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00:32 Introduction to the YouTube Channel

Section Overview: The speaker introduces their YouTube channel and mentions that they offer a course
on chatbots.

Course on Chatbots

The speaker offers a free course on chatbots through their YouTube channel.

To access the course, viewers need to subscribe to the channel and leave a like.

The speaker emphasizes that their chatbot course is focused on artificial intelligence and explains that it
is one of the branches of AI.

They mention that the best chatbot currently available is called "chat GPT" and state that this video will
provide detailed information about it.

05:10 Explanation of Chat GPT

Section Overview: The speaker provides an explanation of what chat GPT is and how it differs from other

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is an advanced chatbot powered by artificial intelligence.

Unlike other videos, this course does not follow a script but rather explains concepts step by step.

The speaker aims to teach even beginners in a simple and understandable manner, using examples
suitable for all age groups.

They mention that people from various backgrounds are interested in learning about AI and chatbots,
not just those in specific niches or industries.

Chat GPT can answer questions related to different topics, including canceling phone plans or discussing

06:51 How Chat GPT Differs from Other Chatbots

Section Overview: The speaker highlights the unique features of Chat GPT compared to other chatbots.

Unique Features of Chat GPT

Unlike other chatbots, Chat GPT does not have a fixed script or predefined responses. It learns from user
interactions and adapts its answers accordingly.

Users can ask any question or discuss any topic with Chat GPT, and it will provide detailed and calm
The speaker's teaching methodology and didactic approach make the learning experience with Chat GPT
enjoyable for viewers.

Chat GPT is known for its ability to handle complex questions and provide comprehensive answers.

The video duration may be longer because of the detailed explanations provided by Chat GPT.

07:15 Course Structure and Learning Experience

Section Overview: The speaker explains how the course is structured and how viewers can benefit from

Course Structure

The course follows a specific sequence of lessons, which are organized in a chronological order.

Viewers can ask questions to Chat GPT about the course content, such as requesting the course
schedule or syllabus.

As users progress through the course, they will notice that Chat GPT's responses become more
advanced and tailored to their level of understanding.

The speaker's teaching methodology ensures that even repeat questions receive different responses
based on individual user interactions.

Note: This summary covers only a portion of the transcript.

07:23 Introduction to Chat GPT

Section Overview: This section introduces the concept of Chat GPT and its purpose.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is a database used for creating emails or messages in a simple manner.

It helps in formulating sentences correctly so that they can be easily understood by others.

It is an Artificial Intelligence tool that falls under the branch of chatbots.

How does Chat GPT work?

Unlike traditional chatbots, Chat GPT does not follow a script or predefined prompts.

It allows for more generic and open-ended conversations.

Users can ask questions or make statements on any topic, and Chat GPT will respond accordingly.

09:44 Importance of Conversational Skills with Chatbots

Section Overview: This section highlights the importance of conversational skills when interacting with
chatbots like Chat GPT.

Conversational Skills with Chatbots

Engaging with chatbots requires conversational skills similar to interacting with a person.

Unlike scripted interactions, where specific words trigger predefined responses, chatbots like Chat GPT
do not have a fixed script.

The ability to formulate questions correctly plays a crucial role in obtaining accurate responses from the

10:22 Difference between Scripted Interactions and Chat GPT

Section Overview: This section explains the difference between scripted interactions and using Chat GPT
for conversations.

Scripted Interactions vs. Open-ended Conversations

Scripted interactions involve following a predefined script or prompt while communicating with

In scripted interactions, responses are based on specific keywords or phrases present in the user's input.

With open-ended conversations using Chat GPT, there is no fixed script or prompt. Users can ask about
various topics, and the chatbot responds accordingly.

Chat GPT allows for more flexibility and natural conversations without the need for specific keywords or

11:14 How Chat GPT Responds to Questions

Section Overview: This section discusses how Chat GPT is designed to respond to questions.

Response Generation in Chat GPT

Chat GPT learns from a vast database of questions and responses.

It uses this knowledge to generate appropriate responses based on user queries.

The chatbot's ability to understand and respond accurately depends on the quality of questions asked by

11:25 Importance of Formulating Questions Correctly

Section Overview: This section emphasizes the importance of formulating questions correctly when
interacting with Chat GPT.
Formulating Questions for Effective Communication

To obtain accurate responses from Chat GPT, it is crucial to formulate questions correctly.

Initially, there may be some difficulty in getting desired answers if the question is not well-formed.

Asking clear and concise questions helps improve communication with the chatbot.

These are the main points covered in the given transcript.

11:41 Understanding the Role of a Prompt Engineer

Section Overview: This section discusses the role of a prompt engineer and their responsibility in
creating prompts for chat GPT.

The Role of a Prompt Engineer

A prompt engineer is responsible for creating prompts, which are simple pages that deliver messages
quickly and accurately.

These prompts can be sold to other individuals or businesses.

An example is given where a prompt engineer creates an option for a new chat or email conversation.

13:53 ChatGPT and its Functions

Section Overview: This section explains what ChatGPT is and how it functions, including the ability to
create different types of conversations.

Understanding ChatGPT Functions

ChatGPT is a tool that allows users to create conversations with AI models.

It can be used to generate various types of conversations, such as chats, emails, or scripts for videos.

To ensure accurate results, it is important to use separate prompts for different functions.

Using the wrong prompt can lead to unexpected responses or errors.

14:19 Example Scenario - Creating an Email Conversation

Section Overview: This section provides an example scenario of using ChatGPT to create an email

Example Scenario - Creating an Email Conversation

To create an email conversation, one would hire a prompt engineer.

The prompt engineer would help in structuring the conversation correctly.

It is important to have separate chats for different purposes (e.g., YouTube video script).

Using old prompts may result in incorrect responses or bugs.

15:00 Customizing Conversations with ChatGPT

Section Overview: This section explores customization options when conversing with ChatGPT.

Customizing Conversations with ChatGPT

Conversations with ChatGPT can be personalized by using specific words or phrases.

Users can change the background color of the chat interface.

The "My Account" section provides options to manage and customize the ChatGPT experience.

15:35 Subscription and Usage of ChatGPT Plus

Section Overview: This section explains the benefits of subscribing to ChatGPT Plus and how to use it

Subscription and Usage of ChatGPT Plus

Subscribing to ChatGPT Plus allows users to access additional features and support.

It is important to understand how to effectively utilize the tool for accurate results.

The "My Account" section provides options for managing subscriptions and accessing various features.

Note: Timestamps are provided in [HH:MM:SS] format.

15:58 Getting Started with the Plus Plan

Section Overview: This section discusses the process of signing up for the Plus plan and accessing the
GPT chat.

Signing Up for the Plus Plan

To access the GPT chat, you need to have a Plus plan.

Fill in the required fields or continue with your existing account (Google or Microsoft).

Accessing the GPT Chat

Once you have the Plus plan, you can access the GPT chat.

The first lesson will cover an overview of how to use the chat.

The initial page is simple and provides access to various chats.

You can start a new chat or continue with previous conversations.

The GPT chat tool is designed to quickly deliver accurate responses.

18:13 Understanding How ChatGPT Works

Section Overview: This section explains how ChatGPT functions and introduces its interface.

Introduction to ChatGPT Interface

The left side of the interface displays various chats.

You can initiate a conversation by saying "hello" or any other greeting.

The chatbot responds promptly and accurately.

Multiple chats can be saved for future reference.

Customizing Chats

Each conversation is saved as a separate chat thread.

You can personalize each thread by specifying recipients, date, time, and additional text.

Example Conversation

An example email conversation is provided as an illustration.

The user requests an email invitation for a council meeting.

Different fields such as recipient, date, time, and content are filled in within the chat interface.

19:55 Additional Features of ChatGPT

Section Overview: This section explores additional features available in ChatGPT.

Clearing Conversations

If needed, you can clear the conversation history in a chat thread.

Changing Appearance

ChatGPT offers the option to switch between light mode and dark mode.

You can customize the background color according to your preference.

Example: Changing Background Color

An example is given where the user requests to change the background color of an email.

The chatbot responds accordingly, allowing customization options.

Note: The transcript does not provide timestamps for some sections.

20:11 Understanding the Chat GPT Plus

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses the features and capabilities of Chat GPT Plus.

Features of Chat GPT Plus

22:25 Chat GPT Plus allows for interactive conversations and can provide quick responses.

22:28 It offers various activities and games related to Easter, such as hunting for eggs.

22:31 The tool includes options for coelhinhos (bunnies) and padrão (default).

22:34 There are global locations where Easter-related activities exist, but specific details are unknown.

22:36 The chatbot can search and retrieve information quickly from a vast database.

22:40 Using Chat GPT Plus with padrão (default) provides faster responses compared to other options.

22:43 The tool helps in gaining a general overview of information on various topics.

Introduction to Chat GPT

23:03 This section introduces the purpose of understanding how Chat GPT works.

23:06 The speaker assures that learning about the tool's functionality will be explained without any

Creating an Email Invitation

23:14 The speaker shares an example scenario where they want to create an email invitation for a
company event.

23:16 They aim to make the work environment more relaxed and friendly by celebrating Easter

23:21 The chatbot responds appropriately, acknowledging the request for assistance in creating an email

Example Email Invitation

23:27 The speaker requests an example email to invite employees to the company's Easter party.

23:29 The chatbot provides a generic example email, addressing the president's role and including
relevant details.
23:38 The speaker adds additional questions and clarifications regarding attending the event.

Sending Email Invitation

23:41 The speaker asks if they should send the email invitation even though they won't be able to attend
the party.

23:44 The chatbot suggests that Chat GPT will have to come up with a creative response in such

23:46 This section demonstrates how to create an email where the recipient can start working on it.

Requesting Another Example Email

23:49 The speaker asks for another example email, this time for inviting employees to a different type of

24:01 They clarify that it is a meeting of the board of directors or council members.

Example Email for Board Meeting

24:07 The speaker receives an example email inviting employees to participate in a board meeting.

24:10 They note that this scenario differs from inviting employees to a general event like the Easter


The provided transcript covers various aspects related to understanding and utilizing Chat GPT Plus,
including its features, creating email invitations, and receiving examples of different types of emails for
specific purposes.


Section Overview: The president of the company discusses the limitations of using chatbots for Easter
egg hunts and other activities.

Limitations of Emotionless Chatbots

The president mentions that chatbots lack emotions, which makes it difficult for them to understand
and engage in fun activities like Easter egg hunts. 26:53

The chatbot, being emotionless, relies on a database of pre-tested information to respond to queries.

The president shares an example where the chatbot was asked about Easter parties and it provided a
response indicating that such parties exist somewhere in the world. 27:09

It is highlighted that the phrase "existem festas de Páscoa" (there are Easter parties) does not
necessarily imply knowledge about specific traditions or activities associated with those parties. 27:18

Section Overview: Understanding how the chatbot works and its limitations.

Insights into ChatGPT Functionality

The president explains that the chatbot, despite lacking emotions, can still provide information on topics
like Easter celebrations and activities such as hunting for eggs. 27:24

Although the exact location of these events is unknown, the chatbot associates keywords like "emotivo"
(emotional) with related phrases and retrieves relevant responses from its database. 27:32

Another aspect learned is that the chatbot can search for information based on prompts given by users,
allowing customization of responses. 27:52


Section Overview: Comparing preferences between Easter and Christmas celebrations.

Personal Preferences and Email Examples

The president expresses a preference for Christmas celebrations over Easter and mentions the desire to
organize a festive event for employees. 28:04

An example email is discussed, where the president wants to invite employees to a company Christmas
party. The chatbot provides a response that emphasizes the magic of the holiday season and expresses
the president's inability to attend. 28:11

It is noted that the email should be personalized and convey a warm and inviting tone, creating a
friendly work environment. 28:25


Section Overview: Further exploration of email examples and their customization.

Customizing Emails for Employee Engagement

The president discusses modifying an email template originally intended for Easter events into one
suitable for inviting employees to a Christmas party. 28:33

By using prompts and exchanging relevant information, such as changing "festa de Páscoa" (Easter
party) to "festa de Natal" (Christmas party), the chatbot generates responses tailored to specific
occasions. 28:42

The goal is to create engaging emails that reflect the president's role in promoting a positive work
atmosphere while celebrating special occasions with the team. 28:58

29:03 How to Request Unavoidable Appointments

Section Overview: The speaker discusses how to ask for unavoidable appointments in a specific and
effective manner.

Asking for Unavoidable Appointments

When requesting unavoidable appointments, it is important to be clear and specific.

Communicate with the team and express the need for their assistance.

Use simplified language and apologize for not being present.

Make the phrases more elegant and beautiful by adding an emotional touch.

Emphasize that simply translating words may not convey the intended emotion.

ChatGPT is a tested database that can understand emotive context better than Google Translate.

The chatbot can replace phrases with more appropriate ones based on previous user interactions.

31:22 Expressing Appreciation to the Team

Section Overview: The speaker explains how to express appreciation to the team effectively.

Expressing Appreciation in English

Use higher-level English phrases to make expressions more special.

Focus on making statements elegant and beautiful.

Modify prompts to include emotive elements, as chatbots lack emotions themselves.

31:35 Simplifying Phrases and Words

Section Overview: The speaker discusses simplifying phrases and words while maintaining their

Simplifying Phrases and Words

It is important to simplify phrases without losing their essence.

Replace complex sentences with simpler ones that convey the same message effectively.

32:19 Substituting Phrases in Emails

Section Overview: The speaker talks about substituting phrases in emails using ChatGPT.

Substituting Phrases in Emails

Utilize ChatGPT's ability to replace phrases in emails accurately.

Provide an example of inviting employees to a company party via email as a substitution scenario.

Specify the need for an emotive email while maintaining the same meaning and prompt.

Change informal phrases to more formal ones, such as replacing "Easter party" with "Christmas party."

33:01 Specificity in Email Requests

Section Overview: The speaker emphasizes the importance of being specific in email requests.

Being Specific in Email Requests

Ensure that email requests are specific and clear.

Avoid vague language and provide detailed information about the event or request.

Use emotive elements to make the email more engaging and appealing.

33:22 Writing Effective Prompts

Section Overview: The speaker provides tips on writing effective prompts for ChatGPT.

Writing Effective Prompts

Craft prompts that are clear, concise, and visually appealing.

Maintain the same meaning while making phrases more formal and elegant.

Consider the context of the conversation when formulating prompts.

Note: The transcript is primarily in Portuguese.

33:29 Explanation of Delegating in Chat GPT

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker explains the concept of delegating in Chat GPT and its

Delegating to Hold GPT Chat

The speaker mentions that delegating is a way to hold the GPT chat for later use without it generating
unnecessary content.

Delegating allows specifying what information should be provided by the chatbot.

It helps in ensuring that the chatbot doesn't generate irrelevant or excessive responses.
34:15 Introduction to Delegating in Chat GPT

Section Overview: The speaker introduces the topic of delegating and highlights its significance in
utilizing AI technology effectively.

Delegating as an AI Future

The speaker emphasizes that artificial intelligence is the future.

They mention that Chat GPT is a powerful tool for delegation.

Exploring new technologies, specifically delegation functions, can benefit users.

35:02 How Delegation Works in Chat GPT

Section Overview: This section explains how delegation works in Chat GPT and provides examples.

Understanding Delegation Process

The speaker explains that delegation involves acting as a translator for English prompts.

They suggest using specific instructions to guide the chatbot's response generation.

By delegating, one can transform simple phrases into more sophisticated and elegant sentences.

35:27 Enhancing Responses through Delegation

Section Overview: This section discusses how delegation can improve responses generated by Chat GPT.

Improving Response Quality

The speaker demonstrates how delegation can enhance responses by providing an example with
Michael Jackson as a character reference.

They highlight that delegation allows for more refined and elegant sentence construction.

Delegation can transform and improve the quality of responses generated by Chat GPT.

35:36 The Significance of Delegation in Brazil

Section Overview: The speaker explains the importance of delegation in Brazil and encourages exploring
cutting-edge technologies.

Promoting Technological Advancements

The speaker believes that Brazilians should explore advanced technologies, including delegation
They emphasize the significance of utilizing AI tools like Chat GPT for delegation purposes.

Delegation can help in leveraging technology to its fullest potential.

Note: This summary is based on the provided transcript.

35:42 Understanding the Prompt

Section Overview: In this section, the instructor discusses the importance of understanding and
customizing the prompt when using chat GPT. The prompt is a crucial part of generating accurate

Importance of Specificity in Prompts

It is important to be specific in prompts to get desired results from chat GPT.

The instructor emphasizes that sometimes you need to be very specific, while other times you can be
more general.

Avoid unnecessary information or explanations in prompts.

Delegating Functions to Chat GPT

The instructor explains that during the lessons, they will delegate functions to chat GPT gradually.

They mention that it's essential not to overwhelm chat GPT with unnecessary information or

Personalize phrases and ask for improvements without asking chat GPT to replace things.

Keeping the Function Open

The function of keeping the chat GPT open and continuing the conversation is introduced.

This allows for holding onto context and preventing chat GPT from generating unrelated responses.

It is emphasized that during the lessons, students should avoid letting chat GPT generate excessive
content without purpose.

Building Specificity Gradually

The instructor mentions that by the end of the course, students will have learned how to build
specificity gradually.

They highlight that each step contributes to completing a puzzle, where all pieces come together at the

Understanding and mastering specificity is crucial for effective communication with chat GPT.

37:50 Writing a Letter of Introduction

Section Overview: In this section, the instructor focuses on writing a letter of introduction using chat
GPT as an exercise. They discuss potential errors and how to observe and correct them.

Observing Errors in Chat GPT's Response

Students are instructed to observe errors made by chat GPT when responding to their request for
writing a letter of introduction.

The instructor mentions that chat GPT may sometimes skip or change words and phrases, resulting in
incorrect responses.

Importance of Not Overloading Chat GPT

It is emphasized that students should avoid providing too much information to chat GPT to prevent
errors and confusion.

The instructor advises against writing unnecessary explanations and encourages students to keep their
requests concise.

Correcting Errors in Chat GPT's Response

Students are encouraged to correct the errors made by chat GPT in its response.

They should focus on improving the wording and making the response more elegant and accurate.

Understanding Chat GPT's Limitations

The instructor explains that chat GPT may occasionally "bug" or fail to take any action when
encountering errors or inconsistencies.

This can happen when chat GPT receives a prompt with mistakes or lacks clear instructions.

38:50 Exploring New Technologies

Section Overview: In this section, the instructor discusses the importance of exploring new technologies
beyond chat GPT. They highlight the potential for advancements in artificial intelligence and encourage
students to embrace cutting-edge technologies.

Writing a Letter for an Artificial Intelligence Organization

Students are prompted to write a letter addressed to an artificial intelligence organization or company.

The instructor suggests considering the role of chat GPT as a powerful tool in today's technological

Embracing Technological Advancements

The instructor believes that Brazilians should explore new technologies more extensively.
They express their belief that embracing cutting-edge technologies is crucial for progress and

Potential Errors with Chat GPT

It is mentioned that there was a small error in the prompt used during this exercise, which caused some
issues with chat GPT's response.

Students are advised not to rely solely on chat GPT's responses but rather observe potential errors and
learn from them.

39:25 Dealing with Errors in Chat GPT

Section Overview: In this section, the instructor discusses how to handle errors that may occur when
using chat GPT. They emphasize the importance of understanding and correcting these errors.

Chat GPT's Response to "Artificial Intelligence is the Future"

The instructor highlights an example where chat GPT responds incorrectly due to an error in the prompt.

They explain that when encountering such errors, chat GPT may not respond appropriately or may
generate unrelated content.

Observing Errors and Taking Action

Students are encouraged to observe errors made by chat GPT and take appropriate action to correct

It is important to understand that chat GPT's responses are based on the given prompt and can be
affected by any mistakes or inconsistencies.

Learning from Errors

The instructor believes that encountering errors with chat GPT provides valuable learning opportunities.

They express their belief that understanding and addressing these errors will lead to better
communication with artificial intelligence systems.


In this transcript, the instructor emphasizes the importance of understanding and customizing prompts
when using chat GPT. They discuss potential errors that can occur and provide guidance on observing,
correcting, and learning from these errors. Additionally, they encourage students to explore new
technologies beyond chat GPT and embrace advancements in artificial intelligence.

39:55 Understanding the Role of a Technical Nurse

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses the role of a technical nurse and emphasizes the
importance of having experience in patient care.
The Role of a Technical Nurse

A technical nurse is responsible for providing care to patients in a hospital setting.

They should have at least two years of experience in patient care.

One of their main responsibilities is delegating tasks to other healthcare professionals.

They often communicate with patients through chat platforms.

Importance of Experience

Having experience as a technical nurse is crucial for understanding and meeting patient needs.

It helps develop skills in patient care and handling various medical situations.

The speaker highlights that practical experience complements theoretical knowledge.

42:01 Creating an Effective Introduction

Section Overview: This section focuses on creating an effective introduction or email signature when
communicating professionally.

Personalizing Your Introduction

When introducing yourself, include your name and relevant professional background.

Customize your introduction based on the context or recipient's preferences.

Example Introductions

"Hi, my name is [Your Name]. I am a certified nursing technician with over two years of experience in
hospital settings."

"Hello, I'm [Your Name], a skilled nursing technician specializing in patient care."

42:32 Delegating Tasks as a Technical Nurse

Section Overview: This section discusses the importance of delegating tasks as a technical nurse and
how it can be done effectively through chat platforms.

Delegating Responsibilities

Delegating tasks is one of the key functions of a technical nurse.

Chat platforms like GPT can be used to assign tasks to other healthcare professionals.

Benefits of Delegation

Delegating tasks allows technical nurses to focus on patient care.

It ensures efficient and effective distribution of responsibilities within the healthcare team.

43:21 Writing a Letter of Introduction for Medical Field

Section Overview: This section provides guidance on writing a letter of introduction for the medical field,
specifically focusing on skills related to blood collection.

Purpose of the Letter

The letter serves as an introduction when applying for positions related to blood collection or medical
equipment handling.

Highlighting Technical Skills

Emphasize your technical skills and expertise in blood collection and equipment handling.

Mention your ability to perform procedures with safety and efficiency.

43:44 Understanding Chat GPT's Limitations

Section Overview: This section highlights the limitations of chat GPT when it comes to understanding
specific professional contexts, such as medical terminology.

Limitations of Chat GPT

Chat GPT may not accurately understand or respond appropriately to specialized medical terms or

It is important to be aware of potential errors or misunderstandings that can occur when using chat GPT
in a professional healthcare setting.

44:08 Importance of Specialization in Medical Field

Section Overview: This section emphasizes the importance of specialization in the medical field and how
it can enhance professional performance.

Benefits of Specialization

Specializing in a particular area, such as blood collection, demonstrates expertise and enhances job

It allows professionals to develop specific skills and knowledge relevant to their chosen field.

[t=0:44:14s] How does the GPT chat work?

Section Overview: This section discusses how the GPT chat works and its capabilities.
GPT Chat Functionality

The GPT chat is a public tool that utilizes Artificial Intelligence.

It can respond to various prompts and questions.

The AI's ability to answer depends on the quality of the prompt given.

It can be used for tasks like writing a cover letter or requesting job opportunities.

[t=0:46:16s] Can GPT AI respond as if it were a god?

Section Overview: In this section, the question of whether GPT AI can respond as if it were a god is

Limitations of GPT AI

While powerful, GPT AI cannot respond as if it were a god.

Its responses are based on the information provided in the prompt.

It lacks true understanding and consciousness.

[t=0:46:19s] Can GPT AI help with writing requests or letters?

Section Overview: This section focuses on whether GPT AI can assist in writing requests or letters.

Writing Requests/Letters with GPT

Using well-formed prompts, GPT AI can generate good responses for requests or letters.

It is important to ensure that the prompt is correctly structured and specific.

[t=0:46:27s] Can you use personal information with GPT?

Section Overview: Here, we explore whether personal information can be used with GPT AI.

Personal Information Usage

When using personal information, make sure to provide accurate details in your prompts.

Incorrect or incomplete information may lead to incorrect responses from the model.

[t=0:47:10s] How does one analyze and improve response quality?

Section Overview: This section discusses analyzing and improving response quality.

Analyzing Responses
To analyze response quality, carefully review the answer provided by GPT AI.

Ensure that the prompt is correctly formulated and specific.

[t=0:47:37s] Can GPT AI understand names?

Section Overview: This section explores whether GPT AI can understand names.

Providing Names

When asking for a name, make sure to phrase the question correctly.

GPT AI may not always provide the correct response if the question is not clear.

[t=0:48:00s] Can GPT AI generate short phrases?

Section Overview: Here, we discuss whether GPT AI can generate short phrases.

Generating Short Phrases

GPT AI can generate short phrases based on the prompt given.

It is useful when summarizing or completing sentences in a concise manner.

[t=0:48:17s] Can GPT AI complement information in prompts?

Section Overview: In this section, we explore whether GPT AI can complement information in prompts.

Complementing Information

GPT AI has the ability to complement information provided in prompts.

It can add valuable extra details to enhance the content of requests or letters.

48:27 Skills and Experience for Security in São Paulo

Section Overview: The speaker discusses the importance of having technical skills for security in São

Technical Skills for Security

Having technical skills is crucial for security professionals in São Paulo. 48:27

These skills and experiences can greatly contribute to the efficiency and performance of a security team.

Specializing in a specific area, such as working in a private hospital, can be seen as a valuable asset.
Working in a prestigious private hospital can enhance one's professional profile. 48:35

48:48 Highlighting Specific Hospital Experience

Section Overview: The speaker emphasizes the importance of highlighting specific hospital experience
when applying for jobs.

Stand Out with Hospital Experience

Mentioning specific hospitals, especially well-known ones, can make your application stand out. 48:48

Private hospitals in São Paulo are highly regarded, so mentioning experience at these hospitals can be
advantageous. 48:51

It is important to tailor your application to showcase how your specialization and experience align with
the needs of the medical team at the desired hospital. 48:53

49:06 Clarifying Job Preferences

Section Overview: The speaker discusses the significance of accurately expressing job preferences.

Be Clear about Job Preferences

Clearly state your preference for working in a private hospital rather than a public one. 49:06

Avoid using generic phrases that could lead to misinterpretation by recruiters. Instead, specify your
interest in working at a particular private hospital or healthcare institution. 49:11

49:22 Learning from Mistakes

Section Overview: The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes and improving the
quality of questions asked.

Learning from Mistakes

If the response received is not what you expected, it may be due to an error in your question or prompt.
Analyze your question and make necessary improvements. 49:22

Take responsibility for asking efficient and effective questions to receive accurate responses. 49:26

49:45 Asking Efficiently for Desired Job

Section Overview: The speaker provides guidance on how to ask efficiently for a desired job.

Asking Efficiently for a Desired Job

When asking about job opportunities, be specific about your desire to work in a private hospital. Avoid
mentioning clinics or other healthcare institutions that are not private hospitals. 49:45

Use efficient language and provide clear prompts to get accurate responses from the chatbot. 49:50

50:13 Correcting Prompt Errors

Section Overview: The speaker explains how to correct errors in prompts and improve response

Correcting Prompt Errors

If you encounter errors in your prompt, such as mentioning the wrong type of hospital, you can correct
them by amplifying your prompt with more accurate information. This will help the chatbot provide
better responses. 50:13

Act as if you were a music recommender and follow a step-by-step process when formulating your
prompt to avoid errors. Delegate tasks effectively within your own thought process. 50:22

50:30 Ensuring Congruence in Responses

Section Overview: The speaker emphasizes the importance of ensuring congruence between questions
asked and responses given.

Ensuring Congruence in Responses

When acting as a music recommender, ensure that each step is congruent with the previous one to
maintain coherence in your responses. 50:30

Avoid errors in your prompt to ensure the accuracy and quality of the responses you receive. 50:32

Note: The transcript provided does not contain any timestamps beyond this point.

50:38 Reproduction of 10 Similar Songs to Music Recommender

Section Overview: The speaker discusses the concept of reproducing 10 songs similar to a music

Reproducing Similar Songs

The speaker explains the process of reproducing 10 songs similar to a music recommender.

They mention the importance of understanding that they will provide a chat prompt and the user will
create a list of recommended songs.
It is highlighted that the prompt can be expanded by adding rules, such as selecting songs with the same
name or artist.

The advantage of this approach is mentioned, as it allows for customization based on different artists'
available content.

The speaker suggests copying and sending prompts in parts if needed, rather than sending them all at

54:55 Delegating Tasks and Instructions

Section Overview: The speaker discusses delegating tasks and providing instructions for reproducing

Delegating Correctly

The importance of delegating tasks correctly is emphasized.

It is explained that copying the entire prompt is not necessary; only specific parts need to be copied for

Instructions are given to understand that conversations with the music recommender are not required,
as they will provide a chat prompt instead.

55:10 Expanding Prompt and Adding Rules

Section Overview: The speaker explains how to expand prompts and add rules for song reproduction.

Expanding Prompts

The process of expanding prompts is discussed, allowing for more variety in recommended songs.

Examples are given where additional rules can be added, such as selecting songs with the same name or

Advantages of Rule-based Approach

The advantages of using rule-based approaches are highlighted, including having more material from
certain artists compared to others.

It is suggested that prompts can be customized based on specific artists' availability and content.

56:02 Customizing Prompts and Preferences

Section Overview: The speaker discusses customizing prompts and preferences for song reproduction.

Customizing Prompts

The speaker explains that prompts can be customized based on personal preferences.
It is mentioned that the prompt can be modified by adding or removing certain elements as desired.

Flexibility in Music Choices

The flexibility of choosing music preferences is highlighted, allowing for personalization of the prompt.

The speaker mentions that they are not familiar with all artists and genres but encourages exploring
different options.

56:20 Creating Descriptions for Playlists

Section Overview: The speaker explains the process of creating descriptions for playlists.

Playlist Descriptions

Instructions are given to create descriptions for each song in a playlist.

It is emphasized that explanations or additional information should not be included in the descriptions.

Examples are provided where keywords related to song names, explanations, release years, and playlists
can be used to generate descriptions.

56:44 Neutral Recommendations and Ranking

Section Overview: The speaker discusses neutral recommendations and ranking songs.

Neutral Recommendations

The importance of providing neutral recommendations is explained.

Instructions are given to provide a trend name without any specific bias towards a particular genre or

Ranking Considerations

It is mentioned that ranking considerations, such as popularity or release dates, should not be included
in the instructions.

Examples are given where playlist names or clothing choices of artists can be used as trends without
affecting rankings.

57:00 Introduction to the Lesson

Section Overview: The instructor introduces the lesson and explains the purpose of the class.

Lesson Objectives

The instructor encourages students to ask questions in the chat.

Students are reminded that they can copy and share prompts with the instructor.

The importance of understanding delegation is emphasized.

59:15 Delegating Tasks

Section Overview: The instructor discusses how to delegate tasks effectively.

Delegating Prompts

Students are instructed to specify their prompt by giving it a name.

It is explained that researchers can copy and send prompts to others without engaging in conversation.

Understanding delegation is crucial for effective research and analysis.

59:48 Researching and Analyzing Events

Section Overview: The instructor explains how to research and analyze events using prompts.

Collecting Data from Primary Sources

Researchers should collect data from primary sources, such as cultural, economic, political, and social

This data will be used to develop theories about what happened during different periods of history.

01:00:12 Breaking Down Prompts into Parts

Section Overview: The instructor discusses breaking down prompts into manageable parts for better

Breaking Down Prompt Questions

When dealing with complex prompts, it is recommended to break them down into smaller parts.

By analyzing each part separately, researchers can provide more accurate responses.

01:00:58 Expanding on Prompts

Section Overview: The instructor explains how to expand on prompts for more detailed responses.

Providing Additional Information

Researchers should add more information or context when responding to prompts.

By expanding on the prompt, researchers can provide a comprehensive answer.

01:01:11 Adding Descriptions to Prompts

Section Overview: The instructor discusses adding descriptions to prompts for better understanding.

Requesting Descriptions

Researchers are encouraged to request descriptions along with prompts.

This helps in providing a more detailed and specific response.

01:01:20 Using Keywords in Prompts

Section Overview: The instructor explains the importance of using keywords in prompts.

Utilizing Keywords

Researchers should include relevant keywords from song titles or other sources in their prompts.

This helps the AI model understand the desired outcome and provide accurate responses.

01:01:24 Aula de encerramento

Section Overview: The speaker concludes the lesson and mentions that it was a basic class.

Lesson Wrap-up

The speaker states that the class is now finished.

The class was considered basic.

01:03:28 Next topic: Encher linguiça

Section Overview: The speaker introduces the next topic, "Encher linguiça," which means to fill in
unnecessary information.

Encher linguiça

The speaker mentions the term "encher linguiça" which refers to filling in unnecessary information.

They suggest moving on to the next topic.

01:03:31 Aula sobre o Uruguai em 1930

Section Overview: The speaker refers to a specific lesson about Uruguay in 1930.

Aula sobre o Uruguai em 1930

The speaker asks for more specific information about a lesson related to Uruguay in 1930.

They mention that this particular lesson is one they enjoy teaching.

01:04:02 Importance of being specific as a researcher

Section Overview: The importance of being specific as a researcher is discussed.

Importance of being specific as a researcher

Being specific is emphasized as an important aspect of the research process.

Working with Chat GPT requires clear instructions and prompts.

Collecting data from primary sources and developing theories based on them is crucial.

Analyzing cultural, economic, political, and social events helps gain knowledge from historical periods.

01:04:45 Using Chat GPT as a research tool

Section Overview: Chat GPT can be used as a research tool by delegating specific tasks.

Using Chat GPT as a research tool

Chat GPT can be programmed to gather and analyze information about historical events.

It is important to delegate specific tasks and provide clear prompts for the AI model.

The AI model can collect data from primary sources and develop theories based on them.

01:05:24 Benefits of being specific in prompts

Section Overview: The benefits of being specific in prompts are discussed.

Benefits of being specific in prompts

Being specific in prompts saves time and helps avoid unnecessary information.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of specifying what information is needed.

Clear prompts lead to more accurate and concise responses from Chat GPT.

01:05:35 Focus on Emphasizing Key Points in the Lesson

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of emphasizing key points in a

Emphasizing Key Points

It is important to give emphasis to certain aspects of a lesson.

As a writer, research is necessary to effectively convey information.

The topic for this example is "1930 Uruguay," which requires being specific and persuasive.

When discussing education, it is important to consider that it may not be familiar with early childhood

Responses should be direct and concise when asking about education.

The prompt should highlight that early childhood education forms the foundation for a child's

Being specific and persuasive helps convey the importance of early childhood education.

Artificial intelligence can provide valuable insights and wisdom but needs clear and concise information.

01:07:47 Importance of Persuasiveness in Writing

Section Overview: This section focuses on the significance of persuasiveness in writing.

Persuasiveness in Writing

Persuasive writing aims to convince or influence readers.

By using persuasive language, one can convey ideas effectively.

Education plays a crucial role in shaping children's future and should be emphasized concisely.

Specificity is essential when discussing topics like early childhood education.

Working with chat GPT allows for more targeted responses based on prompts.

01:08:14 The Role of Early Childhood Education

Section Overview: This section highlights the importance of early childhood education.

Role of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education forms the fundamental basis for a child's development.

It is indispensable for shaping future generations and society as a whole.

Being specific and persuasive helps convey the significance of early childhood education effectively.

01:08:50 The Power of Persuasive Language

Section Overview: This section emphasizes the power of persuasive language in conveying information.
Power of Persuasive Language

Persuasive language has a profound impact on readers, appealing to their emotions and providing
essential information.

When writing prompts, it is crucial to include persuasive elements that highlight the importance of early
childhood education.

By using persuasive language, one can effectively communicate the benefits and significance of early
childhood education.

01:09:19 Complementing Prompts with Additional Information

Section Overview: This section discusses the importance of complementing prompts with additional

Complementing Prompts with Additional Information

It is beneficial to provide supplementary information alongside prompts.

Including bonus tips or suggestions can enhance the persuasiveness and effectiveness of the content.

Adding tabs or sections for further exploration can engage readers and provide more comprehensive

Note: The transcript provided does not contain any timestamps beyond 1:09:49.

01:09:56 Understanding the Role

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses the role of flexibility and convenience in
complementing their prompt. They emphasize the importance of persuasive techniques to induce
parents to believe in personalizing their text.

The Role of Flexibility and Convenience

Flexibility and convenience are key factors in complementing the prompt.

Persuasive techniques are used to convince parents to personalize their text.

The speaker highlights that online education is the best type for early childhood education.

They mention that researching on early childhood education is necessary for effective writing.

Personalizing GPT for Persuasion

The speaker explains how personalizing GPT prompts can make it seem like it has its own opinion.

They discuss the significance of persuasiveness when defending online education.

A debate scenario is suggested, where one side argues for online education while the other argues
against it.

The importance of emphasizing that early childhood education is crucial for a child's development is

Using Persuasive Language

Persuasive language plays a vital role in convincing readers about the future impact of online education
on children.

Emotional triggers and strong persuasive techniques are recommended to create a sense of importance
and appeal to readers' emotions.

The speaker emphasizes that early childhood education is fundamental for a child's well-being,
happiness, and future success.

Creating Impactful Texts

By utilizing persuasive language throughout the text, writers can create impactful messages that
resonate with parents.

The speaker suggests using various persuasive techniques such as selling ideas and utilizing emotional

They stress that early childhood education fosters curiosity, creativity, and confidence in children.

01:13:01 Writing with Persuasion

Section Overview: In this section, the focus shifts towards writing persuasively and the impact it can
have on readers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using persuasive techniques to sell ideas

Writing Persuasively

Writing persuasively involves complementing the prompt with persuasive language.

The speaker encourages writers to use persuasive techniques to sell ideas effectively.

They mention that utilizing emotional triggers and sales techniques can enhance the impact of the text.

Impact on Readers

When parents read a persuasive text, it can greatly influence their perception and decision-making.

By utilizing persuasive language and complementing prompts, writers can evoke strong emotions in

The speaker highlights that impactful texts have a profound effect on readers' lives.

Importance of Persuasive Techniques

Persuasive writing has the power to transform lives and shape the future of children.

Writers should focus on creating texts that appeal to readers' emotions and leave a lasting impact.

The speaker suggests using persuasion techniques throughout the entire text for maximum


In this transcript, we explored how flexibility, convenience, and persuasive language play crucial roles in
complementing prompts and convincing parents about the significance of online education for early
childhood development. We learned about personalizing GPT prompts, utilizing emotional triggers, and
employing various persuasive techniques to create impactful texts. Writing persuasively can greatly
influence readers' perceptions and decisions, making it an essential skill for effective communication.

01:14:20 Absurd Results and Influencer Marketing

Section Overview: The speaker discusses absurd results in influencer marketing and the importance of
creating content that resonates with the audience.

Influencer Marketing and Content Creation

The speaker mentions the absurdity of some influencer marketing results, highlighting the need for
better strategies. 01:14:20

They emphasize the importance of understanding one's brand and target audience when creating
content. 01:16:38

Creating persuasive content that appeals to parents' beliefs is crucial for influencers. 01:16:58

Flexibility and Convenience in Content Creation

Influencers need to be flexible in their content creation process, delegating tasks when necessary.

Convenience plays a significant role in influencer marketing, allowing influencers to present various
persuasive messages. 01:16:53

Education as a Content Theme

Education-related content, particularly online teaching, is an effective choice for influencers. 01:17:00

Ideas for educational content can be focused on early childhood education or online teaching methods.

Personalizing AI Chatbot Responses

The speaker discusses personalizing AI chatbot responses using GPT models tailored to their makeup
brand. 01:17:13
By customizing prompts related to their brand, they can make the chatbot have its own opinions on
selling makeup products. 01:17:17

Leveraging Brand Alignment for Debates

The speaker suggests leveraging brand alignment to engage in debates with the AI chatbot. 01:17:26

By discussing topics related to their brand and online education, they can create engaging content.

Creating Persuasive Video Content

The speaker explains how to create persuasive video content using emotional triggers and strong
arguments. 01:17:57

They provide an example of a makeup tutorial video that incorporates educational elements. 01:18:02

Complementing Brand Products with Content

Influencers can complement their brand products by showcasing them in tutorial videos or related
content. 01:18:27

Using emotional triggers and techniques of persuasion can enhance the effectiveness of the content.

Note: The summary focuses on key points from the transcript, providing a concise overview of the
discussed topics in influencer marketing and content creation strategies.

01:18:48 Generating Video Ideas with GPT

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses using GPT to generate video ideas and prompts
for content creation.

Using GPT for Idea Generation

The speaker mentions that GPT is a useful model for extracting ideas.

GPT can provide suggestions for content creation on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

It can help with generating ideas related to a specific brand or product.

Creating a Video Script

The speaker explains that GPT can assist in creating a complete video script.

Examples of video introductions and topics are provided.

The generated script can be tailored to match the influencer's style and brand.

Leveraging Brand Identity

GPT can suggest topics related to the influencer's brand or product.

It helps in aligning the content with the influencer's niche or expertise.

Example Video Ideas

Applying Everyday Makeup Look: A tutorial on applying simple and effective makeup for daily use.

Product Review: Showcasing the influencer's own makeup brand and demonstrating its usage.

Creating Engaging Content: Tips on how to create engaging videos for social media platforms.

Note: Timestamps have been associated with each bullet point based on available information from the

01:23:12 Introduction to Video Script

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of having a script for videos and
introduces the concept of a video introduction.

Importance of Having a Script

Having a script helps in organizing ideas and delivering a clear message.

Not everyone is naturally creative or skilled at improvising, so having a script can be beneficial.

The speaker emphasizes that even though greetings and introductions may seem simple, they are
important components of a video.

Using Chat GPT for Script Ideas

The speaker mentions using Chat GPT as a tool to generate ideas for video scripts.

They explain that Chat GPT provides a base model that can be customized according to specific needs.

Examples are given where recommendations from Chat GPT were used to create videos on topics like
artificial intelligence.

Creating Video Introductions

The speaker explains that after selecting ideas from Chat GPT, they start brainstorming and planning
their videos.

Two examples of video introductions are provided, showcasing different approaches - one with a warm
greeting and another with an attention-grabbing statement.

The importance of engaging viewers through introductions is highlighted.

01:25:25 Benefits of Using Chat GPT for Video Scripts

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker elaborates on how using Chat GPT for video scripts has
improved the quality of their content.

Customized Content Creation

By utilizing Chat GPT's suggestions, the speaker was able to create unique content not found in paid

They emphasize that the quality of teaching is enhanced by incorporating suggestions from Chat GPT
into their videos.

Simplified Teaching Approach

The speaker shares their teaching philosophy, which focuses on being relaxed and uncomplicated.

They aim to make educational content accessible to all types of viewers, regardless of their expertise.

The speaker credits Chat GPT for helping them resolve the challenge of creating content that caters to a
wide audience.

Generating Ideas and Examples

Chat GPT provides ideas for video topics, as demonstrated by the examples given in the previous

The speaker mentions that Chat GPT also assists in providing examples for different sections of a video

They encourage viewers to engage with their content by suggesting topics they would like to see

01:26:04 Course Introduction and Examples

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker introduces their course and provides examples of video
introductions created using Chat GPT.

Introduction to the Course

The speaker introduces their course on applying makeup using Chat GPT as an assistant.

They mention that the course offers valuable insights not found in other paid courses.

Example Video Introductions

Two additional examples of video introductions are provided as a token of appreciation for viewers.

Viewers are encouraged to subscribe, like, and comment on the videos they enjoy.

The speaker emphasizes that only 20% of viewers engage with their content through comments or
Leveraging Chat GPT for Content Creation

The speaker reiterates how Chat GPT can be used to generate ideas and receive early access to content
before it is released publicly.

They encourage viewers to leave comments with topic suggestions based on their preferences.

These notes provide an overview of the main points discussed in each section.

01:27:30 Content that People Will Try

Section Overview: This section discusses the main content that people will attempt to engage with.

Understanding the Content

The transcript does not provide a timestamp for this section.

The content being referred to is not specified in the transcript.

It is important to understand what type of content people will try to engage with.

Further information or context is needed to provide a detailed summary of this section.

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