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Code: Green


Vilma and Judy were playing with their dolls. Vilma’s doll had a
blue dress while Judy’s doll was yellow. Their dolls were lovely.
“I smell something burning. Do you smell it too?” asked Vilma.
Judy ran to the kitchen, but it was too late! The rice which her
mother was cooking was burned. Before going to the store, Mother
asked Judy, “Watch the rice while I am away. I’ll buy some fruits for
our lunch.”

1. Who were playing with their dolls?

a. Judy c. Judy and Vilma
b. Vilma d. Brenda and Vilma

2. What was the color of the dress of Vilma’s doll?

a. red c. green
b. blue d. yellow

3. Where did mother go?

a. mall c. market
b. store d. church

4. What is the story about?

a. the dolls c. the burned rice
b. the burned dress d. the burning kitchen

5. What do you think happened to Judy?

a. She cooked rice again.
b. She went out of the house.
c. She was scolded by her mother.
d. She continued playing with her doll.
Code: Green

Rene was very happy. he ran upstairs shouting.

“Mother, look at my paper, I got 100% in spelling!”
But mother was not there. Father was not there, too. His little sister Ana
was not there too.
“Rene, mother is in the hospital,” said his big brother. “Let’s go
and show her your spelling paper. Do you think our new baby brother
will be able to read your score?” his Big Brother asked.

1. Why was mother in the hospital?

a. She gave birth. c. She visited her sick mother.
b. She visited a sick friend. d. She took care of her sick brother.
2. Why was Rene very happy?
a. He won a contest c. He got 100% in the test.
b. He found a wallet d. He got 100% in spelling.
3. Who was left in the house?
a. Father c. big brother
b. Little Ann d. baby brother
4. How would mother feel about Rene’s spelling grade?
a. sad c. happy
b. angry d. ashamed
5. How would Rene feel when he learned that his mother gave birth?
a. He would be sad. c. He would be angry.
b. He would be happy. d. He would be ashamed.
Code: Green
It was the second week of December. Mother was decorating the
house for Christmas. Lyn was arranging her cabinet of clothes and toys. She
brought out all her old clothes and toys and took them to Mother.
“Mother do you know of anyone who need these things?” Lyn
“The children of your Uncle Domeng will be glad to have them,”
Mother replied. “We will send them to the province when someone goes
That night Lyn placed her old clothes and toys in a box. She
wrapped the box neatly and beautifully.

1. Why was mother decorating the house?

a. for a reunion c. for birthday party
b. for a town fiesta d. for Christmas day
2. To whom will Lyn give her old clothes and toys?
a. Uncle Bob’s children c. Uncle Toto’s children
b. Uncle’s Paul children d. Uncle Domeng’s children
3. When will Lyn’s old clothes and toys be sent to the province?
a. on fiesta c. when someone goes home
b. on Christmas d. when mother goes to province
4. What is the story about?
a. Christmas day c. Uncle Domeng
b. Mother and Lyn d. old toys and clothes
5. Why do you think Uncle Domeng’s children will need the old clothes
and toys?
a. They are rich.
b. They are poor.
c. They have many clothes and toys.
d. They are far from the store to buy clothes.
Code: Green
It was Sunday morning. The church bells were ringing.
“There’s no need to hurry anyway,” Carmen said to herself as she
tossed in bed. “I’ll just get up when I like. Sunday is a rest day,” she
Suddenly she got up. She remembered that she should have been in
church early. She would see Paula there. They were going to a party
“Oh my, I forgot!” Carmen said looking at the big clock. She got
dressed and hurriedly went to the church. When she arrived, the people
were all gone. She did not find Paula.

1. What day was it?

a. Friday c. Monday
b. Sunday d. Saturday
2. Why didn’t Carmen want to get up?
a. She was sick c. it’s a rest day
b. It’s too early d. she was too sleepy
3. How did Carmen feel when she saw the big clock?
a. sorry c. afraid
b. happy d. worried
4. What is the story about?
a. a rest day c. a Sunday morning
b. the big clock d. a date in the church
5. Where do you think Paula went?
a. home c. to the party
b. to market d. to the playground
Code: Green
Jeric was tired from the day’s camping. He went inside their tent. He
rolled himself in his scout blanket and laid still. It was very quiet in the
woods. Then he heard some queer noise. There was flapping of wings. A night
owl was on his way to hunt.
Tiny raindrops started to fall on the leaves. The shower was over in a
short while. The cicadas and other insects started their night songs which
sounded like a lullaby. This made Jeric drowse off to a sound sleep.

1. Where did Jeric go?

a. a meeting c. a camping
b. a field trip d. an excursion
2. What did Jeric hear?
a. soft music c. loud music
b. hooting cars d. queer noise
3. How did Jeric sleep that night?
a. sadly c. angrily
b. noisily d. soundly
4. What is the story about?
a. a night owl
b. those queer night sounds
c. Jeric’s camping experience
d. The cicadas and other insects
5. How will you describe Jeric?
a. He likes camping. c. He likes to play with owls.
b. He likes to hear music. D. he likes to play with insects.
Code: Green
Willy, Ruel and Cris wanted to help their poor parents. So they went to
the forest to gather wood but they got lost. They came upon a house of an
old woman. They asked for food because they were very hungry. The
woman said, “Clean and put the dirty nails back into the empty box.”
The two boys walked away angrily but Willy cleaned and put the nails in
the box. He saw a dirty ring. He took it out of the box and scrubbed it.
Lo and behold! A genie stood before him. “What do you want master?”
the genie asked.
“Food” he said with great surprise a big tray of food was laid before

1. Where did the three boys go to gather wood?

a. to the sea c. to the forest
b. to the cave d. to the old woman’s house
2. What did they ask from the old woman?
a. food c. money
b. water d. clothes
3. What did the old woman asked them to do?
a. to clean her finger nails
b. to clean the nails in the box
c. to clean the magic nails and box
d. to clean the nails and put them in the box
4. What is the story about?
a. the magic ring c. the nails in the box
b. the three lazy boys d. the house in the woods
5. If Willy will make a second wish, what do you think it will be?
a. Make him rich
b. Take him to his house
c. give him water to drink
d. make the nails in the box clean and new

Code: Green
One day, three hunters went to the forest to hunt for wild pigs. They
were already tired and hungry, but they have not caught anything. They went
down the river to drink and eat, when suddenly: they saw an old man who was
badly hurt. The two hunters helped the old man and gave him food and water
to drink except one who was very lazy.
When the old man had eaten, he told the hunters to gather as much
stones and put them in their bag, and then he disappeared. The two hunters
followed what the old man told them, except the lazy one. He laughed at the
two hunters seeing them carrying their heavy load.
When they reached home, the two hunters were surprised when they
opened their bags and saw that the stones turned into gold!

1. Who went to the forest?

a. hunters c. farmers
b. beggar d. fishermen
2. Whom did they see badly hurt?
a. a boy c. old man
b. a girl d. an old woman
3. What did the old man tell the hunters to gather?
a. gold c. flowers
b. stones d. firewood
4. What kind of men were the two hunter?
a. cruel c. loving
b. brave d. helpful
5. How would the lazy one feel when he saw that the stones turned to gold?
a. glad c. happy
b. sorry d. excited

Code: Green
Bessie and Althea are always together. They are both pretty and
intelligent. They are very popular in their class. But Althea is not only pretty,
but she is sweet, humble and kind. She knows how to share her things with
other people. Bessie is pretty too, but she thinks so much of herself only. She
is proud, selfish and arrogant.
One morning, Mrs. Reyes told to the select somebody who will represent
their class to the pupil government. Bessie and Althea were both nominated. It
was a fair match.

1. Who were nominated to represent the class to the pupil government?

a. Althea and Trina c. Bessie and Trina
b. Althea and Beth d. Bessie and Althea

2. Why were they chosen to represent the pupil government?

a. both are kind c. both are intelligent
b. both are pretty d. they are always together

3. Which sentence tells that Bessie and Althea are good friends?
a. They were both pretty. c. They were both nominated.
b. They were always together. d. They were both intelligent.

4. What is the story about?

a. the two friends c. Pupil Government
b. the nomination d. Bessie and Althea
5. Who do you think will win?
a. Bessie c. both
b. Althea d. nobody
Code: Green
Jayme and Sharon were on their way to school. Jayme remembered that they
had to bring flowers.
“Oh! Sharon, I forgot my flowers. Our teacher told us to bring flowers today.
I will go home. You go ahead. I shouldn’t miss my assignment,” said Jayme.
“Don’t go home anymore, Jayme. We will pass by a very nice park over
there. There are plenty of flowers of different colors and sizes. I will get some for
you. Don’t worry,” said Sharon.
“Are you sure we can pick flowers there?” asked Jayme.
“Yes, I’ll do it for you, said Sharon.
The two girls walked fast. They reached the place early. They were ready to
pick when they saw a sign.
“Look Sharon! We can’t pick flowers in the park. There is a sign that says
“No Picking of flowers!” So that means we are not allowed to pick any,” said
“A big problem! Sorry, Jayme. I didn’t know that there is a sign here,” said
“It’s alright. I will just tell my teacher I forgot to bring flowers. I’m sure she
will understand,” said Jayme.
“Tell her the truth. Anyway, Miss Antonio is very kind,’ said Sharon.
1. What did the teacher ask the class to bring?
a. Trees c. leaves
b. Twigs d. flowers
2. Who was Miss Antonio?
a. Jayme’s sister c. Jayme’s friend
b. Jayme’s mother d. Jayme’s teacher
3. Where will they pick flowers?
a. garden c. in the park
b. backyard d. in the school
4. What is the main idea of this selection?
a. We should be aware of picking flowers.
b. We should be aware of staying in the park.
c. We should be aware of the people around us.
d. We should be aware of the signs we see around.
5. What will happen if we don’t follow the signs?
a. it is alright c. everything will be fine
b. there will be trouble d. everybody will be happy
Code: Green
One day. Four boys decided to go to the movies than go to school. The
movie was great! When they went out, they saw that it was almost noon, so
they ate their lunch.
After eating, they decided to go to school. They decided to tell their
teacher that their jeepney had a flat tire. They arrived in school just as the bell
rang for lunch break.
The teacher asked if they had lunch. They answered yes, so the teacher
said, “It’s okay, boys. You missed the test, but you can take it during lunch
Then, she told each of them to get a piece of paper. She then seated them
in the four corners of the room, gave them to minutes and gave them one
question. “Which tire was flat?”

1. Where did the four boys decide to go?

a. the farm c. the river
b. the beach d. the movies
2. What did they tell their why they were very late?
a. they got lost c. they had a flat tire
b. they got sick d. they have no money
3. How many questions did the teacher give the four boys?
a. two c. four
b. one d. three
4. What lesson does the story give?
a. Lies are good c. Go to school even late.
b. Never tell a lie. d. Do not go to school if you are late.
5. What do you think the four boys answered?
a. the same c. no answer
b. different d. wrong answer
Code: Green
Brownie was a cute little dog. He lived in Benjie’s house. Brownie was
given to Benjie by his Uncle Lino. Benjie always give his dog something to
eat. He always put some water in a can near Brownie. He gave rice and fish.
He made a dog house for Brownie. He loved his dog very much. Everyday
Brownie would go out with Benjie to the park. They would play until they
become tired. Benjie was happy to be with Brownie everyday.
One day while crossing the street to the park, Brownie saw another dog.
It was a big dog. The dog was very dirty and hungry. Brownie ran after the
dog. Benjie was left at the other side of the street. Suddenly, Benjie head a
shrill sound of a stopping jeepney followed by a loud cry of a dog.

1. What was Benjie’s pet?

a. a cat c. a rabbit
b. a dog d. a monkey
2. Which of the following does not tell what Benjie did for his dog?
a. He put some water in a can c. He made a dog house for him.
b. He took his dog to the park. d. he let his dog sleep beside
3. Why did Brownie cross the street?
a. He saw a big bone. c. He saw another dog.
b. He ran after Benjie. d. he ran after the dog.
4. What is the story about?
a. two dogs c. a hungry dog
b. a cute dog d. a boy who loves his dog
5. What do you think happened to Brownie?
a. Benjie rescued his dog. c. Brownie killed the other dog.
b. Brownie died in the accident. d. The policeman took Brownie
Code: Green
Tess, my sister, is taller and older than I am. Whenever I go out to play with my
friends, Mother would say, “Carlo, take Tess with you and please look after her.”
Whenever we play, Tess doesn’t get the rules right. The other kids laughed at her.
She doesn’t care, but I do. It takes long for her to learn things. She’s mentally retarded. I
never like bringing her with me to play with my friends. Mother knows about it.
“You should love you sister,” said Mother one day.
One Sunday, I didn’t let her join our game. She just watched us play.
Suddenly we heard a loud screech on the road. When I looked, I saw my sister
lying on the ground. She was rushed to the hospital.
Father, Mother and I waited outside the room where she was being treated, I
thought about her. “What if she dies? It’s all my fault,” I said to mother. “I did not notice
her cross the street, Mother.”
“No, it’s not your fault,” said Mother. She’ll be alright. Let’s pray,” “I remember
the card she gave me on my birthday. It said, “happy Birthday to a Very Dear Brother.”
Then I began to cry.
After an hour, a doctor came out and told us that she’s already out of danger. When
she got well, I always looked after her. Sometimes I would think about that day in the
hospital and how I felt about losing her.

1. What does Mother want Carlo to do?

a. to repair the fence c. to look after her sister
b. to clean the house d. to take care of the chicken
2. What kind of a sister does Carlo have?
a. dull c. intelligent
b. genius d. mentally-retarded
3. Why did the accident happen?
a. Her sister stepped on a banana peeling.
b. Her sister went swimming in the river.
c. Carlo did not let her sister join in the game.
d. Carlo did not notice her sister cross the street.
4. What is the story about?
a. an accident c. the retarded sister
b. a loving sister d. the younger brother
5. What did Carlo feel when his sister was in the hospital?
a. he envy her c. he loves her
b. he hates her d. he is ashamed of her

Code: Green
Maria Makiling lived for a long, long time at the foot of a mountain in
Laguna. She was kind and loving as much as she was pretty. She offered help
to the people in any forms. She knew what problems they have.
The people repaid Maria’s goodness, too. They offered her flowers and
fruits. They loved Maria very much. But some people were insincere on their
love for her. Some stole her plants and pets.
Maria could no longer stand people’s ungrateful ways. She left the place
and never came back up to this day.

1. Who lived at the foot of a mountain?

a. Maria c. Marta
b. Marina d. Marsha
2. What words best describe Maria?
a. proud and cruel c. kind and loving
b. sincere and polite d. none of the above
3. How did some people show their insincerity to Maria?
a. The people killed her.
b. They stole her plants and pets.
c. The people burned the mountain.
d. The people depended on her all the time.
4. What is the main idea of the story?
a. Maria went away c. the people in the mountain
b. the ungrateful people d. the mountain of Maria Makiling
5. Why do you think Maria never returned to the mountain?
a. The mountain is now dirty.
b. Many people already live there.
c. Many people are still ungrateful.
d. Her mountain home is now noisy.
Code: Green
A little mouse was playing one day. He ran here and there until he hit the
lion’s hind paw. The lion was sleeping under a tree. The lion woke up. He was
angry at being disturbed in his sleep. With one stroke of his paw, he caught the
little mouse that was taken by surprise.
“Aha, I’m going to eat you up!” the lion said.
“Please, Friend Lion don’t eat me,” said the frightened mouse. “If you let me
go, I will always remember your kindness. Someday, I might be of help to you,”
tears fell from its eyes.
The lion laughed. “How can such a little thing help me?” he asked. The lion
felt pity for the mouse and let him go.
Weeks passed, one day, the mouse heard the lion roaring aloud. He ran to see
what has happened. The lion was caught in a hunter’s net.
“Let me help you out, Friend Lion,” the mouse said. The mouse began
nibbling a hole in the net with his sharp little teeth. When the hole was big, the lion
went out.
“Thank you, little mouse,” the lion said, “Now I know that even a little thing
can do something great.”
1. What happened when the mouse hit the lion’s hind paw?
a. The lion woke up.
b. The lion became happy.
c. The lion greeted the mouse.
d. The lion stayed away from the mouse.
2. What did the lion feel when the mouse woke him up?
a. sad c. angry
b. happy d. afraid
3. What did the mouse do when the lion was caught in a net?
a. He ran fast. c. he nibbles the net.
b. Never mind others. d. He laughed at the lion.
4. What lesson have you learned after reading the story?
a. Be proud. c. Little things can do nothing.
b. Never mind others. d. Little things can do great things.
5. What do you think will happen after the mouse helped the lion?
a. They will always quarrel.
b. They will become friends.
c. The lion will eat the mouse.
d. The mouse will stay away from the lion.
Code: Green
Noli and Paul went to school early. There were no other pupils in the
school yet.
“Look!” said Noli. “There’s a handbag under the stairs. It is a girl’s
handbag,” Paul took the handbag. He opened it. There was a red pencil, a pink
handkerchief and fifty pesos in it.
“Let’s look for the owner of this handbag,” said Noli.
“Good morning, Mr. Cruz, we found this bag under the stairs,” said
Mr. Cruz smiled and said, “Thank you boys, I shall help you find the
owner. You’re very good and honest.”

1. What did the boys find?

a. a gift c. book
b. a box d. handbag
2. Who are the boys in the story?
a. Juan and Paul c. Noli and Paul
b. Noli and Juan d. Paul and Romeo
3. What kind of boys are Paul and Noli?
a. They kept it. c. They gave it to their teacher.
b. They threw it away. d. They gave it to an old beggar.
4. What did they do with the handbag?
a. They kept it. c. They gave it to their teacher.
b. They threw it away. d. They gave it to an old beggar.
5. What do you think the owner did when her bag was returned to her?
a. The owner thanked them.
b. The owner became angry at them.
c. The principal will be angry at them.
d. Their mother and teacher will be proud of them.

Code: Green
One day, the cat could not find a single rat for food. He got tired walking and
jumping over rocks and logs. He was very hungry. He wanted to eat anything. As
he sat under a tree, a drop of water fell on his nose.
“What is that?” he said and jumped. He looked up the tree. he saw the
kingfisher eating a fish.
“A fish!” he said to himself. “I must, have that fish by all means.”
He smiled and said, “Hello, my dear kingfisher. Good morning. You must be
having a fine day. You are growing beautiful each day. I miss you so much.
Kingfisher looked down at the cat and nodded in appreciation.
Without losing hope, the cat continued. “I believe you sing beautifully.
Anyone as beautiful as you can song well!”
The silly kingfisher and tried to sing. As she opened her mouth, she dropped
the fish. The cat swallowed it hurriedly and ran away laughing.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

a. the turtle and the horse c. the kingfisher and the cat
b. the lion and the mouse d. the ant and the grasshopper
2. What was the cat’s problem?
a. He could not sing. c. He could not catch a fish.
b. He could not climb a tree. d. he could not find a rat for food.
3. How did the cat make the kingfisher sing?
a. by praising the kingfisher
b. by threatening to kill the kingfisher
c. by grabbing the fish from the kingfisher
d. by giving the kingfisher a piece of meat.
4. What lesson does the story teach us?
a. Honesty is the best policy.
b. A little learning is a dangerous thing.
c. Never listen to anyone who flatters you.
d. Little friends may prove to be great friends.
5. How do you think the Kingfisher felt when the cat took his fish?
a. angry c. lonely
b. happy d. ashamed

Code: Green
One morning, a farmer and his son went to the barn where the corn and
palay were kept. Someone had been there before them. Some of the play were
stolen and some were scattered around.
“Someone was here last night,” said the farmer to his son.
‘There must be a thief around here,” said his son. He took the palay and
corn after it has been stored. He eats much and spoils much too.”
“There are tracks here. They are made by someone with four small feet.
I have tried to catch the thief. I set trap in the house with corn and palay, but I
have not caught him,” said the farmer.
The farmer’s pet heard what the farmer said, “I think I will have a nice
supper tonight. No one can see better in the dark that I can,” he said to
The next morning, the farmer and his son saw the thief’s head in the
barn where the corn and palay were kept. The body was nowhere to be found.

1. Where did the story happen?

a. in the sea c. in the barn
b. in the city d. the mountain
2. What was the thief?
a. a rat c. a dog
b. a cat d. a monkey
3. What was the farmer’s pet?
a. a rat c. a goat
b. a cat d. a rooster
4. What is the story about?
a. the thief in the farm c. the cat and the farmer
b. the farmer and his son d. the mouse and the farmer
5. What do you think father did after knowing who the thief was?
a. They fed their pet. c. They scattered rice in the house.
b. They punished their pet. d. they cut down all the rice plants.
Code: Green

One afternoon Joy took her little sister Erly to the garden. They saw a
butterfly. The butterfly was resting on a flower. Erly ran after the butterfly.
She wanted to catch it. The butterfly flew away. It rested again ON another
“Don’t disturb the pretty butterfly,” said Joy. “It is sucking the nectar of
the flower. See its pretty wings when it flies.”
“Does the butterfly fly at night?” asked Erly.
“No, the butterfly sleeps at night. It flies from flower to flower at
daytime. It likes the flowers. It likes the nectar of the flowers. Nectar is
sweet,” said Joy.
Then Joy picked a flower. She showed Erly the nectar of the flower.

1. Who went to the garden?

a. Erly c. Joy and Erly
b. Joy d. Mother and Joy
2. What did Erly see in the garden?
a. a bee c. a butterfly
b. a worm d. a dragon fly
3. What do butterflies sip from the flower?
a. air c. water
b. dew d. nectar
4. What is the story about?
a. the nectar c. the butterfly
b. the flower d. Erly and Joy
5. What do you think Erly did?
a. She picked another flower.
b. She tasted the nectar of the flower.
c. She looked at the nectar of the flower.
d. She collected nectar and gave it to the butterfly.
Code: Green

One there were two horses that were going to a town. Each carried a big
bag on his back. One carried a bag of gold, the other a bag of corn. The first
horse was very proud of his load.
“I am more important than you are,” he told the second horse. “Do you
see what I carry? Gold!”
The second horse only listened to him. He could not answer, for indeed
he was carrying only a load of corn. Just then, some robbers stopped them on
the way. They let the horse with the bag of corn go, but the first horse fought
and kicked to save the gold.

1. What did the first horse carry?

a. a bag of rice c. a bag of corn
b. a bag of gold d. a bag of vegetables
2. What kind of horse was the first one?
a. cruel c. selfish
b. proud d. naughty
3. Who tried to stop them on the way?
a. beggars c. policemen
b. robbers d. kidnappers
4. What is the story about?
a. two horses c. the carabaos
b. the robbers d. bags of corn and gold
5. What do you think the robbers did to the first horse?
a. They tied him. c. They killed him.
b. They let him go. d. They took him with them.

Code: Green
A black butterfly was fluttering her wing sadly when she came upon a
dragonfly. “Why do you look gloomy, friend butterfly?” asked the dragonfly.
‘I’m sad. I scare people because of my color. I wonder why I am not a
pretty butterfly like the others. I think I am the ugliest. Are you not scared of
black butterflies?’ asked the butterfly?
“You should not feel sad. God is fair. He is good. You may not be an
attractive butterfly, but you are as useful as the rest. Do not think about your
appearance,” advised the dragonfly.
But the butterfly remained sd. How she wished she had not been a black
One sunny afternoon, while the flowers in the garden were in bloom,
group of children came with their butterfly nets. They caught all the butterflies
they could see except one. No one liked to catch the black butterfly.
The black butterfly thought that she was lucky and she suddenly became
thankful of her color.

1. Why was the butterfly sad?

a. She cannot fly. c. She had little wings.
b. She had little feet. d. She scared everyone.
2. What did the dragonfly advice the butterfly?
a. be proud c. don’t go out
b. not feel sad d. play with other butterflies
3. Why was the black butterfly left out by the children?
a. She is a black. c. She can fly high.
b. She can fly fast. d. The children had no more nets.
4. What is the story about?
a. the sad butterfly c. the lovely butterfly
b. the black butterfly d. the ungrateful butterfly
5. What could have happened if she had colorful wings?
a. She became proud. c. She became kind.
b. She became thankful. d. She could have been caught too.
Code: Green

There was once a princess who was so lovely, but she cannot go out of
the palace. The King was so strict that the princess could only walk around the
palace garden.
One day as she was walking, she heard a tiny voice.
“Lovely Princess, please help me. A cruel witch punished me because I
refused to marry her,” the voice said.
The princess looked down and she saw an ugly frog by the pool. She
picked it up and placed it on her hands.
“Please kiss me then I will be free from the spell of the witch,” the voice
The princess couldn’t believe the voice. She wanted to help him, so she
kissed him. All of a sudden a handsome prince appeared. The frog has turned
into a handsome prince. They both fell in love.

1. Which word best describes the princess?

a. proud c. beautiful
b. selfish d. hardworking
2. What can the princess only do?
a. walk in the park c. go out of the kingdom
b. walk in the garden d. attend the ball in the palace
3. What happened when the princess kissed the frog?
a. It turned into a witch. c. It turned into an ugly prince.
b. It turned into an ugly bird. d. It turned into a handsome prince.
4. What is the story about?
a. the ugly frog c. the lovely princess
b. the wicked witch d. the handsome prince
5. Why do you think the princess kissed the frog?
a. She is kind. c. She is proud.
b. She is polite. d. She is helpful.
Code: Green
Five boys worked together on a school project. The project was well done
and won a medal in the school contest.
“Who will be the first one to take the medal home?” asked Ely.
“Why don’t we have a race?” said Luis. “The first one to reach that gate over
there will be the first to take the medal home; the second in the race will be the next
and so on.”
“That’s fine idea,” all the others agreed.
“I’m glad I’m wearing my new leather shoes,” said Ely.
“My rubber shoes are very comfortable,” said Ryan “I think I’ll win the
“I’m going to take off my rubber slippers,” said Jaime. “I think I’ll win the
“Oh no”! said Mike. “Don’t you see the stones and broken glasses that were
unearthed by the heavy rain last night? I’d rather run with my wooden shoes than
go barefooted.”
But Jaime had his own way. Mike started counting and at the count of ten all
four boys began running. They had not gone far when Jaime suddenly stopped and
held his left foot.
1. What was the prize for the well-done project of the five boys?
a. a ticket c. a trophy
b. a medal d. a science book
2. What did the boys want to know after the race?
a. the best footwear
b. who would own the medal
c. who can run the fastest
d. who would be the first one to take the medal home
3. Who took off his rubber slippers?
a. Ely c. Mike
b. Ryan d. Jaime
4. What is the story about?
a. the race c. the footwear
b. the medal d. the five boys
5. What might have happened to Jaime?
a. He was tickled by a stone.
b. He stumbles along the way.
c. He stepped on the broken glass.
d. He decided to withdraw from the race.
Code: Green
One day the frog thought of playing a joke on his friend. “Friend mouse,
come and swim with me. I will tie your leg, then I can pull you in the water as
I swim,” he said to the mouse.
The mouse was happy. So the frog tied their legs together. Together they
jumped into the pond.
Down, down the pond they went. The mouse was frightened. “Please
take me back,” he cried, “I cannot swim,”
The frog laughed and said, “Let us swim some more.”
The mouse tried to come out of the water, but the frog pulled him down.
A big black bird heard the cry of the mouse. He looked down and saw
the frog. He flew down and caught the frog. As the bird flew, the mouse fell
down in the field. The mouse was hurt but glad to be back in the field. The
frog never came back.

1. Who was the frog’s friend?

a. cat c. mouse
b. dog d. elephant
2. Why did the frog invite his friend for a swim?
a. to kill him c. to catch him
b. play a joke d. to teach him how to swim
3. Who saw the frog?
a. a hawk c. a king fisher
b. an eagle d. a big black bird
4. What is the story about?
a. A frog that can fly.
b. A mouse that can swim.
c. A mouse eaten by a blackbird.
d. A frog that played a joke at his friend.
5. What do you think happened to the frog?
a. lived happily c. eaten by the black bird
b. became a hero d. became the friend of the bird
Code: Green
Joel was the only son of a rich couple. As such, he had everything that
his parents could buy. He could eat everything he wanted. No toy was too
costly for him and he always had much money in his pocket.
Joel never did his homework. His friends did them for him. He never
bothered about his projects. His friends did them for him, too. In return, he
gave them things to eat, paper and pencils. He cheated and lied too. He always
wanted to have his way. To top it all, he learned to gamble, to smoke and
drink wine.

1. Who made Joel’s homework for him?

a. his sister c. his mother
b. his friends d. his classmate
2. As he grew older, what bad habits did he develop?
a. He played video games.
b. He took prohibited drugs.
c. He stole and caused trouble.
d. He gambled, smoked, and drank wine.
3. What kind of a boy was Joel?
a. bright c. honest and truthful
b. polite d. lazy and irresponsible
4. What is the story about?
a. the rich boy
b. Joel and his friends
c. A boy who didn’t like to study
d. A boy who grew up with many bad habits
5. What do you think will happen to Joel?
a. He will be a poor man. c. He will be a professional.
b. He will be a millionaire. d. He will be a respectable man.
Code: Green
Allan was new in the neighborhood. He didn’t know the boys around.
How he wished to have some friends!
“Select your friends,” his mother had warned him. “Avoid those who
gamble, smoke, or drink. Remember the saying, “Tell me your friends are,
and I will tell you who you are.”
Allan went to the plaza to watch the boys playing basketball. he sat
alone on a bench at the plaza. Soon, Amado, a neighbor, sat beside him. The
two boys talked together. Then, a peanut vendor passed by. each of the boys
bought a bag of peanuts at one peso per bag. Allan paid the vendor a one-peso
coin. Amado gave the vendor a five-peso coin. The vendor gave him a change
of four pesos and fifty centavos, then he left.
Amado counted his change. “Poor vendor, he made a mistake in giving
me my change,” he said.
So saying, Amado walked as fast as he could to the direction where the
vendor went.

1. What was Allan’s wish?

a. to go abroad c. to have some friends
b. to finish his studies d. to have plenty of money
2. What kind of a boy was Amado?
a. kind c. helpful
b. honest d. respectful
3. Why did Amadao ran after the vendor?
a. to return the change c. to buy more peanuts
b. to return the peanuts d. to ask for his change
4. What is the main idea of the story?
a. Allan likes peanuts. c. Allan found a new friend.
b. Amado does not like Allan. d. Allan likes to play basketball
5. How much did Amado give the peanut vendor?
a. a one-peso coin c. a five-peso coin
b. a two-peso coin d. a three-peso coin

Code: Green
The night was dark and stormy. I was alone in the house because my
parents went to keep vigil at the house of our dead neighbor. I got a book and
started to read. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door!
“Don’t be afraid. It’s only the wind,” I told myself.
Then I heard the barking of the dogs. My hair stood on ends as I
remembered our dead neighbor. There was second knock! Then a third knock!
I jumped into my bed and covered my whole body with the blanket. I was
shivering, not with cold but with fright.
“Please God, bring home my parents now,” I prayed.
Then I felt as if someone was trying to open the door.
“Leonora, come and open the door quickly”, came mother’s voice loud
and clear.
Like lightning, I threw the blanket and ran to open the door.
“Meow,” our cat said as t came in, wet and trembling.
“Poor cat,” said Mother. “It’s wet all over. Perhaps, it tried to come in.”

1. How did the girl try to pass the time?

a. by playing cards c. by reading a book
b. by writing a letter d. by watching television
2. What frightened the girl?
a. the ringing of a bell c. the sound of the wind
b. a knock on the door d. the meowing of the cat
3. What did she do when she heard the sound?
a. She shouted loudly.
b. She hid herself under the bed.
c. She closed the door of her room.
d. She covered herself with a blanket.
4. What is the story about?
a. the cat c. a frightened girl
b. a stormy night d. Leonora and the cat
5. What do you think Leonora did when she saw it was only a cat?
a. She cried. c. She was sorry.
b. She laughed. d. She got angry.
Code: Green
Brenda had a per bird which she loved very much. Everyday she gave it ripe
bananas to eat and fresh water to drink.
One day Brenda got sick and had to stay in her bed. She asked her brother Jun to
feed her pet everyday. He did so, but he was not fond of birds.
One morning, Jun hurriedly gave the bird a ripe banana and some water. Then,
away he ran to play with his friends.
When Brenda woke up, she felt better. Slowly she got up to look at her bird. She
saw the cage was open! Brenda cried bitterly. She cried and cried and would not eat. her
mother was worried. Jun was very sorry.
“I must do something for Brenda,” Jun said and took his savings from his piggy

1. What was Brenda’s pet?

a. a cat c. a dog
b. a fish d. a bird
2. Why did Brenda ask her brother to feed her pet?
a. She got sick.
b. She went to school.
c. She had many things to do.
d. She had to finish her project.
3. What do you think happened to the bird?
a. It flew away. c. It was eaten by the cat.
b. It got sick and died. d. It was caught by the boy.
4. What is the story about?
a. Brenda was sickly. c. Brenda and her pet bird.
b. Jun was fond of birds. d. Jun was not fond of birds.
5. What do you think Jun did with his savings?
a. He gave it to Brenda.
b. He bought a doll for Brenda.
c. He bought a gift for Brenda.
d. He bought another bird for Brenda.

Code: Green
Seven-year old Tony could hardly carry the big box given him as a birthday gift that day.
Something was moving inside.
“Help me, mother. Help me open the bag, please,” Tony said.
“Oh it’s a red hen, Thank you Father,” he said. With the help of his mother, the hen was
placed in the big chicken basket.
The first thing Tony did every morning was to see the hen, feed it and play with it. It was the
same last thing he would do before going to bed.
One Sunday morning, Tony bade his hen goodbye before he and his father went to church. It
was almost lunchtime when they went home. As soon as they reached home, Tony ran to see his red
“Mother, my hen is not here! Please help me it!” Tony cried.
“Come Tony, we have fried chicken for our lunch,” his mother said.
“This is my hen, isn’t it,” he asked.
“I’ll buy you another one,” mother said. “You better eat now.”
“No, I can’t eat my hen,” Tony cried and ran to his room.
The next day, his mother bought two hens in exchange for his red hen.
“No hen can take the place of my red hen.” He said sadly even as he played with his new

1. Who received a birthday gift?

a. Father c. Tony
b. Mother d. Grandmother
2. Where did they put the red hen?
a. in a pen c. in a chicken coop
b. in a cage d. in a chicken basket
3. Why was Tony sad one Sunday?
a. His mother left him. c. Mother cooked his hen.
b. He does not feel well. d. His mother spanked him.
4. What is the main idea of the story?
a. Tony hates chicken.
b. Tony likes fried chicken.
c. Tony was so sad losing his red hen.
d. Tony will not eat fried chicken anymore.
5. If you were Tony, how would you feel?
a. sad c. happy
b. angry d. excited

Code: Green
It was Saturday morning. All the children were at home.
“Father and I are going to the city,” mother said. “We shall come home this afternoon.
What will you do in the house?”
“I will clean the kitchen,” said Adela
“I will clean the sala,” said Medel
Lino was quiet. He wanted to swim in the river.
“Lino will clean the yard,” father said. “I will take you all to the carnival tonight. But you
must help in the house today.”
Medel and Adela finished their work. Lino swan in the river. He forgot his work in the
In the evening, father took Medel and Adela to the carnival.
“Lino will not go to the carnival. He was not helpful today,” said father.

1. Why were the children at home?

a. it was holiday c. it was Monday
b. it was Sunday d. it was Saturday
2. Where were Father and Mother going?
a. to the zoo c. to the farm
b. to the city d. to the movies
3. What did Father tell Lino to clean?
a. yard c. garden
b. pigpen d. bedroom
4. Which sentence is not true?
a. Medel cleaned the sala.
b. Adela and Medel were helpful.
c. Father and mother went to the city.
d. All the children went with father to the carnival.
5. What do you think Lino did when his father did not take him to carnival?
a. He got angry.
b. He laughed at his father.
c. He asked father’s forgiveness.
d. He went to the river and took another swim.

Code: Green
The pawikan is an oversize turtle. It belongs to the reptile group of
animals. Pawikans live mostly in the sea. But they go to the seashore on cold
nights to lay eggs. A mother pawikan digs a shallow hole in the sand.
Hundreds of eggs are laid each time. The mother pawikan covers the eggs.
Then she goes back to the water. Sometimes, fishermen discover the eggs.
They take the eggs and cook them.

1. What is a pawikan?
a. an old turtle c. an oversized turtle
b. a young turtle d. an undersized turtle

2. When do they go to the seashore?

a. on cold nights c. on warm nights
b. in the afternoon d. early in the morning

3. Why do they go to the seashore?

a. to rest c. to lay eggs
b. to sleep d. to look for foods
4. What is the story about?
a. the pawikans c. how mother turtle lay eggs
b. where turtles lay eggs d. how baby turtles are hatched

5. Why do you think mother pawikan covers the eggs after laying them?
a. To cook the eggs.
b. To play with the eggs.
c. To keep the eggs warm.
d. To protect the eggs from their enemies.
Code: Green
The earth is now overpopulated. Soon there will be little food for
everyone. This is because much of our farmland has become subdivisions.
The more people there are, the more garbage is produced. Some people are
not mindful where they throw their garbage. They throw it in rivers and lakes,
on streets corners, anywhere, thus causing air, water and sol pollution. We
should help one another to make this world as safe place to live in.

1. What have been done to many of our farmlands?

a. parks c. factory sites
b. subdivisions d. relocation centers
2. What is happening to our earth?
a. It is overpopulated. c. It is becoming bigger.
b. It is under populated. d. it is becoming smaller.
3. Why should we dispose our garbage properly?
a. To prevent the spread of diseases.
b. To prevent air, water and soil pollution.
c. To make our world a safe place to live in.
d. All of the above.
4. What is the main idea of the story?
a. There is a lot of garbage.
b. The earth is overpopulated.
c. More people, more garbage.
d. We should help one another to save our world.
5. What is likely to happen if our air, water and soil will become polluted?
a. The plants and animals will die.
b. There will be clean air to breathe.
c. There will be more food for everyone.
d. The world will be a safe place to live in.
Code: Green
Last night, Francis couldn’t sleep because of the heat. As he was
fanning himself near the window, he noticed someone crawling over their
fence. It jumped into their yard and hid under the guyabano tree. he quickly
ran and woke up his father. they checked the locks of their doors and
“Are you sure it was a man you saw? Wasn’t it too dark to see?”
asked his father.
“Yes it was very dark, but I’m sure it was a man. I heard over the
radio that a dangerous man had escaped from the jail this afternoon,”
answered Francis.
Father hurriedly dialed the telephone to call the hotline. The
policemen came. They flashed lights over the roof, behind the hedges,
under the trees and above them. They saw a big cat up the guyabano tree.

1. Why couldn’t Francis sleep that night?

a. It was very hot.
b. He was to finish his project.
c. He was waiting for her brother.
d. He had to review for tomorrow’s test.
2. Where did he fan himself?
a. in the sala c. in the kitchen
b. near the door d. near the window
3. What did he notice?
a. someone singing
b. someone calling his name
c. someone jumping over the window
d. someone is crawling over their fence
4. What is the story about?
a. Francis saw a thief. c. Francis made a mistake.
b. Father was brave man. d. Francis was frightened
5. If it was a real thief what do you think will happen?
a. Francis will cry.
b. Francis will run after him.
c. Francis and father will catch him.
d. He will be caught by the policemen
Code: Green
Manuel had a bad dream last night. He dreamed that he was walking on
aa lonely road. Then he saw a bunch of ripening mangoes up a tree. he
climbed the tall tree to pick the fruits. As he reached for them, he was startled
by a big black bird on the branch right above him. he was about to jump down
in fright, but a big growling dog was waiting for him below. He didn’t down
in fright, but a big growling dog was waiting for him below. He didn’t know
what to do, so he screamed. Luckily, Kuya Ador heard him and woke him up!
“That was quite a nightmare. Maybe you didn’t say your prayers before
you sleep or maybe you went to sleep with full stomach,” said Kuya Ador.
“Your guess is right. I ate twice last night. Father came home with a
bilao of pancit Malabon, just an hour after our supper!” exclaimed Manuel.

1. Who had a bad dream?

a. Ador c. Father
b. Sister d. Manuel
2. What did he see on his way?
a. a bunch of santol c. a bunch of bananas
b. a bunch of guavas d. a bunch of mangoes
3. What was waiting for him below the tree?
a. ants c. big black bird
b. the owner d. big growling dog
4. What is the main idea of the story?
a. a bad dream c. sleep early, wake up early
b. pray before sleeping d. overeating can cause nightmare.
5. What should you do after eating supper?
a. rest c. sleep
b. pray d. take a bath

Code: Green
After helping Mother prepare breakfast, Ted was ready to go to school.
Mother gave him five pesos for recess.
“Do not play on your way. Go straight to school,” Mother said.
Ted walked happily to school. he had a new pair of pants. He has done
all his homework.
Miss Garcia was alone on the room when Ted came in. She was clearing
her table.
“Good morning, Ma’am,” greeted Ted. “May I help you?”
‘Good morning Ted. Yes, you may,” replied the teacher. “I’ll just go to
the library.”
While helping his teacher, Ted heard the bell rang. It was the start of the
flag ceremony.

1. What did Mother tell Ted?

a. “Go home early.” c. “Do not play on your way.”
b. “Keep your clothes clean.” d. ‘Do not spend all your money.”
2. Who was alone in the classroom?
a. Miss Solis c. Miss Reyes
b. Miss Garcia d. Miss Santos
3. Why is Ted happy?
a. It was his birthday c. his pants are old but clean.
b. He did all his homework. d. it was his first day in school.
4. What do you think Ted did when he heard the bell ring?
a. sat on his desk c. waited for Miss Garcia
b. went to the canteen d. attended the flag ceremony
5. Which word best describes Ted?
a. kind c. helpful
b. naughty d. boastful
Code: Green

One day, Dulce and her father went to the lake. Dulce asked Father why
the water was blue. Father told her to look into the lake. So, she looked down
into the lake. She saw her face in the water.
“Ahh,” she said, “like a mirror the water reflects my face.”
“Now, look at the sky, what is its color?” asked father.
“It’s blue,” she answered.
“How about the clouds,” asked father.
“It’s white,” she answered.
“Now look at the water, what are their colors,” asked father.
‘The sky is blue and the clouds are also white. So like a mirror, the water
reflects the color of the sky. Now I know why the water is blue!” Dulce said

1. What was the color of the water in the lake?

a. red c. green
b. blue d. yellow
2. What was the color of the sky?
a. gray c. white
b. blue d. orange
3. What was the color of the clouds?
a. red c. white
b. blue d. yellow
4. What is the best title of the story?
a. The Lake c. The Blue Sky
b. The Clouds d. The Reflection
5. What would be the color of the water when the sky is dark?
a. red c. green
b. blue d. yellow

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