The Power of TikTok

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II. Literature Review
2.1. Overview
2.1.1. TikTok Definition
The Chinese company ByteDance was founded by Yiming in 2012. In 2014, the social
app was introduced as Nevertheless, this app had been popular, which was known
as Douyin in China in 2016. In 2018, ByteDance bought and merged with Douyin.
The combined apps were rebranded as one worldwide app – TikTok. In 2020, Tiktok has been
booming on a large scale, leading to one of the most-downloaded apps globally. Both Douyin
and TikTok not only look and feel the same but have the same software. TikTok is a video-
sharing virtual meeting that facilitates creating, editing, sharing, discovering, and watching
short, vertical videos between 10 seconds and 10 minutes.

The history of TikTok – Emma Routh Features
TikTok is an intuitive platform that makes it simple for users to upload videos right from
the app. Users don't need a ton of expertise, expensive equipment, or prior video editing
knowledge to make a video thanks to TikTok's video editing capabilities. Users have the
option of uploading previously recorded films or recording videos directly from the app. The
idea that less-produced material performs better is the most alluring selling pitch. The
platform's simple-to-use suite of content creation tools can be used to create films from your
iPhone, allowing you to create material that instantly becomes popular without needing to
spend a lot of money (Courtney Cooper, 2022). This app is renowned and sought after for its
platform-specific trends, which are ever-evolving and keep users motivated in producing new
material. There seems to be a new popular sound, dance, prank, challenge, etc. every week to
encourage users to produce more material (Mansoor Iqbal, 2023). At the same time, TikTok

makes use of well-liked components from some of these rival sites, such as hashtags and live
streaming. In addition, everything we have spoken about thus far distinguishes TikTok from
other well-known social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Compared to
other platforms, TikTok has a higher prevalence of trends.Additionally, TikTok users
generally concur that the medium encourages greater creative expression and freedom
because even the most absurd or basic of content may suddenly become popular (Matt G.
Southern, 2021). Function

TikTok's main function is the ability for users to record videos of themselves dancing,
lip-syncing, or acting out sketches. Videos can be up to 60 seconds, but they can also be as
short as 15 seconds. The time limit for the majority of users on TikTok was recently increased
to three minutes. Longer videos that were shot elsewhere outside of the app can also be
uploaded by users. Additionally, TikTok offers tools for editing and modifying videos. Users
can add songs, effects, filters, and sound bites to their videos from a library of available
content. Additionally, they can "duet" with another person by responding to a video, resulting
in split screens and limitless reactions (Elyse Betters Picaro, 2023).

2.1.2. Generation Z
This part research about generation, characters of them and relationship Definition
LEARNING EXPERIENCE” by Amanda Nicole Moscrip has defined “Generation Z". People
who belong to Generation Z were born in the mid-1990s through the late 2010s. This group is
also referred to as the iGeneration, iGenners, GenZ, and Generation Now. This generation's
concept of safety and social interactions have been shaped by crucial historical events.
Technology advancements (such as smartphones and social media) have altered how GenZ
interacts with others, communicates, and gets information in comparison to prior generations.
Because they lived through these events and saw their effects, Generation Z's unique
experiences and traits affected how they could understand and take another person's
perspective. In university students from Generation Z, the relationship between three variables
was examined: sex, the level of case-based learning activity (high versus low), and empathy
(empathy evaluation index, basic empathy scale, ethnocultural empathy scale). Features
Generation Z, which is so identified with technology, tends to travel with their
technological devices. They actively participate on the internet in this environment and
deliver rapid gratification. As a result, Generation Z must constantly communicate and
interact with the environment and the rest of the globe.In other words, generation Z is
attributed as the representatives in an "always connected" world over the internet and social

networks (Seymour, 2019; Van Loggerenberg & Lechuti, 2018; Duffett, 2020; Francis &
Hoelef, 2018; Turner, 2015). Furthermore, they prefer faster advertising content. Otherwise,
their interest in the promoted products and brands are easily distracted (Stuckney, 2016). In
other words, Generation Z favors video interaction. They, on the other hand, demand films to
be quick and clear within eight seconds.
At this point, it is thought that influencers, who are attributed because of the
transformation process in the technological context, dominate the generation Z. (Wolf, 2020).
It is seen that the individuals of Generation Z prefer digital advertisements where
transparency and originality are at the forefront, instead of the traditional advertising approach
carried out by brands. (Shopltk, 2021).Sincerity appears to be at the heart of Generation Z's
engagement with influencers; individuals also associate influencers with their own lifestyles,
favourite brands, and products.
Moreover, Generation Z is interested in interacting with influencer brand collaborations
they see on social media sites.Therefore, they attach importance to interaction (Kim, 2021;
Djafarova & Bowes, 2020).
II.2. Previous study
The previous study consists of the reasons why TikTok can attract users easily, the
positive and negative impacts of TikTok on the younger generation.
2.2.1. Reasons
First of all, Gen Z has used TikTok as an entertainment tool. At this point, Gen Z is
inseparable from TikTok. The young gen have been on social media since they were kids, but
the boom of TikTok has even further accelerated the amount of entertainment they’re getting
on those platforms. Prepped by a childhood spent watching YouTube, they’ve been drawn to
video-based social, and have made short form video take off. TikTok satisfies their ever-
changing interests while removing the decision making from watching content. Indeed,
TikTok has changed the landscape of entertainment altogether, beyond just social media—
more than you might think. YPulse’s Media Consumption Monitor digs into the kinds of
content young people watch most, and which platforms and screens they’re watching on. And
by asking these questions twice a year, we’re able to see exactly how fast TikTok has grown,
and in what ways it’s changed their media intake. We already know TikTok is their favorite
app, but it’s on its way to be more than that. When we ask 13-21-year-olds which services
they’re using to watch video content weekly or more often, their responses show clear
indications of TikTok’s massive influence on even mainstream entertainment.

Secondly, learning by TikTok has been bombed on a large scale. Most of the Tik
Tok short videos are interesting, and people can interact in the comment area. The average
video length is only 20 to 30 seconds, and there is not much language knowledge for a video,
but the number of videos is large. So it's all about micro-learning -- the phone can be used as a
mini classroom to learn what people want. This makes it great for short attention spans or for
quickly scrolling through the phone during non-work or non-study time. In the Hurst et al.
survey, viewers of these TikTok videos strongly felt that they learned something new and

increased their interest in the topic after watching the video. Tik Tok also has a strong social
nature. Its original intention is to share the good moments of life. It cannot be separated from
society and social interaction. Everyone can express their thoughts here. Many people will find
that many bloggers in the same creative area know each other, and people will find people
around them in the comments section. In the comment area of short language education
videos, people will share their language knowledge. Even if the video is not released, there
will be knowledge dissemination and exchange. Anyone on Tik Tok can become a teacher. On
the other hand, Tik Tok is also a video storage platform. Although today's mobile phone
memory is getting larger and larger, it is limited after all. Tik Tok's videos do not need to be
Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences EPHHR 2022 Volume 8 (2023) 130
downloaded, and under today's network coverage, they can be loaded online for repeated
viewing at any time. Hermann Ebbinghaus proposed the forgetting curve more than 130 years
ago to verify that forgetting is a natural, inevitable part of the learning process. According to
Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve, repeated viewing can provide an opportunity to review after the
learner's short-term memory is forgotten, so that this language knowledge gradually becomes
long-term memory. Especially in countries like China, although English is learned as the first
foreign language, there are not many opportunities to use it outside the classroom. People can
learn and consolidate their language knowledge by watching videos and interacting in the
comment section. In the atmosphere of Tik Tok, which is light on academics and strong on
entertainment, learners have little psychological pressure, and they will consider this short
study as entertainment and sharing more.

Past studies have reported that TikTok has excellent potential to be used as a
pedagogical tool. TikTok is believed to increase students' cognitive and affective learning
performance. For instance, EscamillaFajardo, Alguacil and López-Carril (2021) reported that
using TikTok among sports science students promoted student motivation, created an engaging
learning environment, and encouraged the development of skills such as creativity and
curiosity. The researchers argued that TikTok is a suitable medium for teaching expressive
courses with creative content such as movement and music. Similarly, Niyomsuk and Polyiem
(2022) admitted that integrating TikTok in teaching Thai traditional dancing art improved the
Grade 7 students learning performance. TikTok has created satisfying learning experiences
among students. This study delivers empirical evidence that TikTok could deliver promising
results to courses involving practical skill development.

Finally, TikTok facilitates strong advertising. The Internet can be used to find
information and knowledge, as a communication tool and make it easier in business to do
business in doing marketing, sellers use social media as a means of interaction between sellers
and buyers and marketing services or goods. One of them is using TikTok. From Hootsuite
data, TikTok is a widely used social media and ranked 6th and TikTok is among the favorite
social media in the 6th rank. TikTok is a tool of social media marketing. According to (Tuten,
2008) in (Paurova et al., 2020), Social Media Marketing is a form of online advertising that

utilizes the cultural context of social communities such as social networks, the visual world,
social news sites to achieve communication goals and create brands.

2.2.2 Positive
TikTok provides a comprehensive platform for doctors to share their knowledge and
experience, thereby improving access to healthcare. Videos regarding medical professions are
helping to drive the healthcare industry. For so long, it has been the responsibility of the
patient to know when they need health care and to then seek out a healthcare provider. Now,
that system is being turned on its head. TikTok is widely available, and videos about health
fields educate individuals who may not have realized they needed it. (Annie Sidransky,
Many young people use TikTok to show off and gain popularity and public attention.
Social media giving a place to all users to easily share post and create content. Through
TikTok, as a video-visual social media application, users can share creative ideas in order to
gain viewers and likes. TikTok is often used by students as a platform to express themselves
for being distinctive, attractive, highly clever individuals, and having more potential than
others; in fact, they strive to be remarkable and extraordinary in order to become a 'TikTok
Famous'. (Palupi, Meifilina, and Harumike (Balitar Islam University), 2020)
TikTok's popularity and the simplicity of its content make it more approachable to
students. Using TikTok videos in the classroom, according to Bernard(2021), captivated
students' attention, enhanced their enthusiasm in learning, and improved their understanding.
Furthermore, because TikTok is more familiar to students, applying it in the classroom can
improve their learning efficiency. Moreover, Ilham(2022) also suggested that during
Covid-19, using TikTok for learning was effective; students would be more motivated and
would not get bored. Students are drawn to familiar software and are interested in how
teachers will use it in the classroom. Simultaneously, TikTok's wide social approach can be
used to change the traditional method (teacher-centered) into more active and encourage more
students to participate in the classroom.
According to the findings of the study, TikTok has a strong beneficial influence on
encouraging travel and tourism in Malaysia, as well as their visit intention. Social media
platforms like TikTok help promote a tourism brand. TikTok is only one of various social
media platforms that can be used to disseminate content (Inovy, 2017). TikTok is currently
popular among several demographics. TikTok has created a slew of new content creators and
influencers to aid in the promotion of tourism through influencers. TikTok also has a
significant number of travel-related content. (MAG SCHOLAR CONFERENCE IN
2.2.3. Negative
Along with the huge number of benefits that Tiktok brings to genZ, some drawbacks
also affect adolescents’ mental health and perception. In a technological context, excessive
use of the Internet results in technological dependency among people (Kuss & Griffiths,
2012). With the passage of time, it has been observed that students spend maximum time

using social media which ultimately affects their academic performance and mental health
(Ishaq, et al., 2019; Maguire & Pellosmaa, 2022). This addiction results in affecting the
physical health of the students. Students who have become addicted and dependent on social
media think that their life is boring and empty without it.
The consequences of this addiction include eye issues, feelings of loneliness, headaches,
tension, despair, and anxiety (Maguire & Pellosmaa,2022; Nalwa & Anand, 2003).
Students use social media excessively, which has an impact on their education (Deka, 2015;
Mussrat et al. 2022). Anxiety, depression, and stress are three important elements that
characterize mental illness (Ali et al., 2021; Moore et al., 2016). Since the adoption of
CoVid-19, these mental health issues have increased across all ages and genders (Ali et al.,
According to Weimann and Masri's (2020) research, there are numerous types of hate
speech on TikTok. In the Tiktok application, a large number of problems can propagate
without being appropriately screened. For example, there is hate speech directed towards a
specific individual or group of individuals. As a result, it causes physical and emotional
suffering. Where the statements spoken are not always true. For example, a guy from Lombok
was prosecuted with violating Articles of the ITE Law after spreading hate speech about
Palestine on Tiktok. Aside from that, bullying is the most typical negative influence on
TikTok. TikTok cyberbullying may be noticed in the comment box, where the majority of the
abuse is carried out by teens or kids. However, even adults are sometimes bullied on the
Tiktok program. Hate speech and hate remarks are examples of TikTok cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is sometimes compared to making physical comments about someone
(Kompasiana, "Tiktok VS Cyberbullying," 4 April 2021, 2021).
There is also "nude images of children, child predators, devious algorithms, lack of
privacy, and teens bullying and harassing one another" on TikTok, which has a significant
impact on mental health (Weimann & Masri, 2020, p. 4). Furthermore, Aloui's (2021)
research displays forms of body shaming and cyberbullying on TikTok, which leads to "body
disaffection, eating disorders, and narcissistic personalities" (p. 553). Women, in particular,
might be targeted on TikTok since they frequently receive improper and objectifying remarks
(Aloui, 2021; Jaffar et al., 2019).
Furthermore, Jaffar et al. (2019) gathered perspectives of content producers who
received unfavorable comments and criticism on their material on occasion. As a result, the
authors stated that TikTok was linked to addiction and suicide. The research used the example
of a young child who discussed his alternative lifestyle and came across For You Pages of
individuals that were not similar or open-minded, which is commonly referred to as the
negative side of TikTok. Those individuals ridiculed him and left bad remarks, leading him to
commit himself.
TikTok, according to Jaffar et al. (2019), might serve as "a base for users to bully other
users, which leads to depression" (p. 190). Finally, Braghieri et al. (2021) found that social
media has contributed to a rise in mental diseases among young adults in recent years. It is

unknown whether the same deduction applies to TikTok creators. Furthermore, stress effects
were observed if social media users did not publish regularly after they got viral (Arriagada
& Ibáez, 2020; Rach, 2021).
III. Research methodology
In this study, the combination of Cell Dilon's and Prabhjot Kaur’s questionnaires is used
to survey 23 university students aged 20 who were invited to engage in anonymous interviews
and fill out a survey.The method used in writing this article is to use a literature study. The
writing of this article is based on references from various articles about the use of tiktok,
tiktok journals and also Google. The search is limited to the keywords Generation Z and
Tiktok Usage. During the interview, they were asked to answer a series of questions on how
they use Tik Tok and why they use it. They were asked to score their use of Tik Tok and to
distinguish between positive and negative experiences with the app in the poll. The interview
questions were modified in order to be as accurate as possible. The survey questions were as
follows (see table 1).
IV. Data discussion

Q1: Do you think TikTok is a famous app?

Yes No
100% 0%

All people who did this survey considered TikTok as famous, demonstrating the
popularity of TikTok and they have agreed it as a popular application and a strongest medium
for entertainment.
Q2: How did you get exposure/become Familiar with TikTok?

Through social networking sites

Through Family
(Facebook, Instagram, Through Friend
47.8% 39.1% 13%

In Questionnaire Method, It has been experienced that the largest percentages of people
know about Tik-Tok through Social Networking Sites such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat and even Whats-app, roughly 47.8%. Over a quarter of people (39.1%) surveyed
were introduced by their close friends and from various friend circles. TikTok has been
famous due to information from their family being 13% which shows that families took less
interest in this application in comparison to other close groups.

Q3: Why do you use TikTok app?

To spend your To increase To earn To show-off to your

time viewers/ get famous money friends/ colleague
73.9% 17.4% 4.3% 4.3%

According to this survey, it has been demonstrated that people (73.9%) use TikTok as
their amusement method, which support them to get rid of boredom and monotonous time,
while 17.4% viewers are those who wants to be famous as a celebrity so they use this app to
increase their likes and followers . The proportion of students using this application to earn
money and show off their fancy lifestyle is the same (4.3%).

Q4: Have you started using TikTok during the lockdown period or before that?

Lockdown period Earlier user

73.9% 26.1%

During Covid 19 pandemic, lockdown became a popular event at that time. Students
tried to discover a new experience, leading to Tik-tok Installation and usage of this
application climbed to the top as not only audience uses this for their entertainment purpose
but also they are learning cooking recipes, Yoga exercises and other creative hobbies from
this. Looking at the table, 73.9% students have started using this app in Lockdown period and
just 26.1% of them were those who were earlier users of the same.

Q5: How much time do you spend on TikTok?

Less than 1 2-4 4-6 More than 8

1-2 hours 6-8 hours
hour hours hours hours
0% 30.4% 21.7% 26.1% 17.4% 4.3%

In Survey, It has been seen that youth spend 1-2 hours of their time on Tik-tok apps.
30.4% are those who log in for “1-2 hours", 21.7% use to spend their “2-4 hours" on this,
26.1% are those who open this app for “4-6 hours", 17.4% are those who log in “6-8 hours".
4.3% Out of 100% are those who spend maximum time watching TikTok.

Q6: Do you think TikTok is the best time pass app?

Yes No
95.7% 4.3%

Tik-Tok is considered to be best time pass app by 95.7%, whereas 4.3% have
denied the fact that it is not a best time pass app.

Q7: Do you watch TikTok videos directly on the app?

Yes No
95.7% 4.3%

In this questionnaire method, It has been analyzed that 95.7% of consumers use to watch
videos directly on application which could be considered as a direct use of application
whereas 4.3% who are not using it application often but consume its produced data from other
social networking sources.

Q8: Which types of TikTok videos do you prefer to watch?

Musical/ Achitecture/
Cooking Physical Prank All of
Dancing Designing related
related movement/ videos them
videos videos
Related Videos
17.4% 17.4% 17.4% 8.7% 4.3% 34.8%

TikTok, a variety of content can be seen such as Fitness related, Kitchen, Science,
Comedy and so on. In this study, it has been found that 17.4% people use to amuse
themselves by watching Musical/Dance related videos which not only entertain them but also
give tips about dance and how to learn it step by step. However, 4.3% of people don't prefer
prank Videos to any others. 17.4% for fitness and exercise, 17.4% for Cooking related recipes
and techniques and 34.8% are of those who haven’t confined them for any particular section,
they use to watch each and everything that came in front of their home page.

Q9: Have you ever shot short videos on TikTok?

Yes No
60.9% 39.1%

On TikTok different challenges and memes come from time to time and people try to
imitate and lip synchronize with them. During the survey, it has been found that 60.9% people
use to short videos on TikTok and 39.1% are those who haven’t made videos, they only check
others for entertainment purposes.

Q10: Have you ever found any irrelevant/illicit content on TikTok?

Yes No
87% 13%

Time to time people complain about tik-tok for illicit content, It has been quoted while
surfing data on application, videos related to terrorism, Illegal Drug use,Violence, Graphic
and hazardous and pornographic videos have been encountered.Even in Survey 87% people
agreed on the fact that while checking videos they come in contact with some irrelevant
content that can be dangerous for adolescents.Only 13% are there who haven’t come in
contact with such data.

Q11: Have you ever got feeling that your study got hampered because of TikTok?

Yes No
73.9% 26.1%

In Survey 73.9% agreed that their studies get hampered because of its overuse.
Instead of spending time on homework, they feel lazy and prefer surfing Tiktok to watching
enticing short clips while 26.1% deny that fact, they know how to separate time for studying
and entertainment.
Q12: As a guardian or elder sibling, have you ever afraid about your children/brother-sister
who regularly or overuse TikTok?

Yes No
73.9% 26.1%

When asking students in our class about their worries regarding illicit content on Tik-
Tok, 73.9% have agreed on the same and 26.1% parents have no tension regarding this.

Q13: Have you faced any kind of depression/ stress feeling while using TikTok?

Yes No Sometimes

39.1% 39.1% 21.7%

It has been seen that while using social networking sites, some people tend to come into
some mental insecurities and stress, which is common for many of people but when survey
has been conducted on this topic then some people are those who agreed with this fact and
have said sometimes they feel low or depressed while 39.1% have denied for any such fact
that can lead them to any mental sickness.

Q14: On TikTok very young girls often display themselves in provocative ways, do
you feel that distorts the image of girls and women in society?

Yes much so Yes, it does A little No, it doesn’t Not at all

26.1% 43.5% 26.1% 4.3% 0%

It can be shown that more than half of those polled agree that inappropriately posted
photographs on Tik-Tok can have a sexual impact on the image of women in general. Some
of others were unaware of this, but they still consented. In this day and age, however, only
4.3% of those polled are comfortable sharing the photographs. No one (0%) felt that it
affected the image of a women at all.
V. Impact
5.1. Advantages
To begin with, a variety of social media platforms, like TikTok, have given students a
fantastic opportunity to learn in an expression course. Utilizing the TikTok app helps children
develop their creative and inquisitive personalities. When the TikTok app can be used as a
learning tool, it's an intriguing breakthrough for learners. It is not surprising that the TikTok
application is a learning tool that is instructive, innovative, and tailored to students' tastes and
the problems of changing times given how easily TikTok can be found in students' daily life.
Because it fits students' demands, stimulates interest in learning, and is consistent with the
personality of today's students, who are in reality very closely tied to the growth of digital-
based technology, the use of the TikTok application as a learning medium is highly beneficial.
In addition, More than 60% of teenagers value TikTok as a way to unwind or lessen peer or
academic pressure. Students are under a lot of strain at school because of various assignments
like oral presentations, group projects, or lab reports.
TikTok can be the ideal tool for teenagers if they want to temporarily escape from studying in
their free time in addition to peer competitiveness.
5.2. Disadvantages:
5.2.1. Responsibility
The TikTok application also has an impact on the value of one’s hard work and responsibility.
Many people spend time playing TikTok and are lazy to carry out responsibilities that have
become obligations that must be done. One of them is the responsibility as a student in doing
assignments that seem to be underestimated because they are considered to be able to be done
at another time and opportunity. This correlates with a decrease in the level of discipline in a
person due to TikTok addiction.
The TikTok platform also plays a significant role in one 's diligence and responsibility.
Numerous humans abuse TikTok by devoting almost time to play and become lazy that
reverse responsibilities to compulsory duties. For instance, when a student has to accomplish
assignments, they are inclined to ignore and finish at another time and opportunity. It is
considered as a decline in the level of discipline which is caused by TikTok addiction.
5.2.2 Changing behavior:
Aside from the numerous advantages, using the TikTok app has a disadvantage that users
should be aware of. One of them is the inclination to change conduct, which eventually
impacts the character of a person's personality, and another has an influence on religious
character. For example, there are several videos on the TikTok app that show people exposing
clothing and doing rather crude body movements. Humans, on the other hand, prefer to mimic

what they observe. As a result, children are extremely sensitive to imitating similar activities
that are regarded as undesirable and disrespectful by the society.
TikTok leads users to be less disciplined. This is due to the amount of time wasted perusing
the internet and putting off tasks that could be done. Users of the TikTok app accept that
addiction can arise, resulting in a greater lack of energy and diminished enthusiasm for work.
This has an effect on jobs that are ignored and are not finished optimally.
5.3. Summary viewpoint
TikTok, at the end of the day, can be an advantageous outlet, but it cannot replace our sole
social connections and interests. Furthermore, it is all too simple to let it entirely take our
time. Remember that you were meant to have fun, and it is critical to look for yourself
psychologically, emotionally, and physically. We will only harm ourselves in the long term if
we do not take care of ourselves today. It's vital to strike a balance when utilizing TikTok, as
it is with most things. Just remember to use the app with restraint so that you may devote time
to healthy hobbies and the vital social contacts that we were designed to enjoy.

Table 1: Question for interviews

Q1: Do you think TikTok is a famous app?

Q2: How you get exposure/become familiar with TikTok?
Q3: Why do you use TikTok app?
Q4: Have you started using TikTok during the lockdown period or before
Q5: How much time do you spend on TikTok?
Q6: Do you think TikTok is the best time pass app?
Q7: Do you watch TikTok videos directly on the app?
Q8: Which types of TikTok videos do you prefer to watch?
Q9: Have you ever shot short videos on TikTok?
Q10: Have you ever found any irrelevant/illicit content on TikTok?
Q11: Have you ever got feeling that your Study got hampered because of
Q12: As a Guardian/Or elder Sibling, have you ever afraid about
your children/Brother-Sister who regularly or overuse TikTok?

Q13: Have you faced any kind of Depression/ Stress feeling while using
Q14: On TikTok very young girls often display themselves in provocative
ways, do you feel that distorts the image of girls and women in society?


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