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Teacher: Mr.

Grade: 10-
Subject: Information Technology
Topic: Internet
Research Assignment

Create a glossary of terms for the following. Note this is basically a document with the
terms and their definitions listed.

Hyperlink, Webserver, HTTP, Search Engines, URL, Protocol, Server, Path, E-Learning,
Telnet, Filename, HTML/XHTML, Webcast, Podcasting, Webinars, Webpage, Website,
Blogging, Ecommerce.

NOTE:Each of the terms are worth 2 Marks

Hyperlink: A hyperlink is a clickable icon, graphic, or text that links to another file or

Web Server: A computer that hosts a website on the


HTTP: HTTP is the protocol used to transfer data over the web.

Search Engines: A website that helps you find other web

pages, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

URL: A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource
on the Internet. It is also referred to as a web address.

Protocol: The name of the Internet protocol, usually

“http”, giving access to the site.

Server: host name, eg. www: the computer on which the

document is located.

Path: directory hierarchy, separated by “/”.

E-Learning: E-learning, also known as online learning or electronic learning, is the
acquisition of knowledge through electronic technologies and media

Telnet: Telnet refers to a network virtual terminal protocol.

Filename: A filename is a text string that identifies a file.

HTML/XHTML: XML is a markup language where all documents must be marked up

correctly (be "well-formed").

Webcast: A webcast is a live or recorded online broadcast of an event, presentation, or


Podcasting: A podcast is an audio or video broadcast

that is distributed over the Internet. It usually has a format similar to a radio or television

Webinars: A webinar is a live or recorded online event that involves a presentation,

discussion, or training on a topic

Webpage: A hypertext document connected to the

World Wide Web. It can be displayed in a web browser
such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft
Internet Explorer or Edge, or Apple's Safari.

Website: a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically
produced by a single person or organization

Blogging: A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online

journal or informational website displaying information in
the reverse chronological order, with latest posts
appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a
group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

Ecommerce: commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet.

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