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Research Objectives and Significance:

* What is the main objective of your research?
The main objective of this study is to describe the factors affecting consumer satisfaction
with online shopping such as reliability and responsiveness, assurance and empathy, and
tangibility among Marian college students during the school year 2022-2023. It is to determine
the different motivational factors that influence consumer satisfaction that leads to customer

* Why is your research important or significant in your field?

This research can be used as a guide by the online retailers to understand the preferences of their
consumers in this age. With this information they can meet nor exceed customer satisfaction and win over their
loyalty. Also it can be used as reference by other researchers for their future studies.

* What problem or gap does your research address?

The problem or gap addressed by our research study is the relationship between service quality
dimensions and customer retention in online shopping satisfaction specifically among Marian College students.
This study aims to investigate and understand the factors that influence customer retention in the context of
online shopping satisfaction, focusing on the service quality dimensions.

2.Methodology and Design:

* What research methods did you employ?
The researchers used a survey method where questionnaires via google forms used to collect and gather

* How did you select your sample or participants?

The researchers utilized probability sampling, specifically stratified proportionate random
sampling, in order to determine the respondents of the study. The researcher selected college students from
Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. They were considered since they best fit the qualifications and standards of the
research study.

* Why did you choose a particular research design?

A descriptive correlational design is well-suited for our research study. because it is a specific type of
research design that aims to describe and examine the relationship of the variable. And according to (Burns &
Grove, 2011, as cited by Meredith, 2015), it does not indicate the cause and effect relationship but it specifies
the identified correlations of the variables to predict the outcomes of the related inquiries.

* How did you ensure the reliability and validity of your data?
We researchers carefully select appropriate methods for data collection to ensure the reliability and
validity of data gathered in our research. We used stratified random sampling to minimize bias and increase
generalizability of the findings.
3.Results and Findings:
* What are the key findings of your study?
Based on the analysis and interpretation of data it showed that among the service
Quality dimensions, assurance have the most satisfaction factor that is fulfilling the consumers satisfaction.
However, this study also proves that assurance has the most affection for customer retention. It also conveys
that every factor still satisfy consumers in online shopping and influence customer retention.

* How do your results contribute to the existing knowledge in your field?

Our research findings can contribute to existing knowledge by filling the gap. Our results may fill a gap
in the current knowledge by providing new insights, findings, or perspectives about the relationship of service
quality dimensions and customer retention in online shopping. This can help expand understand the research
and provide a basis for further investigation.

* Were there any unexpected or contradictory findings?


* How confident are you in your results?

We are confident because we ensured that we used appropriate methods to minimize biases, errors in
data collection. Also, the results of our study can be supported by the study of Ali & Sankaran 2010 which
states that the intentions of customers to remain loyal and their level of satisfaction were both found to be
influenced by service quality dimensions, and assurance has the greatest impact or influence on customer
satisfaction and loyalty.

4.Analysis and Interpretation:

* How did you analyze your data?
The Average Weighted Mean method was used for analyzing the data obtained from the questionnaires.
The questionnaires utilized a four-point Likert scale. By applying the Average Weighted Mean method to our
data, we can calculate the average scores for each service quality dimension and examine the participants'
overall perceptions and evaluations related to the dimensions being measured.

* What statistical techniques or software did you use?

We used the Pearson correlation coefficient. It is a statistical measurement that can help the researchers
determine if there is a positive or negative relationship between the variables. By examining the correlation
coefficients between different service quality dimensions and customer retention, the researchers could identify
which dimensions have a stronger influence on customer retention.

* Are there alternative explanations for your findings?

* How do your findings support or challenge existing theories or models?
This study will serve as their basis or reference for their future research in order to gain further insight,
knowledge into their topic.

5.Limitations and Future Directions:

* What are the limitations of your study?
We have sample limitations, wherein our research focuses exclusively on Marian College students, the
findings may not be applicable to other student populations or broader demographics.

* How might these limitations impact the interpretation of your results?

Since our study only includes Marian College students, the findings may not represent the broader
population of online shoppers or college students in general. Therefore, it would be important to acknowledge
that the results may only be applicable to similar student populations.

* What are the possible directions for future research based on your findings?
They can Extend the research to compare the perceptions and outcomes of online shopping satisfaction
and customer retention among different groups or populations. For example, investigate whether there are
differences based on demographic factors, such as gender, age, or socioeconomic status.

* What additional data or analyses would you like to pursue in the future?
We want to widen our scope about the same topic, specifically picking a more diverse set of age brackets
which are not only limited to young adults and to consumers who have more purchasing power.

6.Ethical Considerations:
* Did you consider any ethical issues during your research?

* How did you address informed consent and privacy concerns?

We researchers provide participants with clear and understandable information about the study before
we give the questionnaire to them. And also, we make sure that confidentiality of the respondents personal
information will not be disclosed to the public. This information will only be used for the study alone.

* Were there any potential biases in your study, and how did you mitigate them?
No, there is no bias in our research specifically in the sample used in the study. It is because we used
stratified random sampling in our research study to ensure that the sample selection process was transparent.
7.Contribution and Implications:
* What is the main contribution of your research to the field?
Our research contributes to the existing knowledge in the field by investigating the relationship between
service quality dimensions and customer retention in the context of online shopping satisfaction among Marian
College students. By exploring this specific relationship, our research can provide insights and expand
understanding in the field of online shopping satisfaction, particularly among college students. And also, our
research addresses a gap in the literature by focusing on the unique context of Marian College students and their
online shopping experiences.

* How do your findings have practical implications?

Our study can be used by businesses to improve their service quality, these findings will help them
identify areas of improvement in their business. Also, they can formulate strategies wherein they can encourage
customers to repurchase to their business.

* How might your research impact policy or practice in your field?

This research can be used as guidelines which can help businesses optimize their practices, improve
customer satisfaction, and promote long-term customer relationships

8.Related Work and Literature:

* How does your research build upon existing studies or theories?
This study will serve as their basis or reference for their future research in order to gain further insight,
knowledge into their topic.

* What are the key differences between your work and previous research?
The key difference is our participants which is only limited to college students of Marian college of
baliuag. Also the methodology we used in this research is different from the previous research.

* Can you explain how your research fits within the broader context of your field?
By exploring this specific relationship, our research can provide insights and expand understanding in
the field of online shopping satisfaction, particularly among college students. And also, our research addresses a
gap in the literature by focusing on the unique context of Marian College students and their online shopping
experiences. In addition, Our study can be used by businesses to improve their service quality, these findings
will help them identify areas of improvement in their business. Also, they can formulate strategies wherein they
can encourage customers to repurchase to their business.

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