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Lesson 33
Positive Character II

Intermediate I
honest /‘ɑnɪst/ adj. 诚实的
humble /‘hʌmbl/ adj. 谦虚的
independent /‘ɪndɪ’pɛndənt/ adj. 独立的
polite /pə‘laɪt/ adj. 有礼貌的
popular /‘pɑpjəlɚ/ adj. 受欢迎的
reliable /rɪ‘laɪəbl/ adj. 可靠的
thoughtful /‘θɔtfl/ adj. 体贴的
talkative /‘tɔkətɪv/ adj. 爱说话的
 Do you still remember when are positive
adjectives used?

 Describe someone or something that is good.

 Adjective – Positive Character

 Friendly
 showing liking and goodwill
 Oliver is a man with pleasant and friendly face.

 Honest
 not lying; genuine
 Peter is an honest boy, he never lies.

 Humble
 modest; not prideful
 He gave a great performance, but he was very humble.
 Adjective – Positive Character

 Independent
 not relying on others for support
 Children should be independent thinkers.

 Polite
 behaving in a way that is socially correct; cares for other
people’s feelings
 She sent me a polite letter thanking for my invitation.
 Adjective – Positive Character

 Popular
 widely liked
 Chocolate is always popular with children.

 Reliable
 can be trusted
 She was efficient and reliable, I trust her.
 Adjective – Positive Character

 Thoughtful
 think about others’ feelings
 Mike has a thoughtful approach to his work.

 Talkative
 like talking a lot
 She’s a lively, talkative person.
Line up the adjectives with its correct meaning.

 honest like talking a lot

 polite not relying on others for support
 independent not lying
 popular cares for other people’s feelings
 talkative widely liked
Line up the adjectives with its correct meaning.

 honest like talking a lot

 polite not relying on others for support
 independent not lying
 popular cares for other people’s feelings
 talkative widely liked

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