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APRIL 2023
Chapter 1


Students preferentially absorb and process information in diverse ways.

Understanding the preferred style of the students is seen as one path to improving
academic learning. According to Dalaman et al. (2019), knowing the preferred learning
style of the students enables academic success by providing more effective solutions to
the problems encountered in the teaching-learning process. This is accomplished while
educators are constantly striving to diagnose the factors that influence academic
performance through various research undertakings, consultants, and conferences.
However, there has been no empirical evidence of the preferred learning styles of
Banlag Integrated School students, and the present study, which is based on the VARK
model, is the first of its kind in our school.

VARK refers to the four types of learning styles: visual, aural, reading, or writing,
and kinaesthetic, and maintains that students have different styles related to how they
process information, often referred to as their preferred learning style (Flemming, 1995).
In the past four consecutive years, students’ academic performance has been
progressively above expectations; however, there were no definite pedagogical factors
that could help explain the results. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
modes of teaching and learning have changed dramatically with the rise of e-learning on
digital platforms. The research study by Li and Lalani (2020) on the effectiveness of
online teaching suggested that, for those students who have access to the right
technology, there was evidence that learning online was effective by increasing
retention of information. There were, however, challenges to overcome. Some students
without reliable internet access or technology struggled to participate in digital learning.

Consequently, stakeholders determined it to be imperative to discover the

learning preferences of the students in order to cater meaningfully to their needs, based
on a study conducted by Butler (2004). In this study about students’ learning styles and
their preferences for online instructional methods, it was revealed that there were
several significant positive and negative relationships between learning styles and
instructional methods. Learning is a continuous process, and a process is an action that
leads to a result. In this situation, learning barriers can delay or stop the learning
process. However, an effective learning strategy can overcome those barriers and
create learning that suits the learner.

One of those barriers is the mismatch in the teaching-learning approach. An

inappropriate way of using methods, techniques, and strategies with the learners may
lead to this barrier. Recognizing the learner’s style of learning can lead to effective
learning.This research was carried out in the hopes of making an impact. It
concentrated on identifying the students perspectives on their preferred learning styles
at Banlag Integrated School. This was believed to respond to the students’ difficulties in
academic performance. Similarly, after the learning patterns have been established,
teachers will have baseline data to use in planning the subjects that will be taught to
them. Even if problems occur, the known subjects are the most important for students to
understand. The teachers’ methods or techniques should also reflect the students’
learning styles and preferred learning modalities.


The main problem of this study is to take the study on students perspective
on their preferred learning styles in banlag integrated school.
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following problem:
1. What are the learning style preference of Banlag Integrated School students?
2. Does the way of choosing the preferred learning styles of students of Banlag
Integrated School improves their knowledge?
3. How do students at Banlag Integrated School fare in terms of their preferred
learning style?
The main objective of this study is to take the the study on the students
perspective on their preferred learning styles in banlag integrated school.
1. To identify the preferred learning styles of the students in Banlag Integrated
2. To determine the way of choosing the preferred learning styles of the students
in Banlag Integrated School improves their knowledge.
3. To assess how well the students at Banlag Integrated School learned what
they preferred to learn.


This research aims to know the students perspective on their preferred learning
styles in banlag integrated school. The goal of this study is to help the students and
teacher on how they will improve their learning and teaching also to the researcher.

To the student, they will be aware where they are compatible to learn. Knowing
their own strength makes them more capable of creating a better side of them by
optimizing their way of learning.

To the teachers , it will help them to identify the learning styles of the students
and for them to be aware of it. This would also help them to analyze the concrete and
appropriate teaching strategy to be used on a particular learning style of a students
he/she is handling.

Lastly to the researcher, they will be truly happy because they get what they
need from the selected students. Aside from that, they can get an information that they
can use to increase their knowledge using their learning style.
This research is focuses on the study of the student’s perspective on their
preferred learning of Banlag Integrated School in which will be randomly selected from
grade 7 up to grade 12 for the school year 2023-2024. Other aspects aside from the
learning styles is not included.


VARK model- identifies a person's sensory modality preference in learning.
Kinaesthetic- relating to a person's awareness of the position and movement of the
parts of the body.
Pedagogical- befitting a teacher or education.
Perspective- to view things in their true relations.
Empirical- originating in or based on observation or experience.
Diverse- composed unlike information.
Chapter 2


This review of the literature focuses on procedures used to identify teaching and
learning styles and what effect a match between the two has on student learning
outcomes and the evaluation of teachers. Educational research has identified several
factors that account for potential differences in how students learn, such as a student’s
preferred learning style. Learners' motivation is increased when different learning styles
are considered by the teacher, and 3.

The VARK questionnaire is based on three principles: 1. Everyone has their own
style to acquire knowledge; 2. learner’s motivation is increased when different learning
styles of learners are considered by the teacher; and 3. educational concepts are
learned through four sensory modalities and perceptions: visual, aural, reading or
writing, and kinaesthetic. Visual learners prefer information presented through graphs,
diagrams, essays, and charts, while auditory learners prefer listening to information and
talking about it with someone else. Reading and writing learners prefer to consume
information by reading texts and condensing and rephrasing them.

Kinaesthetic learners prefer to learn through simulation and real-life experiences,

often described as hands-on activities. It is important to set the highest standards in
defining the objectives, components, and processes for information technology and
industrial technology programs at higher education institutions. This study focused on
the assessment of the learning style preferences of students enrolled in applied science
courses to contribute to the existing body of knowledge about the distinct learning styles
of students in these disciplines. Alavi and Toozandehjani (2017), Teevan, Michael, and
Schlesselman (2011), Dalmolin, Mackeivicz, Pochapski, Pilatti, and Santos (2018), and
Dalmolin, Mackeivicz, Pochapski, Pilatti, and Santos (2018) suggest that determining
the learning styles of students will improve their educational experience.

Previous literature has confirmed that learning styles predict students' academic
performance. Study habits and skills of students enrolled in applied science courses are
also predictive factors of academic performance. Learning styles are seen as
characteristic cognitive, affective, and psychological behaviors that serve as indicators
of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment. Adult
learning theory is a concept that does not differentiate types of learning in the adult
population but generalizes adult learning characteristics, or andragogy, to distinguish it
from the education of youth, or pedagogy. Race, ethnicity, and culture also influence a
person's way of thinking and learning.
Chapter 3

The data that will be presented in this study is important for understanding the
various learning preferences of students in Banlag integrated school. The research
design, the tools, the data collection, and the data analysis are all covered in this

Research Design

This study uses a mixed method of collecting information through questionnaires

and observation of the participants. The aim of this study is to determine the preferred
learning styles of the students at Banlag integrated school. The information that will be
collected is the participants’ views about learning styles.

Data Gathering Procedure

By collecting data, it will undergo several processes and steps. The researcher
will give the questionnaires to the participants that the researcher made, and the
researcher will also observe how they act or what they feel when they read the
questionnaires. After answering the questionnaire, the researchers will analyze the
information that they will get to reach their objective in a mixed-methods way.

Research Participants

The students from Banlag Integrated School are the participants of this research,
which is composed of fifteen (15) boys and fifteen (15) girls for a total of thirty (30)

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Banlag Integrated School, Valencia City,

Bukidnon. The researchers will collect data from the study of students perspectives on
their preferred learning style. The duration of this study starts in April and ends in June.

The researcher is the instrument of this study, it is because this is mixed-method

research. It depends on the researcher how many questions they have, which are
related on the study of students perspective on their preferred learning styles in banlag
Integrated School . Also, they use smartphone to record the information and laptop to
analyze the data that gathered.

For the following questions, circle the first answer that comes to mind, and choose only
one answer, either a, b, or c. Don't spend too much time thinking about any one
question. When finished, total your answers for a, b and c.

Question 1
When you study for a test, would you rather
a) read notes, read headings in a book, and look at diagrams and illustrations.
b) have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts silently to yourself.
c) write things out on index cards and make models or diagrams.
Question 2
When you try to concentrate, do you
a) get distracted by clutter and notice things around you
b) get distracted by sounds and attempt to control the noise around you
c) get distracted by commotion or sensations like hunger, thirst, uncomfortable shoes
Question 3
Which of these do you do when you listen to music?
a) daydream (see things that go with the music)
b) hum along
c) move with the music, tap your foot, etc.
Question 4
When you work at solving a problem do you
a) make a list, organize the steps, and check them off as they are done
b) make a few phone calls and talk to friends or experts
c) make a model of the problem or walk through all the steps in your mind
Question 5
When you read for fun, do you prefer
a) a book with a lot of pictures in it or vivid imagery
b) a book with a lot of narration or dialogue in it
c) a book with a lot of action or that engages you in problem solving (or don’t read)
Question 6
When you assemble an object, would you rather
a) look at a diagram or watch a movie about it
b) read the directions, talk aloud, or listen to someone explain it
c) ignore directions and try to figure it out for yourself as you go along
Question 7
You have just entered a science museum, what will you do first?
a) look around and find a map showing the locations of the various exhibits
b) talk to a museum guide and ask about exhibits
c) go into the first exhibit that looks interesting, and read directions later
Question 8
What kind of restaurant would you rather not go to?
a) one with the lights too bright
b) one with the music too loud
c) one with uncomfortable chairs
Question 9
Would you rather go to:
a) an art class
b) a music class
c) an exercise class
Question 10
Which are you most likely to do when you are happy?
a) grind
b) shout with joy
c) jump for joy

Question 11
If you were at a party, what would you be most likely to remember the next day?
a) the faces of the people there or what they were wearing
b) the names and conversations of people there
c) the things you did, games you played while you were there
Question 12
When you see the word "d - o - g", what do you do first?
a) think of a picture of a particular dog
b) say the word "dog" to yourself silently
c) sense the feeling of being with a dog (petting it, running with it, etc.)
Question 13
When you tell a story, would you rather
a) write it
b) tell it out loud
c) act it out
Question 14
When you teach other people, do you
a) show them
b) explain to them and maybe ask questions
c) demonstrate and then ask them to try
Question 15
What are you most likely to do when you are angry?
a) scowl
b) shout or "blow up"
c) stomp off and slam doors
Question 16
When you relax, you would rather
a) watch TV, go to a movie, play a video game
b) listen to the radio, play music, read, or talk with a friend
c) play sports, work on cars, do arts & crafts, or build something

Question 17
When you aren't sure how to spell a word, which of these are you most likely to do?
a) write it out to see if it looks right
b) sound it out
c) write it out to see if it feels right
Question 18
When you talk with others, do you
a) find it difficult to listen for very long
b) enjoy listening or get impatient to talk
c) gesture and communicate with your hands
Question 19
When you contact people, you prefer
a) face to face meetings
b) calling on the telephone
c) to talk while walking or while participating in an activity
Question 20
Which are you most likely to do when standing in a long line at the movies?
a) look at posters advertising other movies
b) talk to the person next to you
c) tap your foot or move around in some other way

Total your a, b, and c answers and put the totals in the spaces below:
a _______________ b _______________ c _______________
If you had more “A” responses, your preferred learning style is visual.
If you had more “B” responses, your preferred learning style is auditory.
If you had more “C” responses, your preferred learning style is tactile/kinesthetic.

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