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PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC SEARCH UNIVERSITY OF DJILLALI LIABES ~ SIDI BEL ABBES FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMAN SCIENCES N®: 007/026/2010 Certified Translation CERTIFICATE OF SUCCESS The dean of the faculty of letters and Human Sciences, University of Djillali Liabes ~ SIDI BEL ABBES, | -Persuant to the executive decree n°08-265 dated on August 18” 2008 concerning the creation of the Bachelor's Degree LMD, the deliberation report dated on: Session 1 2010 7 ms BENABBOU AMEL Born on: 04/14/1985 in: Sidi Bel Abbes- Town Has been awarded a Bachelor's degree LMD In domain of letters and foreign languages Field: English language Specialty: Language, Literature and British and American Civilization Sidi Bel Abbes on: 03/10/2010 ‘The Head of the Department of Foreign Languages the Dean of the Faculty of letters and Human Sciences Mrs. Abid Samira /illegible signature nf: Sab bar Noreddine illegible

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