Access - Chapter 4 - Working With Forms and Reports

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Access - Chapter 4 - Working with

Forms and Reports

Creating a Form Using the Form Wizard

Another easy way to begin a new form is to use the Form Wizard. Instead of automatically creating a form
that includes every field in the underlying table, the Form Wizard walks you through the steps of creating the
form, including selecting fields and a layout. You can use the Form Wizard to create a form combining fields
from multiple related tables.
To create a new form using the Form Wizard:
1. On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click the Form Wizard button.


2. The Form Wizard opens. The first step is to expand the Tables/Queries list and select the underlying table
or query for your form.
3. The Available Fields box displays all the fields from the table or query you selected. Double-click a field to
move it to the Selected Fields box or click the field name once to select it and then click the button.
Click the button to add all the available fields with a single click.
4. If you want to include fields from more than one table or query, repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have
selected all the fields you want in your form. Click the Next button to go to the next step.

5. If you selected fields from related tables, the next step in the wizard asks how you want to organize the
data in the form. To create a form with a subform, in the How do you want to view your data? box, select
the table that is the “one” part of the one-to-many relationship. The wizard will create a subform—a form
within the form—to display the related records from the “many” table. Verify that the Form with
subform(s) radio button is selected, and then click Next.
In Figure AC 4.6, the records in the Locations table are related to records in the Services table in a one-to-
many relationship where the record in the Locations table is the "one" part of the relationship. The Form
with subform(s) option will create a Single Record form for each Locations record with a subform displaying
all the related records from the Services table.
If you selected fields from only one table or query, you will not see this step.

6. The next step asks you to select layout options. If your form includes a subform, select a layout for the
subform: Tabular or Datasheet. If the form does not include a subform, you can select from a list of layout
options for the main form: Columnar, Tabular, Datasheet, or Justified. Click the radio button for the
layout option you want, and then click Next.


7. Enter a title for the form. If your form includes a subform, enter the title for the subform as well. The
subform will be saved as a separate database object. Select whether you want to open the form to view
and enter information (Form view) or modify the form's design (Design view).


8. Click Finish to save the form.


tips & tricks

If you try to combine fields from tables that are not related, the Form Wizard will prompt you to open
the Relationships window to create the appropriate relationships between the tables.

let me try Live!

If the database is not already open, open the data file AC04-04-Spa and try this skill on your own:
1. Use the Form Wizard to create a new form. Include the ServiceID, ServiceName, Price, and Length
fields from the Services table and the LocationID and Location fields from the Locations table.
2. View the data by the Locations table with related data from the Services table as a subform.
3. Use the Datasheet layout option for the subform.
4. Name the main form: LocationsWithServices and the subform: ServicesSubform
5. Close the form.

ID ac21_sk_04_04

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