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Company background info. What do they do currently (distribution networks / channels),
geographies they operate in? How did the company operate in the past?

Brief info about E-commerce (when did it start, first examples, current state (global)), (generally/mag
or book/literature industry)

Introduce your RQ/topic

The question we will be investigating is ...

Validity & reliability for both
Any implications - if the data was collected for a certain segment ONLY, +

Survey results*
Interview outcomes*
Main results from annual report (declining sales, e-comm growth if they do that?). Screenshot the
graphs/create graphs using the data from the table
Main results from an e-comm report (graphs/data showing the growth of e-comm)
Find data also suggesting that e-comm may decline which may be the case

Discussing the survey responses*>link in balanced arguments relating to the questions
Discussing interview*> link to other evidence in a balanced manner
Discussion of e-commerce data/statistics/reports etc
Is e-comm going to continue to grow or has it only grown because shops are closed?
Magazines easily bought online because they are not fitted like clothes and consumers already know
the mags they like
SWOT> discuss the SWOT and link with evidence
Force field analysis with points 0-10, discuss the FFA with evidence
FINANCE?????? Annual report. Cutting costs. Discuss selling through retailers vs online and
Spending money to make money discussion (ARR, payback period)
How much will it cost to do e-comm? How does it work? How will e-comm change what MSZ already
do and is it possible?
Case study: online seller of magazines for and against
Covid focus: what are the chances of another lockdown in Poland? Analyse this and link to decline in

Sum up. yes or no and why?

Explain or recommend the future strategy. Come up with an action plan


2021 EU Ecomm report

2021 Ecomm Ebook link

CBRE Global Ecomm report 2012

PL market

General overview
Ecommerce poland

Link to download report on PL market

SENUTO report PL Ecomm market 2021

Final comments
- Survey
- Analyzie the main results
- More analysis
- Cost of shift and implementation into case
- Magazine sales from SR
- Analyze promotional strategies ( social media and terget

Report mentioning that foreign companies are setting the tone in terms
of how competition is done in the Mag market in PL

In 2019 (pre-covid), the ‘handel detaliczny produktów dla dzieci’ market

in PL grew 4,4%yoy – and has witnessed a change in habits and a
slowdown due to covid

Report on the benefits of learning via books vs learning via tv / computer

/ internet from an educational perspective

Report on sales in diff sectors in PL market (not specified as ‘children’s

books, but ‘prasa’ in general vs other sectors (GUS)

- Analyze force field analysis
- Analyze profit&loss statement

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