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Noor Mohd Amin bin Moktar SKM UKM 23/24

5. Strengthen services to reduce medically preventable mortality and

2) Intersectoral Collaboration
i) Training of early recognition of ill children for healthcare
1. Strengthen Intersectoral collaboration for better quality of care
providers. (eg: Train junior medical officers and paramedics
towards reduction of child mortality and morbidity 3) Health Promotion and Health Education 4) Provision of Quality Services
early recognition of sick child.)
• Collaborative projects towards better service provision for 1. Empower individuals, family & community through promotion 1. Strengthen management of premature birth
ii) Improve quality of referral and transfer services of ill
children together with and public awareness i) Strengthen the implementation of current antenatal
children by strengthening the networking and retrieval
- Professional bodies and private sector • Review and update content of Portal MyHealth management of premature birth
- Academia for research & development – • Conduct structured parenting programmes for first time 2. Improve quality of hospital services for neonates
iii) Improve quality of detection and management of ill infant
- International & regional agencies & bodies (WHO, UNICEF, parents and young couples in clinics and community i) Improve infection control in NICU to reduce death from
and toddler in primary care (eg: Strengthen implementation
UNFPA, UNHCR, ASEAN, ISPCAN) settings with focus on child growth and development, septicemia (major cause of preventable death in preterm
of IMCI services in clinics with no medical officer - IMCI
• Engagement with NGOs to optimize capacity with positive parenting and healthy lifestyle for children under 5 infants) – increase manpower and refrain from recycle
training in basic nursing schools 2019, already available for
- Outsource/joint implementation of certain activities & years (nutrition, play, screen time, sleep) single use consumable items.
medical assistants)
services for community, family & specific target groups e.g., • Awareness programmes through social media for parents ii) Implement Kangaroo Mother Care for infants weighing
6. Strengthen services to reduce mortality and morbidity due to
awareness & training etc. to reduce mortality and morbidity eg: Common childhood 2,000 g or less and clinically stable - guidelines, training and
- Areas for collaboration e.g: Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse, illness and early danger signs facilities
• Strengthen immunisation services - Improve vaccination
Pre-School Enrichment Program, Parenting Education • Incorporate Healthy family awareness and positive 3. Strengthening quality of service for cri@cally ill children
coverage and reduce vaccine hesitancy
Program, unintentional injury prevention programmes, parenting programs into existing program e.g. incorporate i) Improve the existing critical care services in term of human
i) Identify vulnerable infants through mapping, screening
disability, learning etc into university program (Siswa sihat), premarital course, resources, infrastructures, and consumables. (eg: Increase
and strengthening of the personalised care concept
2. Intersectoral collaboration to ensure service to vulnerable MPA – positive parenting number of nurses and paramedic post in paediatric
ii) Strengthen defaulter tracing and counselling services on
population • Carry out Community awareness programs on safety & intensive care &Improve staff training in critical care)
• Engagement with relevant agencies to ensure services to injury prevention, vaccination, nutrition, child health & 4. Improve screening services for early detec@on
iii) Strengthen immunisation education programme in
reduce mortality and morbidity as well as improve child mental health development, early detection & stimulation i) Enhance prenatal diagnosis (eg: Strengthen Pre-Pregnancy
hospital and health
wellbeing are made available to vulnerable groups. activities through eg: KOSPEN, Tunas Dr. Muda, Felda Clinic Services & Strengthen Ultrasound Screening Services)
o Educational material, public campaign
- Orang Asli, children of indigenous population - Activities may include health talk, pamphlet, poster, forum, ii) Expand newborn screening program (eg: Strengthen
o Risk communication training for staff
- Street children, migrant children abandoned children, video, health screening activities, health camps genetic counselling)
o Refer to national plan of action
refugees, disabled children, - Ensure lifeguard in public swimming pool iii) Greater emphasis on nutrition during the first 1000 days of
iv) Include pneumococcal vaccine as part of the National
- Children with HIV&AID - Basic life support life (e.g.: breastfeeding and complementary feeding).
Immunisation Program (NIP)
3. Collaborate with organizations to support families
7. Reduction of preventable congenital anomalies
• Network with NGOs to develop support group for
• Promote use of preconception folic acid - Develop
parents/caregiver for specific areas e.g. care of premature
guideline/SOP/manual for use of pre-conceptual folic acid
• Ensure use of pre-conceptual folic acid is included in the
pre-pregnancy clinic counselling
8. Strengthen services to improve child’s growth and development.
• Expansion and strengthening of child health services in
1) Advocacy for Health in all policies
i) Strengthen early detection & intervention services for
1. Advocacy for health in new policies and enforcement of current
policies pertaining to child health - MOH
- National Framework for Child Health 2021-2030 malnutrition
- Objectives: ii) Strengthen screening & assessment of children aged 2-4
• Enforcement of Akta Kawalan Pencegahan Penyakit 1988
years (height, weight, speech, autism, and ADHD)
• Policy for healthcare of vulnerable groups (Orang Asli, migrant o To reduce preventable deaths among children under 5 iii) Screening of all children before primary school (height,
& refugee children) years weight, identify learning difficulties)
2. Strengthen Child Care Centre Act 1984 (Revised 2008) - MOWFCD
• PERMATA Child Care Course-for nursery operators and
o To promote supportive environment for optimum child • Provision of the adequate nutrition:
growth and development i) Implement the national action plan on nutrition for under
• PERMATA Basic Child Care Course for operators of nurseries at o To provide accessible, affordable, integrated, ii) Adopt recommendation to improve PPKZM based on
home (TASKA di Rumah) comprehensive and quality child health services. evaluation findings
3. Advocate for policies to support quality of child care
iii) Expansion of Community Feeding Centres to address
• Policies to support women in workforce e.g. support for the
malnutrition among vulnerable groups (Orang Asli, urban
concept of flexible working hours (e.g.part time) and venue (e.g
poor etc.)
working from home) for all mother
iv) Greater emphasis on nutrition during the first 1000 days
• Policy on leave or work from home for mother having children
of life (e.g.: breastfeeding and complementary feeding).
with infectious disease (requiring isolation)
4. Advocate for policies in reducing preventable injuries (MVA,
drowning, home accidents, choking and abuse), malnutrition &
5) Capacity Building
• Increase awareness and advocate for development of specific
1. Capacity building in neonatal and paediatric care
policies/ legislation on injury prevention e.g., use of child car
• Improve neonatal resuscitation competency in hospitals and
seat, ban of baby walker and baby hammock and safety 7) Research and Development 6) Monitoring and Evaluation
health clinics
measures during cycling (JPJ/MIROS) 1. Improve quality of mortality data 1. Initiate/Strengthen monitoring mechanism for specific issues
o Adequate equipment and consumables for
• Advocate on prevention of undernutrition in Child Care Centre • Improve the current manual Under-5 Mortality Reporting • Identify and develop registry
resuscitation training
(stunting, wasting and underweight) – (MOH, Nutrition System (SU5MR) eg: Verification of mortality data with o Injury & death registry
o Extend the training to medical officer in health centres
Division) states and DOSM o Immunisation Registry
2. Capacity building for primary health care staff
- Child growth monitoring • Enhance data collection and analysis of under 5 mortality o Drowning registry
• Improve quality of detection and management of ill infant
- Breastfeeding Infant and young child feeding through the development of web-based reporting system o PICU registry
and toddler in primary care
• Advocate on reducing preventable infection in nurseries and for under 5 Mortality Reporting System (MyMIS) • Sharing information – to enhance collaboration among
o Strengthen implementation of IMCI services in clinics
kindergarten. 2. Research government & other agencies) eg: Violence Injury
with no medical officer
- Immunization as a requirement in admission • Conduct regular NHMS every 5 years on maternal and child Prevention Surveillance System (VIPSS)
• Implement an adapted version of IMCI in all clinics for a
policies health with baseline data 2. Strengthen current surveillance system
holistic approach to assessing and managing an unwell
- Internal policies for infection control • Congenital abnormalities Registry (o analyse existing data) • Review and improve current mortality surveillance system
child under 5 years (ATUCU5)
5. Advocate for policies to prevent congenital anomalies • Identify research priorities on child health o Guideline and SOP being reviewed every 5 years
3. Online learning
• Pursue initiative towards flour fortification with iron and folic • Behavioral and risk factors studies for developing o Analysis output on preventable cause of death in Under
• Develop content for online learning modules suitable for
acid (MOH, Nutrition Division) preventive strategies for violence injury prevention 5 years of age
o Health Staff Child Care Provider and Public
- Implement mandatory iron and folic acid
fortification of wheat flour
• Preparation of manuals, SOP, early warning signs and
training for Child care providers & helpers

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