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Write the verbs in the past simple:

● Walk __________
● Hate __________
● Try __________
● Love __________
● Want __________
● Start __________
● Study __________
● Wash __________
● Watch __________
● Have __________

2. Complete the sentences.

● Dad ____________ ( work) last Sunday.

● We ____________ (play) football after school yesterday.
● I ____________ (watch) a goof film last night.
● My friend and I ____________ (try) skating for the first time yesterday.
● Mary ____________ (play) the guitar for an hour this morning.
● I ____________ (stay) at my friend’s house last week.

3. Complete the sentences.

● Mary ____________ (go) shopping in Lisbon yesterday.

● Ann ____________ (wear) her new jeans on Tuesday.
● They ____________ (take) their books to school.
● My grandparents ____________ (come) to our house for lunch last Sunday.
● Peter ____________ (buy) some souvenirs for his sister.
4. Write the following sentences in the interrogative form using the past simple.
Follow the example:

The tennis match / why / lose / he – why did he lose the tennis match?

● His / book / friend / buy / where / that

● __________________________________________________
● Mary / why / to / yesterday / school / not go
● __________________________________________________
● Have / she / what / breakfast / for
● __________________________________________________
● At / study / Oxford / they
● __________________________________________________

5. Write the negative form of the following sentences.

● Carol wrote a letter to her best friend.

● __________________________________________________
● She lost her keys in the supermarket.
● __________________________________________________
● They went to the beach with her parents.
● __________________________________________________
● Mary bought all her books in the bookshop.
● __________________________________________________
● The artists sang beautifully in the concert.
● __________________________________________________
● He was very anxious about the results of her exam.
● __________________________________________________
● Their parents gave them a dog as a birthday present.
● __________________________________________________

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