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One way to elicit the Babinski reflex is done by applying heavy

pressure with thumb and index finger to the anterior surface of the
tibia, over the shin, from knee to ankle *
Chaddocks reflex
Stransky sign
Schaefer's sign
Gordon sign
Oppenheim reflex
Bing sign
Gonda-Allen sign

A procedure done by applying sudden, sustained, and gentle

stretching to the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles by passively
dorsiflexing the foot, that results to involuntary, uncontrollable,
rhythmic, shaking movements or contraction of a limb, commonly the
foot. *
A. nystagmus
B. clonus
C. tetanic contraction
D. muscle cramp

The following are types of corticobulbar reflex, except *

A. jaw jerk reflex
B. gag reflex
C. sucking reflex
D. none of the above

The following are included in the triad of west syndrome except *

starts 2-12 months old
developmental regression
hypsarrhythmia in EEG
myoclonic jerks/spasm

The following are types of seizures seen in lennox-Gastaut syndrome

except: *
atypical absence

The following are anticonvulsants that are use as migraine

prophylaxis except *

The most common cause of seizure in a newborn *

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
febrile seizure

The syndrome that is characterized by loss of language skills *

Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Juvenile Myoclonic epilepsy
Landau Kleffner syndrome
Otahara syndrome

The most common cause of disc herniation *

A. motor vehicle accident (MVA)
B. spinal epidural abscess (SEA)
C. degenerative process
D. connective tissue disease
E. sports injury

The positive finding occurs when the contralateral uninvolved leg is

raised and pain is produced on the affected side *
A. crossed SLR test
B. Spurling sign
C. Kernig sign
D. femoral stretch test
E. Lasègue sign

A lesion in this level will result to spastic anal sphincter but with
normal reflex bowel emptying *
A. above T12
B. above T10
C. below T12
D. below T10
E. C and D only

The following are etiologies of spinal cord ischemia, except *

A. spinal cord AV malformation
B. syphilitic arteritis
C. spinal epidural abscess
D. spinal dural AV fistula
E. none of the above

Match the following characteristics/Features with the corresponding

Herniation syndrome *
Transtentorial Herniation
Uncal Herniation
Cingulate Herniation
Upward herniation
Tonsillar Herniation
Can be precipitated by Ventriculostomy upper
Downward Displacement of Pineal Gland central
Decorticate Posturing common central
Earliest consistent sign is a unilaterally dilating pupil uncal
Can be precipitated by Ventriculostomy
Downward Displacement of Pineal Gland
Decorticate Posturing common
Earliest consistent sign is a unilaterally dilating pupil

These drugs are used in the secondary prevention of “thrombotic”

stroke except: *

Hemorrhagic stroke in this location is usually not accessible to

surgery *
Right frontal lobe
Basal ganglia

Hydrocephalus can occur as an acute complication of bacterial

meningitis and I usually due to? *
adhesive thickening of the arachnoid villi around the cisterns at the base of the brain
fibrosis and gliosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius or the foramina of Magendie and Luschka

Which is not an absoulute Contraindications for an immediate LP ? *

evidence of increased ICP (other than a bulging fontanel), such as 3rd or 6th cranial nerve palsy
with a depressed level of consciousness
severe cardiopulmonary compromise requiring prompt resuscitative measures for shock or in
patients in whom positioning for the LP would further compromise cardiopulmonary function
infection of the skin overlying the site of the LP.
Thrombocytopenia of 80,000

The duration of treatment for acute bacterial meningitis cause by H.

influenzae *
5-7 days
7 – 10 days
10 – 14 days
14 - 21 days

Which is not use as a chemoprophylactic drug in close contacts of

patients with N. meningitidis infection? *

It is a rare disorder that is characterized by the absence of cerebral

convolutions and a poorly formed sylvian fissure, giving the
appearance of a 3-4 mo fetal brain. *

Criteria/s for a positive apnea test in considering Brain death from

ABG results *
PC02 >/= 60 mmHg
at least 20 mmHg rise in PC02 from baseline value
Both are correct
Both are incorrect

Determine if the following statements are either True or False for the
establishment of Brain Death *

EEG should demonstrate lack or reactivity to intense somatosensory or audiovisual stimuli
The Determination of Apnea can be assessed reliably only by disconnecting the Mechanical
It is recommended that there are sufficient evidence that ancillary tests provides adequate
confirmation of the cessation of Brain function
It is a prerequisite that the patients Systolic Blood pressure should be not less than 100 mmHg
Performance of Caloric Testing is one of the necessary examinations to perform
EEG should demonstrate lack or reactivity to intense somatosensory or audiovisual stimuli
The Determination of Apnea can be assessed reliably only by disconnecting the Mechanical
It is recommended that there are sufficient evidence that ancillary tests provides adequate
confirmation of the cessation of Brain function
It is a prerequisite that the patients Systolic Blood pressure should be not less than 100 mmHg
Performance of Caloric Testing is one of the necessary examinations to perform

Which of the following is a centrally acting COMT inhibitor? *


This neurotransmitter excessively activates NMDA receptors in

Alzheimer's Disease *

This genetic disease found among young males with maternal roots in
Panay island in the Philippines in also known as "lubag". It presents
with involuntary painful contraction of muscle groups later
progressing to show signs of bradykinesia.
Huntington's Disease
X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism
Sydenham Chorea
Wilson Disease
Dystonia musculorum deformans

This movement disorder is also known as "flapping tremor", usually

seen in patients who suffered hepatic encephalopathy. *
Physiologic tremor

The following movement disorders are seen in Huntington's Disease,

except *
All of the choices can be seen in Huntington's Disease
Motor function is preserved below the neurological level at least 50%
of the key muscles have motor strength grade of 3 or higher is
classification *

Most common causes of traumatic spinal cord injury, except *

A. motorcycle accidents
B. fall accidents
C. penetrating injuries
D. none of the above

There is loss of all motor and sensory functions below the level of
injury, with the exception of the dorsal column functions *
A. anterior cord syndrome
B. Brown-Sequard syndrome
C. central cord syndrome
D. spinal shock

Damage from these hypothalamic nuclei will disrupt not only the
Circadian Rhythm but also temperature regulation *
Supraoptic and preoptic nuclei
Suprachiasmatic nuclei
Posterior nucleus
Medial preoptic nucleus

A 51 year old male, chronic alcoholic beverage drinker, came to the

ER due to limb ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, and global confusion. His
symptoms could be explained by a lesion in the: *
Arcuate nucleus
Dorsomedial Nuclei
Medial preoptic nuclei
Mammillary bodies

A patient with a large prolactinoma came to your clinic due to

gradual development of superior bitemporal hemianopia, which of the
following will you recommend? *
Perform transfrontal craniotomy as soon as possible
Perform Transphenoidal decompression as soon as possible
Trial of bromocriptine with close hormone and visual monitoring
Offer radiotherapy early on
A 40/M came to your clinic due to increasing body weight, fatigue and
loss of libido. Your laboratory results lead you to conclude that the
patient is having hyposecretion of GH. which of the following is
compatible to this? *
Increased IGF-1 after insulin tolerance test
Failure of GH to rise after insulin tolerance test
Failure of GH to rise after TRH injection
Increased GH after GnRH injection

A patient undergone an MRI due to mild stroke and had incidental

findings of a pituitary adenoma, which will you recommend? *
Immediate surgery regardless whether symptomatic or not
May monitor endocrine status and development of visual field defects
Suggest to undergo radiotherapy instead of surgical decompression
Perform biopsy

The following may be differentials of a lesion/ tumor in the sella and

parasellar region, except? *
Amyloid plaques

CSF picture in GBS *

CHO increase, CHON increase, WBC increase
CHO decrease, CHON decrease, WBC decrease
CHO normal, CHON increase, WBC normal
CHO normal, CHON increase, WBC increase

This diagnostic procedure detects marked axonal loss &

demyelination in the plaque called “black holes” *
CT Scan

It is regarded as the gold standard test for diagnosing multiple

sclerosis *
Schumacher’s criteria
Poser’s Criteria
McDonald’s criteria
Osserman’s criteria

Miller-Fisher syndrome, except *

anti-GQ1b Ab
absent sensory nerve AP
absent tibial-H reflex

Conus medullaris syndrome *

saddle hypesthesia
normal motor function
bulbocavernous hyperreflexia
disturbances of urination

An acute inflammatory demyelinating disease of the CNS,

simultaneously involving the PNS *
Balo’s disease
Schilder’s disease
Devic’s disease

A type of stroke characterized by rupture of an artery within the brain

parenchyma *
Embolic stroke
Intracerebral hemorrhage
thrombotic stroke
Subarachnoid hemorrhage

A type of stroke characterized by bleeding within the CSF containing

space *
Embolic stroke
Intracerebral hemorrhage
thrombotic stroke
subarachnoid hemorrhage

A type of stroke that is due to blockage of an artery by a blood clot

that formed in the brain *
Embolic stroke
Intracerebral hemorrhage
thrombotic stroke
subarachnoid hemorrhage

The following are implicated in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke

except: *
Glutamate excitotoxicity
Oxidative stress
Na K ATPase pump failure
GABA release
The most likely etiology of hemorrhage in a 90 year old “non-
hypertensive” female in the frontal lobe *
blood dyscrasia
amyloid angiopathy

Which of the following is a non-modifiable risk factor for stroke? *

A. smoking

Decorticate posturing is a common occurrence with this type of

herniation *
Uncal Herniation
Transtentorial Herniation
Upward herniation
All of the above

CT scan criteria for Uncal herniation except *

Brainstem displacement / midbrain rotation
Flattening/compression of contralateral cerebral peduncle
Ipsilateral hydrocephalus
Obliteration of interpeduncular and parasellar cisterns

Earliest consistent sign is a unilaterally dilating pupil *

Uncal Herniation
Transtentorial Herniation
Upward herniation
Tonsillar Herniation

True about the The Monroe - Kellie Doctrine *

Sum of all the intracranial volumes is constant
These volumes are contained in an inelastic rigid skull
Pressure is distributed evenly throughout the intracranial cavity
All of the above

The following are symptoms associated with increased intracranial

pressure except: *
Headaches and vomiting
Decreased sensorium
The Most Malignant type of Astrocytoma *
Fibrillary astrocytoma
Anaplastic astrocytoma
Cystic Cerebellar Astrocytoma

Nausea and vomiting in posterior fossa tumors can be caused by any

or one of the following *
Increased intracranial pressure
Direct pressure on the vagal nucleus
Irritation of the area postrema
All of the above

Location of a Childhood tumor that may preclude its total excision *

Floor of the 4rth ventricle
Roof of the 4rth ventrcle
Within the cerebellum
Within the brainstem

The following are Pain Sensitive structures except *

Dural Sinuses
Skull bone

Diffusely infiltrating Astrocytomas except *

Fibrillary Astrocytoma
Glioblastoma Multiforme
Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Protoplasmic Astrocytoma

True of Metastatic Brain Ca except *

Mainly due to embolic spread thru terminal MCA branches.
Tend to arise at the Gray-white matter junction.
Using MRI, only about 30 % are solitary, most are Multiple
Spread to the Cerebrum is mainly thru the Batson’s Plexuses

56 year old male came in due to 2 year history of headache of

increasing intensity, followed by 2 month history of behavioral
changes and progressive weakness on the right extremities. The
diagnostic tool of choice should be which of the following? *
CT scan with contrast
Cranial MRI with Gadolinium contrast
PET scan
Plain MRI
The following group of drugs can be used for abortive management of
migraine except *
5 HT1 agonist
Dopamine Antagonist
Serotonergic drugs

True statements about Migraine except *

Pulsatile unilateral or bilateral headache
Aura is a warning that a migraine is going to occur
Usually not aggravated by routine activities of daily living
None of the above

Migraine with Aura *

Fully reversible visual symptoms including positive features (eg, flickering lights, spots, or lines)
and/or negative features (ie, loss of vision)
Fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance
Not attributed to another disorder
All of the above

The most common pathological findings in the brains of patients with

Alzheimer’s disease *
Lewy bodies
Negri bodies
amyloid plaques
inclusion bodies

Macroadenomas of the pituitary gland can cause symptoms like: *

Visual symptoms
Compression of adjacent pituitary gland causing diminished hormonal output
All of the above

The most common Primary brain malignancy responsible for

Extraneural spread *
Rhabdoid Meningioma

Psammoma Bodies is a the classic Histologic Finding of this tumor *

This characteristic/s is present in both common and classic
Migraine *
Not attribited to another organic disorder
sometimes accompanied with loss of vision
all of the above

The afferent loop of Head and neck pain is/are mediated in the *
Trigeminal nerve
Upper cervical roots ( C1,C2 ) via occipital nerve
Vagus nerve
All of the above

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