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A Quantitative Analysis on the Perceptions and the Factors affecting the

College Course of Accountancy, Business and Management

Students in MCA Montessori School

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School of

MCA Montessori School

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2


Grade 12- Silver



This chapter includes the Background of the Study, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual

Framework, Statement of the Problem, Assumption/Hypothesis, Scope and Delimitation, the

Significance of the Study, and the Definition of Terms used.

Background of the study

Career choices requires a high level of creativity, experimentation, decision-making, and

sound judgment. To generate and nurture interest in a particular career, it is critical to have a

working knowledge of that field. Self-defining activities that are necessary for the soul, heart,

and power of an individual are powerfully attracted to passion. (Upoalkpajor, 2020) Said that as

an individual goes through Senior High School education, encounters situations which require

them to take appropriate educational, vocational and social decisions. This highlights the need

for guidance and counseling services in learning institutions. For senior high school students,

picking the correct college course is important since it can have a big impact on their future

professions and life. One of the most popular strands in the Philippines for High School students

is Academic Track that consists of different strands. One of this is the Accountancy, Business

and Management (ABM) Strand, which prepares them for vocations in business, management,

and finance. With so many college courses available, it can be difficult for students to pick the

one that best suits their interests, abilities, and professional objectives.

The transition from high school to university is an important stage in a student's

educational journey, marked by many different decisions and choices that have a significant

impact on their future. One of the most important decisions students face during this time is

choosing college courses or majors. The process of choosing a university course can be complex

and difficult as it involves considering personal interests, career goals, and peer influence.

Students also said that their decisions were influenced by factors like decision-making,

motivation, peer pressure, institutional concerns, and future job prospects.

The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of the students in in choosing

college courses or majors. The study aims to aid the difficulty faced by graduating Accountancy,

Business, and Management (ABM) students at MCA Montessori School in choosing a course in

college by providing some preferences that will link their desirable courses. . This motivated the

researcher to conduct this study in order to gain a better understanding in the perceptions of

Grade 12 ABM students references for college courses. As a guide for educational institutions,

this will help students choose the best career for their interests. Data will be gathered through

survey questionnaires.

Theoretical Framework

Donald Super's Developmental Theory of Career Development in the 1950s stated that

teenagers or high school students are at the stage where they are still trying to explore and figure

out their choice in careers, which involves establishing and specifying what will be their

preference when it comes to it, since they have not yet established their full interest. This leads

them to become indecisive. This theory also states that developing a sense of self and realizing

that you change over time is significant when you are planning for your career. In addition, it is

also claimed that choosing a specialty depends on one's self-concept, but this takes a thorough

understanding of oneself, which can be attained with time and experience. And in accordance

with this, a person's socioeconomic class, level of IQ, and familiarity with sex typing are the

main variables. Krumboltz's (Osipow/Fitzgerald, 1996) Learning Theory of Career Counseling

which also emphasizes the importance of learning experiences and effects on their career and

occupational selection. Career decision making is considered to be a vital skill that can be used

during one's life time. There are factors that influence individual preferences in the social-

learning model and these are composed of numerous cognitive processes. Interactions in the

environment and the inherited personal characteristics and traits from parents. The Learning

Theory of Career Counseling according to Krumboltz is based on the idea that career decisions

are influenced by four factors: genetic endowment, environmental conditions, learning

experiences, and task approach skills. These factors interact with each other and create
opportunities for learning and growth. This theory is relevant to this study because it suggests the

factors affecting the senior high school students on choosing their college courses. Another

theory that was utilized as framework in this research is the Capability Approach (Clark, 2005)

which claims that the freedom to achieve well-being is of primary moral importance and it must

be understood in terms of peoples' capabilities to do what they value.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

In this study, the researcher will focus on the perceptions and the factors affecting the

College Course among Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand students at MCA

Montessori School. By doing so, the researchers will be able to discover the struggle faced by

students in pursuing their college course. All the students in Grade 12 are the respondents of this

study. Additionally, participants responses will be supported by the Developmental Theory of

Career Development, Learning Theory of Career Counseling, and Capability Approach Theory.

Where the researcher will interpret their answers based on the current issue and situation that the

respondents currently face in choosing what career they want to pursue. Figure 1 shows the

Demographic profile of the Grade 12 students respondents according to parental income,

personal preference, location, health status (color blind) and the other Demographic profile refers
to college courses, characteristics and statistics can be related to the students for their college

courses. Institutions can better personalize their courses by understanding the demographic

profile. The lower left box shows the Motivational Factors affecting the choices of course such

as peer persuasion, parental decisions, career possibilities and personal decisions; The

Motivational Factors is we're discussing how motivated students are to pursue their college

courses and how actively they participate in their learning experiences, and it can influence the

students when making decisions about their college courses.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the perceptions and factors that affects the Grade 12 Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM) Students in MCA Montessori School on choosing their

College Courses.

The researchers want to answer the following questions:

1.) What college courses will Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)

students at MCA Montessori School take after graduation?

2.) Who has the most impact on student’s career decision making?

a. Peers

b. Family

3.) Does the College Course that students will pursue is connected to the Accountancy,

Business and Management Strand?

a. Yes

b. No

4.) Does the perceptions of the students are affected by the factors stated in question

number 2?

5.) Do demographic factors influence students' college course choices?

a. Yes

b. No


The study will provide insights about the perceptions and factors that affects the college

courses of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand students in MCA Montessori

School and suggest interventions that can help them make informed decisions about their future

careers and professions.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study is to evaluate students' opinions and the variables influencing

their decision of what course they were choose in college, and also to give them more

opportunities that are offered in Accountancy, and Business management (ABM) Strand. The

primary goal of this study is to give insightful information to the academic community, including

the school and the students.

The data collection delimits the number of respondents to 170 selected Grade 12 ABM

Senior High School Students at MCA Montessori School according to their convenience. The

main source of the data is through survey questionnaires, which will be done by the researchers.

Overall, the goal of this research is to give guidance and expand their knowledge about the other

different courses offered within the Accountancy, and Business Management Strand.

Significance of the Study

This study looks into the elements that affect student's capacity to select a future

professional path. Before making a professional choice, students should take a number of aspects

into account. Gaining knowledge and information about selecting a good career is the aim of this

study. Anyone having trouble choosing a career might use this research as a guidance. In this

study, it will benefit various sectors, such as:

Students. In this study, students are to be more benefited. The purpose of this research is

to help students gain knowledge and information about career decisions. Students will be able to

identify what factors will affect them when choosing a course to pursue.

Parents. This research could help parents understand the perspective of their children

when choosing their college courses. This study would help parents guide their children in

choosing the right course in college.

Teachers. For teachers, it is important for them to assist students in choosing courses by

understanding their interests and strengths, suggesting courses that align with their abilities,

providing information about available courses, and involving them in the decision-making

process, thereby ensuring an informed choice.

Peers. Peers can benefit by giving insightful information on how to make decisions. This

research can assist peers to better understand and support themselves as they choose their college


School Administration. School Administrators help to customize educational options,

enhance student support services, and ultimately elevate the overall learning journey for these

students. They can facilitate events where students can gain insights into their desired college

degree programs.

Future Researchers. For future researchers, this research can serve as related literature.

This study can serve as a reference or guide about the perceptions and factors that can affects

their career choices. It will help them to have knowledge on what is the right thing to do when

choosing a college course. This research aims to aid future researchers who would like to

develop this study for their career choices.

Definition of Terms

This study aims to provide brief and accurate explanations of these terms to give clarity

to each reader in the words contained in this research. For a better understanding of this study,

the following terms are operationally defined:

ABM strand Student. Those who plan to take up business-related courses in higher

education or engage in business, entrepreneurship, and other business-related careers.

Academic Track. It is simply the track that prepares students for the college courses they

want to take. Also, it is a set of possible course selections available to a students.

Career choices. It is a decision about which career path a student will pursue in the

course of his/her live-in view of comparative advantages and labor market conditions.

Career Possibilities. It refers to the opportunity a person will get in the course that they

will take in college based on their skills and interests.

Cognitive. The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding

through thought, experience, and senses.

College Courses. It is a class offered by a college or university. These courses are

usually part of a program leading to an undergraduate or graduate degree or a certificate.

Decision-making. It refers to the act of making a decision in choosing a course for


Demographics. Refers to age, morality, gender, family size and etc. which can be helpful

and harmful in finding a school for college and can affect the course to be taken.

Educational institutions. Is a place where people of different ages gain an education.

They provide a large variety of learning environments and learning spaces.

Insights. Is the understanding of a specific cause and effect within a particular context.
Location. It refers to the place where student will study the course they will take for

college and it must have a good environment.

MCA Montessori School Inc. It is the place where this study will be conducted and

where the respondents will come from.

Opportunities. The occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something for

example, choosing a college course that will define someone's future.

Parental Income. It refers to the parent's income that can help to pay the tuition fees to

be taken in college.

Passion. Is a strong inclination toward choosing a college course that students like, find

important, in which they invest time and energy, and that is part of their identity.

Perceptions. It is a belief or opinion, often held by many people. It also refers to a

person's understanding of choosing a course to take in college and what is the college school

process will be.

Personal Decisions. It is an individual choice in choosing their desired college course,

and their decision to respond in the questions that will be given to them by the researchers.

Planning. Is the act or process of making a plan which will help students in choosing

their desired college courses, projects or a schedule.

Professions. A field of work that has been successfully professionalized. It refers to the

job that will get from the college courses students will take.

Self-defining activities. It is an independent and self-determined action of one person. It

can identify the specific vocation or passion they want to concentrate on by engaging in self-

defining activities.

Senior High School. The respondents of the research which includes all the Grade 12

Students at MCA Montessori School.

Socioeconomic Class. Is determined by a combination of social and economic factors

such as income, amount and kind of education, type and prestige of occupation, place of

residence, and in some parts of society which is ethnic origin or religious background.

Students. It is a person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school

or college. In this study they are the respondents who are able to answer the question provided by

the researchers.


This chapter presents the related literature about the perceptions and factors that affects

the college courses of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Senior High School


Choosing a course can be challenging because there are numerous factors that can

influence a student's choice. Students who graduate from high school must make one of the most

important decisions of their life regarding their future careers. As a result of the research

conducted on undergraduate students, understanding the factors influencing students' career

choices is more vital than ever. The findings revealed that students' academic self-concept has a

direct and significant effect on career decisions. The study suggested that improving students'

academic self-concept can help them decide their career paths (Mohd Zaini et al., 2021).

Additionally, Yildiz & Eldeleklioglu (2021) stated that practitioners could organize seminars

within youth counseling centers working on university campuses as well as coordinating psycho-

education projects and initiatives for the youth's decision-making skills and stressing the

importance of comprehension in these programs. Ouano et al (2019) found that "Making a career

choice is a defining phase in every students’ life. Students have to consider several factors before

arriving at a decision. The results show that the considerations about the institutions as most

significant, followed by decision-making and interest, peer influence and future job


Career Guidance was implemented to help and guide Senior High School (SHS) students

to choose the right career, in line with the current track and strand, after SHS. It was found that

the students were still confused about what career path to take in college. Thus, this study tackled
the influence of Career Guidance to Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) students

in choosing a course in higher education (Tacluyan,2019).

Taylan,Chnar, (2018) state that “the changing environment and economic situations

have brought universities especially private institutions to move as a company, which tries to

maximize their portion in the market”. On the other hand, there are a vast number of students

who are travelling overseas countries to have a good quality of education. Whilst the number of

the private university students is increasing, the universities are trying to enhance their market

share by attracting prospective students to campus. University selection is one of the significant

decision-making processes for under graduate students, which can be viewed as a complex

process to pursue.

Challenges of Accountancy, Business and Management Students in choosing a College


ABM Students themselves, seek to find answers on what are the difficulties that the

ABM students are facing as well as how do they cope up with such. According to Puebla (2022)

Senior high school students often face limited guidance in career decisions due to media, peer

influence, and lack of self-awareness. Guidance should be provided to help students develop

clear, feasible plans to navigate their career choices. Mapa (2018) stated that the most common

struggle senior high school students face, regardless of the path they choose, is a lack of financial

resources. Alvarado et al. (2019) found that the difficulties included a lack of background

knowledge, difficulty in understanding, teaching methods, and time management issues. While

Catalan (2021) Discovered that many senior high school students faced problems when deciding

on their future careers. These problems included decision- making difficulties and not having

enough information, and having inconsistent information. This shows that they could benefit

from specific help like career counseling and guidance from professionals. And Digamon et al.,

(2021) Emphasized that Lower-income students tend to have more fixed career choices than

those from high-income families. School guidance counselors should assist students in
understanding course options and influential factors, while parents should allow their children to


Nelson and Post (2022) highlighted that students frequently struggle with the financial

burdens linked to higher education. The expenses related to tuition, textbooks, and living costs

accumulate throughout their years in college and the lack of guidance that some college students

experience when making career decisions. The authors emphasize the importance of changing

one's mindset to view failures as stepping stones to success, thereby opening up new pathways to

a fulfilling life. While Yongco (2019) highlights the importance of university selection as the

initial step towards a new phase in these students' lives and highlights the critical role of this

choice in shaping their future academic and career paths. Bugaliya (2019) acknowledges that

while the idea of college often carries aspirations of success and personal growth, the reality can

be quite challenging. College life comes with academic pressures, and students may encounter

difficulties in adjusting to the new environment. Budget cuts in education can add additional

stressors, making it crucial for students to adapt and persevere. According to Sharjah (2019) the

lack of awareness among students about modern disciplines and their relevance to future career

prospects stands out. Many students may not be fully informed about the emerging fields of

study and how these could shape their professional paths. Secondly, there exists a considerable

degree of ambiguity surrounding the specific requirements of the labor market. The absence of

clear and up-to-date information about the job market can complicate students' efforts to align

their educational choices with prospective job opportunities. Thirdly, the level of ambition and

the establishment of future goals among students vary widely. And Mitchall et. al (2018) stated

the "First-generation, low-income students often confront a multitude of challenges as they

aspire to pursue higher education. These barriers encompass financial limitations, lack of access

to essential resources, unfamiliarity with college application processes, and the absence of a

familial history of higher education. However, a significant number of these students show

determination and strong commitment as they work towards getting a college education.

Some individuals may encounter difficulty in defining their aspirations, which can

impede their capacity to select a specialization that resonates with their interests and ambitions.
Furthermore, English proficiency has emerged as a noteworthy issue. An insufficient command

of the English language can potentially restrict students' access to certain academic programs and

career prospects, especially in an increasingly globalized world. Many students remain unaware

of the existence and significance of emerging fields of study. This lack of awareness complicates

their decision-making process as they may not fully grasp the opportunities available to them.

Perceptions and Factors that affects the College Course of the students

Each and every high school graduate must select a course. Their future employment and

potential way of life will be determined by the course they take. As a result, individuals would

struggle to make a decision because taking the wrong path could result in to a life of


Choosing a college course is a complex process as it involves factors and perceptions that affects

student choices. For it to be easy for them to choose the correct job path, students must know

what degree to pursue in college—one that interests them and must also fit their abilities.

Dangoy et. al (2020) stated that "Career decision making is undoubtedly one of the most

difficult and challenging in any student's life. As students continue to college, wisely choosing a

career greatly impacts their future career life. For some instances, changing courses could be a

cause of having the wrong decision in choosing a career that could lead to a waste of time,

resources, and career frustration”. According to Allen L. Nazareno et. al (2020) A person's future

career depends on their choice of job path, thus this decision must be carefully considered.

Before enrolling in senior high school (SHS), pupils in the Philippines' K–12 program must

select one of four career paths. The desired college course is substantially correlated with the

SHS track or strand decision. It has been established that a person's preferences and parental

influence are crucial elements. The choice of SHS track or strand is moderately correlated with

socio-demographic factors such sex, age, birth order, number of siblings, and monthly family

income. Additionally, the choice of SHS track or strand is moderately correlated with parents'

greatest level of education, the course they took in college, their present career, and the student's

academic achievement in a number of disciplines. According to the study of Japitan (2019),

Education is universally recognized as the answer to socio- economic problems of the world.
Thus, making a career choice is a defining phase in every student's life. Findings revealed that

Grade 12 students encountered different factors that gave an impact towards the graduating

learners in selecting a course in college that includes decision making and interest, peer

influence, consideration about institutions and future job opportunities. While Balindog (2018)

found that the “perceptions of student that are involved in the decision are the passion and

interest in the course that drives them to follow the path”. And according to the study conducted

by Duran et al (n.d.), the most affecting factor is Career Opportunities. These factor presents an

impact to Grade 12 students in line in choosing what path to take in college considering the

course that they want.

Abiine (2023) found out that individual preferences and abilities, and career guidance

greatly influence students’ college course selection. According to Sadjail et al. (2022) influences

of friends, peers, and teachers were also among the common factors for students to opt their

course. Especially for those with unfixed decisions in choosing their courses, they are likely to

influence by their friends and other people. Sansawi (2022) said that “the common factors that

influence the students in choosing their college course were parental discretion/ influences,

external influences, affordability, practicality, personal preference and interest, and socio-

economic problems”. While Famolu (2020) says that choosing a career is a very complicated

decision for every individual. And Nuwabi et al. (2019) found that parental perceptions plays

dynamic role in children’s education with respect to academic performance, vocation choice and

eventually influence behavior of their children towards career choice.

the path; these being the most

frequent fac

College course selection is quite challenging because of the challenges, factors, and

perceptions associated with it. Students professional choices may be aided by improving their

self-perception and ideas about their college courses. Engaging in career guidance and
counseling sessions helps senior high school students gain knowledge and facts before choosing

the right career path that will lead them to a better future.

Students face a variety of difficulties, such as financial burdens that hinder them from

choosing the right college course that will help define their future, as some college courses

require funds or tuition before entering. Family pressure challenges students to achieve and

fulfill the goals their parents want. While a lack of awareness in the surroundings makes the

students unaware of what is happening and what the changes are in society, particularly in

school, where the courses they want to pursue are available, and a lack of guidance in choosing

the right career path can lead students not to achieve their desired careers. Guidance or

counseling can help them gain information, knowledge, and facts before choosing a college


The factors that influences student's perceptions in choosing a course appears to be

significant to students as their bases in picking what course to take. Academic experience and

education aspiration appear to have a greater impact in choosing a course. Thus, the academic

ability may account for differences in assessment of the importance of choosing a course.

Students counseling sessions and other interventions provide them with updated knowledge, and

information to create their interest in the right choices and available options. Students who

pursue their dreams are most likely conscious of their abilities and knowledge.

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