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Theories of Personality Understanding

Persons 6th Edition Cloninger Test

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Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger)
Chapter 8

Multiple Choice
1) Sonya Sotomayor was diagnosed with Type I diabetes as a child. Her ability to keep the disease well
controlled is probably the result of which personality factor?
A) Neuroticism
B) Agreeability
C) Conscientiousness
D) Extraversion
Answer: C
Difficulty: 1, p. 147
Question Type: Conceptual

2) Which of the following is not a description of Sonya Sotomayor by individuals that demonstrate the
personality factors of Extraversion and Agreeableness?
A) Warm
B) Generous
C) A team player
D) Ambitious
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 146
Question Type: Conceptual

3) One sentiment that clearly influenced Sonia Sotomayor’s life was:

A) Education
B) Loneliness
C) Curiosity
D) Pride
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, p. 146
Question Type: Factual

4) Cattell proposed that the experimental and quantitative phase of the study of personality was
preceeded by
A) Intuitive insights expressed through literature
B) Clinically oriented theories supported by some experimental work
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3, p. 148
Question Type: Factual
5) A statistical technique for determining a smaller number of dimensions in a data set with a large
number of variables is called
A) analysis of variance.
B) correlation.
C) factor analysis.
D) path analysis.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 148
Question Type: Factual

6) Factor analysis is used to

A) determine how much of personality is caused by heredity.
B) determine whether intervention programs are effective.
C) simplify a large data set with many variables.
D) determine whether a computer program has any bugs.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 148
Question Type: Factual

7) Cattell was born and attended college in

A) China.
B) Ireland.
C) England.
D) the United States.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3, p. 148
Question Type: Factual

8) Cattell's background, before he studied psychology, was in the field of

A) medicine.
B) art.
C) science.
D) astronomy.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3, p. 148
Question Type: Factual

9) The primary function of Cattell's Institute for Personality and Ability Testing (IPAT) was to
A) recommend students for remedial and accelerated programs.
B) distribute psychological tests.
C) lobby Congress for more funding for psychological testing.
D) provide an alternative program for graduate study.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 3, p. 149
Question Type: Factual
10) Cattell defined personality as that which permits
A) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation.
B) evaluation of the level of adjustment of a person.
C) selection of an appropriate questionnaire.
D) optimal assignment of individuals to jobs.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 1, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

11) Cattell defined personality as that which permits

A) adaptation to the social world.
B) becoming all that we have the potential to become.
C) the prediction of behavior.
D) self-esteem and the respect of others.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 1, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

12) Cattell thought that __________ alone were questionable in assessing personality.
A) projective tests
B) factor analysis
C) self-reports
D) objective tests
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

13) Cattell's major contribution has been to

A) psychotherapy.
B) measurement.
C) interview techniques.
D) social psychology.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 1, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

14) Cattell studied all of the following except

A) D-data.
B) L-data.
C) Q-data.
D) T-data.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 150
Question Type: Factual
15) Responses to pencil and paper self-report tests (such as those that ask subjects to rate how much they
agree with statements such as "I generally prefer to be with people rather than alone") are called
A) D-data.
B) L-data.
C) Q-data.
D) T-data.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

16) Cattell classified projective tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, as
A) D-data.
B) L-data.
C) Q-data.
D) T-data.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

17) Subjects are asked to tap their fingers as many times as they can in 10 seconds, providing a measure
A) D-data.
B) L-data.
C) Q-data.
D) T-data.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Conceptual

18) Your driving record, grade point average, and letters of recommendation might be studied by Cattell,
who would call them
A) D-data.
B) L-data.
C) Q-data.
D) T-data.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Conceptual

19) Cattell derived data from

A) questionnaires.
B) objective tests.
C) life history records.
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1, p. 150
Question Type: Factual
20) A __________ procedure predicts behavior from several variables at once.
A) correlational
B) statistical
C) multivariate
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

21) Underlying patterns of personality, which reappear in a variety of populations, are called (by Cattell)
A) complexes
B) sentiments
C) source traits
D) surface traits
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

22) Cattell developed his 16PF by using the statistical technique known as
A) the P-technique.
B) the Q-technique.
C) ergic analysis.
D) factor analysis.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 3, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

23) Cattell claimed that his 16PF measures

A) adjustment.
B) the surface traits of normal personality.
C) the source traits of normal personality.
D) the effect of heredity on personality.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Conceptual

24) The set of a person's scores on all 16 factors of the 16PF

A) is called the "profile."
B) must total 100.
C) is a measure of adjustment.
D) is a measure of intelligence.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual
25) Cattell thought that __________ factors were required to make good prediction of behavior.
A) 2
B) 5
C) 10
D) 16
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1, p. 151
Question Type: Factual

26) Scores on the 16PF can be simplified to fewer factors by a technique called
A) correlation.
B) first-order factor analysis.
C) second-order factor analysis.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 151
Question Type: Factual

27) Two second-order factors on the 16PF are

A) Invia and Premsia.
B) Intelligence and Superego Strength.
C) Extraversion and Stability.
D) Psychoticism and Neuroticism.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3, p. 151
Question Type: Factual

28) Neurotics typically have low scores on

A) intelligence.
B) ego strength.
C) introversion.
D) all of the above
Answer: B
Difficulty: 3, p. 151
Question Type: Conceptual

29) Cattell criticized clinicians because of inadequacies

A) in resolving the transference.
B) in their own unresolved complexes.
C) in making diagnoses without using empirical data.
D) in therapeutic interventions.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3, p. 151
Question Type: Conceptual
30) Fluid intelligence
A) is easily lost.
B) is a predisposition to do well in artistic endeavors.
C) is a special kind of intelligence that predisposes people to do well in fluid mechanics.
D) is the innate ability to learn.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1, p. 152
Question Type: Conceptual

31) Crystallized intelligence

A) is inherited.
B) is developed by the age of 5.
C) is developed by the age of 10.
D) includes the effects of formal education.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

32) The Culture Fair Intelligence Test is designed to measure

A) the impact of culture on intelligence.
B) crystallized intelligence.
C) race differences in intelligence.
D) fluid intelligence.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

33) What was Cattell's contribution to intelligence testing?

A) He invented the popular Stanford-Binet intelligence test.
B) He demonstrated sex differences in patterns of intelligence.
C) He devised a measure of "fluid intelligence."
D) He demonstrated that grade point average is a better measure of intelligence than so-called
"intelligence tests."
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Conceptual

34) Researchers have found what kind of evidence against the inherited "innate ability" interpretation of
the Culture Fair Intelligence Test?
A) education does influence fluid intelligence scores
B) zero correlations between parents and children on this measure
C) failure of the measure to predict school performance
D) high correlations between this test and measures of extraversion
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Conceptual
35) Heredity determines __________ of the variation in people's intelligence, according to Cattell.
A) none
B) nearly all
C) about 50%
D) about 80%
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

36) Because of his beliefs about intelligence, Cattell supported __________ in order to prevent a decline
of the general intelligence of the population.
A) educational television
B) vitamin supplements to infants
C) early marriage
D) the eugenics movement
Answer: D
Difficulty: 3, p. 152
Question Type: Conceptual

37) __________ traits are hereditary source traits, such as emotional reactivity, that determine the style
and tempo of behavior.
A) Ability
B) Dynamic
C) Surface
D) Temperament
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

38) __________ traits are motivational traits.

A) Ability
B) Dynamic
C) Surface
D) Temperament
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

39) Constitutional, dynamic source traits such as anger, curiosity, and fear are called
A) ergs.
B) metaergs.
C) sentiments.
D) attitudes.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual
40) Ergs are
A) dynamic traits.
B) influenced by heredity.
C) comparable to animal instincts.
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

41) Ergs involve a tendency to seek a particular

A) love partner.
B) temperature.
C) goal.
D) level of stimulation.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

42) Two important kinds of metaergs are

A) fluid and crystallized.
B) sentiments and attitudes.
C) ergs and energy.
D) temperament and ability.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, pp. 152 - 153
Question Type: Factual

43) The most important sentiment, according to Cattell, is the

A) superego.
B) religious sentiment.
C) self-sentiment.
D) subsidiary sentiment.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3, p. 153
Question Type: Conceptual

44) Jane loves her family. Harold is unhappy with his home. Sarah is very religious. These are examples
of __________.
A) temperament traits.
B) ergs.
C) attitudes.
D) sentiments.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 3, pp. 152 - 153
Question Type: Conceptual
45) Which of the following statements is the best example of subsidiation?
A) Intelligence increases with age, up to a certain point.
B) Males and females have different typical personality profiles.
C) We must work in order to eat.
D) Americans tend to be more relaxed than Europeans.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 153
Question Type: Conceptual

46) Relationships among attitudes, sentiments, and ergs are diagrammed in the
B) specification equation.
C) dynamic lattice.
D) P-technique.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 1, p. 153
Question Type: Factual

47) The dynamic lattice shows

A) the impact of heredity.
B) the subsidiary relationships among ergs and metaergs.
C) intrapsychic conflict.
D) personality profiles.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, pp. 153 - 154
Question Type: Conceptual

48) Barbara has discovered that participating in a health club satisfies many motivations, including the
need for exercise and social motivation. This is an example of
A) short-circuiting.
B) an ability trait.
C) the master sentiment.
D) confluence learning.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 3, p. 154
Question Type: Conceptual

49) In principle, behavior can be predicted from personality by adding together several terms in the
A) Multiple Abstract Variance Analysis.
B) dynamic lattice.
C) specification equation.
D) 16PF.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 154
Question Type: Conceptual
50) The specification equation includes
A) personality traits.
B) situational factors.
C) temporary factors.
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Difficulty: 3, p. 154
Question Type: Factual

51) The specification equation permits

A) determination of the extent to which a trait is inherited.
B) comparison of a person's test scores with standard norms.
C) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation.
D) determination of the extent to which a trait is influenced by the environment.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 154
Question Type: Factual

52) Cattell suggested that studying individual case histories

A) is possible with the P-technique.
B) should be left to clinicians.
C) is not scientifically possible.
D) should be the major effort of personality psychologists.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, p. 155
Question Type: Conceptual

53) Cattell devised the MAVA in order to

A) investigate the contribution of heredity and the environment to personality.
B) give clinicians a better diagnostic instrument.
C) show that he could make clinical diagnoses based on an interview.
D) have an alternative to self-report personality tests.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 3, p. 155
Question Type: Conceptual

54) The extent to which a trait is influenced by genetics is called

A) the concordance rate.
B) heritability.
C) genetic finalism.
D) expressed phenotype.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, p. 155
Question Type: Factual
55) Currently, a popular alternative to Cattell's model proposes that there are __________ basic factors of
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) 8
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 156
Question Type: Factual

56) The Big Five factors provide a model of

A) the major forms of mental disorders.
B) the major factors of personality.
C) the history of personality theory.
D) the major criteria for evaluating personality theories.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 1, p. 156
Question Type: Conceptual

57) Two psychologists who have researched the Big Five factors are
A) Skinner and Staats.
B) Dollard and Miller.
C) Allport and Odbert.
D) Costa and McCrae.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1, p. 156
Question Type: Factual

58) The lexical approach is based on studying

A) genetics.
B) social interactions.
C) language.
D) childhood.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 156
Question Type: Factual

59) Which of the following is not one of the Big Five factors of personality?
A) Extraversion
B) Neuroticism
C) Openness
D) Aggressiveness
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 156 (table)
Question Type: Factual
60) Which of the following does not describe extraverts, according to research on the Big Five?
A) friendly
B) talkative
C) sexually active
D) serene
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 157
Question Type: Factual

61) Sam is a friendly, compliant person who avoids fights and generally goes along with what others want
to do. Which factor describes him best?
A) extraversion
B) agreeableness
C) conscientiousness
D) openness
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, p. 157
Question Type: Conceptual

62) Jenny worries a lot and is unhappy and has low self-esteem. Which factor describes her best?
A) introversion (low extraversion)
B) low agreeableness
C) neuroticism
D) conscientiousness
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 157
Question Type: Conceptual

63) Ed is neat and self-disciplined, and he studies hard and gets good grades. He is ambitious. Which
factor best describes him?
A) neuroticism
B) conscientiousness
C) agreeableness
D) openness
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, p. 158
Question Type: Conceptual

64) Connie is imaginative and artistic, and more liberal and broadminded than most people. The factor
that best describes her is
A) agreeableness
B) extraversion
C) openness
D) neuroticism
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 159
Question Type: Conceptual
65) The Big Five factors have been found in
A) adults.
B) children.
C) other countries.
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, pp. 160 - 161
Question Type: Factual

66) Warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement-seeking, and positive emotions are
__________ of extraversion.
A) invalidation
B) facets
C) opposites
D) operational definitions
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2, p. 160 (table)
Question Type: Conceptual

67) Each of the Big Five factors has __________ facets.

A) two
B) three
C) six
D) sixteen
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 160 (table)
Question Type: Factual

68) The Big Five model

A) describes personality.
B) explains personality.
C) offers a therapy approach.
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, p. 162
Question Type: Factual

69) Cattell's theory suggests that Einstein's intelligence can be attributed primarily to good early
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 218
Question Type: Factual

70) Factor analysis is based upon the statistical concept of correlation.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 148
Question Type: Factual
71) A correlation matrix contains correlations among all pairs of variables.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 148
Question Type: Factual

72) Cattell defined personality as "the conscious mind, which directs behavior, and the unconscious mind,
which directs dreams."
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

73) Cattell recommended that researchers use the interview as a way of measuring personality.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 3, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

74) Cattell devised many tests to measure personality.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

75) Cattell devised many measures of personality, but none of intelligence.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

76) Projective tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, are called "Q-data."
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

77) Cattell thought that Q-data and L-data were separate factors of personality, uncorrelated with one
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 150
Question Type: Factual

78) Cattell is noted for his extensive work on multivariate approaches to personality.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

79) It is obvious to everyone that Jane is cheerful; therefore, "cheerfulness" is a source trait.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Conceptual
80) Cattell called the underlying dimensions of personality "surface traits."
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

81) The 16PF test measures the main dimensions of normal personality.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

82) The 16PF has been used in occupational settings to describe and compare groups of people.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

83) Heredity influences the development of neurosis.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 3, p. 151
Question Type: Factual

84) The Culture Fair Intelligence Test is designed to measure crystallized intelligence.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

85) Research has shown that tests of fluid intelligence are sometimes influenced by education.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 3, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

86) Cattell's theory includes ergs and metaergs as dynamic (motivational) traits.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

87) With learning, ergs are channeled into metaergs.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Conceptual

88) The self-sentiment is an important erg.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 3, p. 153
Question Type: Conceptual

89) The most important sentiment is the self-sentiment, according to Cattell.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 153
Question Type: Conceptual
90) The dynamic lattice outlines the goals of psychotherapy.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1, pp. 153 - 154
Question Type: Factual

91) Cattell predicted behavior from personality through his specification equation.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1, p. 154
Question Type: Factual

92) All of Cattell's research is based on groups of subjects, rather than the study of individuals.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 154
Question Type: Factual

93) Constitutional traits are largely determined by experience.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 155
Question Type: Factual

94) Cattell argued that heredity has no effect on normal personality.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1, p. 155
Question Type: Factual

95) Cattell argued that theory was unnecessary and an obstacle to good personality research.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 155
Question Type: Conceptual

96) The Big Five factors and Cattell's factors were both derived using factor analysis.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1, pp. 155 - 156
Question Type: Factual

97) Factor theories are primarily descriptive but also focus on personality development.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 3, p. 146
Question Type: Conceptual

98) Sonya Sotomayor’s identity awareness as a Latina woman would probably be considered a metaerg
by Cattell?
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 147
Question Type: Conceptual

99) Sonya Sotomayor’s effort and sacrifice to excel as a student, a lawyer, and a judge is evidence of the
trait dimension of Agreeableness?
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 146
Question Type: Conceptual
100) Cattell believed that personality was simply a matter of predicting one variable of personality at a
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

101) Cattell maintained that since his second-order factors were similar to the Big 5 factors, they were as
useful in predicting behavior as his 16 primary factors.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 151
Question Type: Factual

102) Personality researchers for the most part are in agreement as to how many traits are necessary to
describe personality.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1, p. 155
Question Type: Factual

103) The Big Five factors are based on the lexical approach, studying people's descriptions of personality.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 3, p. 156
Question Type: Factual

104) Surprisingly, extraversion is not one of the Big Five factors.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1, p. 156
Question Type: Factual

105) A person who scores low on neuroticism is generally emotionally stable.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, pp. 157 - 158
Question Type: Conceptual

106) Conscientiousness is associated with high grades.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 158
Question Type: Conceptual

107) Scoring high on Neuroticism can sometimes be positive and helpful in an individual’s life.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 158
Question Type: Factual
108) Artistic, imaginative people generally score low on openness.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 159
Question Type: Conceptual

109) Facets of agreeableness, such as trust and compliance and modesty, are correlated with one another.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 160 (table)
Question Type: Conceptual

110) The Big Five factors of personality are well-established in adults but not yet demonstrated in
children or people in other cultures.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 3, p. 161
Question Type: Factual

111) The Big Five are not robust factors; sometimes researchers can find them, and sometimes not.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2, p. 161
Question Type: Factual

112) The Big Five have been found in a variety of personality tests besides those devised specifically to
measure them.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, pp. 161 - 162
Question Type: Factual

113) According to the text, the Big Five model describes personality, but is not a full theory of
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, p. 162
Question Type: Factual

114) Describe how the Big 5 personality factors are demonstrated in the life of Sonya Sotomayor.
Difficulty: 2, pp. 146 – 147

115) How did Cattell define "personality"?

Difficulty: 2, p. 149

116) Briefly summarize Cattell's contributions to personality testing.

Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 151

117) List the three sources of data that Cattell included in his research. Give an example of each.
Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 150

118) Distinguish between surface traits and source traits. Give an example of each.
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
119) Describe Cattell's 16PF. Why is it said to measure source traits, rather than surface traits?
Difficulty: 2, pp. 150 - 151

120) Explain the difference between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence.
Difficulty: 2, pp. 151 - 152

121) Explain the relationship among sentiments, ergs, and metaergs in the dynamic lattice. What term did
Cattell apply to this relationship? Give an example to illustrate your explanation.
Difficulty: 3, pp. 151 - 153

122) What is the purpose of the specification equation? Explain how it is used.
Difficulty: 2, p. 154

123) Discuss Cattell's contributions to understanding heredity as it influences personality.

Difficulty: 2, p. 155

124) Describe the Five Factor model. Include descriptions of each factor.
Difficulty: 2, pp. 155 - 162

Chapter 8 – Quick Quiz

1) Cattell defined personality as that which permits

A) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation.
B) evaluation of the level of adjustment of a person.
C) selection of an appropriate questionnaire.
D) optimal assignment of individuals to jobs.

2) Cattell's major contribution has been to

A) psychotherapy.
B) measurement.
C) interview techniques.
D) social psychology.

3) Underlying patterns of personality, which reappear in a variety of populations, are called (by Cattell)
A) complexes
B) sentiments
C) source traits
D) surface traits

4) Cattell developed his 16PF by using the statistical technique known as

A) the P-technique.
B) the Q-technique.
C) ergic analysis.
D) factor analysis.

5) Fluid intelligence
A) is easily lost.
B) is a predisposition to do well in artistic endeavors.
C) is a special kind of intelligence that predisposes people to do well in fluid mechanics.
D) is the innate ability to learn.

6) Crystallized intelligence
A) is inherited.
B) is developed by the age of 5.
C) is developed by the age of 10.
D) includes the effects of formal education.

7) Ergs are
A) dynamic traits.
B) influenced by heredity.
C) comparable to animal instincts.
D) all of the above
8) The specification equation permits
A) determination of the extent to which a trait is inherited.
B) comparison of a person's test scores with standard norms.
C) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation.
D) determination of the extent to which a trait is influenced by the environment.

9) Which of the following is not one of the Big Five factors of personality?
A) Extraversion
B) Neuroticism
C) Openness
D) Aggressiveness

10) The Big Five factors have been found in

A) adults.
B) children.
C) other countries.
D) all of the above
Answer Key
Chapter 8 – Quick Quiz
1) Answer: A
Difficulty: 1, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

2) Answer: B
Difficulty: 1, p. 149
Question Type: Factual

3) Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

4) Answer: D
Difficulty: 3, p. 150
Question Type: Factual

5) Answer: D
Difficulty: 1, p. 152
Question Type: Conceptual

6) Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

7) Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 152
Question Type: Factual

8) Answer: C
Difficulty: 2, p. 154
Question Type: Factual

9) Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 156 (table)
Question Type: Factual

10) Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, pp. 160 - 161
Question Type: Factual

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