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objective this study is to determine how regionalism is different yet a part of globalism. So, in order to
do that we must first know and understand the definition of regionalism and globalism. Regionalism is
the creation of political, economic, or social structures that are loyal to a certain geographic area with
a mainly similar population in terms of ideology and culture. Regionalism frequently results in officially
recognized agreements between groups of nations designed to convey a shared sense of identity
while attaining shared objectives and enhancing quality of life. It encompasses various facets of
interregional cooperation, including the expansion of social and economic connection and the
development of regional consciousness and identity. Regionalism is a result of the region being more
integrated and cohesive as a result of the increased flow of commodities, people, ideas, and money.
On the other hand, Globalism refers to the ideology and practice of promoting interconnectedness,
interdependence, and cooperation among nations on a global scale. It is characterized by the
increasing integration and interconnectivity of economies, societies, cultures, and political systems
through advancements in technology, communication, and transportation. Globalism emphasizes the
breaking down of barriers, such as trade barriers and cultural differences, in favor of fostering global
cooperation, collaboration, and the pursuit of common goals and interests.
This study is based on (Victor 2018), where she defines regionalism as a political ideology that
favors a specific region over a greater area. It usually results due to political separations, religious
geography, cultural boundaries, linguistic regions, and managerial divisions. Regionalism emphasizes
on developing the administrative power and swaying the available or some inhabitants of a region.
Furthermore, Azriliyan (1999) defines that regionalization is characterized "as development of
economic, political and other relations between the region and the states which are included in one
region; formation of regional state associations", and regionalism is considered as "an approach to
consideration and solution of economic, social, political and other issues in terms of this or that region
interests and needs."
The first RRL said that because regionalism concentrates on local events, it is a political
philosophy that restricts activity. Language areas, management disparities, political, religious, and
cultural diversity are the usual causes. Because regionalism is a political philosophy that prioritizes
only one specific region, its consequences may have an impact on the entire society or just a small
fraction of the territory. Regionalism promotes a sense of togetherness among people that tries to
preserve the interactions of a particular region and nurtures the welfare and growth of the region,
therefore it also has a good effect. Regionalism and regionalization give a framework for addressing
regional interests and requirements, promoting regional development, and maintaining cultural
uniqueness. These themes are significant in determining regional dynamics and can be viewed as
important factors in the larger framework of global governance and globalization.
The term "globalism has also been employed in a multivalent and contested manner, generally
in close association with the concept of globalization. It has generally been used to describe the
values, ideas, and beliefs (ie., the ideology) of those who believe in and seek to promote the global
economic, political, and cultural integration of humanity. More often than not, it is used to describe the
ideology of those who seek to advance the global integration of humanity through "free markets" and
"free trade" as well as the global application of new information, communications, and transportation
technologies. At the same time, it has been used to describe the values, ideas, and beliefs of those
who hold a holistic worldview founded on the fundamental belief that "we share one fragile planet the
survival of which requires mutual respect and careful treatment of the earth and of all its people"
(Ritchie, 1996).
In the 2nd RRL, It implies that the term "globalism" is frequently used to characterize the
ideology of individuals or organizations advocating for global economic, political, and cultural
unification. This viewpoint associates globalism with notions such as free markets, free commerce,
and the use of new technologies. It also recognizes that globalism can encompass a holistic
worldview focusing on humanity's interconnectedness and the significance of mutual respect and care
for the planet. Globalism is a wide concept that can be defined as a political ideology that prioritizes
global concerns over national interests. Furthermore, the ideology of Globalism embraces
globalization, and it is a viewpoint that sees globalization as entirely beneficial. Globalism holds that
there should be no obstacles or limits on the movement of people, information, or goods across
national borders. Furthermore, globalism refers to the networking and interconnection of nations
around the world in terms of economic, social, environmental, and cultural interactions. Furthermore,
it can refer to a socioeconomic system oriented to free trade and market access. Globalism
comprises a wide range of ideas and philosophies concerning global integration. It has the potential
to increase economic prosperity, cultural interchange, and connection, but it also raises issues about
inequality and cultural preservation. Understanding the complexity of globalism is critical for
navigating the potential and problems of globalization.
In conclusion, Regionalism restricts action since it concentrates on events that occur inside the
region. As a result, cultural, social, economic, and knowledge exchanges with entities are
concentrated in a certain place. Regionalism is typically caused by religious, cultural, and linguistic
distinctions. Globalism, on the other hand, entails making links with nations all over the world.
Furthermore, globalism is a program that seeks to acquire political power. Above all, globalism had a
huge influence on the modern world. Regionalism and globalism are two distinct but related concepts.
Regionalism focuses on the interests and collaboration of people living in a specific geographical
region, tackling unique difficulties and encouraging regional integration. Globalism, on the other hand,
refers to the greater interconnectedness and interdependence of nations around the world, with the
goal of achieving global economic, political, and cultural integration. While regionalism focuses on
particular needs and identities, it contributes to the greater framework of globalism by encouraging
regional cooperation and providing as a foundation for bigger international collaboration. knowledge
the difficulties of governance, development, and cultural variety in our interconnected globe requires a
knowledge of the interplay between regionalism and globalism.
Globalism, in my opinion, has an impact on global economic and political processes.
Regionalism, on the other hand, concentrates on domestic issues and concerns in a given region.
Overall, they benefit the world by connecting and uniting countries or regions and improving
communication between various economies.

Victor, R. K. (2018, May 28). What is regionalism? Word Atlas
Azriliyan, A. (1999) Big economic dictionary. New economy institute, Moscow. 827p.
Ritchie, M. (1996). Globalization and Globalism in Latin America: Contending Perspectives

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