Nota Tambahan

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Law 507 (SL,DP,RNJ)

Subsidiary legislation

Discretionary power

Rules natural Justice


Introduction to Quality Management System

The way we ensure that quality management system is align with the environmental aspect needed to
prevent any pollutant that cause by the other company production. There is company produce the
product that use resources that can lead expose to the chemical reaction whereby it might harm the
people life at residential area. Besides, every company must comply with the regulation provided so that
the unwanted gasses or solid waste could be lessen than we predicted. As we use the right way to
manage the harm chemical then we can see the quality assurance of the company itself. Thus, the
organization or company must be responsible towards environments because the possibility of pollution
is mostly coming from the factory production. Setiap syarikat perlu lebih praktikal dalam menjaga kualiti
dan mengurangkan risiko pencemaran (possibility) terhadap manusia dan organisma yang lain. Hal ini
dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa cara yang lebih proaktif dalam menjaga persekitaran.

Quality & environmental System Standard

Pengudaraan outdoor dan juga indoor yang membolehkan sesuatu tempat itu mempunyai udara yang
mencukupi malah udara juga bersih daripada bahan tercemar. Persekitaran yang mempunyai udara
yang baik membolehkan manusia menjalani kehidupan seharian dengan tenang. Ia juga dapat
memastikan pengaliran udara berjalan dengan lancar kerana manusia perlu bernafas untuk hidup secara
logiknya. Walhal, ini menjadi keperluan bagi manusia.



Quality Management System (ISO 9000)

Documentation analysis yang merekod dan menerangkan beberapa guideline yang dapat membantu
dalam menyelesaikan beberapa isu yang timbul sama ada internal atau external. Doc ini akan digunakan
di dalam beberapa proses yang melibatkan penghasilan produk terutamanya pada bahagian production
dimana ia menjadi obvious untuk melakukan kesalahan. There were several approach yang diperlukan
untuk memenuhi doc structure

Environmental Mgt System (ISO9000)

ADS514 (4,5,6,7,8)

4 (Policy forecasting & formulation)

The policy forecasting is the framework of the guideline for the future as it can help the govt and public
to get prepared on unconditional matter. The forecasting can be defined as the predict the ways and
solution made in settling down the issue through Parliament. From that, we know that there were
several politicians had discussion regarding this issue so that the policy can implement to reduce the
burden of public and let them live peacefully. They can make an improvement on the previous policy to
have a better policy instead of using the same policy but not take into serious action. Some of them
probably become impartial as they think this issue could not bring into a result. Besides, they have a lack
of expert in the particular field as those politicians had a different thought with the less knowledge on
certain matter. The issue arise can misleading the information or data retrieved as they could not
determine which should be focused in making a policy.

Whilst policy formulation is to create a better plan in dealing with the public problem

5 (Policy recommendation)

The complete document can be shown along the discussion among the politician to get a final decision
on which policy option being selected. The policy must have a general explanation on how it disrupt the
public and the consequence of the continue situation occurred. This document was providing some
material and data analysis to support the policy option where they will determine the best policy
related. There is a written policy made by the minister related to let the other minister

6 (Policy adoption)

Policy adoption is one of the ways to get the support by most of the house of representative to make
sure the policy can be implemented. They need to convince all the members of parliament to get
approval of the policy created. It because the need majority of vote in order passing the policy to
become a law for the public arise. The decision made must have a consideration by all parties whether it
can become relevant to implement or not. Some of the policy approved will be practiced analysing the
efficiency of policy toward public. The

7 (Policy Implementation)

Policy implementation is show that policy has been approved by the parliament as they get majority
support from all the members of Parliament especially from the royal consent .

8 (Policy evaluation)

Policy evaluation is


1 Introduction and theories population

Theory Population

2 Population Dynamics


3 Population & Modernization


4 Push & Pull factors of Migration


5 The growth of Mega-Cities



Law of thermodynamic

Law of thermodynamic

Food web

Food web



Natural selection

Natural selection

Major environmental issues

Major issue

Causes of global warning

The causes is

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