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Georges Jobé

Il est né en Le 6 Janvier 1961 au

• Lifestyle in New France and France have its differences and similarities. Both places have their populations strictly distributed in
social groups. The social groups being, Aristocracy, Bourgeoisie and the general population.

• ¾ of the population of New France were Rural Farmers. The city was regarded as a place of administrative and a cultural center.
That being said, it was the intendant's palace was more than a residence, but including a meeting hall, a shop and prison. As the
clergy played a major role in the cultural aspect of the city. Multiple religious works and orders had been carried out, some examples
being, monasteries, cathedrals, colleges and schools. These buildings represented elements of french culture like decorative arts and
architecture. Secondly, The public square was a place of exchange, where people did business, made products and offered service.

• The seigneurial system played a role to thoughs who owned land. It was a system that was present in France and new france.
Seigneurs were given seigneuries to distribute into censives to their censitaires. They were responsible for making mills, grant land
and helping to pay church expenses.
• In france, King Louis XIV was considered as the “sun king” since he was like the center of power. Most decisions were according to
him and his influences. The average family size in france was about 4 children. It is to say that 90% of the inhabitants in france lived
in the rural areas. The towns were considered as a place of commerce, royal administration and luxury trade. The citizens present in
towns and rural areas had different variations of speech and dress that can be differentiated from.

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