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Nama:Baiq Sulis susaniwati

Kls. : 3 ilmu keperawatan

Nim. : 113122026

Smester: 3 S1 ilmu keperawatan

MK :Tugas Bahasa inggris

Dialog nurse and patient

N . Good night

p. Good evening

N. What's your name Mrs?

P. My name is Inaq Imoq

N. From Where

P. From Wonosobo

N. What do you feel, ma'am?

P. I have stomach ache and nausea

N. How long have you been feeling stomach ache and nausea?

P. It's been 3 days

N. Have taken medicine

P. I never take medicine

N. Let me check and please lie down

P. How is my blood pressure?

N. Nirmala's mother's blood pressure.

P. Thank God

N. Do you want to have an injection?

P. Yes.
N. Maintain your diet and get lots of rest and this is the medicine, the medicine is taken 3 times a day, 1
tablespoon before eating but shake well before drinking, while this medicine is taken 3 hours after
eating 3 times a day and this is the medicine.

P. How much does it cost sir?

N. This is an empty envelope, please fill it in as sincerely as you like Q. This is the envelope N. Thank you
and hope you get well soon

P. Thank you Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

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