Mission Milan Newsletter - Nov 2023

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It was November 21, 2018, when Janie, Iain, and I said our
goodbyes to our family and boarded a one-way flight to Milan,
Italy. The past five years have not been easy, as we have had to
learn a new language and adapt to a new home and culture. Yet,
the Lord has been abundantly merciful to us. By His grace, the
church in Milan continues to thrive, and plans for the
establishment of a Reformed denomination are moving forward.

Having reached the five-year milestone, we are now seeking the

Lord’s guidance about staying here long-term. In so many ways,
it feels as if we have just begun. There remains so much work to
be done. We are praying that we will be submissive to His will for
our family regarding the future.

Fourth annual Conference on Reformed Theology in Milan.

On Saturday, October 28, our church hosted our fourth annual
“Conferenza sulla Teologia Riformata a Milano” (Milan Conference on Reformed Theology).
Modeled after the Philadephia Conference on Reformed Theology started in 1975 by Dr. James
Montgomery Boice of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, the purpose of this conference
is threefold: 1) To awaken interest in Reformed theology and the doctrines of grace amongst
people in Milan and throughout Italy; 2) Establish a forum at which men and women in the
Reformed tradition in Italy might meet and be encouraged; 3) Marshall resources in Italian to
strengthen the Church in Italy.

This year, the conference theme was “Cosa è veramente il

Calvinismo? I cinque punti” (“What Is Calvinism, really? The Five
Points”). Our speakers included Rev. Vincenzo Coluccia (a PCA
missionary in the city of Lecce), Rev. Nazzareno Ulfo (pastor of
Chiesa “Sola Grazia” in Caltanissetta, Sicily) and myself. It was a
wonderful day filled with good teaching and warm Christian
fellowship. We had over ninety guests in attendance, including
many first-time visitors. We give thanks to God that this annual
conference has been a blessing to many and is helping us to build
bridges with other Protestants in Italy. We pray that it will
continue to bear fruit for our mission.
The monthly newsletter of Reformed missionary to Milan, Rev. Michael Brown November 2023

How you can help

The mission in Milan to make disciples of Jesus
Christ is only possible with the faithful prayers and
generous contributions of people like you. Please
consider partnering with us in fulfilling the Great
Commission in Milan, Italy. Your donation helps!

You can give online at: missionmilan.org

Or send a check to:

Escondido United Reformed Church

1864 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026
Attn: Mission Milan

Checks should be made out to Escondido United

Reformed Church. Please indicate that the support
is for Mission Milan.

Ministry to Widows and Unbelievers.

Beyond the ordinary ministry of
preaching the Bible and teaching
catechism on the Lord’s Day, I am leading
a monthly small group Bible study in the
home of a widow who lives on the
southeast side of the city. This is a godly
elderly woman who regularly invites her
neighbors (most of whom are widows) to
study the Bible and learn about
Christianity. There are about ten people
who attend, some of whom are
unbelievers and are reading the Bible for
the very first time. Please pray for this
ministry and the souls of those hearing
the gospel.

Family Matters.
Janie and I are very grateful that we were able to spend a few days with our daughter, son-in-
law, and granddaughter in Maine, just before heading to Charleston, South Carolina for the
missions weekend of Christ Church Presbyterian. It is always
such a blessing to see our family whom we miss dearly.

Janie and I ask for your prayers for our son Iain as he is in his
last year of high school and is applying to a number of colleges,
both in Italy and in the States. Pray that the Lord will guide
him and open the door to the school where he should study.

We also ask for your prayers regarding the purchase of a

home. We believe that this would be a wise investment of
resources and important to our mission if it is the Lord’s will
that we should stay in Italy long-term. Please pray that the
Lord would provide a way for us to do this and that we would
be submissive to his will whatever the outcome.

For more extensive updates, visit our website: missionmilan.org

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