine's, waltz (q)
8)severe, unclean, gray dance
9)standing, calming, western (q)
10)tourtament: round one
-- power of friends --
11)burning, fallen, seven sins(q)
12)pursuing, expert's biker (q)
13)excusing, illusion's route
14) clever, genius's moon raven
15)tourtament:round two
16)troubled, her, antitheses
17)wonderful, opaque, vin beast(q)
18)tourtament: semi-final
19)lingering, aching, love
20)secret, mind's, surpassed
-- lost --
21)hidden, forbidden, battlefield
22) ephemeral, time's, memoir
23)submissive, tragedy's, 1000 oaks
24)growing, evening's mind trip
25)tourtament: finial round
26)hidden, forbiden, in heat
27) aesthetic, hardship's, aster
28)tourtament: title match
-- finding truth --
29)bequeathed, insatiable, mysteries
30)hidden, forbidden, sacrament
31)isle of kings, hy brasail
32)discerning, neighboring, vampire
33)hidden, forbidden, inheat
34)thinking, innocent, life
35)hidden, forbidden, battlefield
36)misjudge, precept's, symphony
37)hidden, forbidden, battlefield
38)hidden, forbidden, holyground

-- end of vol. 2 / post game --

- 1)normal quests
- 2)bike missions
- 3)quest champaigns
a)highway master
b)stray mecha grunty
c)lucky data collection
d)chim's kicker
e)bikman model
f)chase the bounty
- 4)hidden quest
- 5)doppleganger
- 6)books of 1000
a)lucky animals
f)key item

-- end of the game statistics --

- 1)desktop
- 2)books of 1000 stats
- 3)party members
- 4)list of known tri-edge signs

-- frequently asked questions --

- 1)questions for all 3 games
- 2)questions for vol 1
- 3)questions for vol 2
- 4)questions for vol 3
iii) credits

*note- if you're looking for a specific place in the guide follow these
instructions to find it quickly:
1) select the item you're looking for from the above table of
contents,and copy it.

2) press and hold ctrl (then) f to open a small search window.

paste the title of what you're looking for in the shearch box.

3) click on 'find next' until you see what you're looking for.


----------------------------i) introduction to
welcome back everyone. glad to see you found your way to my next guide
in the
g.u. series. i'm very sorry that it's taken me this long to write the
guide. a lot has been happening this summer and with the completion of
my last
guide i wasn't entirely sure i wanted to attempt a second one. yet here
i am
going at it yet again. also, i wanted to thank you all for sending me
saying you liked the guide for rebirth. i only hope to be able to
deliver a
guide just as good if not better. also i wanted to say that i know now
sure that i like .hack// gu better the finial fantasy xii. but before
you go
to tear my head off here is my reason: ff xii had better graphics and
areas to explore. the game is to be commended on the fact they made it
so huge
and yet i always found myself marveling over how beautiful the game
still: .hack//gu beats ff xii in terms of plot line. end of

so anyway, after playing vol 2 in the gu series i have to say that it

not disappoint. it has a different feel to it then rebirth but i can't
say that one game was any better then the other. they both had strong

well anyway, enough of me going on like a babbling fool; onto the guide.

i'd like to re-cap quickly with what was said in the last guide and also
to add some new information to this guide so please read:

these are the major forms of media in the .hack// series:

going in chronological order-

.hack//sign (tv series),

.hack//infection, mutation, outbreak, and quarantine (games)
.hack//legend of the twilight (tv)
.hack//roots (tv)
.hack// g.u. vol: 1 (rebirth),2 (reminisce),and 3 (redemption)

(.hack// vol. 3 redemption is scheduled for release in the fall of 07

for the us)

also note that there are bonus disks that come with each of the four
games and one bonus disk (the terminal disk) that comes with the
edition of .hack//g.u.- vol. 1-rebirth. also on the normal game disk
vol. 2-reminisce there is included the first episode of .hack//roots,
can be watched through the game's desktop under the movie player.
moving along:

this guide will take you step-by-step through vol. 2 reminisce. i will
include the story events, optional quests, hidden quest, books of 1000,
leveling up, boss fights, back ground information, and of course other
odds and ends.

just like in the last guide this walkthrough does contain spoilers, but
like in the last guide i will mark them before hand and have you play
you will notice that my standard line is: "watch the scenes, and then
back and read more." this allows you to play through the game and still
all the surprises the story has to offer without spoiling it for
so don't read ahead!!!!

next on the list is that i finally know how converting data works. but
more on that in a moment. for now lets get started with this game.

-------------------------------- ii) g.u. series

.hack// g.u.

--------------------b) vol. 2- reminisce --------------------------

--- game info.

game length: moderate
average game time: 30 hours (25-40 hours)
difficulty: medium

----over view---
--gameplay: 9/10- nothing's perfect but i really enjoyed the combat in
volume. it felt like you were almost playing a different game instead
of the
same game with a continued story line.
--music: 10/10- it fits perfectly, and i mean perfectly.
--graphics: 9/10 - granted it can't compare to some
final fantasy cg movies, but it's the next best thing.
--voice acting: 9/10 - only on rare occasions did i
think it might have been better, but even then not by much.
--replay value: 9/10- replay value is pretty good once you beat
the second game; there is a good amount to do.
--story line: 10/10- really this one is an odd ball of the whole
series. for some reason it had a very 'different' feel to the story. it
wasn't bad, just different. but still very enjoyable.

overall rating: 9/10 - i personally think it ties place with vol. 1

in the overall ranking of how good the game is. both have strengths
and weaknesses but still: great game play, amazing music, great
graphics, and a story worthy to be called .hack// .

--- getting started-

alright. first things first.

-------people converting from vol. 1 rebirth.--------------

those of us who went and bought the first game,

you will be glad to know that you will indeed keep the following things
the last game: items, exp, party list, equipment, money, guild rank,
rating, and lots of other stuff. as long as you have the cleared data
from the first game you can keep all that stuff mentioned above. for
now read
on and i'll walk you through getting your data converted.

oh by the way. i should mention somthing that

could really help you when getting started in the vol. 2. as you may
from my first guide. i noted that corporal yano and henko ussally had
for trade. these items are called beginner's text and beginner's book.
they raise your skill level for a weapon by 50%. use two of them in a
and you've gained yourself a one skill level. well, after i beat vol. 1
i had alot of time on my hands waiting for the second game to come out.
i took the time to get as many begginer's texts/books as i possibly
the reason is that once you start the second game you can get all your
right off the bat. as long as you raised your skill level to the max,
is skill level 10 for vol 1. this should work well for you. so here's a
of the arts and what level you get them at.

-weapon type---:------- arts-----:-skill level--

duel swords : whirlwind : 11

: chaotic strike : 14

broad sword: : tiger strike : 12

: shell breaker : 15

scythe: : heavenly wheel : 16


see when you get you next job extension your skill level of your scythe
be equal to your lowest level between your broad sword and dual swords.
so you
see it's possible to get all your arts right off the bat. all you need
to do
is have 22 total begginer's text/books to get all your arts right from
beggining of the game. so if you decided to play the game again or if
really really want those arts (like i ussally do) take out vol. 2 and go
play rebirth for awhile and aquire those items you need. and as a side
i suggest you have around 200,000gp when you start into vol. 2 as it
will help
you buy all the new equipment,items,upgrades, and spells.
but that's just me.

-------people starting a new game from scratch.-------------

well, for you who are starting new; this is going kind of suck.
when you start a new game you will be given a certain amount of stuff
to help you out, but honestly you got your work cut out for you. see,
people converting had the chance to earn extra money, level up,
and do extra stuff before they started into the this game. you on the
other hand won't have that opportunity. here's a list of stats for
when you start a new game:

-level 40
-skill level: twinsword-10, broadsword-10

-twin swords: level 40 poison needle

-broad sword: level 32 flame sword
-armor: level 35 vigil jiongjia
-accessory: level 40 simple watch

-items: healing serum x15, sprite drop x10,revival medicine x5,

health scroolx2.

-money: 5,000 gp

honestly i don't know what to tell you other then good luck.
you're going to need it.

as you put in the disk take time to watch the opening movie play before
get to the main menu. don't skip it. it's just as sweet as the last one
if not better.

as the main menu comes up notice that you no longer have the convert
hmm, interesting no? go ahead and start a new game. if you beat vol. 1
and have
the data on the same memory card you will get a message that reads as

"you can begin vol. 2 reminisce by converting clear data from vol. 1
begin game by converting clear data?"

obviously you want to select "yes" because otherwise you'll waste all
the work
you did in the last game.

you will be asked to chose the save file to start a new game with.

once you do that you will get another message:

"you will recive a bonus for converting clear data from vol. 1 rebirth.
if your inventory is full items will be stored in you guild storage."

sweet! not only do you get to keep your stuff from the last game but
give you a double reward for just beating the last game.

here is the list of what you get: strange coffeex3,fairy rainx3,fairy

healing stormx3,healing potionx10, and 5,000 gp. and last but not least:
a movie added to your desktop movie player.

so anywho. watch and enjoy the opening scenes, and there is a large
of them. so kick back and relax. feel free to read ahead after you
finish all
those scenes. i mean like all of them. come back when they turn you
lose in
mac anu.

---------------------- seeds of chaos ------------------

movie- 00-prologue
short version/main points: you see sakubo standing over the lake at the
lost grounds lookign down into the water. and underneather there is a
froze in ice and bound by chains. who looks alot like saku's master en.
also notice how saku suddenly gets that red glowing outline near the end
of the movie. intresting.

anyway, the following scenes have a nariator go over the events in vol.
rebirth. this over view before the game starts is a tradition of the
games and is yet another reason why i love the games so much.
listen. watch. enjoy.

movie- 01-tragedy,again
short version/main points: it shows kuhn taking atoli in magus' arms
and flying quickly to return to "the world."

movie- 02-after affects
short version/main points: it show's atoli's
hand breaking apart. and then she starts screaming and
holding her head like she's going nuts. creepy.

anyway, after all the sceens:

wow, what a mind job, hu? everyone's caught inside the game, that's
awesome to think about, viewing the game dirrectly through your mind.

so, looks like you got to figure what the heck is going on.

-------town: mac anu -------

before you go running off check in at canard's @home. talk to gaspard

tells you he's really freaked out and scared. also if you talk to death
about the books of 1000, you're rankings should go up alot. i maxed out
books 5 and 6 and got to the 4th ranking on book 2 and 8.
also, if you followed my advice and got a bunch of begginers
do not use them right now, save them for a little bit later. i'll let
know when is a good time. for now just continue on with the story.

time to check your map and head for all the blue circles. also i'd like
note that you can use your steam bike, but i should forwarn you, they
did an
overhaul on the engine and the bike is now faster and turns sharper.
the reason is that soon you'll be able to do bike missions which take
place of the original game's grunty races. so get on your bike and go
around mac anu to talk with players.

once you do all of that you report back to raven. and you run into
you know for some reason haseo can manage to be generally nice to
except sakaki and to atoli when sakaki comes up in a converstation.

well whatever. at this point just watch the scenes and go with the flow.
eventually you get some intresting information on the avatars and what
and you'll be asked to go to moon tree and talk to the guild about
help to shearch the aida areas......just peachy. save at the save shop
then head to the chaos gate. put pi in your party and head out.

-------1)setting,eterinty's,night moon-------
area type: landscape
area level: (none)
party: haseo,pi,none
my level: 50

well now, as you see the scenes unfold, watch first then continue to

as you can see sakaki has been doing some nosing around and somehow
to find out the real purpose of raven and also has come across aida.
very very intresting considering that under the most liky circumstances
there's no way that a normal player like sakaki could have found out
aida. which beggs the question: did someone tell him about it?
but then the list of people that actually know about aida is a very
very short
list. but i'll leave it to you to make guesses.

at any rate you need to investigate some areas that have aida signals
from them. so time to head back to town.

-------town: mac anu -------

place kuhn in your party and get ready to head out to an area.

-------2)galloping,subtle,desert -------
area type: highlands
area level: 43
party:haseo,pi, kuhn
my level: 50

obviously due to the low level of the area you're proabaly going to pwn
any enemies. also note that this is infact a new type of area,
as you enter the area you see some scenes with some pkers. they're prety
easy to kill at level 50; if you started a new game from scratch then
be a challenge. *shrugs* good pratice.

anywho, after the pkers are knocked out cold, time to move on. there is
a tree
near by that you can kick for chims if you're low. use 5 chims to power
warp point and continue onto the main area of the field.

as you warp to the main part of the field you'll notice that the area
is full
of pkers. know what this means?

the terror of death is back baby!!!!! time to do us some pkking.

run around and have fun killing all the kestral pkers.i should note
that some stuff has changed with the combat system in vol. 2: the
on your twin swords has moved improved from a 4 attack combo to a 7
combo. also your broad sword has 3 charge bars for your area attack,
and when
you release the attack, shock waves move in a line away from you toward
enemy. charge up the whole way for more shock waves. also if you fight
a few
pkers you should gain a skill level, if you use dual swords you will
a new arts at skill level 11 which you may chose to add to your skill
other then that it's pretty much bussiness as ussual.

as for the rest of the area; it's all pretty straight forward. just
move along
the area till you get to the next warp point, use it and do the same
over again. and make sure to grab the symbol fragments. also after you
the second time you'll encounter aida. so prepare for an avatar fight.

boss fight!: aida <anna>
my level: 50
enemy attacks:
algol bullet- use slash to defend
algol laser- powerful attack, use dash to avoid.
normal shot- it will shoot little balls of energy at you. dash to evade.

unlike in the last game, this aida are so weak you don't even need to
it to be able to do enough damage to kill it. you can move in close and
slash away. but if you find it's giving you trouble then do it the
normal way.
keep shooting it till it's stuned, get and close and slash away. keep
till it protect breaks.

when it protect breaks you'll have a timer that will count down from
about 1
minute, the timers vary from boss to boss. you need to data drain it in
time. charge dd as you continue to watch the incomming enemy shots,
dodge them
and when aida pauses for a breif moment, release dd and fire away.

after you beat aida you get a message from nala that you should come to
beast temple. grab the other two symbols and do just that.
as you enter the beast temple watch the scenes with gabi and ovan. come
back to read when they're done.

yes that's right. yata was using the players to observe the reaction
adia had
to all their intense feelings. but now that the jig's up he'll have no
but to allow everyone to return to the regulare cc corp sever. still i
yata and who he was from the old games. i wonder if he didn't have a
very good
reason to do what he did. also being that i know who yata is, who could
be? seriosuly, i'm not sure it was ever confirmed that ovan was
character from the original games. still, it makes me wonder.

however, for now the only thing to do is to head back to town.

-------town: mac anu -------

head for raven.

when you get there more scenes.

looks like you'll you need to head back to where you faced off with
tri-edge. you know i think it's intresting that this would be the same
day that 1) haseo got crowned the emporer, 2) that he fought and killed
tri-edge, and 3) the same day everyone's been trapped on the aida sever.

at any rate time to head out, go to the chaos gate, save, and prepare.

-------3)hidden,forbidden,bulwark -------
area type: landscape
area level: none
party:haseo,pi, kuhn
my level: 51

as you enter the area pi will talk to you then you'll get a short lesson
on sign hacking, kinda replaces gate hacking from the old games.
sounds cool to me.

just approch the sign and then.....denied! that's right, you don't have
data seeds (replaced virus cores from the old game). but before you
reaching for the nearest spoon to gouge out you eyes in frustration.
let me encourage you a bit. collecting data seeds is not as bad as
virus cores from the old games. getting data seeds is ussally story
and there for you will be given very specific areas to go to and very
aida to get the d.s. from. this means that the number you need is
smaller and
you don't have to go around data draining everything like crazy. so put
the spoon or fork or knife, pick your controler back up and relax, this
be that bad. =p

head back to town.

-------town: mac anu -------

save and head to the new area.

area type: jungle dungeon
area level: 43
my level: 51

for those of you without a fair orb, follow the passages left everytime
you come to a split until you find the way down to the next floor.
also i want to say that there's been some changes to this type of
not sure exactly what it is, but something's different. also the way
monsters move around a room now instead of standing still is different.

at any rate, just keep moving.

right before you head to the next floor you'll encounter aida.

boss fight!: aida <anna>
my level: 51
enemy attacks:
algol bullet- use slash to defend
algol laser- powerful attack, use dash to avoid.
normal shot- it will shoot little balls of energy at you. dash to evade.

unlike in the last game, this aida are so weak you don't even need to
it to be able to do enough damage to kill it. you can move in close and
slash away. but if you find it's giving you trouble then do it the
normal way.

keep shooting it till it's stuned, get and close and slash away. keep
till it protect breaks.

when it protect breaks you'll have a timer that will count down from
about 1
minute, the timers vary from boss to boss. you need to data drain it in
time. charge dd as you continue to watch the incomming enemy shots,
dodge them
and when aida pauses for a breif moment, release dd and fire away.

when done, just keep moving to the next floor.

on the next floor, just keep going forward, find the warp point to take
you to the other section of the dungeon.

once you warp it's all straight forward from here. near the beast
statue you'll
encounter aida again. use same stragedy as mentioned above.

when you defeat the second aida, pi will mention that you have enough
seeds to continue. well that was realitivly painless wasn't it? since
close to the beast statue you might as well go there because that's
closest platform that would be your ticket back to town. grab the beast
treasure and head back.

-------town: mac anu -------

not to do but warp to the area and to the escape from this place.

"ladies and gentemen your escape routes are here, here and here.
and if you get caught in an aida sever.....well sucks to be you."

-------5)hidden,forbidden,bulwark -------
area type: landscape
area level: none
party:haseo,pi, kuhn
my level: 51

examine the sign and hack away.

you see some scenes and then, uh oh. aida's gatekeeper. peachy. this
aida is no push over. unlike his cousins, this guy has a hard schell to
and has plenty of attack power.

boss fight!: aida <gate keeper>
my level: 51
enemy attacks:
kobold blast- alot like the lesser aida, use slash to defend
algol maser- powerful attack,don't dash. that will most likly get you
what you want to do is just push the joy stick to the right. when the
goes off it should miss you entierly. just make sure not to go too far
right or
you'll hit the secondry shot.

normal shot- it will shoot little balls of energy at you. dash to evade.

unlike in the last game, this aida is no push over. the best idea is
it is shooting at you to return fire and to pound it with your own
shots. this
should stun it allowing you to land some slashes.

keep shooting it till it's stuned, get and close in and slash away.
keep going
till it protect breaks.

when it protect breaks you'll have a timer that will count down from
about 1
minute, the timers vary from boss to boss. you need to data drain it in
time. charge dd as you continue to watch the incomming enemy shots,
dodge them
and when aida pauses for a breif moment, release dd and fire away.

after word you'll get an extra key item called o-van01.


well now, here we find the operation folder. and our way out. watch all
scenes, there are a number of them here. so enjoy. and don't read ahead
till you're done watching.

movie- 03- escape
short version/main points: shows everyone escaping the aida sever.
prety straight forward.

movie- 04-and there he was...
short version/main points: hehehe, yes laides and gentalmen they are
orca of the azure sea and bulmung of the azure sky. again, like tri-edge
these guys are not controled by their original players. they're being
by something else.......
and tri-edge. he's back.....obviously.

well, after the close incounter with the descendants, everyone seemed
to be able to make it back alright. and oddly enough the whole senerio
to have only happend in a matter of minutes. now that's what i call
just think how fast everyone's brain would have to work to be able to
several hours of relative time into just a few minutes. that is what i

---------------------- the path ------------------


there's alot to do here. so first things first, check your e-mails.

-e-mail- atoli : my voice
short version: she says that her hand is paralyzed,and
she'd like to talk with you in mac anu.

-e-mail- uchiyamada : conversion bonuses
short version: hehe, this has lots of good news.
some you already knew, some you didn't.
first is that you got items and gp for converting your data.
that you knew, what you probably didn't know is that the movies
that were added to your desktop is the fist episode of .hack//roots
i suggest you watch as it helps explain somethings about haseo, ovan,
shino that you probably just didn't know.
last is the good stuff about the doppelganger. if you beat it in the
last game and have the "own king" then what you do is go out and beat
in this game. what will happen is that if you beat him twice. you will
the doppelganger's weapons, and they are level 50 weapons that have
like level 100 wepaons and are the best weapons in the whole second
game. i'll cover how to get those in a bit, for now-> the other e-mails.

-e-mail- cc corp : crimsion vs now open
short version: that's right, you can now play crimsion vs
from your desktop. it's not the greatest thing in the world but
i still found it enjoyable to try and master. again i'll include my
stragey for beating it.

-e-mail- cc corp : "upgrades"
short version: it's self explainatory.
just read and pay attention. i've already covered the important stuff.

-e-mail- cc corp : champaign end
short version: all the champaigns have ended from the old
game, good news is you get to do them all over again! yay?

flip over to the news.

-news- :
short version: i'm sure you're dieing to see
what's up with salvador from good old online jack.
it's a very good episode, make sure to watch it.
also some articels on dollsyndrome and some other stuff.

-forums- :
short version: some pictures in the apkallu. some topics about
crimsion vs and the sever incident. basic stuff. check the rumors
board for some old key words.

well now that's done there are three options, 1) go to your movie player
and scroll to the back and watch the first episode of .hack//roots.
it's really
good. 2) load up crimsion vs and try your hand at it. 3)log-in when
all done.

-"crimsion vs"-
ok, this can be kinda confussing to start with. i'll do what i can to
explain it.

1) battles run automaticlly. while you're off doing stuff in the game,
card battles run themselves. so really all you have to do is set
up before hand and let things run their course.

2) a deck is the group of cards you battle with. the deck is made up
of 4 cards total: 1 general card, and 3 junction cards. another way to
think of it is like this-> you're general card is the character you use
fight with. and the junction card gives that character special skills
need to fight and win a battle. ok, so far so good right?

3) each general (character) has a limit of charisma. it's bascily how

limit how strong a general card (character) can be. see each of your
cards (skills) cost a certian amount of charisma. so in other words you
just take your 3 best junction cards and give them to the same general
(character). the 3 junction cards have a cost ,and that cost has to be
equal to
or less then the total charisma that general has.

4) if you still don't get the hang of things i suggest reading up on

forums. there's alot of good info there. also i highly suggest making a
decks and then messing around with the practice battle. it'll give you
better feel for how things work. bellow i listed a good starting set up
when you start into crimsion vs. good luck.

general card: silabus-canard

junction 1st- rose letters #077
junction 2nd- the trinity #030
junction 3rd- order upheld #076

with this set up, you should gain a large amount of ap which is the unit
of damage given in the card battles. this will greatly increase you
to win battles. make sure to register your deck for battle before you
about this time you should probably log-in. there's a new topic in the
offical forums. but not much to read, but it is intresting for what is

-------town: mac anu -------
just head down to the alchemy district for some scenes with atoli. come
when they're all done.

so haseo is finially starting to realize that having power is the same

as being powerless. i'd say he's coming one step closer to becoming a
at any rate, log-out check some e-mails.

-e-mail- yata : to all gu members
short version: looks like yata wants everyone
to meet at the serpent of lore.

make sure to read the bottom e-mail first.

-e-mail- kuhn : about atoli-con't
short version: both e-mails are just about atoli's condition

-e-mail- kuhn : about atoli
short version: *dido above*


-------town: mac anu -------

head for raven, watch then come back when its done.

as the scenes end you see one of the cc corp. big shot talking to yata.
it seems that despite yata generally being a pain, he's having trouble
keeping the big wigs of the company happy with what's been happening.
you know
this sounds alot like the first games. makes you wonder if they've
everything that chain of events taught them. well, anyway. yata brings
up a
good point. aida is staying within the boundries of 'the world' becuase
it is
intrested in people. if the game shuts down, aida starts looking for
things to keep it's self intrested. many player from the old games will
that when stuff from inside 'the world' starts to go outside "the
world' it
ussaly ends up with sh*t blowing up.

at any rate, you get a short mail from silabus asking you to come to
after the scenes, log-out.

-e-mail- ovan : if you wish
short version: ovan said he's willing to meet with you if you want.
he says he'd like to speak with you about what's been going on. oh and
future reference. ovan does want to help shino, never forget that. no

for now log-in.

-------town: mac anu -------

again, it seems that the return to hidden forbidden holyground was to be

expected. i mean it is one of the most important locations in the whole

also, i want to mention that you now have key words for arche koeln
it's the meeting place ovan met haseo at the very beginning of the
first game.
and, it just happens to be a place were another tri-edge sign is
-------6)hidden,forbidden ,holy ground-------
area type: landscape
area level: none
my level: 51

approch the doors and watch the scenes.

when you're done return to town.

-------town: mac anu -------

log-out when you get back to town.

-e-mail- silabus : we can move!
short version: silabus is exceited cause canard can finially move
to the intermediate guild status. read the next e-mail for details.

-e-mail- cc corp. : maintenance complete
short version: looks like you can now use the bike shop to
upgrade your bike "woot!"

-e-mail- cc corp. cc corp. : new town access granted
short version: becuase haseo has met certian requirements you
can now visit dol dona when ever you want to, sweet. of course
they don't tell you what those requierments are.....>_<

-forums- :
short version: there's a topic on the forums where you can get
some new key words for the new sever.


-------town: mac anu -------
head over to the brand new town.

-------town: dol dona -------
welcome friends to the new town. this place reminds me alot of the
beta server,highland city, from the old games. kinda the same concept.
only ......cooler. anywho, this will be your base of operations for the
of the game. so i'd take some time to explore. granted this place isn't
as large as mac anu. but i still think it's prety cool. not to mention
the cool
new @home. but before we get to that, head forward and open the gate,
around at all the new shops. just look, don't buy anything just yet.
i'll let
you know what you need to buy and what is a waste of your money.

head for carnard's new @home. it's way in the back, use your map if
confused. also, there is a bike shop right there near the entrance of
guild. if you did as i suggested you should have about 200,000gp. go
ahead and
buy the best upgrades that are avalible. here's a list of what i got
for my

170 engine- 25,000gp

yamane armor-40,000gp
type 500 muffler-24,000gp
150 tires-23,000gp

yes, i know thats rather a large amount, but look at the bright side,
your chances of completeing the bike missions have increased from none,
slim. and also, you won't have to pay for any of your other upgrades to
bike, after this; all the upgrades come from prizes for doing bike

ok then, with that done head into the new guild @home. watch the
scenes. if you
bought the new 'tune ups', go ahead and put those on now.

also i should mention that if you got the ripper's baldes from the last
you might want to get out some materies to customize a new set of twin
the weapon shop has a set of level 51 blades that you'll need materials
and last but not least, if you followed my adivice and went out and
a bunch of begginers texts/books i would get those out of storage now
but dont use them. not yet. i'll tell you when.

afterward head back to town to check out the quest shop.

before you head out on your new quest, take some time to do shopping.


weapons:spin ribs-level 51, broad guiren-level 51
armor:rough steel-lvl 51
accessory: any of the lvl 51

weapon:blade luer-lvl 51
armor:loose leather-lvl 51
accessory:any of the lvl 51

weapon: magic huawen-lvl 51
armor:sub cape-lvl-51
accessory:any of the lvl 51

you may or may not be able to get all this. i was barly able to get all
weapons and armor and had to skip the accessories for now. also, don't
to customize the equipment and move the materials from the old equipemt
to the
new stuff you just bought. and if you where wondering, you can find
silabus and
gaspard by the chaos gate if you want to give them the new stuff you

important note: always remeber to go under 'customize' and move weapons,
armor, and accessories materials from your old equipment to your new
equipment. that way you dont have to buy new materials to customize
new equipment. i know this is common sence, but i had to say it.

anywho, now last thing, go to the quest shop and accept the new quest

---------------------------( quest )---------------------------

-----1)steam scientist's test
------- 7)airy,engine's, waltz (q) -------
area type: field
area level: 48
party: haseo,silabus, gaspard
my level: 51

apperentally in this quest you have two robots who have gone berserk.
you need to beat them in battle and get their memory back to the good
doctor. he gave you 3 items that when placed on three differnt hills,
lower the fighting abilities of the robots. well, looks like we got
some work
to do.

first, head to the area.

baicily there are only three hills, use your steam bike to get around
also, make sure to grab the various chests that are in the are. other
that, thee's not alot to say about it other then the fight. just
continue on
when you've planted all three.

--oh yeah, one more thing. i know this is kind of an odd place to put
this but.
you may notice that the 'speed' type of broad sword isn't all that
speedy. i've
noticed it is actually slower the the hold and release type of sword.
there is a trick you can use to speed the combo up and make it less
to use. when you go to attack haseo will swing once. then he will
thrust the
sword at which point you smash the x botton to get as many hits as you
the problem is haseo is slow to recover and set up for the next attack
so what you do is that as you come to the end of smashing the x button
the thrust, press the circle button quickly. he'll go into a guard, as
as he guards, let the button go and it sets you up faster for another
try it and see what i mean.

rain and cload:

being that your level 51 and you just planted all three items, use your
twin swords and beat them to a pulp. when you're done they'll combine
one big robot. beat them again and you'll have completed the quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------

-------town: dol dona -------
as you finish the quest you see silabus and gaspard say good bye. you
also see
a scene with alkaid and sirius. hmmm, i really like alkaid. she's
sweet, and
she'll be playing a bigger role in this game. hmm...

afterward, not to do but log-out and check some e-mails.

-e-mail- pi : aida singnals comming from the holy palace
short version: haseo mentions that alkaid might know something
about what's going on.

-e-mail- cc corp : campaign start
short version: you get to chase mecha grunty all
over again, yay?

-e-mail- silabus : tuning up your bike
short version: silabus mentions that there is a quests that is related
to you steam bike. he also says that once you do that quest you can then
do steam bike missions. the rewards for those missions are in fact rare
bike parts. this is acctually worth doing and also the quest related to
has to be my favorite for the game.....i wont tell you why just yet.

when your done, log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

as you log-in haseo trys to talk with alkaid. she cuts him off and says
she wants him to go on an adventure with her. she promply pushs the
issue by
handing haseo her member address.....wait a second, her member adress?


that's awsome, you now have a former emperor's member address, sweet!
*does a little victory dance*

anyway, she gives you some key words....hmmm.

for now, form a party with alkaid and gaspard and then head into town.

i suggest stopping by the magic shop and picking up the following

scrolls for
gaspard: life scroll, reflex scroll,repeal scroll, vitality scroll.

when you have them, head for the chaos gate. before you leave make sure
save, and use those new scrolls on gaspard.
ok, now we're set.

-------8)severe, unclean, gray dance -------
area type: jungel cave
area level: 51
my level: 51

this place is more or less straight forward. all you go to do is head

for the beast statue. that's it, nothing special, just head to the beast
statue to trigger the next event. well, since that is so intresting i'll
take a nap and wake me up when you get there...........

well then, now that your at the beasty statue, watch the scenes and
and believe me there is a pretty good number of them.

movie- 05-alkaid's memory
short version/main points: show's how sirius has kinda lost it.

movie- 06- sirius
short version/main points: show's sirius talking with alkaid.

when it's all done with, grab the treasure and head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

when you get back haseo says he'll help alkaid....wait a second. that
means we're going to have to fight through another tourtament!?

don't worry, this time around won't be nearly as hard as last time.
looks like you need to go register. head for the arena

-------town: lumina cloth -------

when you arrive, head to the arena counter and register for the
tounament. this
is both good news and bad news. good news is that because you are a
palace emperor you will not have to earn your way into the rankings.
the bad
news is that you must give up the thrown of the demon palace in order
challenge the holy palace.

but that's not really terribly bad news anyway. it's not like you would
been able to keep your the title away way. i mean your level 51-53ish.
as soon
as another team would have challenged you for the thrown you would have
to give it up because your level is higher then allowed....but thats
just a

at any rate, it's time to challenge the next batch of arena rankers. so
signing up for the tournament and watch the scenes that follow.

so anyway, i love how haseo can just tell when he's got new e-mails. he
have special mental powers or something. hehe. so yeah, how about you
got to
love alkaid. i mean she was kinda a...... well brat in the first game,
but i
got to tell you that i really like alkaid's character. honestly i think
and haseo should get together......but that's just me. poor haseo, so
girls and only so much of him to share, lol.

afterward not to do but log-out.

-e-mail- cc corp : tournament participation
short version: for some reason they didn't get the message that you
want to
take part in the tournament and they want you to go fill out some more
work at the arena counter....great.

-e-mail- silabus : have you tried crimsion vs
short version: just reminding you that the game is open now and ready
to play.
speaking of which i'd say it's time to check how well you've done.

-crimson vs-
short version: check your rank, if you have more losses then
wins you need to redo how your deck is set up. really its hard for
me to give you advice on card set ups becuase the more battles you win
the more cards you get through random selection. so until you have
pratically all the cards you can get, i really can't do much other
then give you general advice. so here goes:
-a) general cards that have high hp or high ap aren't always the best
to use. the best general cards are ones with high charisma and with
hp and ap.
-b) cards that add ap or hp onto you general's stats every round are the
best ones you can use.
-c) use the pratice battle!! toy around with it and figure out what
combinations of cards work and which ones don't.
-d) view the battle log. it will teach you alot about how the battles
make sure to note what cards the enemy uses and how they use them.

other then that i won't be able to say alot for now. good luck.

well..... time to log-in

-------town: lumina cloth -------

watch some scenes with pi. then later,head for the arena counter.
do what you need to do there. watch some more scenes. they're
i'd say some of the peices of the plot are starting to fall in place.
looks like atoli will be joining you on the tournament team. good thing
it would have been a pain without a cleric for healing. and yet again
amazes me with his ability to tell that he has new e-mails.
-e-mail- alkaid : you'd better invite me soon
short version: she wants you to go on a quest with her.
sounds fun.

some stuff in the news and forums.

-forums- :
short version: you'll find some advice about crimsion vs. it's good
i'd take time to read it. also some pics in the apkallu.

-news- :
short version: some stuff about another online game.
some stuff about 'real life' card games, and some other junk.

ok, time to log-in.

-------town: lumina cloth -------
haseo mentions alkaid wants to hang out for a bit. well, lets head to
dol dana.

-------town: dol dona -------

now then. go form a party with alkaid and gaspard. as you head into the
main square, make sure to visit canard's shop now that you're based out
dol dana. gaspard should have some cash for you from selling items you
have been giving were making sure to give him stuff to sell
well if you were smart,that cash will be helpful. also i should
mention. alkaid
have a very very very nice level 93 scythe. i highly recomend trading
alkaid for this weapon. and if you want to do that, do it soon. do not
wait. =)

well now, head for the quest shop and accept the new quest.

oh yeah! i forgot to mention. for those of us .hack vetrans who

survived the
pains of the last set of games. you will, of course, remember the gold
and their some what annoying games of tag they liked to play. yes, i
what your thinking, and yes they are back again. but! there's great
you face them in a quest this time. and, it is really fun. see this
is the start of the bike missions. i love the creators of this game.
see they
brought back two aspects of the old games and made them better then
before by
combinding them together. 1) they brought back the gold goblins. and 2)
replaced the grunty races with bike missions, both of which are fun!
....... least i think so, and that's saying quite a bit there.

so at any rate you can either chose to do the quest with alkaid or chose
to do the goblin quest. i suggest you hold off on the goblins for right
but don't worry, we will be comming back to finish that quest, and yes
i will
include it in the main flow of the guide unlike how i did it in the
last game's

go to the quest shop and accept the quest then head out.

---------------------------( quest )---------------------------

-----2) the cat smiles silently
------- 9)standing, calming, western (q) -------
area type:field
area level: 50
party: haseo,alkaid, gaspard.
my level:53

as you enter the area you get pwned by the white malice cat. which
kinda sucks. i mean you hp has been cut in half. so really the trick to
this area is not fighting as much as possible. use your steam bike to
get around quickly. if you look at the map you will notice that the area
is set up in more or less a straight line. at the end you will see a
that does not have an alter on top, this hill is where the malice cat
located. now go and get there. also, you'll probably have to fight at
the party of monsters guarding the hill.

when you get there get ready to kick. this thing is fast. try to get it
cornered, and give it three kicks in a row. it will yield and you will
finish the quest and get a text of power.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------
afterward alkaid will say good bye after calling haseo a
"low life cheating b**tard." got to love her.

for now, log-out.

-e-mail- atoli : to canard
short version: she mentions that it'd be a good idea to
let silabus know that you are doing another tournament and that
alkaid will be taking his spot, also that you let the emperor title

-e-mail- cc corp : champaign start
short version: bascily the whole thing with collecting lucky animal data
is starting all over

also some forum stuff.

-forums- :
short version: a topic on the new batch of chaotic pkers.
and also a topic with some new key words.

with that done, time to log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------
invite atoli into your party then....
head to the guild's @home and watch some scenes take place.

afterward you get an e-mail, you know what to do.....

-e-mail- cc corp : 1st tournament fight
short version: yep, time to get things going.

check crimson vs and then log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

add alkaid and atoli to your parties. now before you go running off
to the arena take a minute and think about this. remember the last game?
i had you doing alot of something. it was very important.......
leveling up!

that's right, i want you to take atoli and alkaid out and level up.
but before we do that. remember all of those begginer texts/books? well
want you to get them out of storage and i want you to use them. the
i had you hold off was because i knew atoli and alkaid whould be
joining you
in the arena, and so it only makes sence that you use those items with
around as well. thats way when you use the beginner's book, they will
skill levels too. note that you need to be near the chaos gate when you
these and not in the town for some reason. something to do with the
of the game's code. *shrugs*

also, don't forget that you only get 2 arts per weapon this game,
so what ever you do, do not forget to switch your weapons once you
finish with one of the types:

-weapon type---:------- arts-----:-skill level--

duel swords : whirlwind : 11

: chaotic strike : 14

broad sword: : tiger strike : 12

: shell breaker : 15

scythe: : heavenly wheel : 16


what you want to do is use 20 of your 22 begginer's text/books and

raise your
skill level to 15 for both weapon types, save the last two for later.
now then, you should have all the arts for your broad sword and dual
once you get your next job extension your skill level with your scythe
be level 15, and you will have most if not all of your arts. i
took enough time to get some extra items so that i got both of my
to skill level 15 and had some extra oncs left over.

well now, with that done the next thing on the to-do list is equipment
skills duty for atoli

here's just a general list of stuff to buy.

level 51 duel swords-customize with fire attack and +10% critial hit
level 51 broad sword-customize with fire attack and +10% critial hit
level 51 heavy armor-customize with -10% physical and -10% magic damage
level 51 accessory- customize with +10% exp and art knowledge.

level 51 duel swords-customize with fire attack and +10% critial hit
level 51 light armor-customize with -10% physical and -10% magic damage
level 51 accessory- customize with art knowledge x2.

level 51 staff-customize with watter/fire/or wind attack and sleep
level 51 robes-customize with -10% physical and -10% magic damage
level 51 accessory- customize with heal knowledge x2

also buy the following scrolls for atoli to learn: life scroll, reflex
repeal scroll, vitality scroll.


with all of that done it's time to head out and level up a bit.

-random) buzzing, corpse's, western -------
area type: field
area level: 55
party:haseo,atoli, alkaid
my level:53

as you enter the field, i want to mention that your new arts are useless
to you unless you add them to the skill trigger. note that the new arts
noticable longer combos then the older arts. this will probably take
getting use to. for now i will just list my arts set up on my skill

-duel swords-

triangle: chaotic strike (new)

circle: sword dance
x: whril wind (new)
square: tri-strike

-broad sword-

triangle: twin moons

circle: bone crusher
x: tiger strike (new)
square: shell breaker (new)

really is doesn't matter what button you asign to which

skill. but being the way my mind works i just found it easy to
set it up like this:
triangle=aerial attacks
circle= area attacks/circle pattern
x=quick/slashing combos
square= peirce

but again, that's just me. you can do it anyway you like.....unless i
tell you

complete the area then head back.

-------town: dol dona -------

congrats, haseo should be around level 55 with alkaid and atoli about
level....ooohh, say 53. re-stock the guild shop,then time to head over
to the
arena for the first match. it's nothing to worry about, honest. so
don't be nervous.

-------town: lumina cloth -------
save, then go to the arena counter and select tournament.

-------- 10)tourtament: round one --------------
-party:haseo (55),atoli(54),alkaid(53)
-opponets: hirosawa (50),ca-ge (50), kenta (50)
-before the fight advice:

not alot to say, also i should note that my

usefulness will be limited in this game due to the fact that the game
now give you advice on the match by viewing the opponent info. so all i
do is try and point out stuff they didn't mention and hope it helps.

but, for this round all i'll say is this: you're stronger and smarter
then they
are, it would be hard to lose. good luck, see ya later.


well now, after ward you see some scenes, i think it's prety obvious
who sakaki
is talking to.....but she's different now isn't she? anyway, at this
point i
think it's rather obvious that sakaki is a low life and that he's
something shaddy considering he's ranting about being chosen by aida.
......i guess he learned well from his master.....

afterward, log-out.

---------------------- power of friends ------------------

it's the time you've been waiting for. yes my friend haseo can finially
return to his third form via job extendtion. read the e-mails.

-e-mail- cc corp : job extend
short version: yay, can't wait to see haseo in his third form eh?
me either.

-e-mail- silabus : job extend quest
short version: silabus says that this time around the job extend
quest isn't a solo quest and that you have to do it in a group.
he's offered the help of gaspard and himself. well, isn't that cool of

check the forums too.

-forums- :
short version: you will see a new topic, do not respond to
this. it is infact the start of this game's hidden quest. it is
also the continuation of the abbys quest. for now just view it
so it no longer comes up as new, but for now just leave it be.

check how you've been doing with 'crimson vs' aswell.

when you're done log-in.

-------town: lumina cloth -------
warp over to dol dana.

-------town: dol dona -------
when you arrive you see antares. lol, and after some comedy
head for the quest shop. make sure to add silabus and gaspard to
your party. with that done accept the new job extendtion quest.

---------------------------( quest )---------------------------

-----5) seeker of karma
------- 11)burning, fallen, seven sins(q) -------
area type: jungel dungeon
area level: 54
party: haseo,silabus, gaspard
my level:55

unfortunitly, haseo starts to revert a little to his ways of being an

at anyrate, what you need to do is first use a fairy orb to see where
going. as you look at the map you will note the first floor is split
three sections, you need to follow each path and warp to the next
via warp point. just continue this till you get to b2. also, in additon
to needing to use the warp points, there are special doors along the way
that will test you knowledge on how well you've paid attention to the
back story of the game; if you answer the questions wronge you will lose
chim spheres. but considering that you're reading this guide
i'm willing to beat you just want me to give you the answeres. i will.

the first talking door you come to will ask you these questions:
(note that as far as i can tell the questions are always from the
same doors everytime you play the game. but i'm just saying now
incase they really are random.)

q1)when the younger deity lost his life, what happened with his
last breath?
a1) <-(steak sauce was made.) (3)"the hevans were created"

q2) what was the younger deity's spirit given afterward?

a2) (1)cern-u-nnos

q3) the elves built something in order to be treated

the same as the gods. what did the elves construct?
(come on veterans of old .hack. you know this one)
a3) (2) air fortress fort ouph
as you continue more scenes where haseo starts being an a-hole again.
later you'll run into another talking door, time for more q and a.
q1) what were elves turned into?
a1) (1) beast men.

q2) what race did sol, god of creation, creat using the power taken
from the elves.
a2) piros the 3rd....not really. (1) grunties

q3) what race was jelous of the grunties power and wisdom?
a3) (2) humans

continue to the next floor.

as you enter b2 you will notice that there are 2 warp points, one one
allow you to advance. it's the north one.

continue onward.

soon you'll find another talking door.

q1) what was the name of the creature grunties where turned into?
a1) (2)puchi pongo

q2) what did the gods creat to seal the path to hevan?
a2) (3)morrigu barrow wall

q3) what did the 8 gods do to save the world?

a3) (2) seal 'shadows"
continue onward to b3.


well, congrats, no more talking doors. after you enter b3 you will again
see some scenes with haseo being an a-hole.

gaspard and silabus leave your party.

well, for now just head for the beast statue, take a right turn at the
split unless you want some items from breakable objects.

as you approch the beast statue you'll see some scenes where haseo
snaps out
of being an a-hole and gets back to being a good friend and hero.

afterward, what ever you not open the treasure chest. that
would be
very very bad for you. head back to where you left silabus and gaspard.
watch some scenes and then go get the beast statue treasure.

when your done head back to town.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

-------town: dol dona -------

as you get back to town you'll see the movie where haseo finally
returns to his 3rd and final form......well i mean..ah ...never mind.

movie- 07- 3rd form
short version/main points: haseo is a beast...i mean look at him. he's
like 'the dark knight'. sweeeeettttt!!

haseo can now use his third weapon, the scythe. like the game says, it's
a great weapon for attacking groups of enemies. it tends to be stronger
the dual swords but weaker then the broad sword. really it's a balance
the other two type of weapons. after ward you see some rather touching
with antares, haseo's master and mentor.

anyways, on another note, you can now use the multi-trigger. you now
need to set skills for one skill trigger instead of them seperatly. the
good thing is that you can now switch weapons in the middle of battle.
the bad news is that you wont be able to use all your skills for each
instead you have to chose one or two apeice.
you can now also use divine awakening, which is how you're going to beat
the doppleganner in this vol. but more on that in a second.

after everything is done and over with, it's time to adjust your skill
and to customize your new scythe. also, at this point several options
things you can now do have opened up. i'll cover them all in order.
first things first. open your menue and go to equipment. first off
notice you
can now have up to three weapons equiped, one for each type of weapon
haseo can
now use. make sure to fill all the slots with the correct weapons. as a
note, if you did like i suggested and have 2 extra begginger's texts in
get them out and use them with you main weapon set to scythe to gain
16 skill level and your last arts for the game.
next thing,go to skill trigger and set your skills to the following set

triangle: chaotic strike (dual swords)

circle: reaper's touch (scythe)
x: whrilwind (dual swords)
square: shell breaker (broad sword)

ok, here's the stragedy behind this set up. chaotic strike is your best
aerial skill at this point, or about equal to heavely wheel. so either
works but i suggest chaotic strike. next, reaper's touch is by far the
area style attack you have, so there's you scythe. shell breaker is your
best pierce type skill you can have, so it only makes sense to have it.
now then, x is differnt. really when it comes down to it x can have
any skill set to it because you've already covered the important stuff.
i suggest using a skill that targets one enemy and does good damage.
being said i suggest either whirlwind or tiger strike. these are your

also, as a some side notes, make sure to add materials to your scythe.
second, check up with death grunty about the books of 1000.

well, then. time to have some fun.

number one- now would be a good time to go to the magic shop and buy
the all
the magic scrolls and teach haseo all the new spells for this game.
number two- i'm sure you're itching to test your skill with you new
and all so what better way to do that then to fight and beat the
number three- the challenge of the gold goblins is calling your name.

1) it'll cost you about 39,000gp to buy them all, but do it anyway
cause it's
worth having the skills.

2) ok, i'm gana share with you a trick i learned off some firends. this
allow you to beat the doppleganger and by doing so (if you beat him in
last game) you will get his weapons for beating him twice in a row. the
time you defeat him get him you will get his broad sword, defeat him a
time and you will then get his dual swords and his scythe.

however, i must warn you right now. doing this is like cheating almost.
these weapons are level 50, but they are stronger then any other weapons
you can get in the game. so really you will be able to get the best
more or less from the start of the game. granted it's fun to run around
pwn everything you fight, but this really takes away from the challenge
of the
game. so if you want those weapons look up the section at the bottom of
the guide on how to get the doppleganger weapons. if you want the
of doing the game normally, then i'll continue the game normally.

(note: i will be writing the guide as if you ignored the doppleganger

continued like normal. i will however include that section just before
the final boss battle.)

3) for now we're going to go give your new weapons a try and then
do a quest and do some fancy bike riding.

head to the chaos gate, empty your party and add atoli and alkaid. then
set off
for a random area to test your new found powers.

-random) bussing, wrath's, two wings-------
area type: field
area level: 58
party:haseo,alkaid, atoli
my level: 56

this area is a bit strong, but you should be able

to handle it. it's a good place to test your skills.

being that your out and about i'll take this oppertunity
to share some of my wisdom with you.
1)when you activate the skill trigger, it will flash the
type skill a monster is weak to.
2)if you hold x and charge an attack haseo will release the scythe
'sonic' waves that surround him. these work best if you can
pin an enemy between your attack and the edge of the battle
area, that way they just keep bouncing into your attack instead
of bouncing away.
3) about your new awakening:
when you activate the awakening, you will have a guage at the bottom
of your screne. a little white line will start to move from left to
the goal is to get it as close to the middle mark as you can, within the
middle three notches. there are three colors on the bar. all three will
in a different attack at the end, the closer you are to the center the
the attack will be. the middle three notches are your "perfect" marks.
the center notch will give you +3 seconds bonus, the other two one the
will give you +1 second. this happens for both party members, so it's
to get 1,2,3,4, and 6 second bonus times. if you got the bonus time you
will be
asked to press the x button rapidly. the more hits you get in the more
powerfull the attack will be. i've been able to get up to 45 hits with
a six
second bonus which ussally results in about 2,000 damage to all enemy's
in the
battle area.

-other notes: if you come across the following weapon/armor materials

while out leveling up, make sure to hang onto them: -25% p-dam. , -25%
light attack, dark attack, +10% hp or sp, and +25% hp/sp.
(not to be confused with +100 hp or sp, those aren't as good as the
ones with %)

well, that's all for now.

when you finish messing around head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

save. i managed to get haseo to level 58, atoli to 56, alkaid to 56.
our goal right now is to have everyone at level 60 at least. so restock
guild shop and your item supply then head out again.

-random) buzzing, maiden's, princess-------
area type: field
area level: 60
party:haseo,alkaid, atoli
my level: 58

you know the drill, complete the area's objective, gain some exp, get
items,and when your done head back.

-------town: dol dona -------

right then. i managed to get haseo lvl 61, atoli and alkaid to lvl 59.
if you got as far as i did, time to take a break and do something
go to the quest shop. lets have some fun shall we?
if you havn't gone to the bike shop in dol dona and bought the bike
then i think you should do that right now. here's the list of what you

170 engine- 25,000gp

yamane armor-40,000gp
type 500 muffler-24,000gp
150 tires-23,000gp

you can get these from the junk shop near canard's @home in dol dona.
when you have these, head to the quest shop for my favorite quest of
the game.

note that you don't have to do this if you don't want to. it's optional.
but i still suggest doing the quest now rather then waiting till later.
i know you're proabaly dieing to see what happens next in the story.
but really there are only 8 normal quests for this game, and i'll only
be including them in the main flow of the guide here and there. not to
mention the rewards aren't that bad for taking a few minutes to do

---------------------------( quest )---------------------------

-----7) challenge from the goblins
------- 12)pursuing, expert's biker (q) -------
area type: bike mission area
area level: 69
party: haseo,(none),(none)
my level: 61

welcome fellow gamers to the goblin challenge.

vetran gamers will recall the pains of playing goblin tag from the old
here they have introduced a way to cominded two acpect of the old games:
goblin tag, and grunty racing. what they have done this time is you
the gold goblins in a game of bike tag, then once you finish the quest
you can
compete in bike missions. which are time attack missions replacing
grunty races.

for now let's get on with the quest:

as you enter the area, walk forward and you will be confronted by the
goblins. fun. instead of facing them seperatly like the old games, you
can take
them all on in one area in one shot. well, that makes things easier and

now, jump on your bike and move forward, you will be stopped and the
match will
then begin.

1st round: haseo, the terror of death vs stephoney the underling.
ok there is a basic stradgey to doing this. the idea is that you
have to catch the inside of one of their turns. basicly the goblins will
flee from you as you chase them, they will start to turn at some point.
hopefully they dont turn sharp. the idea is to get on the inside of
their turn
and keep turning with them. note that you'll have to be prety close to
and match their turn pretty closly. so bascily you drive in circles.
pull harder on the joy stick so you start to turn faster then they do
on the
inside of the turn.
then timing it correctly, you let the joy stick 'out more' and
hopefully you
will cut them off in the turn and there for making contact with them
there by
winning the round.

2nd round: haseo, t.o.d. vs jonue the quick eater

same thing as before. only this time you have to run into him two
time before he'll give in.

3rd round: haseo, t.o.d. vs zyan the quick eared & albert the quick

two this time, both of which you will have to hit twice.
other then that same thing as before.

final round: haseo, t.o.d. vs martina the quick runner

she's fast, kinda like some of the lucky animals that use
burst of speed. other then that just keep hitting her (3 times) and use
the same stragedy as before. good luck.

congrats on winning, time to head back.

when you get back to town you'll finish the quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------

-------town: dol dona -------

anyway, time to get on with the story line, log-out and check some e-

-e-mail- cc corp : champaign start
short version: you get a new key word, yay! you
can do the bike missions, kafu is located at the end of
the bridge leading to canard's @home in dol dona. you can
now accept bike missions. sweet.

key word: 1st part- passing


-e-mail- atoli : leveling up!
short version: she would like you to come along
for some leveling up....and bring alkaid too.

some stuff in the forums.

-forums- :
short version: just some new pictures.

when done, log-in........("log-in, log-out, log-in, i feel so stupid

said that half a billion times.......oh well, it just needs to be said.
>_< )

-------town: dol dona -------

add atoli and alkaid to your party, then head for the new area.

------- 13)excusing, illusion's route -------
area type: high land canyon
area level: 58
party:haseo,atoli, alkaid
my level:61

funny scenes between the party as you enter.

this area is a collection mission. head west while stopping to open

the treasue chests along the way. about half way to the second
chest there's a warp point. use it to warp to the next area.

head along the canyon wall to the next chest and also the next warp

one last chest and one last warp point.

finially, you reach the beast statue. get it and head back.
-------town: dol dona -------

when you get back everyone says good bye and they head out leaving you
well, what better time then now to cover the bike missions? or at least
first one anyway.

first, head over to see kafu near the @home. he should be right across
from the
warp point. read what he has to say, then head back to the chaos gate.

open the warp menu, now set the first part word to 'passing'.
now depending on the combinatione of words after that you will get
different types of areas, if you look to see what the misson for the
is it will say this: "bike mission (course #)" there are five different
courses. the should be done in a certian order becuase of the level of
difficulty. the order is 4, 3, 5, 1, 2. <- a little tip i got from

so you want to go to an area that is course 4. now there are some

tips you want to follow, but chances are you won't really understand
what i'm
talking about until you try the bike missions yourself at least once.

so...i suggest these key words: "passing, wrath's, two wings.

go here and try the bike mission at least once or twice, that way
you get a feel for how things work and then i can re-capo and explain
stuff you may or may not have missed.

ok here the general rules you need to keep in mind:

1:generally speaking the fist mission is the hardest because you don't
any of the rare bike parts yet.
2: always start off the mission with a charged boost that will save you
unless i say other wise. you can perform a charged start boost by doing
following: as the counter begins to count down from 3, hold the square
x buttons at the same time. when the timer hits zero; release the brake
still holding the gas.
3: you want to keep the nirto guage full and in use as much as
possible, aka
the entire time.
4: keep pressing the r1 (boost) button over and over again the entire
you race. it's alot easier then trying to guess when your guage is full
trying to stear aswell. it saves precious seconds you need to win.

bike trial 4

it's a canyon highlands area. i think it's the most annoying mission
out of
all of them. there are two ways to do this mission:
option a:

1: as the counter starts prepare a boost start. take off and swearve
left into
chims. keep hitting the nitro.
2: as you round the corner, try to hit as many chims as you can.
3: round the corner and just bearly clip the king.
4: work through the s-curves, be careful and try not to hit the walls
as much as you can.
5: round the corner and hit the chims, keep pressing r1.
6: round another corner, hit the chims and boost toward the next king.
7: round the courner and hit the chims while angling toward the last

option b:
1: do not prepare a boost. when the counter says go, do a u-turn by
aiming the joystick down and to the left.
2: this part is important. round the corner and clip the king.
3: then with out slowing down, get all the chims in the first row.
there is just enough to fill the nitro guage.
4: boost as you turn the corner, get as many chims as you can.
5: through the curves, then through more s curves, and clip the
finial king. even with a bad time this way turned out fast then the
other way. you chose.

when you beat matsu's time, head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

go to the @home and add your new part to your bike, for me. i
got night tires. but i think the bike parts are random for
each mission. eventually you'll get em all.

well, that was fun. log-out.

-e-mail- nala : atoli's symptoms
short version: you need to go to an area and use the sign there
to warp to somewhere else......hmmm intresting.

-forums- :
short version: you get some more key words from an old

-------town: dol dona -------
looks as if you need to meet nala. you'll need a party, since atoli is
add pi and alkaid to your party. also, i would buy all the new magic
for pi and teach them to her. the last thing before you had out, there
is a
armor material-> +10%sp. give it pi if you have one, that way she has
extra sp and set her stragedy to life.

then head out.

-------14) clever, genius's moon raven -------
area type: highland canyon
area level: 60
party:haseo,pi, alkaid
my level: 61

ok, this place is a little confusing, not much but a little.

-the south west warp point will take you to the far west of the map. the
place with the lone chest. go here first get the chest and then back

-now the north east warp point will take you to north east part of the
it's conected to the main section of land. from here, you wan to head
south to the southern most chest that is right beside a warp point.
that warp point will take you to the beast temple, and of corse the

if your smart you'll grab the beast statue treasure. also, about this
point in
the game you'll come across an accessory material that give you +10%
speed. make sure to hold on to one or two of them, as they can be

head for the tri-edge sign, chose to warp.

---hidden, forbiden, hades---

you'll end up at the lost grounds, it bascily the games version of the
world. it's the place beneath indieglut lugh. the three in indieglut
lugh acts
as a seal to the under world.

watch the scenes, come back in a bit....

nala talks to you for a bit and then gives you some armor. bascily it's
the right type of thing you need to beat your next oppent, hiiragi, in
the next
round of the tournament. peachy.....but why exactly whould nala sell
someone from his own guild? 0.o

when your done, head back.

-------town: dol dona -------

there isn't alot to do at the moment, so log-out.

-e-mail- cc corp : 2nd tournament fight
short version: time to fight hiiragi

also, now would be the best time to send alkaid

some greeting cards.

-forums- :
short version: you get the keywords to the
lost grounds you were just at.

check crimsion vs and then log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------
put together a part: atoli and alkaid, you need to train a bit.

-random) confusing, wrath's generation-------
area type: field
area level: 64
party:haseo,atoli, alkaid
my level:61

gain exp and items.

-------town: dol dona -------
re-stock the guild shop and you items.

you got some shopping to do.

here's the equipemnt set i used.

-level 62 duel swords-customize with fire attack and +10% critial hit
(you can get these from the weapon shop or a field)
-level 51 broad sword-customize with fire attack and +10% critial hit
(you can get these from the weapon shop)
-level 60 heavy armor-the armor nala gave you, you can change it
later to -10% physical and -10% magic damage
-level 55 accessory- customize with +10% exp and art knowledge.

level 62 duel swords-customize with fire attack and +10% critial hit
level 60 light armor-customize with -10% physical and -10% magic damage
level 55 accessory- customize with art knowledge x2.

level 51 staff-customize with watter/fire/or wind attack and sleep
level 60 robes-customize with -10% physical and -10% magic damage
level 55 accessory- customize with heal knowledge x2

you shouldn't much trouble getting these. it's prety common equipment
at this

great, make sure that your party is at the following levels: haseo 65,
and alkaid at 64.

also, check with death grunty, and kafu about the bike missions. you'll
rare bike parts from him based on how many trials you've done. also
get begginer's text/book based on chims you've collected.

and you should be ready for the next round in the toury. save and head
the arena.

-------town: lumina cloth -------

head to the counter and enter the next round. the scenes before the
are pretty funny. laugh at the humor you won't always understand
(culture difference of us and japan) and enjoy.

--------- 15)tourtament:round two --------------
-party:haseo (65),atoli (63),alkaid (64)
-opponets: hiiragi (60), santetomo (56), tokitsune (56)
-before the fight advice: first off considering your level difference,
should have no trouble beating these guys. second, hiiragi is a pain in
a$$. really just concentrate on him...yes it a he...i think? anyway,
on him and beat him to a pulp.

you should have no problems with this round, good luck.


after, you'll see some scenes. got to love how alkaid and atoli go
back and forth. it's like their competing for haseo's attention......

head to dol dona.

-------town: dol dona -------

mess around, check up with death grunty, when you get board, log-out.

note the missing person thread on the offical forums.

-e-mail- alkaid : training
short version: she has some key words she would like
you to go with her to and do some one on one training.

-news- :
short version: some stuff about the riots in a country.
salvador becoming an ambassador. what is the world comming to?

-forums- :
short version: crimson vs topic, reply with the first choice so
not to be rude to your friend. also, some new pics.

anyway, log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

add alkaid to your party, and you may notice that everyone
is strangly busy or offline. of course there's a reason for that
but you'll have to wait and see what it is.

-------16)troubled, her, antitheses -------
area type: field
area level:63
my level:65

the scenes that take place here are easily my second favorite
in the game. this area is set up more or less in a straight path.
all you really have to do is beat the boss of the field.

however, try to gain a level and reach level 66. you'll

thank me later.

somewhere along the line, alkaid will talk with haseo. watch the
scenes then come back.

movie-08 - emperor's fall
short version/main points: endrance feels like he's had his
soul removed. honestly i'm torn between giving him my pity, or just
him a kick in the @$$ for being so emo. i mean he's like a 20 year old
who sits at home letting his mom take care of him while he plays "the
way too much.

after, continue on. fight the boss of the field, it's not hard. then
watch some of my personal favorite scenes in the game.

man.....poor haseo. head back when your done.

-------town: dol dona -------

yeah, very sad.

the dual swords you just got are actually very nice. that's
why i wanted you to get to level 66 so that you could use them. in
other news
i managed somehow to get a level 75 accessory, which happens to be the
2nd best
over all accessory in the game. so make sure to save it for later.

well, you should be good to go at this point unless you got some odds
and ends to tie up like re-stocking suplies, then log-out

-e-mail- gaspard : i have a question
short version: apperentally silabus has been kinda down latly.
looks like he needs some help to get cheered up, time to do
a quest.

-forums- :
short version: just gaspard replying to your post.

next, you guessed it, log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

add gaspard and silabus to your party and head for the quest shop.

---------------------------( quest )---------------------------

----- 3)the silent chim
------- 17)wonderful, opaque, vin beast(q) -------
area type: jungel cave
area level: 65
party: haseo,gaspard,silabus
my level: 66

time to figure out whats been knocking off the chims.

as you enter and walk forward a bit, you'll notice the place seems
to be missing something......

at anyrate, head for the next floor down.

on the second floor, you need to start heading for the top right corner
of the map, it looks like nothing is there, just a dead end. well you're
right in thinking so.

as you start heading there, you'll come to a square room where you
can go east or west, not obviously you'll go east cause i told you
to (top right corner). there's two parties of monstes here, kill
both before you move on.

as you get near that top right corner room,

you'll hear some laughing, now you just have to back track to the
larg-ish square room back a ways where you killed those two
parties of monsters. bascily just re-trace your steps
going back toward the ramp that will take you back up one floor
and you'll have to pass through the correct room.

and you discover a one of a kind, assassin dad. now then, all you got to
do is kick it 3 times in a row. good luck.

you'll report in, end of quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------
-------town: dol dona -------

take care fo the chors: re-stock, save, look around for new equipment.


-e-mail- cc corp : semi-finals
short version: nala is you next opponet. what's
up with all these moon tree people being this tournament?
anywho, time to kick but.

-e-mail- silabus : that quest was fun!
short version: he's feeling better, so that's good.

-e-mail- cc corp. : campaign start
short version:'s back. for some
reason the ppl who made the game thought it'd be
cool to reward you for kicking chims. hey, no arguements
there. i don't mind getting items for something i was
already doing, eh?

check crimson vs.

-crimson vs-
short version: at this point i found a really excelent
card set up that i thought i'd share with you. realize
this isn't the best set up later on, but for now it'll
own any other opponent.

general card:#020 endrance the exquisite

1st unit: #081 dancing lion
2nd unit: #074 gimme some chim!
3rd unit: #081 dancing lion

this set up is unreal. if all of your unit cards

make it through their face offs, your general card's stats will
jump to 21 ap and 28 hp !!!!!! thats sweet.


-------town: dol dona -------

two choices. one is to go out and level up, but it's not
needed. the second is to go to the arena and fight the semi-final.

i'm going with the second choice for now.

-------town: lumina cloth -------

arena counter, register, get ready to kick butt.

--------- 18)tourtament: semi-final--------------
-party:haseo (66),alkaid (65),atoli(65)
-opponets: nala (63), rashin(59), himi (59)
-before the fight advice: as you can see it's a pretty
weak team compared to you right now. really there again are two
1) use magic and mage them to death.
2) use your
scythe and pwn them.

either way, you win.

have fun, watch the scenes. in fact these scenes are really,
really good. the jealousy is so thick you could almost cut it
with a knife. come back later when done.


after the fight you see yet another it just me

or does she look kinda.....different?

in other news. remember that great level 92 scythe that alkaid

has? if you want it, don't wait any longer. get it now and trade her
for it.

also. it's time to do some training on our own. you have a new goal
to reach: level 75.

yes i know that's about 9 levels away, but trust me. you won't be
owning your next opponent in the arena. you will need those levels
for the next two boss fights comming up.

-------town: dol dona -------

do what you need to. get ready to go training. i know it seems like
there's no rest. but trust me. you need to get to level 75 before the
finials. not kidding.

for now it's time to train.

---random) unselfish, heretic's, nemesis-------
area type: field
area level: 68
party: haseo,atoli, alkaid
my level: 66

train. gain items. kill everything >=d

by the time i finished this area: haseo was lvl 69. alkaid was lvl 68,
was lvl 67 but very very close to level 68.

-------town: dol dona -------
restock shop. restock items. looks for possible equipment upgrades.
and keep and an eye out for the knights guild shop to be open in the
square. it should have a level 60 scythe that you may find more useful
your level 51 scythe.

also here's the new list of equipment to keep an eye out for:

level 62 scythe
level 68 heavy armor

lvl 68 robes

lvl 68 light armor.

(on a side note. keep any level 75 accessories you might

come across.)

time to head off again.

---random) unselfish, swift, drama-------
area type: field
area level: 72
party: haseo,atoli, alkaid
my level: 69

same as always. gain levels.

at the end of this area i was:

haseo: 71, alkiad, 70, atoli: 70

-------town: dol dona -------

only one or two more areas to go and you'll be level 75. i should
stress that haseo being level 75 is more important that atoli and
alkaid being level 75 too. there's a reason for this that i'll explain

save. resupply guild shop. restock items in your inventory and

party member's inventory. check in with death grunty. check to see
is the knights are open and if they are check for level 60 scythe.

side note: keep an item called armadillo crest= -25% magic d.

good item.

--random) unselfish, wrath's, belladonna-------
area type: field
area level: 75
party: haseo, atoli, alkaid
my level: 71

hopfully you can make it to level 75.

good luck.
i myself didnt make par and i had to go one more area
before i made level 75.

-------town: dol dona -------

well do the ussal and if you're finially level me.

then you may now log out.

i know it seems odd i made you do all that, but it'll make sence in a

-e-mail- cc corp : guild rank up
short version: if you're like me i finially got my
guild rank to to 4. yay for me. if you're not that far,
keep at it.

-e-mail- atoli : let's do some 'special' training
short version: that's intresting. you know
it never really doned on me that atoli actually was starting
to seriously like haseo until this e-mail. i mean yeah sure
it was obvious she sorta had a thing for him cause she put
up with all his bull sh*t in the first game. but this? geezzz.
well too bad atoli. haseo is taken......she's just in a coma.

time to log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

poor atoli, alkaid poped in at the wronge time......

-------19)lingering, aching, love -------
area type: field
area level: 67
party: haseo,atoli, alkaid
my level: 75

this are is very very very simple to complete.

jump on your bike ignore all monsters and head straight for the
boss. kill it and the leave. aslo. on kind of a random chance i got
a level 70 broad sword. so there's something to keep an eye open for.
while in town or what not.

head back when done.


-------town: dol dona -------

save, then log-out.....................

-e-mail- kuhn : i beg you
short version: kuhn's been fighting aida all lone
ever since he left gu. but now thing are bad,
he needs your help.

-e-mail- atoli : the adventure with alkaid
short version: she says that basicly she secretly
wants to murder alkaid for comming between her and
haseo. but she's too nice to say that 'out load'.

anyway, log- right back in.

-------town: dol dona -------

add atoli and kuhn to your party.

as for equipment here's a list of what to get:

haseo can now use the level 75 accessories now.

their pretty good, and only second best to the
level 95 accessories.

kuhn need lvl 60 or 68 armor depending on his level

and what extra equipment you have in storage....or what
you feel like buying. also you can buy a level 66 steam gun
for kuhn that he should be able to use.

after you got it together head for the new area.

-------20)secret, mind's, surpassed-------
area type: temple dungeon
area level: 62
party: haseo, kuhn, atoli
my level: 75

the area is really weak for your level. and on top of that
there are not bunches and bunches of aidas running around
wild like kuhn made it sound. there is only one aida in this
are. however it'll take some time to hunt it done. i'll
do my best to guide you.

i suggest a speed tailsman for getting around quickly.

that combined with the +10% speed material for an acce3ssory.
you can get around in a dungeon prety fast. use fairy orbs to
see the map and be able to get around quicker.

1st block:
this part isn't very big. no aida here. just a treasure chest and
some differnt breakable objects.

2nd block: bigger but not by much.

no aida here either. just some treasure chest and breakable objects.

3rd block:
again no idea. same old stuff.

4th block: last block and yes there is one aida.

it's on the left most part of the map. take the path more north that
lead to a dead end (not the beast statue).

in other words go: west at the first spilt,west at the second, and north
at the third. again there is only one aida in the area.

as you approch the aida a movie will play.

movie- 09- skeith 2nd
short version/main points: that's right laides and gents.
skeith has new upgrades and new looks.

boss fight!: aida <anna>
my level: 75
enemy attacks:

algol bullet- use slash to defend

algol laser- powerful attack, use dash to avoid.
normal shot- it will shoot little balls of energy at you. dash to evade
or slash through them with the x button.

these aida are so weak you don't even need to stun

it to be able to do enough damage to kill it. you can move in close and
slash away. but if you find it's giving you trouble then do it the
normal way.

keep shooting it till it's stuned, get and close and slash away. keep
till it protect breaks.

when it protect breaks you'll have a timer that will count down from
about 1
minute, the timers vary from boss to boss. you need to data drain it in
time. charge dd as you continue to watch the incomming enemy shots,
dodge them
and when aida pauses for a breif moment, release dd and fire away.

lol, i managed to do that whole fight with out getting hit once. =)

once your back in normal time/space, just head for the beast statue.
there you will find treasure and the closest platform back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

when you get back to town kuhn says farewell and logs-out.

as for you.....well. remember that level 92 scythe that alkaid

has? trade with her for it now if you still want it, this will
be your finial chance to do so..........

after,then log-out. and get ready for the next

'section' of
the game.

---------------------- lost ------------------

-e-mail- kuhn : thanks, haseo
short version: he says thanks for
helping him out


-e-mail- alkaid : about sirius
short version: about this time a lead brick of
dread should be forming in your stomach. and if
you don't understand why i'm saying that. then just
log-in and find out.

-------town: dol dona -------

you should have a good idea about what i was saying.

head to the lost grounds.

-------21)hidden, forbidden, battlefield-------
area type: lost grounds
area level: none
party: haseo,(none), (none)
my level: 75
as you enter just watch the scenes........
they are....well nevermind. just see for yourself
when they're done.....head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

just log-out when your done.

before you check your e-mails....there's something

you should see....

-news- :
short version: there are several good
articals here. and all three of them
pretain to the story. the most improtant of
these however you will find under the "nation"
topic. it's the second one down. if you select it
you will see a picture of a girl that looks alot
like alkaid......

the first news topic on that page is also

important. it's about some doll syndrom
patients who've gone missing.

the other topic that is important is titled

"new creatures" highly popular. i over looked this
artical because i thought it wasn't important. esspecialy
with what had just happened to alkaid. but for those of
us who played the old games; if you take a closer look at that
picture you may reconize those two......

let it sink in......think about it....... yes. that's right.

that is none other then nuke and rachel. two of the .hackers
from kite's party. lol, apperentally they met at the offline
party after quaratine when all the .hackers got together.
and obviously they got to know each other and then got married.
now they do comedy and music for a living and after working hard
are a smash hit.
wow, what a mind job eh?

now you can check your e-mail.

-e-mail- atoli : lets go adventuring
short version: yeah....great timing.

before you log-in check the forums

-forums- :
short version: some news pictures and rumors.


-------town: dol dona -------

add atoli to your party. the 3rd person doesn't matter.

i just added kuhn to fill the spot.

-------22) ephemeral, time's, memoir-------
area type: highlands canyon
area level: 69
party: haseo, atoli, kuhn
my level: 75

there are four treasure chests in the area. collect all four of them, 3
which are symbol fragments. use your bike to get around quickly. you
dont need to level up really.

boss fight!: aida <anna>
my level: 75
enemy attacks:

algol bullet- use slash to defend

algol laser- powerful attack, use dash to avoid.
normal shot- it will shoot little balls of energy at you. dash to evade
or slash through them with the x button.

these aida are so weak you don't even need to stun

it to be able to do enough damage to kill it. you can move in close and
slash away. but if you find it's giving you trouble then do it the
normal way.

keep shooting it till it's stuned, get and close and slash away. keep
till it protect breaks.

when it protect breaks you'll have a timer that will count down from
about 1
minute, the timers vary from boss to boss. you need to data drain it in
time. charge dd as you continue to watch the incomming enemy shots,
dodge them
and when aida pauses for a breif moment, release dd and fire away.

after the fight more scenes.

after the scenes, grab treasure and head back.

-------town: dol dona -------


-e-mail- ovan : i will become you goal
short version: ok....? weird e-mail title.
at any rate, he's told you how to find endrance.

log-in. as you do a movie starts up..... watch first.

movie-10- gazing bo
short version/main points: this is now
the continuation of the opening movie for
volume 2. we now get to find out a little
about endrace. and how he has a questionable
prefernce between women and......haseo.....>_>

-------town: dol dona -------
warp over to mac anu.

-------town: mac anu -------

save!! then head to the area. go knowing you're

going to have to fight.

-------23)submissive, tragedy's, 1000 oaks-------
area type: field
area level:3
party: haseo,(none), (none)
my level: 75

just ride your bike. head for the beast temple and go around
back of it to the tri-edge sign. select it and chose to warp.
watch the scenes. come back when the fight starts.

---indieglut lugh----

as you enter you meet skau, and she's not happy to

see you. in fact she's down right pi$$ed. and if you had
caught my hints from vol. 1 or if you saw almost any of the
trailers for vol. 1 you know that saku and bo are the users
of an avatar: gorre

boss fight!: gorre
my level: 75
enemy attacks:

(first let me say this battle is a pain in the @$$ and if it

wasnt for the fact that your level 75 this would be pretty

-normal shot: gorre will bonuce up and down twice and then
unlease a wave of fire: kinda like magus's rapid fire shots.
either slash through it or dash out of the way.

-bloom of destiny: gorre releases a disk like blade of energy. you have
slash at it and knock it away: like azure flame god. you have to hit it
three time for it to go away. dont combo attack it. wait till it gets
and just tap the x button once to flick it away, repeat two more times
defeat this attack.

-painful blow: saku will yell "here it goes". dash out of the way.
she'll charge right at you. as she goes by start blasting her with your
shots. if you land enough hits in a row she'll stun and give you
an opening to land some heavy slashs.

-paraide invite - if you see gorre start to 'switch' (from pink to blue)
dash at her as fast as you can and get as close as you can.
you have a time counter that counts down from five. if you dont land a
slash in
that time you will suffer a major attack to the face. gorre will release
bubbles behind her. that will stun you. avoid as much as possible. dash
and try
to catch up with her and give her a nice good slash.

-data drain- you will see gorre "switch" in a differnt way. they'll
start gathering energy. shoot or slash as much as you can. if you
get lucky it'll stun her and advert the dd. if not just use two fingers
and mash the x and o buttons like crazy till you break free.

-keep pounding gorre with you shots. dont get too close. or she'll
release rapid fire in your face. also, directly after said her normal
rapid fire shots.
you will have a chance to stun gorre by shotting her like crazy.

when gorre finially protect break two things will happen.first is she
will release little bursts of shots. second, dont get close to her.
smack you. 3rd, you must release the data drain before or during the
between pink to blue. if you dont, you're screwed.

good luck.

when all of that is over. watch the scenes, then come back.
i dont know if the games ever confirm it. but i'm pretty sure saku
and bo aren't twins. i think its one person with a split personality.
one day she's bo one day she's saku. like like bi-polar only far worse.
and i think sakubo's avatar amplfies that by changing how their
looks (hair, switching the hat) depending on what personality sakubo is
using that day.

anyway, about the conversation between haseo and endrance. i think some
explaining needs done that they simply dont cover in the g.u. series.
(unless you have the terminal disk).

for those of you who: 1) don't have the terminal disk or the old
actually i dont think you can unlock those files without clear data from
the old games if you didnt play through the old games
i'm going to give an explaintion of just what the crap endrance was
about. if you don't feel like reading this then don't, skip it and move
it's just some extra stuff i'm adding about the irony of the story


major spoiler warning!!!

ok. first. endrance was known by the name of elk in the original games:
infection-quaratine. in those games you play as the main character kite.
kite meets elk and a mysterious cat like character in an ally way in
mac anu (back during the r1 days). this was the year 2010 during the
begining of the second network crisis (sometimes called pluto again
or the morgana incident.) anyway. mia was an illegally modified
who looked like a cat and helped kite gain knowledge of the extent of
powers: data drain and gate hacking.

anyway, elk and mia were good friends and always seemed
to be together. elk was only in 7th grade at the time. he started
'the world" r1 to make new friends since he didnt have alot in real

ok, so as the story progressed things were all good until the
part 3 //outbreak. at which point mia starts acting really weird. she
starts losing parts of her memory and acts all depressed.
that goes on until the final game of the original series part 4
near the beggining of that game kite finds mia and elk in a dungeon.
mia admits
that she has no memory except of when she plays 'the world". at that
kite shows up and she starts freaking out. she starts yelling at a
voice in her
head saying to it, "no! i want to remain as myself." at this point she
transforms avatar style into none other then macha, the 6th phase.
elk is warped away from the area and kite is forced to battle macha. he
data-drains her. as the avatar starts comming apart mia is released.
catchs her and he holds her much the same way haseo did for alkaid. elk
back up and is only bearly able to say good bye before mia disapears.

ok, see mia was an ai program that was being controled by macha to some
extent. yet at the same time mia was a differnt person/ ai. just like
haseo is seperate from skeith.

*gasps for breath then continues*

at the very end of //quaratine, during the post game dungeon.

(in which you fight through a 15 floor dungeon that is crawling with
data bugs) kite is finially able to bring back mia. so elk and mia
are back together again.

one problem. the macha factor reattached itself to mia after the game.
and in order for cc corp. to make the epitaph user for macha. they
were forced to destory the cat character it was attached to......
aka mia. so you see. mia is gone and aida was pretending to be
mia so that it could control endrance. there it is. the explanation
of "she".

*gasps for a really big breath*


-------town: mac anu -------


check your e-mail.

-e-mail- pi : aida investigation
short version: she'd like you to come along with
her and take out some aida. plus she wants to talk
with you.

-forums- :
short version: just some rumors


-------town: mac anu -------

warp to dol dona.

-------town: dol dona -------

add pi and gaspard to your party.

go to the stores and buy buy pi, buy pie.....

lol .....

yeah, that was pretty lame. anyway. buy pi level 66 gauntlets and level
68 light armor. also buy gaspard level 68 robes.

when done, save then head out.

-------24)growing, evening's mind trip-------
area type: highland canyon
area level: 71
party: haseo,pi, gaspard
my level: 75

first go under stragedy and set gaspard or pi to free-will.

not both. only one.
you're going to need to collect all the symbol fragments on top
of fighting an aida. this place is a bit of an maze of warp points.

1st: go to the non-use warp point and activate it, chose to warp.

2nd: you should now be standing in the middle of a group of four

purple warp points. three of these warp points will take you to
a chest contianing symbol fragments. the fourth will take you
to the beast statue.

south, east, west purple warp points: take you to chests.

north purple warp point: takes you to beast statue.

when you use the east warp point you will encounter aida. you should
have no problem defeating it. afterward continue on to the
beast statue. when you get there watch the scenes and the come back.

grab the treasure and then head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

log-out to check e-mail.

-e-mail- cc corp. : tournament finials
short version: time to face of with......bordeaux!?
lol, if you didnt see that one comming, you'd have to
be pretty unobservent.

-forum- :
short version: you'll find some keywords in a topic.

time to log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

head over to the arena.

-------town: lumina cloth -------

save. then:
to the counter, add pi to your party and then enter the finals.
watch the scenes that follow.
at level 75 you should be strong enough to beat this round.

---------25)tourtament: finial round--------------
-party:haseo (75),pi (69), (none)
-opponets: bordaeux (74), negimaru (73), grein (72)
-before the fight advice:

this one is not going to be easy. focus mainly on bordeaux.

she's the real threat. just keep using counter attacks
........this is alot like vol. 1. only this time you got
pi backing you up. anyway, wear bordeaux's hp down to tirgger
an event.

after the scenes you'll be facing something big and ugly.

come back when you're about to fight.

movie- 11- elegant comeback
short version/main points: thankfully endrance shows up
at just the right moment to save haseo's butt. you do realize
that if endrance wouldn't have made it in time haseo would
be comatose right now? or at least infected.

anyway get ready for one of the hardest avatar battles of vol. 2.

boss fight!: aida <oswald>
my level: 75 (you may have to re-try this fight, it's not easy)
enemy attacks:

archene shot: slash through this attack or better yet, dash to avoid
then counter with your shots, it has a good chance to stun.

normal slash: when the aida starts to get near you, it will
attack by slashing. dash out of the way to avoid.

kobold bullet: flick away with slashes

arachno trap: this is like one of magus's attacks. move to a little to
left as the trap starts down, move back to the right as it goes back up.


this fight is tough but not unbeatable by any means. just keep avoiding
attacks as much as possible and then pound away with shots. avoid
close other then when it's stunned.

when it protect breaks she'll try to get close to land some slashs.
blast data drain in her face. or when she trys to fire archene shot.

anyway, afterward you see some scenes: silabus and gaspard are noticing
things arent as they seem. sakaki is a b@$tard. and endrance just said
he pledges his heart to you and that he admits he's possbily gay. the
good thing out of it is that endrance, despite his confussion about
decided to give you his member address.

well, that was intresting. at least haseo remains with out a doubt
the entire game. thank goodness....and no offence ment to anyone.

also afterward saku confronts haseo and also ends up giving him her
member address......not sure if i should be happy about that, or
that you got to put up with her.

when you're done log-out.

-forums- :
short version: just some new pictures

-e-mail- gaspard : about tri-edge
short version: says something about rumors....

-e-mail- atoli : would you like to go on a quest?
short version: she'd like you, her, and bo to go
on a quest sometime.

-e-mail- atoli : congrats.
short version: she sounds fine.....but you
can tell she's dissapointed.

check the new post on the forums.

-forums- :
short version: piros is up to his old stupid
crap again.


-------town: lumina cloth -------
warp to dol dona.

-------town: dol dona -------
head for the next area.

before you go and take off. i'd like to mention somethings

this would be a good time to complete the normal quests
and finish up the bike missions because all of the quests are
now available other then the hidden quest which is a post game event.
i have sections covering them in the post game part of the walk through.
look them up in the table of contents.

when you get all that done; head out for the next story event.

-------26)hidden, forbiden, in heat-------
area type: lost ground/landscape
area level: none
party: haseo,(none), (none)
my level: 75

watch the scenes, when done head back......piros is so gay.

-------town: dol dona -------

check the forums and then e-mail

-e-mail- sakubo (saku) : get ready to train!
short version: bascily she wants to tear you limb
from limb cause she's jealous as heck.....great.

nothing to do but log-in. and besides it could be


-------town: dol dona -------
this story event will give you a great oppertunity to prepare
yourself for upcomming events. see, sakubo and endrance both
need equipment upgrades. so at least you can get that out of
the way now. also you yourself need equipment upgrades too.

here's the problem: next twin swords are lvl 78, next broad sword
is lvl 80, and next scythe is lvl 82. so, that leaves you in a pickle.
you need to go from level 75 to level 82 before the title match with
sirius. trust me on this one. i know it seems like i've been making you
do some huge amounts of training, but at the end of the game it will
pay off.

here's the equipment and items you need to aquire.

note that endrance and sakubo proabaly aren't high enough levels
to use the armor just yet, but they should be close.

lvl 67 sword-customized: fire att. and +10% cirt. hit.
lvl 68 light armor: customize with -10% magic d. (use the -10% physical
from his original armor when he gets to lvl 68)
lvl 55 accessory: custom.: arts knowledge x2

lvl 68 robes: custom.: -10% physical and magic d.
lvl 55 accessory: custom.: magic knowledge and heal knowledge
also, go to the magic store and buy all the new magic scrolls and
teach the new spells to skaubo.

we can worry about haseo's equipment in awhile.

lets head out for now:

-------27) aesthetic, hardship's, aster-------
area type: field
area level: 74
party: haseo, endrance, sakubo (saku)
my level: 75

when you enter the field, make sure to go under stragedy and
set sakubo to 'life'.

ok, this area is prety easy, just follow the path up and around then
down to
the warp point in the south west corner of the map. from there you can
warp to
the boss and the end of the mission. also. at the end of that really
bridge there is a lucky animal.

when you're done head back to town.


-------town: dol dona -------
hopefully you did enough fighting to gain some levels, i was level
77 when i left that area. so for me, just 5 more levels to go.

when you get back you notice you have a new e-mails. well that looks
promising. atfer you take care of the normal chores, log-out.

-e-mail- cc corp. : title match
short version: yep, it's time to end this....
time to face sirius.


-------town: dol dona -------

haseo has some leveling up to do and some new equipment to


first things first, you need to gain the last five levels
before you face off with sirius.

add endrance and atoli to your party, yes i know that haseo just said
pi. but trust me on this one.

time to head for an area.

--random)dejected, vane, generation-------
area type: field
area level: 79
party: haseo,atoli, endrance
my level: 77

level up, get items, the ussal.

-------town: dol dona -------
take care of the chores then head back out.

--random)dejected, swift, pre bred-------
area type: field
area level: 81
party: haseo,atoli, endrance
my level: 79

same as last time: levels, items, equipment.

you may or may not be at lvl 82 when you finish this area.
if you need to head out again one last time and finish up.
when you get back to town you need to go equipment hunting.

-------town: dol dona -------

ok here's the list of stuff you need for the final round:


lvl 78 dual swords: custom.- fire att. and +25% crt. hit
lvl 80 broad sword: custom.-fire att. and +25% crt. hit
lvl 82 scythe:custom. -fire att. and +25% crt. hit

(dual swords can be found at the area where you, saku, and endrance
trained at. the broad sword can be found found in areas that have a
monster called scissor byte. i found them in a lvl 83 field. the
scythe can be gotten from a npc in town called barson or dr. d .)

lvl 82 hvy. armor: custom.: -25% p. damage, and -10% magic damage.
lvl 75 accessory: custom.: arts knowledge, and (arts or +10%exp)

lvl 67 sword: fire att. and +10% crt. hit
lvl 76 light armor: -10% p. damage. and -10% m. damage
lvl 75 accessory: arts knowledge x2.

dont get anything for her. it's not nessecary. trust me.

--note: also take along these extra items:

lvl 76 light armor x1
lvl 75 accessory x1
also buy a set of all the new magic scrolls from the magic shop.

when you got all that finially. save then head over to the

-------town: lumina cloth -------

head for the arena counter. register for the fight, then watch all
the scenes take place.

afterward add kuhn to your party, and give him the extra armor
and accessory that i told you to keep a hold of. although
its likly that kuhn will only be level 75 and not 76, but
give him the items anyway. just for future use at least.
you can save one more time if you want. then head for the counter
and enter the fight. also, use all the magic scrolls you bought on kuhn.
go under the stragedy menue and set him to "life".

---------28)tourtament: title match--------------
-party:haseo (82),kuhn(75),endrance(79)
-opponets: sirius (77), azure bulmung (76), azure orca (76)
-before the fight advice:

ignore azure orca and azure bulmung. go right for

sirius. if you try to attack the other two, you may land
a hit or two then they'll just dissappear. sirius on the
other hand is real enough. avoid using arts on him other then
counter attacking. sirus will counter attack 99% of the time
if you use arts first to attack.

about half way through the fight sirus will unleash divine awakening.
next,you hear a message from pi. as i said, orca and bulmung aren't

for the rest of the fight, just focus on sirus. totally ignore the
other two.

as sirius' hp gits about 300-200 left. there's a movie that leads you
to the next boss battle.
movie- 12- epitaph recovery
short version/main points: haseo gets ready to kick some aida @$$.

boss fight!: aida <helen>
my level: 82
enemy attacks:

normal shot: release little balls of energy at you. doudge or slash

through it.

pascal bullet: flick away with slash.

lisp tackle: aida charges you, dash to avoid.

prolog laser: trys to shoot you will a broad side shot.

dash to avoid.


this fight is pretty easy compared to bordeaux's aida.

pound away with shots till it stuns move in for slashs. easy kill.

once it protect breaks, charage and fire dd. it's easy to hit.

afterward you see some scenes, watch and enjoy. then come back.

shows atoli's morgana factor being restored.

then shows sirius shortly.

movie-13 - the descendants
short version/main points: it shows the real azure orca and azure
show up and kill the fake ones that were made by aida. also you get a
at tri-edge. and then it's over......
some scenes about atoli getting healed and also ovan.....who says,
stronge haseo...for my skae...and shino's."

sirius finially wakes and some scenes take place where sirius finds out
about alkaid......

anyway after the match some stuff is said between everyone.

haseo metions that he's unsure if he's been doing the right thing, and
that they have the wrong ideas about some stuff. but everyone decides
it's not worth worrying about until they know more. so they decided to
doing what they've been doing.

and then sakaki shows up and ruins the moment by being the b@$tard he
more on that shortly.

after everything is said and done it's time to log-out and begin the
section of the game.

---------------------- finding truth ------------------

now, it is time. time for many the questions concerning the story
to be answered. you will finially know a large part of the truth.
not everything, but you will take a large step forward.

this section of the game isn't as long as the others. parts of it can
be a
bit slow. but then you'll find the story taking off.
to start off this setion you have a new e-mail sent from someone who....
well. just read and see for yourself.

-e-mail- phyllo : to haseo
short version:
phyllo is the little cat dude from the first episode
of .hack//roots (which hopfully you watched by now, its on
your movie player)
yes, a message from beyond the the form of an e-mail?
well, we'll see. time to get to the bottom of
this turn in the story line.


-------town: dol dona -------

i suggest adding kuhn and pi for this.

head for the new area.

-------29)bequeathed, insatiable, mysteries-------
area type: field
area level: 75
party: haseo,pi, kuhn
my level: 82

the reason i suggested bringing kuhn and pi along is that,

first this concerns them too being that their avatar users
as well, and second is that they should both be close to
level 75. and you need to get them to at least level 75
and or better yet level 76 (so they can wear lvl 76 light armor).

anyway. as you enter you will get short mails from phyllo.
really, all you need to do is cross the bridge and head to the south
east most
corner of the map. well actually it's just slightly north of the south
east most corner of the map. just walk around in the general area till
you find him.

when you get there, come back and read more.

what you see before you is an adler's key. if you collect

a ceritan number of these keys you will be able to unlock
the lost weapons. these keys can be found in fields and dungeons.
and after this will be marked on the area map by an icon.
i'll make sure to give more of an explanition on the lost weapons in a
bit. for now just go with the flow and collect 4 of the remaining keys.
also note that you can get on your bike and if you ram them with your
bike you will collect them. kinda like treasure chests or breakable
you will find all 5 keys south of the bridge on the island you saw
phyllo on.

when you get all 5. head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------


-e-mail- phyllo : adler's keys
short version: you get some awesome keywords that
will lead you to the edge of the world. and to where
the power of the 8 phases sleeps in the form of the
lost weapons.


-------town: dol dona -------
form a party with kuhn and pi.

granted if atoli wasnt bussy at the moment she

and endrance would have made the best party. but the
way things stand at the moment. pi and kuhn are the
best choices for whats ahead.

go to the new area.

-------30)hidden, forbidden, sacrament-------
area type: landscape/ lost grounds
area level: (none)
party: haseo, pi, kuhn
my level: 82

when you arrive you will meet phyllo face to face.

and he will break the news to you.....yes he is dead.
you're reading a recorded message.

and then antares pops out from nowhere and almost scares
the $hit out of you. =p

listen to him, he explains, when you're done listening to him.

i'll recap and explain further.

when you gain control walk up to the scythe.....or explore first.

but eventually walk up to the scythe, the one that looks like
skeith's scythe he uses during avatar battles..... and select it.

antares mentions that you need a certian amount of the adler's keys
to break the seal. this amount increases by 5 keys everytime you
go to unlock the next weapon. once the seal is broken you must defeat
a monster.

for now go ahead and break the seal. once done it will turn blue.
if you select it you will be asked if you want to fight the 'beast
of seal' (lvl 75). chose yes.

boss fight!: death eater
my level: 82
enemy attacks: just normal attacks.

this guys is suprisingly strong. your best bet when ever facing one of
monsters is to build up the moral guage and unleash divine awakening.
just pound it into the ground. good luck. and afterward enjoy the

after everything, antares will take off. if you didnt look around
i suggest doing so now. in doing so you should notice that, even tho you
only unlocked one weapon, which is haseo's; two weapons are missing.
in other words.....the person who is the 8th and finial phase already
has their lost weapon........that my friends is very very intresting.

anyway, on top of that i will offer a quick explanation of this.

shortly, you can go to any field, new or ones you've already visited.
you will now find various numbers of these adler's keys there.
collect them when ever you can. these weapons a very good.

in fact the are the ultimate weapons for the series.........

i know what you're thinking. how can that be if they're only
level 75 and only the 2nd or 3rd best weapons in vol. 2 not
even mentioning vol 3.

the answer is this .....(beeeep!! *censored*)

lol, just kidding. lets just say that haseo and skeith start becoming
more powerfull in the next game, and that haseo is able to aquire
items called.....ohhhh ...virus cores. and if he collects enough of
he can upgrade the lost weapons. which boosts their stats and makes them
the ultimate weapons in vol 3.
i will list the weapons and who they go to and how they rank compared
to the other weapons in vol. 2.

haseo- scythe (tie for 2nd with lvl 92 scythe)

atoli- staff (2nd best)
kuhn- steam gun (2nd best)
????- fan (????????)
sakubo-girmoire (2nd best)
endrance- blade (2nd best)
pi- gauntlets (2nd best)
?????- ????? (????????)

about the question marks: i know who they are, and you might know who
they are.
but for the sake of keeping spoilers to a min. i'll simply not say.

before you leave equipe ticking death to haseo. it is in fact the

2nd/3rd best
scythe in the game.......

time to head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

when you get back to town you will notice that you have a butt load of
e-mails. well i know you must be itching to get on with the story.


-e-mail- cc corp. : crowning ceremony
short version: it says its time for a party.

-e-mail- atoli : congrats
short version: she says she's cured but she cant make it
to the party.....*sigh*. but thats ok, at least we wont have
to deal with her sreechy voice.

-e-mail- silabus : as it turns out...
short version: says he likes it better being in the
battle then having to watch from the side lines.

-e-mail- gaspard : emperor
short version: can believe you beat the
tournament twice.

-e-mail- kuhn : thanks
short version: says he plans on sticking things out
till the end.

-e-mail- pi : over thinking is bad for you
short version: says that after all you've done maybe
you deserve a break.

"travis i dont give breaks, no breaks,"

the rock from the moive 'run down'.

lol....yeah ok, so anyway.


-e-mail- yata : good work
short version: says that everything is lookin good...
for now. says he'll have orders for you soon.

-e-mail- endrance : heart beats
short version: just says how he has gay love
for haseo >_<
endrance needs to talk to piros.

-e-mail- sakubo (saku) : master en
short version: says she hates your guts.

-e-mail- antares : you're the emperor!
short version: says you did him proud and
he plans on getting drunk again tonight.

-e-mail- antares : lost weapons
short version: re-caps on the lost weapons.
you can now find adler's keys in the field and dungeons.
also mentions that he's been keeping an eye on haseo at the
request of phyllo. he also says that at some point he became truly
intrested in haseo and decided to make him his apprentice.

there's some really great stuff in the news. namly a new online jack.
which is very important to events comming up shortly.
-news- :
short version: there's a new online jack. make sure
to watch it. it's funny and creepy at the same time.
but very good none the less. and of course they leave you
in a cliff hanger.

there's at least one very very good topic in the rumors


-forums- :
short version: the one topic talks about haseo and endrance
and the possible explainations to why they have special 'skills'.
needless to say people are starting to notice something is very odd.
it also mentions some intresting things about taihaku and the forest
of pain. it says that only taihaku and haseo were able to clear
the event , and that taihaku got a special sword for beating it.
guess what? haseo also got something, he went from like level 17ish to
133, and he skipped his second form and went right to his third form.
he became the terror of death and began his hunt for tri-edge.

also i should mention that although these people don't have it all right
they are getting close to the truth, kinda hit and miss:

-endrance is one of the .hackers, haseo is not. endrance was called elk
back then.
-the powers of the avatars users does have something to do
with the .hackers. but not directly.
-about the character creation and ids. part of that is true. when
haseo made his character, he designed it correctly and his
fit correctly for him to use the character that cc corp. made in their
project. and so haseo recived skeith inside his character right from the
beginning. so partly that theroy was true.
-in a way. avatars are cheats. yet at the same time cheating in the
was nessacary.if it ever got out that haseo was cheating......things
would get
very bad for him. i mean we're talking everyone who's become his fan
would be
very dissapointed at him cheating. cc corp. would proabaly be required
to ban
him from the game. and if that happened, not only would he become "the
most wanted cheater; it would also seriously cripple his effort to save

when you're done log-in.

as you start to log-in you see a scene with atoli and sakaki.
i know i know, honestly if i had it my way i wish it
was a real online game so i could make a character and drive a sword
sakaki's heart myself........but i cant.

head over to mac anu.

-------town: mac anu -------

head for the harbor, get on the boat and talk to the npc captian.
notice a glitch in the game, if you chose to talk to the captian
npc, it will say "congrats on your victory in the demon palace".
when it should be the holy palace. ha-ha. =p
watch the scenes and enjoy.

-----31)isle of kings, hy brasail ---------

you see some scenes where you recieve the 2nd best set of
dual swords in vol 2. when you're turned lose, walk around
and talk with everyone.

as you go down the stairs you will see: sakubo, endrance, silabus,
gaspard, sirius, kuhn, gabi,antares (antares gives you his member
and as far as i can tell 6 random people you ussaly see running around
they're characters are radom but no matter who they are, they always
the same things each time you play the game.

also you need to talk with:

taihaku- down the left set of stairs (facing the top of them)
also a side note on taihaku- this is just a rumor and hasnt
been confirmed, but some people like me think he might possibly
be bu****g from the original games.

2 random people from town-near the docks general area

pi- by the lamp pole near the docks.

piros the 3rd- .........same place as last time. out on the docks.

anyway, afterward you will see some scenes where the $hit hits the fan.
when done come back and read more.
ok, so looks like something just blew up in moon tree's @home. haseo's
called upon to help out at the request of zelkova. time to answer the
head back to town.

-------town: mac anu -------

use the warp point and get over to the chaos gate.

when you get there warp to moon tree's head quarters.

as you attempt to warp you will be denied. you see some scenes then you
give pi the key item "o-van01". then she takes off for master yata. she
'says' that he will make a key to get into the small scale aida sever.

she also says that she'll send you an e-mail when everything is ready.
for now log-out.

anywho, as you log-out you see some scenes with yata and i dont know
what he's up to but i get the feeling it isnt exactly good.

check the official forums. some stuff about moon tree.

-e-mail- yata : route
short version: basicly you can hack your way into moon tree via
a back door. you need to collect some data seeds first tho.

check the news and boards.

-news- :
short version: awesome artice on you....thats right an articel about
haseo's amazing wins in the arena...

-forums- :
short version: people just talking about you again, lol.

ok log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

before you go off chasing those data seeds; you my friend

have some work to do. there's two things on the list that
need to be done.

1) collect adler's keys and unlock the lost wepaons.

2) level up to level 90.

well, lets get on with the to-do list.

1) collect adlers keys, est.
the fastest way to get all the keys you need is to warp over to dol
you should be around level 82-84 for this. go to this area:

dejected, wrath's, camellia

this area is level 89, which is kinda strong for you, but none the less.
the path i give you will make it so you can avoid monsters and still
get all the adler's keys you need.

-as you enter the area there will be a bridge near by leading to the
temple. cross the bridge. as you cross you will see an adler's key.
pick it
up. you should get 4 of them at your current level. then move toward
the beast
temple. keep the beast temple on your right and the hill near by on
your left
move forward until you see another adler's key. pick it up and you
get another 4. next turn left and move along the shore line (while
keeping the hill on your left.) move along that way and when you turn
the corner you will see two more sets of keys.

all told you will get 16 keys everythime you visit this area. just do
over and over again till you have all of them you need. (100 keys)

make sure to keep a few smoke screnes with you to run from fight as
this area is pretty strong at your current level. and it has to be that
ways or else you wont get as many adler's keys everytime you pick
them up.

i suggest getting all the keys you need right off the bat, it only
took me about 10-20 minutes to get them all. doing this is certianly
a good idea.

--here's the amounts of keys you need and for what weapon.
note that if you dont have the correct person in your party for the
correct weapon, you will not be able to unlock their weapon. when
you go to fight the monster.

also note that atoli isn't avalible to join your party

so you can't get her staff right now.
but you can get everyone else's weapons.

name--------weapon----# of keys
haseo's scythe: done
atoli's staff: 10 keys
kuhn's gun: 15
(can not be unlocked)
sakubo's grimoire 30
endrance's blade 25
pi's gauntlets 20

total keys needed: 100

when you go to fight the various boss monsters. make sure

that 1) you have the right person in your party, and 2) remember
to use divine awakening. as soon as you can, use it,and it will ko the
boss monster. good luck.
when you finially have all the keys, and you've beaten all the monsters
and there-fore got all the lost weapons (except atoli's and the other
person you dont know yet and wont be available till the next game)
note: you may need to level up to level 90 before you beat the
monsters guarding endrance's and sakubo's weapon.
2)level up to lvl 90
you need to reach level 90. i know you might not want to do this
but you really should as it will save you time and energy later.

i suggest taking pi and kuhn along and using them to level up.
reach level 90.

when you finially reach level 90 you should save.

the last thing you should consider is keep your eyes open for the next
weapons upgrades. you probably wont need all this for now. but
you will, note that some of these weapons (haseo) are too high leveled
for now.
don't worry just keep you eyes out for them.

-lvl 91 twin swords- get from crowning cermony
-lvl 92 broad sword- rare drop from gimmik tourch (lvl 88-89ish fields)
or lvl 90-100 field boss.
-lvl 93 scythe- trade with alkaid or buy at guards guild shop.

-lvl 90 heavy armor: find in lvl 90-100fields or trade for.

-lvl 95 acccessory: find in lvl 90-100 fields or trade for.

-lvl 75 gauntles: lost weapon
-lvl 84 light armor: fields or trade for.
-lvl 75 or 95 acccessory: find in fields or trade for.

-lvl 75 gun: lost weapon
-lvl 84 light armor: fields or trade for.
-lvl 75 or 95 acccessory: find in fields or trade for.

-lvl 75 sword: lost weapon
-lvl 84 light armor: fields or trade for.
-lvl 75 or 95 acccessory: find in fields or trade for.
you need most of this stuff for pi,kuhn,and endrance now.
and even haseo's lvl 90 armor ,but haseo's weapons can wait
till later.

when ready, then head out to collect more data seeds.

add pi and kuhn to your party if they aren't allready
in your party, and head for the next area.

-------32)discerning, neighboring, vampire-------
area type: jungel dungeon
area level:78
party: haseo, pi, kuhn
my level: 90

you will pwn this whole area if you've done what i told
you to do in the guide.

(note that when you're in a dungeon, adler's keys will now show
up on the area map.)
use a speed charm and fairy orb to get around quickly.

b1: has no aida. avoid monsters and head for the next floor.
you can use the warp point to take a short cut.

b2: just head for the warp point on the center east side fo the map.
use and and head for the next floow.

b3:head for the center east side. the aida is at the end of the
dead end path.

boss fight!: aida <helen>
my level: 90
enemy attacks:

normal shot: release little balls of energy at you. doudge or slash

through it.

pascal bullet: flick away with slash.

lisp tackle: aida charges you, dash to avoid.

prolog laser: trys to shoot you will a broad side shot.

dash to avoid.

this fight is pretty easy compared to other aida.

pound away with shots till it stuns move in for slashs. easy kill.

once it protect breaks, charage and fire dd. it's easy to hit.

when done, just back track to b2 and use the warp point at
the ramp to the next floor. or just continue to the beast statue.
either way just head back when you're done.

-------town: dol dona -------

as you get back pi says yata will e-mail you. log-out and check the

-e-mail- yata : attack
short version: says the tri-edge sign at hidden forbidden inheat will
take you
to moon tree's @home.

great. log-in

-------town: dol dona -------

save and then head out. it's time to clean this mess up.

-------33)hidden, forbidden, inheat-------
area type: landscape/ lost ground
area level: none
party: haseo,kuhn, endrace
my level: 90

ok i'll quickly explain the method to my maddness of making

you get all the lost weapons and then leveling up to level 90.
the reason is that in the upcomming area you won't have a healer
with you (atoli, pi, gaspard, or sakubo). so you need to be strong
enough so that you simply don't need a healer. plus after this area
you will be getting close to the end of the game at which point you
need to be atleast level 93.

go to the sign and then chose to warp.

as you warp the company big shot shows up and starts talking
to yata. apperentally yata isnt keeping on their good side enough
and the big wigs are getting uneasy.
(i smell trouble in the future)

-----setting,eterinty's,night moon------

ok, you enter moon tree and the place has gone to he((.

lets get to the bottom of this mess.......

and as you're about to jump right into the middle of things....

nala of all people show up.....hmmmm. well, at least it'll be
good to have him on your side for whats comming up. you're going
to need allies where you're going......

head inside and use the warp point........the come back and continue.

yep, denied yet again....anyway it looks like that warp point isnt
it seems all the others are but not that one. great.

looks like we're taking the long way around.

head straight forward. to the newly avilable door.

1st block: you need to find two parties of players and

defeat them to move on. use a fair orb in each new block from now

go to the first split, take a left to the cross roads.

one party is on the left and one on the right.
straight forward takes you to a dead end. head back the way
you came to continue.

2nd block: this one is straight forward. look for all

foru parties of enemy players and finish them off.
the continue. about half way through the block you'll see
a save point....intresting little thing. use it if you want to
but you're so high leveled compared to anything here you'll just
pwn it to death.

as you start to leave the 2nd block you'll run into matsu. and he even
tho he's sane he refuses to let you past without a fight.....oh man.
that sucks, i really liked him too. well no choise but to fight.

3rd block: again, this block is more or less straight forward too.
in fact you dont even need to hunt down parties of enemies.
4th block: you have another group of players to hunt in this block.
get to it: this place can be kinda confussing so i'm gana
make a neat little map to help you out if you can't seem to figure out
what goes where.


(#)=warp point
(*)= end warp point
svpt= save point

[] = room
- = hall way.


{exit]---[ ]--[]-[svpt(6)]

[(2)] [(3)] [(4)]

| |
{enter}-[(1)] [(5)] [(*)]



-warp point 2 => room with warp point 3 which has enemy players in it.
-warp point 3 => room with warp point 4 which has enemy players in it.
-warp point 4 => room with warp point 6 which has enemy players in it.

this will get you through the maze and to the next block.

and as you leave, you meet yet around unit leader....

this time its......ahhh!

*vomits on computer screen*


and yes you have to fight him.....kick his @$$....wait, no...not

so not right......brain melting......ahhhhhh!!!!!

afterward some scenes with him and know maybe they
just be happy together and have en stop hitting on haseo........

head to the next and last block.

5th block:

this place is really confussing. i'll do my best to map it out.


(#)=warp point
(*)= end warp point
svpt= save point

[] = room
- = hall way.


[ ]-[]-{exit}

{enter}-[(1)] [(5)(6)] [(3)(4)]


(3) is west of white warp pt.
(4) is north of white warp pt.

(5) is directly south of white warp pt.

(6) is south and west of white warp pt.



{enter} room has enemies.

room with warp pt (1) has enemies and => room with warp pt (*1) (has
(2) => room with (3) and (4)
(4) => room with (2)
(3) => room with (5) and (6)
(5) => room with (*5) and has enemies
(6) => room with (1)
(7) => room with (3) and (4)

when done save and head toward the finial area.

as you start toward the exit guess who show's up. none other
then moon tree's ninja's: sophora and gang.

well once they're taken care of that; its on to the thrown room.
you may or may not want to back track a little and use
the save point. after being told that this is the point of
no return,continue on. we got work to do.

after you continue you will find youself in a very weird place.
it's a white hall way. take a look and then come back and read.
ok you got a good look at it and i aussume you can hear the voices.
no you're not going crazy. anyway this place is weird, you have three
such halls to travel through before you can reach the thrown room.

i like to call these the halls of memories.

after you get through all three you will see an area with some school
desks....and atoli?! watch all these scenes and when you're ready to
come back and we'll re-cap/ prepare for the battle.

you see some cut scenes where you see atoli's memories. it's a sad that's too common. so sad. and then it jumps to
a cg movie.

movie- 14-new world order-
short version/main points: aida forces atoli to awaken as an epitaph

sakaki reveals he plans to use the power of aida to control the online
network and through that control everything connected to the
is like everything: stores, stocks, the military, people who are online;
anything and everything.

and considering how powerful aida is it'd be like a new super virus
with a
mind of its own ,and can control people. in other words.....if he could
aida, he might just get away with it......

yeah right!!! not if haseo has anything to say about it.

1st part
boss fight!: innis
my level: 90
enemy attacks:

normal slash: she'll pull out her two swords and slash once then stab:
to avoid.

normal shot: she releases small balls of energy at you. slash through
or dash to

mirrage of deciet: this doesnt really have a name but atoli yells "why
wont you
look at me!" then turns into a mirrage and starts to come at you. you
to dash to avoid this. then she yells, "no one ever looks at me!"
she will then have auto stun inflicted on her. land some good slashs.

stragedy: shoot like crazy.......if you land enough hits after she
shoots at you
you may be able to stun her.

about half way through the battle you see some more scenes.

movie-15 - consume him!
short version/main points: fricking awesome avatar battling scenes.
watch and enjoy.....also note that aida is reacting to the presence of
the avatars. he also says, "it's just as he said it would be......."
that beggs the question: who's he???

anyway, yeah aida wants the epitaphs because like sakaki said, they're
the 8 keys to the net. kinda like one avatar is like 1/8th of an online
"god" that has power to do anything.

continue the fight.

2nd part
boss fight!: innis
my level: 90
enemy attacks:

normal slash: she'll pull out her two swords and slash one then stab,
to avoid.

normal shot: she release small balls of enery at you. slash through or
dash to

mirrage of deciet: this doesnt really have a name but atoli yells "why
wont you
look at me!" then turns into a mirrage and starts to come at you. you
to dash to avoid this. then she yells, "no one ever looks at me!"
she will then have auto stun inflicted on her. land some good slashs.

confusion flight: atoli will go combo crazy and start flying around like
a sword rocket. you got to hit back with slash 3 times when she gets
near you.

data drain: she'll charge up and fire on you, nothing to do but smash
to break free from it.

-stragedy: shoot like crazy.......if you land enough hits after she
shoots at
you may be able to stun her.

when she finially protect breaks you got one shot to hit her before she
confusion flight, and if she does you'll have far less of a chance to
hit her.
if you miss in the first shot then keep data drain charged until she
stops, the
second she does. fire away.

movie-16 - innis
short version/main points: sakkai gets pi$$ed cause you
runied his plans....ahhhh, too bad. anyway end result is you
seperated atoli from the aida that had infected her. you know
i'd say she's the only one to come that close to being comsumed
by aida more then once.

anyway, sakaki being the coward he is....he runs away....well then

just have to hunt his sorry @$$ down and teach and a good gosh darn
lesson the hard way....namly a broad sword to his face.

anyhow, watch the scenes and when things die down and you get control
of haseo again, come back and we'll move on.

well, looks like the nice old man nala really turned out to be the liein
b@$tard yata....of course he'd probably just take that as a compliment
anyway, some touching scenes there with atoli.

in the mean time yata is looking for sakaki. time to log-out and
see if there's any news on his where abouts.

head to the warp point and move to the main area. then to the platform
to head back to town.

-------town: mac anu -------

don't bother heading to dol dona yet, just log-out.

-e-mail- yata : urgent
short version: he wants you to come to the serpent of

-news- :
short version: an artical about a man who 'fell' out of
his apparment window. sounds to me like aida is affecting
people in the real world now, not just their minds.

-forums- :
short version: some rumors and new picuters.

when done you do watch some scenes.

tri-edge is back...

movie-17 - tri-edge returns
short version/main points: shows tri-edge being
released from the coffin after being repaired.
notice how the three azure knights look at something or
someone right before they turn and leave......

-------town: mac anu -------
head to the serpent of lore.

as you enter watch the scenes. when done you can try your hand at the
avatar battles on the serpent of lore's simulator. but i bet your
to get on with things....alright then lets go.

warp over to dol dona.

-------town: dol dona -------

ok, now before you go running off you're presented with a tough
choise to make.

allow me to explain. as you may have guessed you are quickly

coming to the end of the game. it won't be much longer now.

also, you may have noticed you are nearing the level cap of
lvl 100. and you may remember those nice weapons you saved in
your guild storage. so here's the situation.

for the finial battle you will need to be lvl 93-100.

see i've played this game several times now. the finial
boss is not where sakaki is, but the finial battle will happen soon
after you confront him.
i tried the finial battle at lvl 90 and i died. i tried again at level
and beat it really easily. so i did it again at level 95
and found out that it wasn't too hard or too easy.

so, i suggest that you go out and gain just 3 levels right now. why? you
ask. because the scythe alkaid had that you got off her is level
93, the 2nd best broad sword in the game is level 92 and the set
of twin blades you got from the crowning cermony for being an
arena emporor are level 91.

that's why, because if you don't use them now, you proabaly
won't get much use out of them.....

so go out to a random level 94 field and level up 3 levels.

before you do that tho, go get atoli's lost weapon staff.

--random)protected, illusion's, two wings-------
area type: field
area level: 94
party: haseo,pi, atoli
my level: 90

make sure to set pi from 'life' to 'rage' or 'free will' under the
stragedy menu. you have atoli and she'll watch the health levels.


when you get back, head out for the new area.....time to pay sakaki his

also i want you to know. in the area and the place that follows. events
will happen that will alter your view of how this story has been told to
you. in other words if you didnt cheat by looking stuff up on youtube
or didnt read any forums about it, or look it up on wiki. then you
should be in for some major suprises.

-------34)thinking, innocent, life -------
area type: tower dungeon
area level: 81
party: haseo, pi, atoli
my level: 93

you need to clear out the monsters on each floor to be able to

move on.

tips about traps:

-when you approch a ramp leading to the next level you may
here a "bang", followed by rocks comming at you.
to counter this, just walk barly far enough to trigger the rocks.
retreat to the room you were just in and the rocks will dissapear
at the door way.

-spinning blades on floors: just time it right and dart through

when you get a chance. most of the blades have like 3 fast blades
then one slow. so it gives you chance to get through.

good luck.

f1: 3 parties of monsters to beat, easy stuff.

f2: more monesters to kill to remove the barrier, easy.
f3: grab the beast statue treasue befroe you jump through the
tri-edge sign.

also, make sure your ready to fight. set your main weapon to
your broad sword. it works best for the up comming fight.

go ahead and jump throgh the sign.

movie-18 - interdiction
short version/main points: show's ovan stepping infront
of the azure knights.....wait a second....why are they here?
and wait, where the heck did ovan come from?
then his arm case comes off, but you dont get to
see whats inside........yet.

------------hidden, forbidden, dragonbien--------------

approch the end of the walk way to trigger the sweet scenes and
a fight with sakaki......

dont come back after this till all the movies/scenes are done.

other then that not alot to say other then good luck.....
....well i supose i could make some quick comments=>
at this point i'm going to leave you and you're going to
have to take care of yourself for a little while.
just make sure you did eveything i told you to and you should
be fine.

make sure you enjoy the #1 best scenes in the whole game!!!!

they really are good. so good luck and when all the scenes are over
i'll be glad to share will you some of my knowledge about what just
took place. again, hope you enjoy the scenes that alter the storyline
for the rest of the series........

well, now. i'd say that alot of $hit just happened......

movie-19 - self infection
short version/main points: sakaki infects himself with aida,
at which point you face off with him.

the ovan shows up and tosses haseo his gift for beating
sakaki.....tri-edge's arm??? wtf??!!!

movie-20 - true enemy
short version/main points: and then it
see the true idenity of tri-edge.....ovan pked shino?!
what!!!!???? so basicly you've been chasing a ghost
this whole time trying to get your hands on the wronge

so anyway, this really brings up some intresting points.

1) ovan was lying to you the whole time.....
2) remember back in vol. 1 i told you that everytime
ovan's glasses turned orange/red that something he was
lying or planning something shaddy? you know
3) you've been chasing the wronge guy for 2/3 of the series.
4) why did ovan do all the stuff he did, why would he
pretend to be friends to shino and haseo and then pk her.
why would he make everything so hard for haseo? why!!!!?

you want the answers? then you're just going to have to

go find him and beat the answeres out of him.

warp back to town....

-------town: dol dona -------


-e-mail- matsu : let's talk
short version: he'd like for you to meet him in

-forums- :
short version: just some keywords and rumors.


-------town: dol dona -------

watch the scenes with matsu.

he gives you his member adress, at which point you
get a new mail....log-out.

-e-mail- yata : orders
short version: basicly he says that megan fi is
an special type of lost grounds. you have to warp there
from another area....time to go check that out.

pi and atoli are ok. log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------

warp to the lost grounds, yes, go alone.

-------35)hidden, forbidden, battlefield-------
area type: landscape/ lost grounds
area level: none
party: haseo,(none), (none)
my level:93

go up to all of the pillar and look at them.

you can fill in all the pillars except two.....

about that time you get an e-mail.

back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

log-out. to check e-mail.

-e-mail- yata : investigation
short version: he gives you some key words.
he says you can get the data seeds you need from
the aida in that area.

for once he's doing you a favor.

-------town: dol dona -------
add gaspard and kuhn to your party and head out.

-------36)misjudge, precept's, symphony-------
area type: jungel cave
area level: 83
party: haseo,gaspard, kuhn
my level: 93

b1: its not on the first floor, just get the the second florr asap.
b2: the aida is right in front of the beast statue: top right corner
of the map.

it's an easy fight.

boss fight!: aida <helen>
my level: 93
enemy attacks:

normal shot: release little balls of energy at you. doudge or slash

through it.

pascal bullet: flick away with slash.

lisp tackle: aida charges you, dash to avoid.

prolog laser: trys to shoot you will a broad side shot.

dash to avoid.

this fight is pretty easy compared to other aida.

pound away with shots till it stuns move in for slashs. easy kill.

once it protect breaks, charage and fire dd. it's easy to hit.

beast statue then to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

as you get back to town pi will be waiting, after some

talk she gives you the last data seed you need to make it
to megin fi and to ovan.


well ladies and gents. out time together is comming to a close rather
aside from what i am about to cover.

if you feel you need a break before rushing off to finish the game;
i suggest relaxing by taking part in the arena's regulare battles.
have some fun and go solo against the level 100 parties.

if you've managed to come this far i'm willing to bet you could handle
finial battle with out my help....but; being that this is an indepth
walkthrough guide i supose i can offer my advice for preparation.

--preparing for the final battle-

ok, lets gets some stuff out of the way.

1) finishing all of the optional quests from the quest shop is a good
because you will get items that boost you stats.
2) go and look at my doppleganger section. by completing the directions
in that section you will be able to gain the best weapons for haseo in
game. and they are very useful. in fact they are so good i consider
cheats for this game.

ok with that out of the way we can talk about some other stuff.
there are 3 main things you need to do before you fight the finial

1) who's going to be in your party?

really anyone can go with you for this battle. but of course
some choices are better then others. when it comes right down
to it you get to pick. but the reason you need to chose is cause
that decides what equipment you need to get.

for me. i personally suggest atoli and kuhn.

however, if your really feeling brave and you want

a really good challenge: go solo. yes that's right. go solo.

2) get equipemnt. this is up to you. i'll list all of the

items and stuff i suggest. but again. finial battle, you
chose exatly what you want. i'll sort everyone by class.

----adept rouge-

--twin swords-
spin heaven lvl 91
heine's invasion lvl 50

--broad sword-
broad fenlong lvl 92
heine's shadow lvl 50

ticking death lvl 75
scythe hidaru lvl 93
heine's zero lvl 50

rough dragon lvl 90

simple fortunes lvl 95

----harvest cleric-


dancing haze lvl 75
spell noble lvl 92

sub cloak lvl 84
sub dragon lvl 92
simple fortunes lvl 95

----steam gunner-
kuhn, matsu:

--steam gun-
silent jade lvl 75 (kuhn only)
gun fisher lvl 87

loose case lvl 84
loose lionel lvl 92
rough dragon lvl 90 (matsu only)

simple fortunes lvl 95

----tribal grappler-

stained wings lvl 75
fist thrush lvl 92

loose case lvl 84
loose lionel lvl 92

simple fortunes lvl 95

----blade brandier-

silabus, antares,endrance:

tempting rose lvl 75 (endrance only)
blade rank lvl 83

loose case lvl 84
loose lionel lvl 92

simple fortunes lvl 95

----shadow warlock-
gaspard, sakubo:

infinite spiral lvl 75 (sakubo only)
magic dielin lvl 89

sub cloak lvl 84
sub dragon lvl 92

simple fortunes lvl 95

----lord partizan-

piros the 3rd:

lance snake lvl 86

rough dragon lvl 90

simple fortunes lvl 95


3) last thing on the list is level: what level

do you want to be for the finial battle?

i tried it 3 different times.

-lvl 90: i don't remember if i actually got a game over or not.

but i do recall it being pretty difficult.

-lvl 95: i thought this was just right. not too hard, not too easy

-lvl 100: too easy. i went in and killed him pretty fast.

-at least level 93 if you're going to try and go solo.

well there it is. that's all the advice i can give you
before you actally fight the battle.

looks like it's time to end this.

save, then head off (either with a party or going solo).

-------37)hidden, forbidden, battlefield-------
area type: landscape/ lost grounds
area level: none
party: haseo,atoli, kuhn
my level:95

insert the last two data seeds into the pillars. the center of the
circle with the tri-edge sign will light up. go up to it
and chose to warp.

-----megan fi------

this place is beautiful for lack of a better word......

well when you're done looking around go up to

the door at the top of the stiars and enter the battle with ovan.

you'll see some scenes where ovan talks to you about why he did all the
he did. but he's not making a whole lot of sence to haseo. all haseo
hears is,
"yes, i pked shino." and at that point haseo doesn't seem to pay
attention to
anything else ovan says.

anyway, you end up fighting ovan becasue he's all like,

"haseo. you must destroy me!"

.....ok? aren't bad guys ussally like, 'i'm gana kill you.' ,not=>
'please kill me.'

come on, ovan is a mysterious guy, but he's not insane. so why on earth
he need haseo to kill him? doesn't make sense.
i mean he says that everything he did to haseo was part of a process.
so that
haseo would become strong so that he could one day (on this day)
destroy ovan.
but why!?

well anyway. ovan wants to die, so lets grant him his wish.

boss fight!: ovan
my level: 95
enemy attacks:

ovan likes to do a nice fancy combo where he slashs,then a low cut spin
that knocks you in the air followed by a huge blast to the face with
his gun. normally you could just hold the block button, escept his last
blast is a charge shot which breaks your guard.
to get around this, try to stay away from him as much as possible
while in the second half of the battle. when the black orbs pop up to
heal ovan, use reaper's touch then quickly retreat to a safe distance.

the second thing ovan likes to do is charge up this fricking huge mass
of energy and then fire it at you like a huge cannon.....yeah thats not


for the first half of the battle,use your twin swords,

ovan will just kinda stand there and let you beat on him.
the second half of the battle is marked by a combo
move where he picks up haseo with his aida arm and tosses
him around like a rag doll.

after that, things get messy.

regardless of if you go solo or with a party, the best weapon

to use in this part of the battle is your scythe. ovan will summon
spheres (one of his special abilites, vetrans: think back to finial
battle at the end of quaratine, the last fight with the 3rd form of the
8th phase)
anyway, these spheres will do vaious things like cast magic, status
aflictions, put a shield around him and heal ovan. none of those are
good,but especially when those things heal ovan and put a shield around
till you kill the spheres. that just means a harder battle. when he
the shperes, use your arts: 'reaper's touch' to take them out

keeps and eye one your health, when it gets low, use your best healing
items. hopefully you have the doppleganger's weapons for this fight and
that will help cause it will absord hp and sp to haseo. just pound away.
use you best skills you got.

with a party-
have your healer concentrate on keeping you alive. you and
your tank character, pound away until he dies.


about half way through the boss fight, or i should say when you've
killed him. ovan transforms avatar style. yes, if you havn't guess
already, ovan is the 8th and finial phase.

boss fight!: corbenik
my level: 95
enemy attacks:

-normal shot- he reachs to his aida arm and throws needles at you.
use you slash and hack through them with one slash, not a combo.

-variant summon- ovan will summon lesser aida's. these will die
in just one slash. dash in close and kill them quickly before they
attack. you will ussally have two groups. 3 on one side and 2 on the

-clinch needle- ovan makes a huge ball of needles and flings it at you.
slash through it with your scythe.

-devil's verdict- this is alot like the azure flame god's "azure wild
in other words...dash like crazy and dont get hit with this!!!!!

-fearful visitor- he unleashes a combo of slashing attacks, dash to

you should be able to stun him right after this attack aswell.

-data drain- near the end of the battle when corbenik's hp starts
low. ovan's aida arm will take control of ovan's avatar and it will
data drain on you......hmm that intresting. if aida took control of
ability to data drain. is it possible that, if the aida ever got stronge
enough to break out of the case on ovan's arm, could it force him to pk
someone with data drain????


relax guys. i know whats running through your head: "not another fight
as bad as azure flame god."
lol, it's not nearly that bad. ovan is alot easier to beat. and you
even need to be at the level cap :level 100, to do it.

you know, corbenik kinda looks like skeith's first form you know?
colors and the head design is differnt, but all around it's more or less
the same. thats not a bad thing, i think it's cool. the 1st phase and
8th phase look alike. kinda ironic......

when ovan does "devil's verdict" he will charge you. doudge and as he
past he will leave his back open to attack. fire as many shots as you
can and
if you get enough in you have a good chance of stuning him. when he
does stun
dash in for some slashs. also, he will do this attack several times in
a row.
you can only stun him after the last attack he attemps.

eventually corbenik will protect break. when he does he'll pull an

azure flame god on you and start firing like crazy trying to keep you
from fully charging data drain. well, just hold down the x button and
just consentrate on doudging needles that are getting flung at you.
out of the corner of your eye, keep watch on corbenik, and when he
just for barly a second, aim and fire data drain at him.


well congrats. you beat the game. watch the finial scenes as ovan
begins to dissapear, like the lost ones, and before he goes he says,
"this isn't the death i've been wishing for. it was too soon after all."

then some scenes where yata magicly shows up.

and finially some comments from our hero who is tired out and lost.....

watch the credits.....well part of them anyway.

come back when you see icolo and taihaku.
movie- 22-ominous shadow-
short version/main points: apperentally there's going
to be a good reason for haseo to take on the saga palace
tournament too: i don't think it sounded like aida was
trying to play nice and tickle taihaku.

next thing you know you're at your desktop. well read the e-mail.

-e-mail- atoli : to haseo
short version: she says some stuff that needed saying.
then she asks if you will go and talk with her.
obviously you will.


-------town: dol dona -------
warp over to mac anu.

-------town: mac anu -------

head out to the finial area of the game.

-------38)hidden, forbidden, holyground-------
area type: landscape/ lost grounds
area level: none
party: haseo,(none), (none)
my level: 95

well, this is intresting. before they start you into

the finial chapter. they have you go back to where it all
began. the lost grounds.....the place where kite gained his
powers. the place where haseo had to truly began his journey.
the place where this all begins and ends.

walk in the door, watch the scenes, enjoy the true ending
of the vol. 2
movie-21 - reminisce
short version/main points: you didn't
think ovan became a lost one did you? i mean
come on, it's ovan. it all began with him and
it all has to end with him too.......

watch the credits, save your new clear data. and finially. enjoy
my post game sections.

well guys and girls. it's been fun. i'll be happy to include
several sections that will help you prepare yourself for the
finial chapter in the game. and it looks like it will certianly
be the best game of of the .hack// series ever.

vol 3 // redemption

is due to come out september 10th, 2007

as was anounced by the company on augest 9th, 2007.

it's said that in vol 3 all secrets will be revealed. and as such i
will be happy to impart all my knowledge of the whole .hack franchise
to you in my next guide. i hope to unravel any mysteries of the game
to you. and for all you 'new' people to the series (who never played
the old games and only got to play the gu series) i hope
you will find my knowledge usefull.

well, guys and girls. please e-mail me and tell me what you thought
of my guides and also more importantly if you have any questions.
you will find my contact info. at the bottom of the guide in the
credits section.

------------------ end of vol. 2 / post game -------------------

-------post game desktop------

-e-mail- cc corp. : special words
short version: basicly they give you a list
of some very nice key words. they do differnt
things. just read and figure it out for yourself.

-e-mail- uchiyamada : congrats on finishing.
short version: says you can do the same thing you
did with this game. you can convert data and begin vol. 3
with haseo all kick @$$. =)

-news- :
short version: yikes!!! looks like there's
some very important carp going on. read the article
about salvador aihara. then watch the next and last episode
of online jack for this volume.
also if you look under the 'nation" subtopic, you will see
a toipic about online jack is really starting to take some heat for
what they were saying about "the world" in their new broad cast.
and other legal crap that they're throwning at them.
too bad that what they were saying is ....oh i dunno...true!!!!

-forums- :
short version: there's some topics about salvador.
and a very intresting topic ,called 'my first time' about a player
called: kazubolo. and you'd never guess who his real life player is....
want to find out. then do as i say.

1) go to the dol dona junk shop. he's there. talk to him.

then log out and read the topic about him again, new replies.
2) go to the back of the arena in lumina cloth, back where the
black market is. talk to him then log-out, read topic
again. finially.
3) go to back alley in mac anu. talk to him and you find
out who his real life player is. he gives you a desktop image.

alright then, with all that enjoyable stuff done. time to

get to work on the extra stuff that's left to do before
you play the third and finial game of the series: //redemption

---------------- 1)normal quests ---------------

most of these quests can be completed fairly early on in the

game, you can do all of these if you are at level 75.

note that there are a number of these that you must do to

advance the story line. hence you will find a number of these
quest explained through out the walk through. however
i do not cover quests 4,6,and 8. in the story. although i suggested
that you do them after the final round in the tournament when you
are about level 75.

list of normal quests:

1) steam scientist's test

2) the cat smiles silently
3) the silent chim
4) gathering shadow
5) seeker of karma
6) masquerade
7) challenge from the goblins
8) mushroom hunting

---------------------------( quests )-------------

-----1)steam scientist's test

------- airy,engine's, waltz (q) -------
area type: field
area level: 48
party: haseo,silabus, gaspard
my level: 51

apperentally in this quest you have two robots who have gone berserk.
you need to beat them in battle and get their memory back to the good
doctor. he gave you 3 items that when placed on three differnt hills,
lower the fighting abilities of the robots. well, looks like we got
some work
to do.

first, head to the area.

baicily there are only three hills, use your steam bike to get around
also, make sure to grab the various chests that are in the are. other
that, thee's not alot to say about it other then the fight. just
continue on
when you've planted all three.

--oh yeah, one more thing. i know this is kind of an odd place to put
this but.
you may notice that the speed type of broad sword isn't all that
speedy. i've
noticed it is actually slower the the hold and release type of sword.
there is a trick you can use to speed the combo up and make it less
to use. when you go to attack haseo will swing once. then he will
thrust the
sword at which point you smash the x botton to get as many hits as you
the problem is haseo is slow to recover and set up for the next attack.
what you do is that as you come to the end of smashing the x button
after the
thrust, press the circle button. he'll go into a guard, let the button
and it sets you up faster for another combo. try it and see what i mean.

rain and cload:

being that your level 51 and you just planted all three items, use your
twin swords and beat them to a pulp. when you're done they'll combine
one big robot. beat them again and you'll have completed the quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------

-----2) the cat smiles silently

------- standing, calming, western (q) -------
area type:field
area level: 50
party: haseo,alkaid, gaspard.
my level:53

as you enter the area you get pwned by the white malice cat. which
kinda sucks. i mean you hp has been cut in half. so really the trick to
this area is not fighting as much as possible. use your steam bike to
get around quickly. if you look at the map you will notice that the area
is set up in more or less a straight line. at the end you will see a
that does not have an alter on top, this hill is where the malice cat
located. now go and get there. also, you'll probably have to fight at
the party of monsters guarding the hill.

when you get there get ready to kick. this thing is fast. try to get it
cornered, and give it three kicks in a row. it will yield and you will
finish the quest and get a text of power.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------

----- 3)the silent chim

------- wonderful, opaque, vin beast(q) -------
area type: jungel cave
area level: 65
party: haseo,gaspard,silabus
my level: 66

time to figure out whats been knocking off the chims.

as you enter and walk forward a bit, you'll notice the place seems
to be missing something......

at anyrate, head for the next floor down.

on the second floor, you need to start heading for the top right corner
of the map, it looks like nothing is there, just a dead end. well you're
right in thinking so.

as you start heading there, you'll come to a square room where you
can go east or west, not obviously you'll go east cause i told you
to (top right corner). there's two parties of monstes here, kill
both before you move on.

as you get near that top right corner room,

you'll hear some laughing, now you just have to back track to the
larg-ish square room back a ways where you killed those two
parties of monsters. bascily just re-trace your steps
going back toward the ramp that will take you back up one floor
and you'll have to pass through the correct room.

and you discover a one of a kind, assassin dad. now then, all you got to
do is kick it 3 times in a row. good luck.

you'll report in, end of quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

-----4) gathering shadow

------- blowing, sea sand's, hot wind(q)-------
area type: highland canyon
area level: 53
party: haseo, kuhn, atoli
my level: 75
obviously fighting will not be a problem in this area if you're
level 75.

as you enter head east along the top of the area, use your bike.
when you can, turn south. you will run into the monster you're
hunting.....that was too easy. fight them and then it runs away.

give chase and head south.

head to the west then south and side of the map where you find another
group of shadowless monsters. fight them and the real one
will retreat.

from here head north to the dead end on the map.

suddenly a whole bunch of these stupid shadowless monsters pop up

and corner you.....great.

anyway you got to find the real dog here as the other are clones. of
course me being the retard i am, i over thought the problem when i first
tried this quest and was looking at them very closly to see if there
was a differnce in the way the looked: markings, color, number of
that kind of thing. the answer is so simple that i had over looked it.
the real one is the only one with a shadow.....duh.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------

-----5) seeker of karma

------- burning, fallen, seven sins(q) -------
area type: jungel dungeon
area level: 54
party: haseo,silabus, gaspard
my level:55

unfortunitly, haseo starts to revert a little to his ways of being an

at anyrate, what you need to do is first use a fairy orb to see where
going. as you look at the map you will note the first floor is split
three sections, you need to follow each path and warp to the next
via warp point. just continue this till you get to b2. also, in additon
to needing to use the warp points, there are special doors along the way
that will test your knowledge on how well you've paid attention to the
back story of the game; if you answer the questions wronge you will lose
chim spheres. but considering that you're reading this guide
i'm willing to bet you just want me to give you the answeres. i will.

the first talking door you come to will ask you these questions:
(note that as far as i can tell the questions are always from the
same doors everytime you play the game. but i'm just saying now
incase they really are random.)

q1)when the younger deity lost his life, what happened with his
last breath?
a1) <-(steak sauce was made.) (3)"the hevans were created"

q2) what was the younger deity's spirit given afterward?

a2) (1)cern-u-nnos

q3) the elves built something in order to be treated

the same as the gods. what did the elves construct?
(come on veterans of old .hack. you know this one)
a3) (2) air fortress fort ouph
as you continue more scenes where haseo starts being an a-hole again.

later you'll run into another talking door, time for more q and a.
q1) what were elves turned into?
a1) (1) beast men.

q2) what race did sol, god of creation, creat using the power taken
from the elves.
a2) piros the 3rd....not really. (1) grunties

q3) what race was jelous of the grunties power and wisdom?
a3) (2) humans

continue to the next floor.

as you enter b2 you will notice that there are 2 warp points, one one
allow you to advance. it's the north one.

continue onward.

soon you'll find another talking door.

q1) what was the name of the creature grunties where turned into?
a1) (2)puchi pongo

q2) what did the gods creat to seal the path to hevan?
a2) (3)morrigu barrow wall

q3) what did the 8 gods do to save the world?

a3) (2) seal 'shadows"
continue onward to b3.

well, congrats, no more talking doors. after you enter b3 you will again
see some scenes with haseo being an a-hole.

gaspard and silabus leave your party.

well, for now just head for the beast statue, take a right turn at the
split unless you want some items from breakable objects.

as you approch the beast statue you'll see some scenes where haseo
snaps out
of being an a-hole and gets back to being a good friend and hero.

afterward, what ever you not open the treasure chest. that
would be
very very bad for you. head back to where you left silabus and gaspard.
watch some scenes and then go get the beast statue treasure.

when your done head back to town.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

-----6) masquerade
------- no face, infinite, resident (q) -------
area type: temple dungeon
area level: 50
party: haseo, kuhn, atoli
my level: 75

1st block: just head for the 2nd block.

2nd block: once you're in the second block take the north path.
it goes up and around top the east.

there are 5 chests along the east side of the map. only the 3
in the middle are the ones you want. 2 of these three chests are
fakes. the third chest ,regardless of order, the third one will be the
chest you want. after you get the finial chest with the item. once you
get it
you need to retreat to the entrance of the block where the closest
platform is
that will take you back to town. at this point all the monsters will
show up.

good luck, the monsters aren't all that hard anyway.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------
-----7) challenge from the goblins
------- 12)pursuing, expert's biker (q) -------
area type: bike mission area
area level: 69
party: haseo,(none),(none)
my level: 61

welcome fellow gamers to the goblin challenge.

vetran gamers will recall the pains of playing goblin tag from the old
here they have introduced a way to cominded two acpect of the old games:
goblin tag, and grunty racing. what they have done this time is you
the gold goblins in a game of bike tag, then once you finish the quest
you can
compete in bike missions. which are time attack missions replacing
grunty races.

for now let's get on with the quest:

as you enter the area, walk forward and you will be confronted by the
goblins. fun. instead of facing them seperatly like the old games, you
can take
them all on in one area in one shot. well, that makes things easier and

now, jump on your bike and move forward, you will be stopped and the
match will
then begin.

1st round: haseo, the terror of death vs stephoney the underling.

ok there is a basic stradgey to doing this. the idea is that you

have to catch the inside of one of their turns. basicly the goblins will
flee from you as you chase them, they will start to turn at some point.
hopefully they dont turn sharp. the idea is to get on the inside of
their turn
and keep turning with them. note that you'll have to be prety close to
and match their turn pretty closly. so bascily you drive in circles.
pull harder on the joy stick so you start to turn faster then they do
on the
inside of the turn.
then timing it correctly, you let the joy stick 'out more' and
hopefully you
will cut them off in the turn and there for making contact with them
there by
winning the round.

2nd round: haseo, t.o.d. vs jonue the quick eater

same thing as before. only this time you have to run into him two
time before he'll give in.

3rd round: haseo, t.o.d. vs zyan the quick eared & albert the quick

two this time, both of which you will have to hit twice.
other then that same thing as before.

final round: haseo, t.o.d. vs martina the quick runner

she's fast, kinda like some of the lucky animals that use
burst of speed. other then that just keep hitting her (3 times) and use
the same stragedy as before. good luck.

congrats on winning, time to head back.

when you get back to town you'll finish the quest.

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

------------------- -------------------

-----8) mushroom hunting

------- sticking, natural, fungus(q) -------
area type: jungel cave
area level:72
party: haseo, sakubo (bo), atoli
my level: 75

ok, the first thing about this quest that can be tough is that you have
to have sakubo in your party when bo is using the character.
one of the reasons that doing this quest right after the finial
round in the tournament and right before the title match is a good

once you can get him in your party then appect the quest and you should
ready to head out with atoli.
unlike the majority of the quests you've done, this one isnt exactly as
the finial fight here can be a little bit of a chalenge, but as long as
know about it before hand there won't be any suprises and nothing to
worry about.

as you get to the area set bo from life to rage under the stragedy

b1: straight forward, head for the next floor down. on your way there
should run into a group of pkers.....hmmm something is up. well for now
beat them badly and then continue on. (i should note that the pkers here
are not exactly......well....lets just say that they're no push overs.)

b2: again as you head for the next floor down, you run into some pkers.
hmmmm.....this is really weird, what's up with all these pkers being
in one place?

b3: ok, heading from east to west, go the the dead end room on the
middle west side of the map. along the way you'll meet another
group of pkers.

time to find out what's going on. as you read the area with the dead
end you see the find out the reason for all this.

well time to have some fun, beat the pker 'boss' twice in a row and
then sit back and laugh at all the funny scenes.

man saku is suck a brutal bit*h, i mean come on. even if he is a loser
he was just trying to figure out what happened to his friends.

when your done head back to town and finsish the quest.
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
------------------- -------------------

well, that's all of the normal quests. i'm going to cover the
bike missions seperatly as i consider them time attack races and
seperate from the other quest champaigns. and then of course you'll
find my section on those quest champaigns after the bike missions.

---------------- 2)bike missions ---------------
this setion is also known as the highway master quest champaign.
like i have said before i don't really consider this a normal champaign.

first, head over to see kafu near the @home. he should be right across
from the
warp point. read what he has to say, then head back to the chaos gate.

open the warp menu, now set the first part word to 'passing'.
now depending on the combinatione of words after that you will get
different types of areas, if you look to see what the misson for the
is it will say this: "bike mission (course #)" there are five different
courses. the should be done in a certian order becuase of the level of
difficulty. the order is 4, 3, 5, 1, 2. <- a little tip i got from

so you want to go to an area that is course 4 to start off with.

now there are some general tips you want to follow, but chances are you
won't really understand what i'm talking about until you try the bike
missions yourself at least once.

so...i suggest these key words: "passing, wrath's, two wings.

go here and try the bike mission at least once or twice, that way
you get a feel for how things work and then i can re-cap and explain
stuff you may or may not have missed.

ok here's the general rules you need to keep in mind:

1:generally speaking the fist mission is the hardest because you don't
any of the rare bike parts yet.
2: always start off the mission with a charged boost that will save you
unless i say other wise. you can perform a charged start boost by doing
following: as the counter begins to count down from 3, hold the square
x buttons at the same time. when the timer hits zero; release the brake
still holding the gas.
3: you want to keep the nirto guage full and in use as much as
possible, aka
the entire time.
4: keep pressing the r1 (boost) button over and over again the entire
you race. it's alot easier then trying to guess when your guage is full
trying to stear aswell. it saves precious seconds you need to win.
5: never go to an area that has fog in it. makes it alot harder to do
when it simply doesn't need to be.

order of missions: 4, 3, 5, 1, 2
bike trial 4

engine: 170 engine

armor: yamane armor
muffler: type 500 muffler
tires: 150 tires

(found at dol dona junk shop)

it's a canyon highlands area. i think it's the most annoying mission
out of
all of them. there are two ways to do this mission:
option a:

1: as the counter starts prepare a boost start. take off and swearve
left into
chims. keep hitting the nitro.
2: as you round the corner, try to hit as many chims as you can.
3: round the corner and just bearly clip the king.
4: work through the s-curves, be careful and try not to hit the walls
as much as you can.
5: round the corner and hit the chims, keep pressing r1.
6: round another corner, hit the chims and boost toward the next king.
7: round the courner and hit the chims while angling toward the last

option b:
1: do not prepare a boost. when the counter says 'go!', do a u-turn by
aiming the joystick down and to the left.
2: this part is important. round the corner and clip the king.
3: then with out slowing down, get all the chims in the first row.
there is just enough to fill the nitro guage.
4: boost as you turn the corner, get as many chims as you can.
5: through the curves, then through more s curves, and clip the
finial king. even with a bad time this way turned out faster then the
other way. which way you do it is up to you.

when you beat matsu's time, head back to town.


bike trial 3
engine: kirisame engine
armor: yamane armor
muffler: raging muffler
tires: night tires

(did bike mission 4 and rewards from kafu (did 15 runs and 877 chims).

-when you start this mission dont boost. just press the gass normaly and
bear to the right getting all the chims and filling the boost guage.
as you start to hit chims keep pressing boost button over and over so
you boost as soon as you can.

- head straight but bearing slighting to the right. then as you approch
first king, stear in quickly so you hit the nest row of chims almost
head on.

-after the chims end stear a little to the left. hit the next group of
chims in the middle to get the most. follow along the side of the hill.
soon you'll see the next king. hit him and follow the path of chims.

-take a some what to get up on the hill. head straigh to the last chim.

note: you wont be able to beat the 1st place time if your boost isnt
going the whole time after you trigger it at the very begining. in other
words you have to keep it filled so it can run the whole race.

good luck.

make sure to tune up your bike before going out again, and check in
with kafu
to see if he gives you any more stuff.

bike trial 5
engine: kirisame engine
armor: yamane armor
muffler: tidal muffler
tires: night tires

this one is a little tough.

-charge a boost start. let go and use your nitro boost as soon as you

-then, take the turn wide as that you hit the king chim at a 90 degree
angel to the end of the hill. this will allow you to go over the hill
instead of the whole way around.

as you exit the hill make a 90 degree turn to the right.

gather chims as you go and hit the second king.

next, as you aproch the last line of chims from the second king, bear
and hung the shore line so you angel toward the last kind. do the same
the endge of the hill on your right. that angel will take you to the

bike trial 1
engine: kirisame engine
armor: yamane armor
muffler: tidal muffler
tires: night tires

-as you start follow the chims to the right. boost asap.
- bear a little to the right as you head for the next king.
-clip him and hit the two groups of chims on your way to the next king
in the middle.
-after you ram the next king head straigh just long enough to hit the
group of chims. forget the last group and cut the remainder fo the
and b-line it for the last king.

bike trial 2
engine: kirisame engine
armor: hagane armor
muffler: tidal muffler
tires: night tires

last mission.

this one is short but fast and is one of the only missions
that requires are skid turn=>

-as you start off, charge a boost.

-collect all chims in the first row and hit the king.
-stear hard left.
-as you are just about to run into the second king. cram
the joystick down and hold it very quicky. you will do a u-turn
while running into the 2nd king.
-after the side u-turn, chims the group of chims and boost to the end.

being this race is shorter then the others. there's little room for


after this race you get some cool armor. also the tidal muffler has a
ability that makes it really hard for monsters to spot you in the field.
very useful. it's like using a smoke
screen on your bike that lasts forever.

---------------- 3)quest champaigns ---------------
-- a)highway master

refer to this section above: b)bike missions

--other then what is listed in that section on

how to complete the differnt tracks;
for this champaign you must complete:

1: complete 50 or more bike trials

2: collect 3000+ chims on the tracks

go to the differnt bike mission areas and beat them all.
by the time it takes you to get 1st place in
all of those trials you will probably have completed
the above objectives.

-- b)stray mecha grunty

for this champaign you must complete:

1: help mecha grunty 50 times

you must go an area or many different areas
and just give chims to mecha grunty 50 times.

try to find an area where mecha grunty is very close

to where you enter into the area. fields are good for this.
and just go there over and over and over again till you
get it up to 50 times.

-- c)lucky data collection

for this champaign you must complete:

1:kick up to 50 lucky/unlucky animals.

2: must kick all types of un/lucky animals at least once.
the lucky animals are alot harder to find in this game. they are no
longer set to one area. ex) if you go to an area and find say a gold
is there, there will always be a gold bird in that area from then on.

not so with vol. 2

now the lucky animals are based on your partie's average level compared
the level of the area you are in. the top value along this chart is the
last digit of your party's average level. the value on the side is the
digit of the area level. the lucky animal that will be in the area is
determined where those two digits cross in the chart, kinda like the
battle ship. =p

anyway here's the link to the chart.

this is a chart that allows you to do things the hard way, and
unfortunitly i
found it rather hard to understand and use. there is a better
way but you have to wait till you're level 100.

-stragedy: level all your party members to level 100. then go to mac
go to areas that are level 1-10. the lucky animals on the chart will be

list of lucky animals:

name : lucky/ unlucky effect

gold bird------ :turns all objest into treasure chests

moon rabit----- : all members +400 exp
leviathan------ : recieve 5 items
sleipnir------- : will aid in 5 battles
tsutsuga------- : saves you from game over 3 times
ganesha ------- : max hp/sp increased next 5 battles
high wolf------ : gives you an item set
fate worm------ : gives you 100000 gp
totetsu ------- : objects turn into treasure boxes
kudan ------- : gives you 300 exp
tengu---------- : get4 items
chimera ------- : will aid you in next 4 battles
qi lin ------- : saves you from game over 2 times
tohkoh ------- : max hp/sp increased next 4 battles
baku ------- : get an item set
ouryu ------- : get 8000 gp
nue : summons king chim chim
two-tailed fox- : takes money away from you
malice cat----- : hp/sp halfed for next battle
dark goat------ : hp/sp halfed for next battle
white malice cat: hp/sp halfed while in area

-- d)chim's kicker

for this champaign you must complete:

1: collect 1000pts of chim data

just go out and kick huge amounts of chims.
fields work best. just kick the trees to make them pop

-- e)bikman model
for this champaign you must complete:

find all 160 npc character in the fields or in town.

use the flyer rader. just keep going from town to town till
you get all of them.

note: this following list was made by zer0 and is taken from
his guide. this list is not my creation. got it? good.

name | type |
---------------------- -+-----------------------
ninjato |human male |dol donna
eddie |human male |dol donna
rudolph |human male |mac anu
nogmung |human male |mac anu, dol donna
oimatsu |human male |lumina cloth
iga |human male |dol donna
vergililus |human male |dol donna
midnight-head |human male |mac anu, dol donna
dominator |human male |lumina cloth, dol donna
rider chyob |human male |mac anu, dol donna
lieutenant okada |human male |lumina cloth
corporal yano |human male |mac anu, lumina cloth
ookami itto |human male |mac anu
sidewinder |human male |mac anu
tres |human male |mac anu
ubadama |human male |mac anu
heretic |human male |lumina cloth
kunio |human male |mac anu
encephalon |human male |mac anu, dol donna
lonely wolf |human male |mac anu
boltz |human male |mac anu
dimitri |human male |mac anu
maxburst |human male |mac anu
aralagai |human male |mac anu
aryosha |human male |mac anu
mihirogi |human male |mac anu
nagi |human male |lumina cloth
kazuki |human male |lumina cloth
blue eye samurai |human male |mac anu, lumina cloth
mark |human male |mac anu
wise dragon |human male |lumina cloth
battery tomekichi |human male |lumina cloth
yoshio |human male |lumina cloth
katar |human male |kestrel guild
nagare |human male |lumina cloth
dragonfly |human male |kestrel guild
colt 31 |human male |lumina cloth
pokuri |human male |lumina cloth
exile |human male |lumina cloth
fang |human male |kestrel guild
chamnosuke |human male |lumina cloth
nonbe |human male |lumina cloth
ak47 |human male |lumina cloth
pilgrim |human male |kestrel guild
lettuce taro |human male |lumina cloth
machida man |human male |lumina cloth
takowaza380yen |human male |lumina cloth
great leo |human male |lumina cloth
ayuo |human male |lumina cloth
jj |human male |lumina cloth
flamberge |human male |lumina cloth
soltaholic |human male |dol donna
signaless |human male |dol donna
ohmrice |human male |dol donna
kaki leader |human male |dol donna
umbrella |human male |dol donna
schrodinger |human female |dol donna
trigger |human female |mac anu
naoo |human female |lumina cloth, dol donna
isoide |human female |lumina cloth, dol donna
wang lin |human female |kestrel guild
chobi |human female |mac anu
dr. d |human female |mac anu
henako |human female |mac anu
syake |human female |mac anu
senion |human female |mac anu
inui |human female |kestrel guild
angel hair |human female |mac anu
olive |human female |mac anu
heavenly flower |human female |mac anu
-cooh |human female |mac anu
mile |human female |mac anu
moonlight dance |human female |mac anu
alice |human female |mac anu
pen pen |human female |mac anu
abcinian |human female |mac anu
1/2 |human female |dol donna
restia |human female |lumina cloth
zebra |human female |lumina cloth
mako |human female |lumina cloth
aira |human female |lumina cloth, kestrel guild
menou |human female |lumina cloth
chrysanthemum |human female |lumina cloth
punisher witch |human female |lumina cloth
black pearl |human female |lumina cloth
memuru |human female |lumina cloth
heart in brochade |human female |lumina cloth
hiira |human female |lumina cloth, kestrel guild
niangniang |human female |lumina cloth
ayame |human female |kestrel guild
rental daughter |human female |lumina cloth
kiira |human female |lumina cloth, kestrel guild
sapphire |human female |lumina cloth
madame insane |human female |lumina cloth
jade |human female |lumina cloth
joanna |human female |lumina cloth
ruby |human female |lumina cloth
aleneor |human female |lumina cloth
onyx |human female |lumina cloth
katura |human female |dol donna
barson |beast male |lumina cloth
pale |beast male |mac anu
nuada |beast male |dol donna
tanu |beast male |lumina cloth, dol donna
vanguard |beast male |dol donna
sky |beast male |mac anu
seisaku |beast male |field (medic)
hideyo |beast male |field (medic)
bj |beast male |field (medic)
osamu |beast male |field (medic)
genpaku |beast male |field (medic)
ryotaku |beast male |field (medic)
towa |beast male |mac anu
shirochan |beast male |kestrel guild
eteman |beast male |lumina cloth
yatsuhusa |beast male |lumina cloth
chamee |beast male |lumina cloth
susuzi pig |beast male |lumina cloth
pochi |beast male |lumina cloth
julias |beast male |dol donna
governor tadashi |beast male |dol donna
msf |beast male |field (medic)
bernard |beast male |field (medic)
vitamin |beast male |field (medic)
jyunjiro |beast male |field (medic)
ingrid |beast female |mac anu
tomcat |beast female |mac anu
sagittarius |beast female |mac anu, kestrel guild
quasar |beast female |mac anu, dol donna
gates |beast female |mac anu
b1u3 |beast female |mac anu
mikatan |beast female |mac anu
tiperath |beast female |mac anu
lady of the lamp |beast female |field (medic)
florence |beast female |field (medic)
rintaro |beast female |field (medic)
ougai |beast female |field (medic)
agnes |beast female |field (medic)
telese |beast female |field (medic)
amber |beast female |field (medic)
william=g |beast female |field (medic)
doyle |beast female |field (medic)
watson |beast female |field (medic)
phelix |beast female |field (medic)
jill |beast female |field (medic)
yoko |beast female |kestrel guild
cecile |beast female |lumina cloth
kanko |beast female |lumina cloth
evil woman |beast female |lumina cloth
ishikari cat |beast female |lumina cloth
kitty ladle |beast female |dol donna
applestar |beast female |kestrel guild, dol donna
yabu |beast female |field (medic)
ryogoro |beast female |field (medic)
victor |beast female |field (medic)
stein |beast female |field (medic)
electronic frog |beast female |field (medic)
galvani |beast female |field (medic)
axel rod |beast female |field (medic)
katz |beast female |field (medic)

-- f)chase the bounty
for this champaign you must complete:
1: defeat 50 pkers
2: defeat all the black list pkers

--black list pkers:

maniac helluger
immortal goriki
magical pokotan
silent teru
suzuki of the 7 seas
wicked ibaku
wicked gerango

go to an area where a battle area (blue energy barrier)
appears right next to where you enter the area. fields
work best.

anyway, just keep going to that area over and over and over

everytime you enter one of those battle areas you will encounter
1 of 3 types of fights going on.

most likly->
1: pker attacking player
2: monsters attacking player

less likly but will still happen->

3: black list pker attacking player

see 1 and 2 are the most likly what you will find
every time you enter the battle area. however if you keep
going back over and over, eventually you will be able to
find and kill all 7 black list pkers.


well thats it for quests champaigns. personally i ussally

dont even finish most of them. just enough to get the special
items from them, in order to just barly get my guild rank up.

---------------- 4)hidden quest ---------------

also known as the abyss quest. this is the 2nd and finial part
of this quest.

many people from the older games may or may not remember the bonus
dungeons. they ussally involved warping to an area, getting through a
dungeon and then finially beating a finial boss. this was done after
the game was completed and could only be done then.

i remember some of those old bosses, and most of them were harder
to beat then anything that's been thrown at me in this series....except
for maybe the azure flame god.....maybe.
although i have to say this is not an easy boss by any means.
even if you go prepared you will more than likly still have
a tough fight ahaed of you. granted this is not as bad as
sephiroth from kingdom hearts ii. but i'd say its the next hardest

this time around the game creators have included a new type of
bonus mission. really it's almost more of a side plot then an
actual bonus dungeon. but none the less, i found it enjoyable.

----getting started:

you may remember near the begining of the game that there was a topic
on the bords about a really odd npc character someone saw in a dungeon.
that's where this all starts.

save first.

-forums- : a hidden character discovered?
short version: read and respond to the post with the ' ! ' mark.
reply: 1) area words?

once you've replied. log-in and then log back out.

you only need go as far as the title screen for the game
then quit.
there should be a reply with the answer to your question

-forums- : hidden character discovered?
short version: you get the key words for the area.

save then log-in.

-------town: dol dona -------
head for the new area.

------- chaotic, fortified, guard -------
area type: jungel dungeon
area level: 57
party: haseo,atoli, kuhn
my level: 93

this dungeon is exactly like the ones from the

last game. it's all in one line. just head straight forward
right to the end.
when you're almost there you will hear some voices.

continue,as you get there you will see some scenes.

suddenly you will be thrown into a fight with some critters
you might reconize. the undead gobblins from the last hidden quest
in vol 1.....hmmm something's up.

after the fight you will recive the neculous of light. head to the
platform you saw a few rooms back and head back to town.

-------town: dol dona -------


-forums- : what's the ancient egg?
short version: just some dicussion about
the egg that got stolen.

also check out next topic.

-forums- : what's the deal?
short version: reply to the topic's last post.
reply: "2) which dungeon?"

once posted, log-in then log-out to find the reply.

log-in and.......

-------town: dol dona -------

.......... head for the new area.

------- raging, scheming, conclusion -------
area type: jungel cave
area level: 57
party: haseo, atoli, kuhn
my level: 93

nothing happens till you get to the very end of the dungeon.
again all one straight line.

watch the scenes, when over you get an e-mail,return to town.

-------town: dol dona -------

-e-mail- cc corp : abbyss quest addition
short version: says that a new quest has been
added to the dol dona quest shop. time to accept
it and get on with one of the game's hardest boss fights.


-------town: dol dona -------

before you head off, read about the preparations first.

also! before you accept this quest i should comment

on the party members you take with you.
atoli is amlost an absolute must. healing will be critical
for this quest and atoli is the best healer you could have.
second. i split my opinion between kuhn and gayros th...opps, i mean
piros the 3rd.

personally i hate piros, but i can't deny one simple fact. lord
lances are desiged for breaking through armor. and this fight depends
on being able to do just that (as you will see with my equipment set up)

so the choice is up to you, i used kuhn for this mission the first time
i did
it, but thats just me. i going to save and use both piros and kuhn and
see what
the difference between them is on how well they did in the fight.


ok, you my friend are going to really have to

prepare yourself.

1: i'm going to do this fight at level 95. however if you feel

that being level 100 is a good idea. then go for it. you'll need
to reach level 100 to do the second part of the quest anyway. but
if you want to do this part right now, then i'm not stopping you.
you will however need to be level 92 at least. no less.

2: you need to find yourself some weapons and customize them

specifically for these up comming fights.

----first go to the dol dona junk shop near the guild's @home and buy
these weapons materials: dark attack x2, and light attack x2.

you will also need: nutcracker (armor peirce) x2, and shark tooth x2
(+25% crit. hit)
-nutcracker: trade with sagittarius crush sheaf and un-customize it. i
it might seem like a pain, but this is the fastest way to get them. and
only need two of them anyway.
-sharktooth: dropped by solid eye

----you will also need the following weapons:

broad fenlong x2 -are droped by grimmik tourchs, lvl 90-93 areas
spin heaven x2 -dropped by massacre mummy –(galloping, swift, two wings)

--you need to customize your weapons like this:

spin heaven: light attack and +25% crit. hit

spin heaven: dark attack and +25% crit. hit

broad fenlong: light attack and armor peirce

broad fenlong: dark attack and armor peirce

as for the scythe i'd just take ticking death.

these weapons will be key to beating the upcomming


3: skill trigger

you're going to need to the following skills set to your skill trigger.

x: whril wind
o: reaper's touch
sruare: schell breaker
tri-angle: chaotic strike

4: atoli needs at least 40 of all the following items.

health drink
healing serum
healing potion
sprite drop
fairy drop
antidote soda
blessing soda
stimulant soda
solution soda
esthesio soda
revival medicine

and any other odd and end healing

items (you dont have 40 of)you come across,
that you think might help.

after all of that, make sure to save,

accept the quest ,and then head to the area.

-----9) invasion of super beings

------- clouding, invincible, huge being(h.q.) -------
area type: jungel cave
area level:87
party: haseo, kuhn, atoli
my level: 95

i don't know why they had to name this quest that.....

even i could have come up with a better name, "shrugs".

unlike the other dungeons, this one is not short.

b1: just head for the next floor as fast as you can.

as you start off you will meet a lovly boss monster:

titan dead. you can beat him. it's good pratice for
what's comming up next.

b2: just head from west to east. at the far end at the
dead end you will see the scenes that lead to a boss fight.

--------returning, invincible, huge being-------

as you enter the area, which is the dark version of

hidden, forbidden, bulwark (morrigu barrow) you will see some
scenes and then.......

the return of 'the one sin'.

pause the game for a second and allow me explain what's going
on to those who didn't have the chance to play the original

vetran gamers of .hack will proabaly reconize this name

back in the days of "the world r1":

the story goes that cc corp. celebrated the release of "the world" with
an event called "the one sin". thousands of players attempted the
event and all failed. the monster was said to be unbeatable. people
were beginning to think that no one would ever clear it.

then two players joined together and formed a party. two blade masters
(as the class was called back then). and together they fought and an
battle against this unbeatable monster. and at the end of the day they

afterward players in "the world" would refer to them as

orca of the azure sea and bulmung of the azure sky;

the descendants of fianna.

they had earned their title and rank as the two strongest
players of 'the world'.

in fact they would hold that title until kite came along...
(main character of original series)

anyway, as you will find out with this monster, this version
of 'the one sin' isn't even close to being as hard as the original
from the r1 days. and this one sin is far from unbeatable.

boss fight!: the one sin
my level: 95

enemy attacks: ground pound. it will strike the ground and spikes of
ice looking crystal will pop up in different places.

energy ball. it will pull back it's fist and charge a big ball
of red and black energy in it's hand and then smash it in the ground
the middle. just run away and hold l1 to call your friends over till
it's safe.

evergy blast: after you break it's armor and you start killing it.
after awhile it will regenerate it's armor again. when it's about to do
this it will charge an attack, run! and call your friends over to one
side or the other. becasue you dont want caught in the death star blast
that it will give you point blank in the face.

see, it's a good thing i had you get all those weapon materials.
ok, the one sin will change back and forth between ligh and dark
the idea is to attack with the oppisite element. you will know it is
element whne it's realative color is blue; you will know it's dark when
turns a dark purple color.

step 1: use your broad sword with the oppisite element (change
equipment if
you need and when you need to as the one sin changes elements)

you can attack it's right and left arms. the arms contian the armor
on it's health bar and they both share it. so you don't have to destroy
the armor seperatly for the arms. i suggest using your schell breaker
broad sword skill.

step 2: once you destroy the armor you can then

attack it's body in the middle which will lower it's hp. use the twin
with the oppisite element. i suggest using chaotic strike as much as

also, when you see the one sin start to charge up an attack, run. and
and hold l1 to call your allies out of the line of fire.

note: do not use divine awakening (plasma blade) when the one sin is in
element. only use it when it is set to dark element. other wise you'll
heal the dang thing instead of hurting it.

well, when that's over you will recive the a level 90 accessory.
really a pretty good item if you plan on going rare itme hunting. or you
just want to earn a bunch of cash.

watch the scenes, and enjoy.

afterward you will report in and get some more rewards. yay!

hmmmm, thats odd, you just got an e-mail. time to check it out.

-e-mail- cc corp. : return of the one sin
short version: say what!!! yes, thats right. it's back
yet again. and this time it's bigger and bader then ever.
the e-mail notes that this is " the world's most powerfull enemy."

it's may be that hard and tough, but it is far from being the strongest
or hardest boss of any video game, case and point:

the is a super boss from the game finial fantasy 12 (as in a different
game then you are playing right now), i think it maybe the hardest boss
of any ps2 game to date. don't quote me on that as this is really a
matter of opinion.

finial fantasy-xii supper boss:

<< yiazmat >>

lv : 73
hp : 50,112,254

yes that is over 50 million hp and considering that even at your

best attack you can only do 9,999 damage at a time.
the battle takes over 5 hours, and if you fight this guy out right
the normal way you will die.
the people who made ff-xii are insane.

--note: this is just a friendly comparasion between the one sin

and the yiazmat. you don't actually fight the yiazmat in this game.
and yes i got an e-mail from someone who read this section kinda fast
and didn't realize that.

lol, one sin looks more like a little kitten compared to the yiazamt.
(matter of opinion)

but anyway, time to attempt the second part of this little adventure.
save first.
log-in and get ready to fight a long and tough battle.

-------town: dol dona -------

i suggest that you get all party members to level 100 as this
will not be an easy fight.

restock atoli's supply of healing items.

and get the best armor and equipment you can find as you should
now be level 100.
------- returning, invincilbe, huge being-------
area type: lost grounds/landscape
area level: none
party: haseo, atoli, kuhn
my level: 100

use same equipment and same stragedy.

also, if you're insane and looking for a good challenge. do this fight
solo and at level 95. =p

also, for this fight it's not a bad idea to boost your stats with
spells before you start the fight.

boss fight!: the god eater
my level: 100

---it's pretty much the same as last time. main diference is that this
battle will be alot longer and harder. have fun.

enemy attacks: ground pound. it will strike the ground and spikes of
ice looking crystal will pop up in different places.

energy ball. it will pull back it's fist and charge a big ball
of red and black energy in it's hand and then smash it in the ground
the middle. just run away and hold l1 to call your friends over till
it's safe.

evergy blast: after you break it's armor and you start killing it.
after awhile it will regenerate it's armor again. when it's about to do
this it will charge an attack, run! and call your friends over to one
side or the other. becasue you dont want caught in the death star blast
that it will give you point blank in the face.


see, it's a good thing i had you get all those weapon materials.
ok, the one sin will change back and forth between ligh and dark
the idea is to attack with the oppisite will know it is
element whne it's realative color is blue; you will know it's dark when
turns a dark purple color.

step 1: use your broad sword with the oppisite element (change
equipment if
you need and when you need to as the one sin changes elements)
you can attack it's right and left arms. the arms contian the armor
on it's health bar and they both share it. so you don't have to destroy
the armor seperatly for the arms. i suggest using your schell breaker
broad sword skill.

step 2: once you destroy the armor you can then

attack it's body in the middle which will lower it's hp. use the twin
with the oppisite element. i suggest using chaotic strike as much as

also, when you see the one sin start to charge up an attack, run. and
and hold l1 to call your allies out of the line of fire.

note: do not use divine awakening (plasma blade) when the one sin is in
element. only use it when it is set to dark element. other wise you'll
heal the dang thing instead of hurting it.

when you finish you will get a the best armor in vol. 2
it's level 100 and is customized with -25% damage for all attacks.
rather usefull.

well congrats my friend, you have completed the hidden quest for
vol. 2; //reminisce.

well i suggest you look at the rest of the sections in my guide as

i'm sure they may prove usefull to you. and enjoy, and you can see my
final parting comments at the bottem of the guide.

-----------------end of hidden quest--------------

---------------- 5)doppleganger ---------------

this is just a quick section for the doppleganger: what is it?

why should i care? what's in it for me? est.

the doppleganger is a rare monster that looks like an evil version of

this monster is very strong and is always 8 levels higher then you.
even if
you reach the level 100 cap he will still be 8 levels higher then
you.(lvl 108)

and to verify that information i have friends who like to code break
aka they like to put it on their computers and mess with the game
to see if they can cheat. they're the ones who found out that the
is always 8 levels higher then you regardless of level cap. anyway...

now before you start to pea your pants or the oppisite and you think
you can
take him. i should tell you that he is by far the hardest monster to
beat if
you try to beat him in a straight forward fight. in fact i almost dont
it can be done. that's why we have to cheat a little.

---to find him you should follow this stragedy:

go to an open field area. kill enough monsters to fill your moral

guage, save
the awankening and don't use it. stand still and do nothing for about 10
minutes, give or take some. i highly suggest killing all monsters in
the field
while doing this.

then after you've waited for about 7-10 minutes start walking around
the field.

you will start to see a red arrow much like the ones that show where an
party of monsters are. however, this arrow points to doppleganger.

it's rare,
but after ten minutes if he still hasn't shown up, just continue to
around the field until you find him. see he warps from place to place
in the
field as to increase the chance of running into you.....

you'll know it's him when the edges of the screne turn red and
the creepy music starts playing in the back ground.

here's how i beat him.

--stragedy 1: i suprised attacked him then:
after i built up the moral guage i used divine awakening on him.
then beat the poop out of him, then i just finished him off.
however, if you find that you can't finish him off quickly enough, and
he starts to regenerate health too quickly: build the moral guage back
by getting rengeki attacks in on him and let him have divine awakening
hopefully you will be able to hold his hp at the same level until you
trigger the awakening again.

--stragedy 2: you can either do this right after you get haseo's 3rd
or wait until the end of the game and level up to lvl 100.

here's the steps to go through to do this:

--!! haseo must have his 3rd form and there for divine awakening
to be able to do this.

1-complete the the cat smiles silently quests and begin the quest's
champaign. this will give you the lucky animal radar.

2- go to the item shop and buy about 20 smoke screnes.

3- go to a field type area and check to see if there is a sleipnir

animal there. make sure the area is a high enough level so that you will
be able to build up the moral guage.

4- go through the field and kill all the monsters while building the
guage up. make sure not to use it just yet.

5-after the field is cleared of monsters, go and kick the sleipnir

animal, once that's done stand still and wait about 8 minutes for the
doppleganger to show up.

6- attack the doppleganger. the sleipnir will come to your aid and
which will cut the doppleganger's hp in half. then quickly use a smoke
run away just long enough so your out of sight from the doppleganger.
attack again. the sleipnir again will cut the doppleganger's hp in half.
do this two or three more time. finially, use your divine awakening and
should ko the doppleganager. this will render it's twin swords and
broad sword
the first time, and if you defeat him again you will get his scythe.
i repeat. you have to kill him 2 times total to get all his weapons.
tips and tricks:
!!!!- what ever you do, do not let him attack you while engaged in a
fight with normal monsters. he can walk into a battle area then you'd
be dead.

it took me like 20 minutes to track him down and kill him. anyway,
thats how i
do it. good luck.


reason for doing this?

because if you beat him twice (2 times) you can get his broad sword,
twin swords, and his scythe. these weapons are level 50 but they are
the strongest weapons in vol. 2!!!!

also, you will get two key items that will alow you to gain the
weapons in vol 3.

congrats, thats it.

---------------- 6)books of 1000 ---------------
the following section was not written by myself. this is a collection
information that was gathered from two differnet sources. one is from
vol. 2 guide written by zer0 and the people at and
other source is from a guide for vol 2 written by playboyskitch. i here
give the full credit for the information to those two people. all that
i have
done in this guide is simply re-organized some of the information to
suit this guide: an example of this is using item names from zer0's
and and getting the levels of equipment from playboyskitch's guide.

again i did not get this information by myself, so credit to them.

the only thing i did was organize it into this section for the books
of 1000.

(see bottom of this section for credits)

----ryu book 1 - battles

description: this keeps track of how many battles you have won, how many
successful suprise attacks you've done, how many rengeki attacks, and
how many
awakenings you have used.

strategy: don't really need a strategy, just keep fighting monsters.

the level
doesn't matter.

----ryu book 2 - trades

description: this book keeps track of your trades with party members,
how many
times you've invited a party member to join you, how many gifts you've
given a
party member, and how much all the gifts are worth.

strategy: give your party members a bunch of crap, over and over. it'll
your gift amount up real fast. :)

----ryu book 3 - treasures

description: this keeps track of how many times you've opened beast
treasures (the treasure chests at the end of the level, in front of the
floating statue), how many normal treasure boxes you've opened, how
many trap
boxes you've successfully opened, and how many objects (jars,
muchrooms, etc)
you've destroyed.

strategy: go into a dungeon and play through it, opening every treasure
and object you see.

----ryu book 4 - items

description: keeps track of all items, weapons, armors, and accessories

ever had in your inventory.

strategy: use the item/equipment list

----- a)lucky animals

----lucky animals----
also i want to insert a section on how to find all the lucky animals
for the lucky animal campaign. the reason is because it's hard to
find them all and you need to do that to be able to get several items,
armor, and or accessories.

see the lucky animals are alot harder to find in this game. they are no
longer set to one area. ex) if you go to an area and find say a gold
is there, there will always be a gold bird in that area from then on.

not so with vol. 2

now the lucky animals are based on your partie's average level compared
the level of the area you are in. the top value along this chart is the
last digit of your party's average level. the value on the side is the
digit of the area level. the lucky animal that will be in the area is
determined where those two digits cross in the chart, kinda like the
battle ship. =p

anyway here's the link to the chart.

this is a chart that allows you to do things the hard way, and
unfortunitly i
found it rather hard to understand and use. there is a better
way but you have to wait till you're level 100.

stragedy: level all your party members to level 100. then go to mac anu.
go to areas that are level 1-10. the lucky animals on the chart will be

---- b)items

health drink - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
healing serum - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
healing potion - buy at trade store dol dona
healing rain – dropped by lady guard
revive rain - dropped by revive rain
healing storm – dropped by gimmick torch
sprite drop - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
fairy drop – buy at trade store dol dona
sprite rain – dropped by living tower
fairy rain – trade with tiphereth
weird black tea – dropped by long-lived
strange coffee – dropped by long-lived-lord
holy potion - medic union shop (mac anu)
godly potion – trade with blue eye samurai
antidote soda - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
stimulant soda - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
blessing soda - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
solution soda - buy at trade store dol dona
esthesio soda - buy at trade store dol dona
revival medicine - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
vital talisman – buy at trade store dol dona
spirit talisman - buy at trade store dol dona
speed talisman – dropped by chickie mama
asian mango - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
caramel sauce - shop in the kiosk (mac anu)
fire storm - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
fire barrel - buy at magic shop in dol dona
tidal wave - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
water dragon - buy at magic shop in dol dona
tornado - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
hurrican razor - buy at magic shop in dol dona
earth spike - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
earth rain - buy at magic shop in dol dona
light arrows - buy at magic shop in dol dona
air stroke - buy at magic shop in dol dona
the death - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
the moon - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
the devil - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
the emperor - buy at magic shop in dol dona
the hanged man - buy at magic shop in dol dona
the hermit - buy at magic shop in dol dona
warrior blood – buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
knight blood – dropped by ruby cutter
wizard blood - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
astrologer blood - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
warrior seal - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
knight seal - buy from bad @$$ guild shop
wizard seal - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
astrologer seal - buy from bad @$$ guild shop in dol dona
warrior soul – trade with heavenly flower
knight soul – dropped by scissor byte
wizard soul – trade with corporal yano
astrologer soul – trade with kunio
warrior chain – trade with eddie
knight chain - trade with eddie
wizard chain – trade with boltz
astrologer chain – trade with abcinian
smoke screen – buy at dol dona kiosk
fairy's orb - buy at dol dona kiosk
return feather - buy at dol dona kiosk
return wing - medic clerk at dol dona
fire mouse skin - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
olm shell - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
wing of lufu - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
soil bug antenna - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
scorpion tail - lumina cloth shop
midoro flagellum - lumina cloth shop
sleeping powder - lumina cloth shop
mantis nail – dropped by fat lancer
bear paw - empireo's guild shop (mac anu)
thunder deer hoof – buy at junk shop dol dona
dark lizard tail - buy at junk shop dol dona
astrid specimen - buy at junk shop dol dona
cow stomach - buy at junk shop dol dona
stingray stinger - buy at junk shop dol dona
shark tooth – dropped by solid eye
niki baku tongue – kick barrels at dreaming swift belladonna
ein baku tongue – kick barrels at (theta) petitioning daylight’s
starlit sky
hermit shell – trade for defense amalgam from inui
turtle shell - lumina cloth shop
turtle crest - lumina cloth shop
cleansing pill - lumina cloth shop
jinx's bane - lumina cloth shop
caffeine drink - lumina cloth shop
poison leaf - lumina cloth shop
curse plant - lumina cloth shop
dream wood leaf - lumina cloth shop
body egg - d rank (delta) dancing doomed bum (2 barrels then leave)
mind egg – customize demon suit dropped by long-lived
body scale - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
mind scale - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
fire resist seal - strange heads drop damp armor [it's on the armor]
aqua board – kick barrels at (delta) forgotten wrath’s two wings
calm propeller – dropped by strange head
dustproof lens - dropped by strange head
iron shell - black market shop, hidden behind the arena (lumina cloth)
iron crest - black market shop, hidden behind the arena (lumina cloth)
armadillo shell – dropped by death kettle
armadillo crest – dropped by sorceror owl
tinted glass - from buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
flash light - buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
opening cutter - buy at junk shop dol dona
fast glycerin - buy at junk shop dol dona
anti-paralysis - buy at junk shop dol dona
blast leaf – dropped by meggido hydra
whirlpool leaf - kick barrels at (theta) paling starting route
vacuum leaf - -kick barrels at (theta) ephemeral times memoir
desert rose leaf – dropped by entowal
flash leaf - kick barrels at (theta) unselfish deity's clepsydra
dark leaf - - kick barrels at(theta) confused maiden's rash action
coiling vine - kick barrels at (theta) unselfish deity's clepsydra
paralysis leaf – dropped by druk
body larva – trade with shirochan for vigor dragon and un-customize
mind larva – trade with joanna for demon dragon and un-customize
body wing – buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
mind wing - buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
tortoise shell - d rank (theta) roaring discord’s resort (3 barrels
tortoise crest - kick barrels at counting wrath’s bum
twin scales - kick barrels at (theta)spring’s black hand song
red sun stone - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
blue moon ore - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
white star sand - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
gray comet dust - material shop in alchemy district (mac anu)
gold snake skin - kick barrels at (delta) protected wrath’s two wings
drowsing rod - kick barrels at (delta) protected wrath’s two wings
amber dragon eye - kick barrels at (delta) concealed military berserker
evil snake skin -kick barrels at (theta)spring’s wrath’s belladonna
dowsing chain - kick barrels at (theta)galloping swift two wings
gudo oil – buy anything with the name compress from guards guild shop
spirit tree bud - kick barrels at (theta)decadent pocketed slacker
boost candle – buy anything with the name appraise from guards guild
jade dragon eye – buy anything with the name train from guards guild
beginner's text – buy from the bad @$$ guild shop
beginner's book – buy from the bad @$$ guild shop
text of power - quests
book of power - quests
text of stamina - quests
book of stamina - quests
text of wisdom - quests
text of sense - quests
word of vigor - quests
dawn chim chim – chim data side quest reward
word of spirit - quests
dusk chim chim - quests
health scroll – magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
antidote scroll - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
dawn bird scroll - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
priest scroll - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
life scroll – buy at magic shop in dol dona
ressurect scroll - buy at magic shop in dol dona
reflect scroll - buy at magic shop in dol dona
repeal scroll - buy at magic shop in dol dona
hellfire scroll - buy at magic shop in dol dona
tidal scroll - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
tornado scroll - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
avalance scroll - magic item shop in mercenary district (mac anu)
halcyon scroll - buy at magic shop in dol dona
abyss scroll - buy at magic shop in dol dona
vitality scroll - buy at magic shop in dol dona
chim crown – randomly dropped by chim king
coupon - gifts from npc’s you meet in dungeons/fields
flyer radar – bikman flyer side quest
animal radar – lucky animal side quest
anti-air compass - buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
nutcracker - trade with sagittarius crush sheaf and un-customize it
ninja claw – kick barrels at (theta) decadent pocketed slacker
strategic fan – buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
war drum – buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
dual angel - (theta) piling bustling pure bred
broad angel - kick barrels at (theta) paling starting route
scythe angel – kick barrels at (theta) graceful grieving drunkered
bayonet angel - (theta)blazing multiple buttercup
blade angel - kick barrels at (theta) dreaming wrath's bum
gauntlets angel - kick barrels at (theta) decadent pocketed slacker
lance angel - kick barrels at (theta) serene fighter runner
staff angel - kick barrels at (theta) paling starting route
grimore angel – kick barrels at (theta) essential doomed pure bred
fan angel - kick barrels at (theta)dreaming doomed belladonna
phonosheet - buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
time conch – buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona)
demonic mallet - buy from emperio guild shop (dol dona

----- c)accessory

accessory | level | location
simple bracelet |1 |equipment shop
simple necklace |1 |equipment shop
seal of yu wang |1 |kestrel guild shop
crown of lu ming |1 |moon tree guild shop
medic badge |1 |medic clerk guild shop
1 line reference |1 |trifle clerk guild shop
secret news book |1 |empireo guild shop
simple fire idol |15 |equipment shop
simple water idol|15 |equipment shop
simple wind idol |15 |equipment shop
simple earth idol|15 |equipment shop
simple steam ring|15 |save mecha grunty 5 times
simple gloves |20 |dxarmor shop
simple earrings |20 |dxarmor shop
steam bracelet |20 |save mecha grunty 20 times
simple pendant |24 |trifle clerk guild shop
simple fire bell |30 |dxarmor shop
simple water bell|30 |dxarmor shop
simple wind bell |30 |dxarmor shop
simple earth bell|30 |dxarmor shop
simple pouch |35 |trifle clerk guild shop
simple head band |35 |a reward for saving people
simple watch |40 |trifle clerk guild shop
simple wing cap |51 |armor shop (dol dona)
simple shoulder |51 |armor shop (dol dona)
simple glasses |51 |armor shop (dol dona)
wind barrette | |lucky animal research vol 2
wrist watch |50 |mecha grunty rescue vol 2
shallow wit |51 |bad @$$ guild shop (dol dona)
feed bag |51 |zoo guild shop (dol dona)
for her |51 |knights guild shop (dol dona)
devote guts |51 |salt mania guild shop (dol dona)
shining love |51 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple clogs |55 |guards guild shop (dol dona
simple fire balm |60 |armor shop (dol dona)
simple water balm|60 |armor shop (dol dona)
simple wind balm |60 |armor shop (dol dona)
simple earth balm|60 |armor shop (dol dona)
simple light balm|60 |armor shop (dol dona)
simple dark balm |60 |armor shop (dol dona)
steam watch |62 |mecha grunty rescue vol 2
simple coat rope | |guards guild shop
simple goggles | |guards guild shop
simple brazier | |guards guild shop
biker's charm |72 |complete biker's quest
simple hood |75 |guards guild shop
simple fire comb |80 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple water comb|80 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple wind comb |80 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple earth comb|80 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple light comb|80 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple dark comb |80 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple mittens |90 |guards guild shop dol dona
simple gaiters |90? |guards guild shop dol dona
simple handbag |90? |guards guild shop dol dona
flicking scale |90 |dropped by the one sin
simple fortunes |95 |guards guild shop dol dona

---- d)weapon

weapon name | type | level |location
| | |
spin gai gu |spin |1 |starting weapon
spin kouga |spin |4 |mercenary area weapon shop
spin man que |spin |8 |mercenary area weapon shop
spin rasetu |spin |14 |mercenary area weapon shop
spin corpse |spin |18 |trade with ninjato
spin locust |spin |23 |a reward for saving people
from pkers
[spin ban mu] |spin |26 |kestral guild merchant (water
ban mu)
spin piney |spin |30 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
spin axe |spin |35 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
spin needle |spin |35 |buy from kestral guild merchant
ripper's blade |spin |45 |kill all of the blacklisted
spin ribs – |spin |51 buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
spin indigo - |spin |62 buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
lit honeysuckle |spin |66 story event
spin fang – |spin |78 dropped by maxima bazooka
spin heaven – |spin |91 dropped by massacre mummy
heine's invasion |spin |50 transfer vol 1 data and defeat
broad demon |broad |1 |mercenary area weapon shop
broad wheel |broad |10 |mercenary area weapon shop
broad maiden |broad |15 |mercenary area weapon shop
broad legged |broad |20 |recieve after completing job
broad zhen |broad |25 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
broad tu wan |broad |30 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
flame sword |broad |32 |receive after the 2nd arena
[broad wings] |broad |43 |trade with iga (wrath wings)
broad guiren - |broad |51 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
broad seigen - |broad |60 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
broad kuajie – |broad |70 |dropped by anchor bind
broad sheaf – |broad |80 |dropped by scissor byte
broad fenlong – |broad |92 |dropped by blind pain
heine's shadow – |broad |50 |defeat dopple vol 2
gun steel |gun |1 |mercenary area weapon shop
gun fu yue |gun |8 |mercenary area weapon shop
gun waves |gun |24 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
gun ocher |gun |31 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
water bayonet |gun |13 |trade with kuhn
[gun hong] |gun |41 |trade with sidewinder (fire
gun lion - |gun |51 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
gun bead - |gun |66 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
silent jade – |gun |75 |lost weapon
gun fisher – |gun |87 |dropped by gobtank 75
blade guifei |blade |1 |mercenary area weapon shop
blade fern |blade |4 |mercenary area weapon shop
blade thorns |blade |10 |mercenary area weapon shop
blade thread |blade |17 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
blade sun |blade |35 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
crimson sword – |blade |35? |antares starter weapon
| | |
princess blade – |blade |42 |enderance’s starter weapon
blade luer - |blade |51 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
blade rivet - |blade |67 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
tempting rose – |blade |75 |lost weapon
blade rank – |blade |83 |trade with nogmung
tiger fist |fist |14 |trade with pi
[fist altair] |fist |32 |trade with mihirogi (poison
fist talon - |fist |51 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
fist fairy - |fist |66 |buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
stained wing – |fist |75 |lost weapon
fist thrush – |fist |92 |trade with rider chyob
golden spear |lance |15 |trade with piros the 3rd
lance yantie |lance |24 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
lance law |lance |42 |trade with aralagi
lance xiong - |lance |51 buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
lance tulong - |lance |63 buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
lance snake – |lance |86 dropped by sea trident
spell xialin |spell |1 |mercenary area weapon shop
spell xinzhu |spell |15 |mercenary area weapon shop
spell baiyan |spell |32 |buy from kestral guild merchant
[spell omen] |spell |38 |trade with naoo (wind omen)
spell ji yi – |spell |51 buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
dancing haze – |spell |75 lost weapon
spell noble – |spell |92 trade with naoo
magic amber |magic |1 |mercenary area weapon shop
magic hosei |magic |15 |mercenary area weapon shop
magic nymph |magic |28 |buy from dxweapon shop alchemy
[magic crest] |magic |37 |trade with nagare (sleep crest)
magic huawen |magic |51 buy from weapons shop(dol dona)
ogre's heaven – |magic |65 sakubo starter weapon
infinite spiral -|magic |75 lost weapon
magic dielin – |magic |89 trade with isolde
scythe shouxiao –|scythe |51 vol 2 job extention
scythe hook – |scythe |62 buy from kinights guild shop
(dol dona)
ticking death – |scythe |75 lost weapon
scythe bite – |scythe |82 trade with barson
scythe hidaru – |scythe |93 trade from alkaid or buy at
knights guild:dol dona
heine's zero – |scythe |50 defeat dopple vol 2 twice

---- e)armor

armor name | type | level |location
| | |
sub gear |robe |1 |equipment shop
sub robe |robe |10 |equipment shop
sub gown |robe |20 |delta blurry cursed pure bred
[sub attire] |robe |28 |moon tree guild shop (vigil
sub yin yang |robe |36 |dxarmor shop
sub garment |robe |42 |trade with nogmung
wild robe |robe |47 |complete the lucky animal quest
sub cape – |robe |51 |buy dol dona armor shop
sub mantle - |robe |61 |buy dol dona armor shop
the unexperienced|robe | |lucky animal research vol 2
sub frock - |robe |69 | buy dol dona armor shop
steam vest - |robe |71 |mecha grunty rescue vol 2
sub suit – |robe |76 | dropped by long-lived
sub cloak – |robe |84 | trade with pen pen
sub dragon - |robe |92 |trade with oimatsu
loose sash |light armor |1 |equipment shop
loose guard |light armor |10 |equipment shop
[loose kimono] |light armor |20 |moon tree guild shop (remedy
loose vest |light armor |28 |graceful humbling holy relic
[loose plate] |light armor |36 |trade with dominator (dry
loose sheath |light armor |42 |trade with encephalon
loose leather |light armor |51 |buy dol dona armor shop
steam coat |light armor |56 |mecha grunty rescue vol 2
loose fur |light armor |60 |buy dol dona armor shop
golden lion |light armor |62 |lucky animal research vol 2
loose guardian |light armor |68 |buy dol dona armor shop
loose scales |light armor |76 |chest:(theta) unselfish exposed
windup box
loose case |light armor |84 |trade with eddie
loose lionel |light armor |92 |trade with dominator
rough armor |heavy armor |1 |equipment shop
rough shell |heavy armor |10 |equipment shop
steam plate |heavy armor |20 |complete the chim chim quest
rough mail |heavy armor |20 |equipment shop
[rough defense] |heavy armor |27 |moon tree guild shop (wall
[rough jiongjia] |heavy armor |35 |moon tree guild shop (haunt
steam armor |heavy armor |35 |mecha grunty quest
rough metal |heavy armor |42 |dxarmor shop
rough alloy |heavy armor |47 |trade with -cooh
black armor |heavy armor |48 |complete abyss quest
steam suit |heavy armor |50 |complete mecha grunt quest
rough steel |heavy armor |51 |buy dol dona armor shop
whistle armor |heavy armor |55 |lucky animal research vol 2
rough wave |heavy armor |60 |buy dol dona armor shop
rough buddha |heavy armor |68 |buy dol dona armor shop
mountaineer vest |heavy armor |73 |lucky animal research vol 2
rough iron |heavy armor |75 |knights guild shop
rough amalgam |heavy armor |82 |trade with encephalon
steam battle pod |heavy armor |83 |mecha grunty rescue vol 2
summit king |heavy armor |85 |lucky animal research quest
volume 2
rough dragon |heavy armor |90 |dropped by olin pack
invincible shell |heavy armor |92 |bounty hunter black list volume
rainbow scale |heavy armor |100 |dropped by god eater

---- f)key item

canard key - guild master's key to enter canard's @home

kestrel key - guest key to enter kestrel's @home
moon tree key - guest key to enter moon tree's @home
icolo key - guest key to enter icolo's @home
raven key - guest key to enter raven's @home
hunter's symbol - an id for bounty hunter
lucky ball - collects lucky data from lucky animals
leaflet bundle - a bundle of flyers given by bikman
aida-011 - aida <anna>'s structure data
phase 7 epitaph - tarvos' structure data
phase 3 epitaph - magus' structure data
phase 6 epitaph - macha's structure data
azure flame god - azure flame god's structure data
own king - proof that you defeated a vol 1 doppelganger
adler's key - key to break the seal on the lost weapons
aida -012 -aida gatekeeper's structure data
phase 5 epitaph - gorre's structure data
aida - 021 - aida oswald's structure data
aida - 031 -aida helen's structure data
phase 2 epitaph - innis's structure data
phase 8 epitaph - corbenik's structure data
hunter permit -a permit to begin the bounty hunter quest
chim examiner - item that gathers information on chimchims
flyers - flyers given by bikeman, i need to deliver those to people
forgotten shadow - a silver stone that proves you defeated a vol 2
moonlight faith - a scarlet stone that proves you defeated a vol 2

----ryu book 5 - play time/warps

description: keeps track of play time, and the number of fields you've
gone to.

strategy: for play time, you can leave your ps2 on overnight, and for
the other
3 entries, just warp to different types of places.
----ryu book 6 - arena

description: this book keeps track of how many arena matches you've
fought in,
how many times you've counterattacked (using rengeki), and how many
points (wp) you've acquired.

strategy: fight in the arena a whole lot to get your arena matches and
wp up.
to get your counterattack up, when the match starts, wait until someone
(probably the leader) begins to glow, and then hit r1 and attack that
then back up, and wait for them to do it again. repeat this process as
times as you wish.

----ryu book 7 - monsters

description: this book keeps track of how many types of monsters you've

strategy: use the monsters list

note: if you imported data from a previous .hack game, kite will be
whatever your character was named in the previous games.


goblin rookie - submissive tragedy’s 1000]oaks
drops- health drink

gun giant - buzzing aster's bum

drops- health drink, revival medicine, spin kouga

wight ride - lotd quest vol 1
drops- antidote soda

goblin mage - upfront blazing camellia

drops- spirit drop, sub robe

gigamouth - essential bustling generation

drops- loose kimono
goblin guard - creeping wrath’s two wings
drops- health drink, spin corpse

goblin abyss - piling returning hand song
drops- the death, element baiyan/xinzhu (element based on field element

poisoned dead - lotd quest vol 1

drops- the death

gurugon - gurugon quest vol 1

drops- nothing

baz giant - graceful humbling holy relic

drops- revival medicine, spin ban mu

living corpse - lotd quest vol 1
drops- antidote soda

apititer - counting blazing berserker
drops- loose sheath

goblin knight - counting blazing foot stone

drops- health drink, blade sun

goblin sage - dawning wrath’s two wings
drops- spirit drop, element crest (element based on field element)

giga bazooka – buzzing vane two wings

drops- healing serum, revive rain, spin ribs

morgul – chaotic fortified guard (abyss quest v2)

drops- antidote soda

goblin nemesis - buzzing returning phoenix
drops- the emperor, fire ji vi , fire storm

steam goblin – halberd daybreak’s belladonna

drops- healing serum, tidal wave

mono-grosser – essential doomed pure bred
drops- loose guardian

maxima bazooka – dreaming doomed generation
drops- healing potion, healling,storm, spin fang

duster goblin – galloping wrath’s pure bred
drops- healing potion, elemental attack item (element based on field

angelic gore - truthful marble’s bum
drops- health drink, spin man que

fat lancer - agonizing blazing camellia
drops- mantis nail, wrath yantie

holy eater - counting wrath’s two wings

drops- health drink, healing serum, spin axe

cernunnos - lotd quest vol 1
drops- black mail

gaze knight - dawning red plum’s berserker

drops- mantis nail, wrath yantie

heavens doom – buzzing wrath’s phoenix
drops- healing serum, healing potion, spin indigo

solid eye – graceful wrath’s belladonna
drops- shark tooth, wrath tulong

mirage banisher - lost ground

drops- nothing

death eater - lost ground

drops- nothing

propogate stopper - lost ground

drops- nothing

avenge preventer - lost ground
drops- nothing

tempt rejecter - lost ground

drops- nothing

scheme breacher - lost ground

drops- nothing

--sea monster--

spear fish - rising loves gate
drops- tidal wave

lancer marine - counting wrath’s two wings
drops- tidal wave

sea trident - counting wrath’s bum
drops- tidal wave, water dragon, drop snake

azul sachem – spring’s wrath’s two wings
drops- healing potion, seal ji vi, fairy drop


zan bezel - wealthy daybreak’s globe
drops- tornado

vak bezel - submissive tragedy’s 1000]oaks

drops- fire storm

gan bezel - truthful marble’s bum
drops- earth spike

rue bezel - creeping vane camellia

drops- tidal wave

[lv 31-40]
zan juggler - saddened humbling bulwark
drops- tornado, wind piney

vak juggler - saddened joyous shadow

drops- fire storm, fire piney

[lv 41-50]
gan juggler - counting joyous shadow
drops- earth spike, earth piney

rue juggler - protected love’s bum

drops- tidal wave, water piney

[lv 61-70]
lei zin - troubled her antithesis
drops- light arrow, spirit drop, light fairy

zan zin – warm doomed generation

drops- hurricane razor, spirit drop, wind fairy

[lv 71-80]
rue zin – paling leading phoenix
drops- water dragon, spirit drop, water fairy
ani zin - bequeathed insatiable mysteries
drops- air stroke, spirit drop, dark fairy

gan zin – paling doomed belladonna

drops- earth rain, spirit drop, earth fairy

[lv 81-90]
vak zin – saddened aster’s phoenix
drops- fire barrel, spirit drop, fire fairy


chickie - overjoyed wrath’s berserker
drops- smoke screen

trainee owl - screaming aster's bulwark

drops- sub robe

raven claw - croaking military whicker

drops- health drink

chickie dada - coiling friend’s whiplash
drops- smoke screen

scalvenger – scalvenger quest vol 1

drops- nothing

hermit owl – counting cupid’s bum

drops- turtle crest

black raptor - freezing bustling whicker
drops- health drink, healing serum

lady guard – clever genius’s moon river
drops- healing serum, healing rain, drop ji vi

sorceror owl – halberd daybreak’s belladonna
drops armadillo crest, sub mantle

chickie mama – essential wrath’s dagger

drops smoke screen, speed talisman

hell vulture – paling red plum’s generation
drops healing potion, revive rain

ignis tail – galloping wrath’s pure bred
drops healing storm, revival medicine, blaze dragon

onion mash - submissive tragedy’s 1000]oaks
drops- health drink

crumple tree - great cursed inlaws
drops- caffeine drink

truffle - piling red plum’s twin rocks
drops- health drink

elder growth - piling red plum’s twin rocks
drops- vigil vest

hanger berry - buzzing doomed pure bred
drops- the moon, vigil guardian

entowal – buzzing doomed pure bred
drops- desert rose leaf, dream fur

funger hat – piling bustling pure bred
drops- healing serum, radiant amalgam

forest king – galloping aster’s dagger
drops- desert rose leaf, dream lionel

--demon beast--

rue fang - buzzing wrath’s puddle
drops- health drink, tidal wave

gan fang - starting bustling holy ground

drops-health drink, earth spike

bravo nose - wealthy dusk's bum

drops- healing rain

vak fang - truthful forbidden 1000]oaks

drops- health drink, fire storm

zan fang - truthful forbidden 1000]oaks

drops- health drink, tornado
ani fang – spectating cloudless hand song
drops- air stroke

lei fang – soulful swift alga grass

drops- light arrow

zan ziger - paling grey gate
drops-tornado, wind altair

rue ziger - rising cursed metal doll

drops- tidal wave water altair

ani ziger – thrilling doomed two wings
drops- air stroke, dark altair

don elephant - counting heretic’s frog lake

drops- healing rain

vak ziger - saddened returning shadow

drops- fire storm, fire altair

gan ziger - counting gambler’s 1000]oaks

drops- earth spike, earth altair

lei ziger – cheering exposed generation

drops- light arrow, light altair

shadowless dog - gathering shadows quest
drops- nothing

mighty nauman – buzzing bustling pure bred

drops- healing serum

strange head – buzzing wrath’s dagger
drops- dry budda

olin pack - counting wrath’s bum
drops- fountain dragon

giga mammoth – roaring aster’s phoenix
drops- healing storm

--mecha beast--

wild kettle - buzzing wrath’s puddle
drops- turtle shell, rough shell
knuckleman - knuckleman quest vol 1
drops- nothing

buster kettle - creeping wrath’s two wings

drops- rough defense, turtle shell

steam shell - rough song dusks hand song

drops-turtle shell, rough mail

metal fist - counting blazing foot stone
drops- rough meta

# rain – (steam scientist quest)

drops- nothing

# cloud - (steam scientist quest)

drops- nothing

death kettle – blazing multiple buttercup
drops- armadillo shell, rough steel

# rain cloud - (steam scientist quest)

drops- nothing

process gear – paling leading phoenix
drops- armadillo shell, rough iron

gobtank 75 – dreaming swift belladonna

drops- speed talisman, wrath fisher

bowler head – roaring swift belladonna
drops- nothing

chain whip – spring’s doomed belladonna
drops- nothing

gobcannon 77 - galloping doomed two wing

drops- speed talisman, rush fisher


lizard hunter - truthful marble’s bum
drops- blade thorns

lizard assassin - piling military shadow
drops- blade thread
drygon - blurry cursed camellia
drops- fire mouse skin, simple fire bell

fever horse - graceful wrath's shadow

drops- fire mouse skin, fire legged

blaze drake - roaring wrath’s berserker
drops- fire mouse skin, simple fire bell

dryas - roaring doomed snow caps

drops- wing of lufu, simple wind bell

elite lizard – buzzing wrath’s fast horse
drops- wrath luer

meggido hydra – essential wrath’s fast horse
drops- blast leaf, fire seigen

long-lived – essential doomed pure bred
drops- healing serum, weird black tea, demon suit

dardeus – counting bustling generation
drops- thunder deer hoof, simple light comb

long-lived-lord – galloping swift two wings
drops- healing potion, strange coffee, demon suit


hecatonfoot - graceful aster's pure bred
drops- naja defence

ruby cutter - piling red plum’s twin rocks

drops- knight blood

carrie - rising cursed metal doll

drops- health drink

mad jaws - disputing gray tiny beast (crab monster quest vol 1)
drops- nothing

great jaws - crab monster quest vol 1

drops- nothing

carrianne - counting red plum’s shadow
drops- health drink

ruby cutter - piling red plum’s twin rocks

drops- knight blood

horned archelon - protected bustling weed eater

drops- naja alloy

fate crab - dawning wrath’s two wing’s

drops- knight blood, broad wings

tick mask – buzzing vane pure bred
drops- wrath luer

scorpio ‘17 – warm bustling generation
drops- absorb iron

carrizabeth – essential wrath’s dagger

drops- healing serum, healing potion

face bug – paling wrath’s phoenix
drops- wrath rivet

scissor byte – dreaming wrath’s pure bred
drops- knight soul, broad sheaf

hash chase – decadent pocketed slacker

drops- absorb amalgam

bison tortoris – paling doomed belladonna

drops- absorb amalgam

undead --

anchor bind – warm doomed generation
drops- revival medicine, revive rain, dark kuajie

druk - thrilling aster's pure bred
drops- healing serum, paralysis leaf, demon suit

titan dead - abyss quest
drops- nothing

massacre mummy – galloping swift two wings

drops- paralysis leaf, dark heaven

blind pain – roaring doomed two wings

drops- revival medicine, healing storm, drain fenlong
--demon stone--

hell charm – buzzing doomed pure bred
drops- fire barrel, fire huawen

living tower – piling bustling pure bred

drops- spirit drop, spirit rain

gimmick torch – roaring swift belladonna
drops- healing potion, healing storm, fire fenlong

break pillar – spring’s wrath’s belladonna

drops- water dragon, water dielin


heavenly ray – unselfish wrath’s pure bred
drops- fairy drop, healing rain, light tulong


last boss vol 1 (kite)
drops- nothing

ovan - final boss volume 2
drops- nothing

the one sin
drops- flickering scale

god eater
drops- rainbow scale

----ryu book 8 - drive time

description: this book keeps track of how long you are on your bike,
and how
many times you've crashed.

strategy: get on your bike, then ride around the town. or leave your
ps2 on
overnight while on your bike. maybe tape a penny to the controler so
is moving around and so it counts the time. (it wont count if he's
still on the bike)

credits for books of 1000 section

main credit to: zer0

---credits from zer0's guide

dot hack haseo
mystere man
mystic tiger
red frost
sotaka & her buddies at gamefaqs
azure crow

also credit to: playboyskitch (for most of the wep/armor/accessory


section organized by: jonfireblade

end of "book of 1000" section
----------- end of the game statistics ----------

- 1)desktop

music tracks- 32
back grounds-155
avatar battles on simulator-11

-------- 2)books of 1000 stats------
--ryu book i: battle
battles won
suprise attacks

--ryu book ii:party

party member
gift amount

--ryu book iii:treasure

beast temple treasure
treasure boxes opened
traped boxes opened
objects broken

--ryu book iv: item

items in storage-181

--ryu book v: adventure

play time:
grass field
temple dungeon
cave dungeon

--ryu book vi:arena

arena matches
counter attack
winner point acuried

--ryu book vii:monster

sea monster-4
demon beast-19
mecha beast-14

--ryu book viii:bike

drive time

- 3)party members

haseo: adept rouge
highest guild rank: 6
highest form: 3rd (twin swords, broad sword, scythe )
max level: 100
max weapon level- twin swords: 20, broad sword: 20, scythe: 20
max number of arts:

twin swords- 6:gale blade,sparrow counter, sword dance, tri-strike,

whirl wind, chaotic strike.

broad sword- 6: tiger blitz ,twin moons ,armor pierce, bone crusher
tiger strike, schell breaker

scythe- 4:wicked strike, lotus flower, peaper's touch, heavenly wheel

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:

twin sword: heine's inasion (lv 50) doppleganger weapons

broad sword:heine's shadow (lv 50)
scythe: heine's zero (lv 50)
armor: rainbow scale (lv 100)
accessory: flickering scale (lv 90), simple fortunes (lv 95)

atoli: harvest cleric
highest guild rank: 10
max level: 100
max weapon level- staff: 20
max number of arts:

staff- :

-other possible skills:

ul repth
la repth
ol repth
lau repth
pha repth
lao repth

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj
rip fin
rip maen
rip suvi

-support spell-
ap corv
ap corma
ap vorv
ap vorma

rig saem
rig geam
-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:
staff: spell nobel (lv 92), and dancing haze (lv 75)
armor: sub dragon (lv 92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

kuhn: steam gunner
highest guild rank: 1
max level: 100
max weapon level- steam gun: 20
max number of arts:
steam gun- 5: thorn shot, thunder spark, plectra bullet, tempest blast,
and sphere bullet

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot
--best equipment:
steam gun: gun fisher (lv 87), silent jade (lv 75)
armor: loose lionel (lv 92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

pi: trible grappler
highest guild rank: 1
max level: 100
max weapon level- gauntlets: 20
max number of arts:
gauntlets- 4: rapid attack, king hammer, tiger bite (11), palm blast

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:
gauntlets: fist thrush (lv92), stained wing (lv 75)
armor: loose lional (lv92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

silabus: blade brandier
highest guild rank: 6
max level: 100
max weapon level- blade sword: 20
max number of arts:
blade- 5: sword flash, ogre sword, lateral moon, razor edge, disaster

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:
blade sword: blade rank (level 83)
armor: loose lional (lv92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

gaspard: shadow warlock
highest guild rank: 6
max level: 100
max weapon level- grimoire: 20
max number of arts:
grimoire- ??: ?? (attack and status spells)

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot
orrue kurz- water attack
orzan rom- air attack

-status spells-
duk lei - poison one enemy
mumyn lei - inflict sleep on one enemy
maj lei- curse one enemy
fin lei- seal one enemy
suvi lei- inflict paralysis on one enemy
dek corv- decrease p att.
dek vorv- decrease p def.
dek corma- decrease m att.
dek vorma- decrease m def.

--best equipment:
grimoire: magic dielin (lv 89)
armor: sub dragon (lv 92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

piros the 3rd: lord partizan
highest guild rank: 1
max level: 100
max weapon level- lance: 20
max number of arts:
lance- 4: air raid, thorn dance, piercing heaven (11), scarlet thrust

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:
lance: lance snake (lv 86)
armor: rough dragon (lv 92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

((note you will proabably not be able to

max alkaid's status due to story line events, she
becomes unavalible until the end of vol 3.))
alkaid: twin sword
highest guild rank: none
max level: 100
max weapon level- twin swords: 20
max number of arts: 6

twin swords- 6:gale blade,sparrow counter, sword dance, tri-strike,

whirl wind, chaotic strike.

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:

twin sword:spin heaven (lv 91)

armor: loose lional (lv 92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

endrance: blade brandier
highest guild rank: none
max level: 100
max weapon level- blade sword: 20
max number of arts: 5
blade- 5: sword flash, ogre sword, lateral moon, razor edge, disaster

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj
-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:
blade sword: blade rank (level 83)
armor: loose lional (lv92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

antares: blade brandier
highest guild rank: none
max level: 100
max weapon level- blade sword: 20
max number of arts: 5
blade- 5: sword flash, ogre sword, lateral moon, razor edge, disaster

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:
blade sword: blade rank (level 83)
armor: loose lional (lv92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

sakubo: shadow warlock
highest guild rank: 1
max level: 100
max weapon level- grimoire: 20
max number of arts:
grimoire- ??: ?? (attack and status spells)

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot
orrue kurz- water attack
orzan rom- air attack

-status spells-
duk lei - poison one enemy
mumyn lei - inflict sleep on one enemy
maj lei- curse one enemy
fin lei- seal one enemy
suvi lei- inflict paralysis on one enemy
dek corv- decrease p att.
dek vorv- decrease p def.
dek corma- decrease m att.
dek vorma- decrease m def.

--best equipment:
grimoire: magic dielin (lv 89)
armor: sub dragon (lv 92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

matsu: steam gunner
highest guild rank: 10
max level: 100
max weapon level- steam gun: 20
max number of arts:
steam gun- 5: thorn shot, thunder spark, plectra bullet, tempest blast,
and sphere bullet

-other possible skills:

rip duk
rip mumyn
rip maj

ul repth
ol repth
rip maen
rip fin
rip suvi

-attack spell-
gan bolg
rue kruz
zan rom
vak don

lei zas
ani zot

--best equipment:
steam gun: gun fisher (lv 87)
armor: loose lionel (lv 92)
accessory: simple fortunes (lv 95)

4)list of known tri-edge signs

1)hidden,forbidden ,holy ground-hulle granz

(not hacked)

2) hidden, forbidden, radiation-arche koeln waterfall

(not hacked)

3) hidden, forbidden, bulwark-morrigu barrow wall


4) hidden, forbidden, hades-wald uberlisterin

(warped to but not hacked)

5) hidden, forbiden, battlefield-bodher battle field


6) hidden, forbidden, deadwood-indieglut lugh

(warped to but not hacked.)

7) hidden, forbidden, in heat- sif berg


8)hidden, forbidden, dragonbien- briona gwydion

(warped to ,but not from by hacking new
sign ovan made.)

9)submissive, tragedy's, 1000 oaks


10)clever, genius's moon raven


---------------- frequently asked questions ---------------

being that this is a faqs/ walktrough guide i thought that after geting
several e-mails i would put together a little q and a section to put
my guides from the series. in here you'll find all the questions that
come up from the e-mails i've gotten from people. i really enjoy doing
what i can to give you good info. and i love hearing from everyone.
(even if it's just to tell me what you thought of the guide/guides)
so i hope this might give you all some good advice.

-- 1)technical/game play/story line questions

--- a)questions for all 3 games:

-1) can't stop sp draining

q: my sp goes down by one like every second and i can't make it stop!
it only
does it when i'm in a field or dungeon, not a town. can you tell me
what i'm
supposed to do??

a:if it keeps happening over and over again no matter what; my guess is
you should check your armor materials. you know, the items you use to
customize armor? check it. my guess is that you have an item called
spirt tree bud.
that item (armor material)has an intresting affect: it will decrease
your skill points over time but the benifiet is that it will increase
haseo's stats as the sp is consumed.

-2) how to get keywords

q:i want to ask you how to get (blank) area words?

a: there are only three ways to get keywords. some are

more common then others. 1-you will get keywords from story line events.
2- you can get keywords from topics on the forums and official forums,
can only get certian ones this way. 3- lastly you will get key words as
rewards for getting b, a,or s rankings when leaving an area. these are
random and tend to be harder to get. just try to do well everytime you
go to an area and you should be albe to earn alot of them.

-3) job extensions

q: when can haseo start using other weapons besides dual swords? and
how do i unlock them?

a: ok. a common question for rookies to the series.

these are the weapons haseo can use:
-twin swords- default weapon.
-broad sword- job extension right before 1st round of the demon palace
-scythe- job extension near the begining of vol 2.
-dual guns- ahhhhh not aloud to say how he got it, but
basicly it's near the middle/end of vol 3.

-4) books of 1000

q:can i complete the missing things from the book of 1000 from vol 1 in
vol 2?

a: yes, to some extent. see 99% of the books can be done in any of the
volumes. however, quest champaigns is where the problem is. you get
special rewards for doing the champaigns: special armor, accessories,
and once
in awhile weapoms. the problem is that all champaigns from the quests
in vol 1
end/become unavakible at the begining of vol 2. and all champaigns from
vol 2
end at the begining of vol 3. so you lose the chance to get those
items. the
best thing to do is just max the limit on the book for item collection
you play the next volume. the only other thing i can think of is that
should complete the hidden quest for vol 2 before playing vol 3.

--- b)questions for vol 1:

-1) bounty hunter/ripper's blades

q:how do you get the ripper blades.

a: first off the bounty hunter quest becomes avalible as the story
it's called "hunter's test". once you clear this quest you can't start
champaign. you need to log-out and then log back in before you can find
npc in the back ally of mac anu in the mercenary district. for more
info. see
the quest section of my guide for vol 1.

--- c)questions for vol 2:

-1) doppleganger's weapons

q:i had a problem with doppleganger. i was level 100 and had the key
"own king" from vol. 1 and i was able to defeat him but he just gave me
the two weapons (dual sword and broad) and only one key item.
could please tell me why i couldn't get the scythe and the other key

a: it's really quit simple. the answer is: go beat him again.
yes that is right. you need to defeat him twice (2 times)
in order to get all three weapons and the both key items.

-2) crimson vs
q:i was wondering if you could tell me how to actvate crimson vs.?

a: simple. it becomes avalible near the begining of vol. 2. just

progress the
story line.

-3) divine awakening

q:does affection something to do with the divine awakewnig? how's it

a: yes, it does affect it: when you use divine awakening the little
starts to scroll across the bottom of the screne. obviously if you get
it closer to the middle you'll do more damage. there are 3 'perfect"
in the middle of the bar. by increasing your party member's affection,
three 'perfect' marks become wider and therefore easier to hit.
giving you a better chance to do mroe damage.

-4) password from salvador aihara

q:when you go to the rumors board and news section you hear some stuff
salvador aihara and that he plays the world. after an annoying chase of
checking the rumor board and logging back in you meet him as his
kazubolo “the last hope” in mac anu’s back ally, where he tells you his
true identity as the famous news reporter, and tells you to keep quiet
he gives you the wallpaper and password: nurse carnival. soooo…i guess
question is, what is the purpose of the password: nurse carnival? i
know its
not area words cause i checked all 3 sections.

a:that topic has been discussed several times on the

see we have the privledge of having a few ppl who visit those forums who
are from japan and speak english, they've been able to answer several
questions for us. and as far as any of us can tell the password is
however, i've read in some of the interviews with the game creators that
they are putting bonus material in the gu games just for the north
versions of the games. so it may or may not have something to do with
stuff in vol. 3. but it doesnt seem too likly. if i hear anything i'll
it in my guide for vol 3.
for now dont worry about it becuase it appears as if the password is

--- d)questions for vol 3:

1)final boss for the series

q: is ovan the final boss in vol. 3 , if he is not who is the final ?

a: no, ovan is not the final boss for vol 3. although i can see where
you might think that. i mean corbenick was the final boss of the last
but no, the final boss for vol 3 is bigger, badder, and
generally a whole lot worse the corbenik (ovan).
who the last boss is exactly, well lets just say that he was a major
enemy from the original series.
2) last hidden quest
q: is there hidden quest in vol. 3 and who is the boss ?

a: yes there is a hidden quest for vol 3. and it's one haseo has done
(aka he did it before the events of //rebirth, during //roots look
around on
the rumor's boards and see if you can figure it out)
and, no: there isn't 1 boss. instead there are 11.

3)hardest avatar battle

q: what is the hardest avatar battle and the hardest boss you foughtin
all 3 volumes ?

a: well, at the moment i havn't played vol 3. but i'd say it's a tie
azure flame god and aida<oswald>.


end of guide for .hack// reminisce

yes and now we part till you play the third game that comes out
on september 10th,2007 (at point of writing) and i hope you enjoyed
reading the guide and that the info. was useful.
bye all and plz read the my guides that hopefully will
include the last of the games.


================(for full credits see buttom of guide)===============

---------------------- iii) credits ------------------------

--this guide was written and organized by:


"it's been a pain and yet a joy to write this guide and i hope to
continue with
the rest of the series as soon as possible. i have to say that that
this guide was harder to write then my last one for rebirth. but at last
here it is after almost three months. *sigh* until, the third game:

--thanks zer0 and the people from

for allowing me to use their work for the "books of 1000" section
for reminisce.

dot hack haseo
mystere man
mystic tiger
red frost
sotaka & her buddies at gamefaqs
azure crow

also credit to: playboyskitch for some info. on equipment levels.

bandai - for the first four classic .hack games: they inspired me
to work on my own projects.

bandainamco - for the .hack//g.u. games, they are even better then the
original. and i think the .hack series rivals final fantasy
(*ducks to aviod being shot by ff fans*)

d5t - thank you for, i was able to rediscover the

seires because of the web site you created. and has let me enjoy
the games that have .....consumed so...much of my life.....yeah....
here's a shout out to all the great people there!
piros the 3rd - i want to say that i hope you die a bloody and gruesome
at the hands of grunties tearing you limb from limb. =d

everyone on the forums - you guys are an awesome group

of people
and i'm glad that you guys like the .hack series as mush as i do.

--contact info:
you can contact me with questions and comments either by e-mail, i love
hear from you guys and will do what i can to answer questions:

(had to change my e-mail to gmx because for some reason msn/hotmail is

jacked up right now and i can't use it to reply to e-mails. >_< )



.hack//g.u. vol. 2//reminisce: faq/walkthrough by azurekay

hosted by azurekay

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