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of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines


This comprehensive report looks into the various aspects of Brgy. Carayman
in Calbayog City, Samar, the Philippines, includes sociocultural dynamics, the
environment, the economy, and the quality of healthcare and education. The
principal aim is to acquire a comprehensive comprehension of the community,
emphasizing its merits and demerits, in order to guide prospective improvements
and developmental endeavors. Brgy. Located in Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines,
Carayman is a vibrant, multiethnic community full of historical and cultural
significance. This abstract gives a quick synopsis of the barangay while
emphasizing its distinctive qualities. Brgy. Carayman's diverse identity is shaped by
a number of factors, including its population, physical environment, economy, social
and cultural elements, health, and education. Comprehending these constituents is
imperative for well-informed decision-making and focused developmental
endeavors. This abstract sets the basis for a deeper analysis of Brgy. Carayman,
providing an overview of the community's advantages and disadvantages as well as
opening the door for future developments that might improve the lives of its citizens.


Nestled between Barangay Bagacay and Burabod of St.

Margarita, Samar, Brgy, Barangay Carayman is also referred to as No. 45 Barangay.
The, is evidence of the area's rich cultural and historical legacy. Barangay Carayman,
located inside Calbayog City's urban fabric, offers an intriguing look into the
development of the region's urban planning history. Its beginnings and history are
strongly related to the larger Philippine urbanization and development context.

This barangay's roots can be found in the pre-colonial era, when native
populations grew along the banks of the Tinambacan River. Carayman's
socioeconomic identity was built on the agricultural, fishing, and trading activities of
these early settlers.

Spanish settlers made a big impact on the Philippines in the sixteenth century by
bringing Catholicism and changing the way of life of the natives. The origin of the
name Carayman is rooted in local folklore, in which colonists misinterpret the name of
the barangay and respond, "Kanay Man? “Which translates to "to ask again." The
community's inventive spirit and modest beginnings are reflected in this name.

Furthermore, for the barangay's residents' long-term survival and well-being, it

is now imperative to address problems like waste management, traffic congestion,
and access to essential services.

of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines


The rationale behind this thorough analysis of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City,
Samar, is intricate and crucial for a well-informed approach to community
development. Brgy. Carayman's dynamic and culturally rich nature necessitates a
thorough evaluation because of its distinct economic reliance on small-scale farming,
fishing, and tourism, as well as its diverse population composition. In order for
residents to go about their daily lives, it is imperative that they understand the
housing stock, infrastructure, and physical surroundings. Recognizing the barangays
deeply embedded sociocultural traits and practices is also essential to safeguarding
its cultural heritage and strengthening bonds amongst neighbors. Another crucial step
is a thorough assessment of healthcare and education programs to ensure that
resources are excellent and easily accessible.


This report's main goals are as follows:

• Providing a thorough synopsis of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City, covering

aspects of the sociocultural aspects, environment, economy, education, and

• Determining the barangay's main opportunities and challenges.

• Offering information that can direct development initiatives meant to improve

Brgy's general quality of life. The people of Carayman


The method by which the data for this comprehensive Brgy study were collected.
Both quantitative and qualitative data could be gathered in Carayman, Calbayog City,
Samar, by means of carefully organized interviews and on-site observations. Through
the interviews, we were better able to understand the residents' lives and the
challenges they face by learning more about their viewpoints, experiences, and
thoughts. The researchers also made on-site observations to visually assess the
physical surroundings, housing stock, infrastructure, and overall barangay atmosphere
in addition to these first-hand accounts. In order to create a comprehensive profile of
the community, demographic data was collected. This data included details about the
community's age distribution, cultural diversity, and any emerging demographic trends.

Economic indicators, including income sources, employment prospects, and financial

barriers, were closely studied in order to comprehend the financial environment. In
order to do this, it was necessary to look at both formal and informal economic activity,
including small businesses and cottage industries that significantly boost the local
economy. The study also looked closely at the cultural norms and practices that define
Brgy. Carayman, emphasizing the holidays and customs that are significant to the
local way of life. This investigation highlighted the unique sociocultural components
that shape the barangay's identity and foster a sense of community.

of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines

This entailed investigating the condition of the educational system, the

availability of educational resources, and the presence of healthcare services.
Understanding the state of health and education services is necessary to improve the
population's overall well-being. After the data collection phase, a comprehensive
analysis of the data was carried out to draw insightful and useful conclusions from the
collected data. These will serve as the cornerstone for policies and development
projects that are especially meant to enhance the standard of living for Brgy citizens.


This section provides a comprehensive analysis of population statistics, housing,
infrastructure, and environmental factors within the vibrant community of Brgy. Carayman.
Starting with demographics, Brgy. Carayman stands as a true testament to the cultural
diversity of the Philippines, boasting a dynamic and diverse population primarily composed
of Filipinos hailing from various backgrounds. This cultural amalgamation creates a rich
and vibrant milieu where various traditions and perspectives coexist. The age distribution
within the barangay is representative of different generations, encompassing the young, the
working-age population, and senior citizens, reflecting the cultural tapestry and the
generational diversity that characterizes the Philippines.

Census Household Number of Average

Date Population Households Household

1995 May 12,496 486 5.14

2000 Sep 1 3,021 600 5.04
2005 May 13,726 730 5.10
2010 Aug 14,296 837 5.13
2015 May 14,333 870 4.98
2020 Aug 14,631 1,009 4.59

The population of Carayman grew from 2,469 in 1995 to 4,631 in 2020, an increase
of 797 people over the course of 30 years. The latest census figures in 2020 denote a
positive growth rate of 0.51%, or an increase of 298 people, from the previous population
of 4,333 in 2015.

of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines

Carayman is situated at approximately 12.0541°, 124.6287°, in the island of Samar.

Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 5.4 meters or 17.7 feet above mean
sea level.

Living circumstances in the Brgy. Carayman features a diverse array of structures

and a changing landscape. In the barangay, one can find contemporary homes that highlight
the continuous process of urbanization and development alongside traditional one- to two-
story homes made of materials like concrete, wood, and bamboo. Even though housing
conditions seem to be generally adequate in many areas, it is important to recognize that
there may be variations in housing quality within the barangay. Recognizing these
differences can help focus development efforts so that every resident has access to decent,
safe housing.

The Brgy's infrastructure and roads. Carayman is critical to raising people's general
quality of life and accessibility. The vast network of roads and paths within the barangay
facilitates easy mobility for its residents. the primary path that goes to Brgy. There is no
doubt that barangay transportation will be efficient because Carayman is in good condition.
The availability of clean water and electricity demonstrates the high standard of living in the
community. Key community facilities include the health center, schools, churches, and
barangay hall, which provide residents with access to vital resources and services.
Additionally, these facilities make a substantial contribution to the infrastructure as a whole.

In terms of resilience, Carayman in Calbayog City
faces a number of threats and difficulties, such as
inappropriate disposal, little recycling, insufficient

of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines

waste collection services, illegal dumping, plastic

pollution, and possible health risks. Health risks, an
ugly environment, and environmental degradation
can result from these problems. To ensure a cleaner
and healthier environment for residents, addressing
these issues calls for strengthening waste collection,
putting recycling programs into place, increasing
public awareness, enforcing regulations, and
encouraging cooperation between local authorities
and community organizations.
The Brgy's economic environment.
Combinations of small-scale business,
fishing, and agriculture define Carayman.
Taking advantage of the region's closeness
to the sea, locals practice small-scale
livestock farming, which is a major aspect
of agriculture. The local economy also
benefits greatly from fishing, as fishermen
use both traditional and modern techniques
to support their livelihoods. Small
businesses that serve daily needs, such as eateries and sari-sari stores, make up the majority
of the barangay's commercial activity. A local marketplace serves as a hub for trade.
Brgy. Carayman has a rich cultural history
and customs. Bright parades, traditional
music, dance, and group feasting all
contribute to these celebrations, which
help residents feel more united and like a
community. Being active in the
community is what makes life in Brgy
unique. Carayman, where residents
regularly get together for social gatherings,
business meetings, and volunteer work,
demonstrating their close relationship and collaborative nature. Social life is heavily
influenced by religion; most people in the barangay are Roman Catholics, and there are
numerous churches and chapels there.


of Brgy. Carayman, Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines

Brgy. Childrens in the Carayman area

can receive primary education from a variety of

public and private educational establishments.
The youth of the barangay have access to
education because of this educational diversity,
even though there is room for improvement in
terms of facilities and educational quality. A
high-quality education can be attained by
initiatives focused at developing infrastructure,
training teachers, and fortifying the
educational system.

A barangay health worker and a health

center work together to provide the
community with basic healthcare services.
However, residents may also benefit from
additional improvements in healthcare
accessibility and a greater focus on preventive
health measures.

In conclusion, this thorough observation report has given us a thorough
understanding of Brgy. Carayman, Philippines, Calbayog City, Samar. The results
have shed light on the community's assets and obstacles in a number of spheres of
life. Stakeholders can use these insights to customize initiatives that cater to the
specific needs of the barangay, thereby promoting positive change and
development. Efforts can be focused on improving the sociocultural aspects,
education, health, physical environment, economy, and demographics in order to
create a promising future for Brgy and improve the quality of life for its residents.


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