Interview Questions

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Research Guide Questions: A Semi-structured Interview

In gathering the data, the researchers categorized the interview

questions into (3):

I. Determining the competencies of Mathematics major


1. Do reading, decoding, interpreting statements and

mathematical information aid you understand more the

complexity of Mathematics? Do you think explaining,

presenting and arguing mathematical statements develop

your communication skills? Why do you say so?

2. Are you able to transform a real world problem into a

mathematical problem without being confused? If yes,

what are your expectations from your teacher? If no, how

are you going to cope on this matter?

3. Do devising or using depictions of mathematical objects or

relationships such as equations, formulae, graphs, tables,

diagrams, textual descriptions help you visualize and

construct mathematical conclusions? If yes, does your

teacher automatically compliment you from that? What

are your reactions?

4. Do you logically root thought processes that explore and

link problem elements to make inferences from them? If

yes, how are you going to check a given justification? If

no, how do you provide a justification mathematically?

5. Does selecting or devising, and implementing, a

mathematical strategy to solve problems arising from the

task or context is a helpful way to develop your skills? If

yes, how are you going to utilize them?

6. Do understanding, manipulating, and making use of

symbolic expressions such as using constructs based on

definitions, rules and conventions, formal systems are

difficult for you in making conclusions mathematically? If

yes, what are your coping mechanisms? If no, what are

your expectations from the teacher?

II. Determining the aspirations of Mathematics major students

1. In what ways appreciative inquiries meet your needs as a

mathematics major student?

2. Does the use of appreciative inquiry increases your

interest in learning mathematics? Why?

3. Does appreciative inquiry increases your involvement in

your own learning?

4. What do you feel when your teacher shows appreciation to

your work/activities during your teaching and learning

processes? If you were appreciated what are your goals

that you think you can utilize in class to improve the

learning process?

5. As a mathematics major student, what are your

desires/expectations when your teacher appreciates your

III. Determining what specific type of a mentoring program for

Mathematics major students that can be developed

1. As a future math educator and given an opportunity to

redesign mentoring program what changes would you

make and what are the processes that you need to

reconsider? Why do you say so?

2. As a future math educator, what aspect of a teaching

process did you find to be the most flexible and essential

for you in developing your skills mathematically?

3. There are always time that you are challenged and find

the problems difficult for you to grasp and understand,

what type of a teaching process did you expect from your

teachers’ strategies that is helpful for you and for


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