A Town Called Malice - Acts of Malice, Vol 1 (2020)

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A Nordic Horror supplement

By David Kizzia
Based on the Story Pillar system

Written By: David Kizzia

Based on the Story Pillar system created by: Jason Olsan
Edited by: Jadine Kizzia
Project Management: Jadine Kizzia
Layout: Jadine Kizzia and Terry Kasabian
Cover Art: Shane Foreman
Interior Art: Novo Malgapo
Interior Model: Collin G. Lowder
Photography provided by: Shutterstock, Pixabay and Pexels
Inspirational Thanks to: Stieg Larsson, John Carpenter, David Lynch,
Fever Ray, John Ajvide Lindqvist and Sigur Rós

1515 7th St. #63 Santa Monica, CA 90401


The Story Pillar System was originally created by Jason Olsan

and is used with permission from Protagonist Industries

©2020 Monkeyfun Studios, LLC. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copy-
righted by Monkeyfun Studios, LLC. Monkeyfun Studios, “A Town Called Malice” and logos are trademarks of
Monkeyfun Studios, LLC. All Rights reserved.

This product is a work of fiction. Similarities to actual people, organizations, places or events
are purely coincidental.
“Ghosts warn of my actions
But I’m the main attraction
You’ll bring my satisfaction
Our little horror story’s just begun.”
- Aviators

A P r o l o g u e
I’ve lived in this town for over twenty years. Folks sometimes ask me

I've hated that town since I was born. I spent

every day wishing I was somewhere else.

When I turned sixteen I left as soon I could,

trying to get as far as I could. But now when
I look around, I can see
the same loneliness, the
same isolation. And the
same type of people
wherever I go.

And the same kind of

darkness. Everywhere.

That's when I realized I

can never escape Malice.

it's always with me.

I n t r o d u c t i o n
“No matter how far I try to get away, I'm always right back here.”

Welcome back to Malice. Although our first impression of Malice suggests a

cold Scandinavian town under snow-covered conditions, this is not always
the case. Malice is more than just a town, it's a feeling of dread and isola-
tion that permeates the mind and heart, along with a chill across the soul.

This collection provides three new playsets that go beyond the normal
settings described in the initial book. Feel free to modify these Playsets
to your own tastes and overall preferences.

• Station to Station - Inspired by "Alien", this playset takes you to an

isolated mining station in outer space where an overdue supply ships
brings the Darkness aboard.
• Season of the Witch - What would a town known for its superstitions
and cruel history do when the buried sins of the past rise from the
• Cruel Summer - You've arrived at Malice Island, a fading tourist at-
traction hoping to survive the next off-season. But there's something
in the water that plans to survive as well.

We hope you enjoy it. Bless.

~Your friends at Monkeyfun

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 7

Station to Station
“Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania
Neptune, Titan, stars can frighten.” - Pink Floyd

This playset takes the setting into the far reaches of outer space, where
the scenery may be different but the struggles are the same. People are
barely scraping by on a distant mining operation when death arrives on a
frightfully still supply ship, leaving the mining crew with few options.

The Town: Malice Mining Outpost, #216

Description: Malice Station is a mining operation on the moon of Io, ex-
cavating titanium and other precious metals for over twenty years. It’s
been discussed that the Mine is no longer cost efficient, due to a recent
discovery of titanium on Mars.

Town Location Options:

• The Hub - Docking Bay Alpha
• The Cafe - Automat Commissary
• The Office - Station Management aka “Upstairs”
• The Center - Administrative Annex
• The Infirmary - MedLab
• The Tavern - The Cantina
• The Station - Security HQ
• The Plant - Drill Facility #21

The Town also has the Mining Prep Room added as a Location.

THE Body: The Crew of Supply Ship S-31

As part of the quarterly rotation, Supply Ship S-31 (nicknamed “The Major
Tom”) was scheduled to dock 36 hours ago. It’s finally arrived on emer-
gency battery power driven by automatic navigation. When its doors
were opened, all its members of its five-person crew were found dead,
with their throats seemingly exploded open from the inside. All of the
supplies have been destroyed or ruined.

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 9

Event: Shift Rotation
Description: By law, interstellar mining companies are required to rotate
their staff quarterly both for physical and psychological health reasons.
Prolonged exposure to manufactured atmospheric pressure is unhealthy
to the crew, not to mention the separation from loved ones that accom-
pany the outpost.

Setback: The rotational supply ship had been overdue for two weeks,
now arriving with these dead bodies. If Corporate learns of the crew’s
death, company protocol freezes any travel in or out of the station until
an all-clear is given.

Potential Questions:
• What vital supply has the station been waiting for?

Darkness: Linnormr (“XENOFORM”)

Description: A Xenoform has escaped from a medical cloning lab and has
now escaped into the station from the Major Tom.

Potential Manifestations:
• Extensive damage to the inner mouth and throat of its victims
• Wet mucus in heating ducts
• Ripped portions of grating
• Piles of headless rats and other vermin
• Weird noises echoing through the metal corridors

Potential Questions:
• What was the intended purpose of the Xenoform?

10 Acts of Malice, Vol. 1

Final Confrontation Table
Once both Acts conclude, it’s time for the Final Confrontation for the
Event and Darkness Pillars.

Final Confrontation for the Event

• The Event loses - Corporate decides to keep the staff onsite for an-
other quarter. Supplies are underway but nobody’s leaving anytime
• The Event ties - The station hears back from Corporate, a new sup-
ply ship has been re-routed, due in another three weeks. They recom-
mend rationing supplies and conserving fuel whenever possible.
• The Event wins - The rotation ship finally arrives, the entire crew can
rotate back home with their quarterly bonuses paid.

Final Confrontation for the Darkness

• The Darkness loses - The Xenoform is killed, its body dumped into
space through the airlock.
• The Darkness ties - The Xenoform is contained but the players are
forbidden to destroy it, merely package it up and send it to Corporate
on the next shuttle out.
• The Darkness wins - The Xenoform gets off the station in another
rotating shift, having left its newly born offspring on the station.

Total Failure
Corporate is enacting Protocol 7… no one is getting out alive. The tacti-
cal war cruisers can be seen on approach as the airlocks begin to auto-
matically open to the cold of outer space.

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 11

season of the witch
“Stay in the shadows,cheer at the gallows
This is a round up, this is a low flying panic attack” - Radiohead

There is a secret in town everyone knows - the legend of the Malice Witch,
a scary story told to unruly children before bedtime. But the legend is
also a remembrance of sins of the past, softened with the passage of time
into a point of civic pride and celebration. But those transgressions have
returned for a reckoning, and will be remembered for what they are - an
accounting of blood.


Description: Malice is removed from the big cities of the American
Northeast, a tiny blip along a rarely used highway that was once the main
transportation route into Canada.

Town Location Options:

• The Hub - Metro Truck Stop
• The Cafe - Abby's Diner
• The Office - Malice Lumber
• The Infirmary - Primary Care Center
• The Station - Sheriff's Station #2
• The Tavern - The Cauldron
• The Center - Mayor’s Office
• The Plant - The Sawmill

Because of this playset, the town also has the Town Square added as a

Potential Questions:
• Who among the players are descendents of the original townspeople?

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 13

THE Body: Abigail Dudley
In 1633, local midwife Abigail Dudley was tried and convicted of witch-
craft by a convened jury of the Malice town elders, including the local
constabulary. After she was later found exonerated by the State court in
1809, her remains were exhumed and laid to rest in the local churchyard,
once attached to the First Church of Malice (which burnt down three
years later).

Despite her exoneration, the town has annually commemorated her con-
viction with a mock burning of a funeral pyre (despite her initial execu-
tion by hanging). Two nights ago, the old grave of Abigail Dudley was
found disturbed with her bones laid out in the center of town.

Potential Questions:
• Who dug up the body and why?

Event: Harvest Bonfire

Description: The town’s main source of quarterly revenue in the fall is
the annual Harvest Bonfire that brings everyone surrounding in the
three counties for the weekend. The tourism dollars keep the town going
through the lean winter months so it’s critical the fair is a success.

Setback: The Bonfire has grown controversial with recent newspaper

editorial condemning the town’s tradition, glorifying and even profit-
ing from a wrongful death in its history. Although citizens’ opinions are
mixed, the Bonfire’s revenue boost is needed for the small town to make
it through the year.

Potential Questions:
• How do they feel about the town’s commemoration of a wrongful

14 Acts of Malice, Vol. 1

Darkness: Kirkegrim (Church Grim)
Description: In English and Scandinavian folklore, it was believed the
first body buried in a graveyard was designated as guardian over those
buried there. In many cases, the body of a black dog would be buried first
to act as a protector against those who would commit sacrilege to those
in their eternal rest. With the disturbance of the body, the Kirkegrim has
come alive to seek vengeance against the town.

Potential Manifestations:
• Piles of ash, placed in a circle
• Howls in the night
• Strange animal prints, found even indoors.

Potential Questions:
• Who among the townspeople still believe in witchcraft?
• Why would the kirkegrim protect Abigail, considering her reputation?
• Who's descendants have been buried in the church graveyard?

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 15

Final Confrontation Table
Once both Acts conclude, it’s time for the Final Confrontation for the
Event and Darkness Pillars.

Final Confrontation for the Event

• The Event loses - Thanks to the negative publicity surrounding the
Bonfire, no one from the big city came out. The Town’s going to go
bankrupt by year’s end.
• The Event ties - The Bonfire breaks even but just barely. Because of
the negative publicity, the townspeople believe it best to cancel the
Bonfire moving forward. How they will make it through the winter
next year, no one knows.
• The Event wins - Attempts to change the Bonfire’s messaging are suc-
cessful, with a large turnout that has saved the town.

Final Confrontation for the Darkness

• The Darkness loses - The witch’s remains have been either re-buried
or destroyed, allowing her soul to finally rest in peace. The Kirkegrim
fades into the night, returning to its watch.
• The Darkness ties - The kirkegrim has been dispelled, but the bones
of Abigail Dudley have disappeared. There are rumors she has come
back from the grave, but that's simply superstition... isn't it?
• The Darkness wins - All the children of the town’s descendents have
been snatched away, taken in revenge for the town’s acts so long ago.

Total Failure
A dark shadow appears where the bones were initially found, slowly
forming into a human shape. As it raises its arms, the buildings of the
town begin to catch fire. Abigail Dudley is back, and is burning the town
in retaliation.

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 17

““But the house is haunted and the ride gets rough,
And you’ve got to learn to live what you can’t rise above."
- Bruce Springsteen

Welcome to the fading tourist attraction of Malice Island. Although the

weather is considerably warmer than the wintery climates of other play-
sets, the island’s limited population isn’t any more hospitable to outsiders
that want to stay beyond the tourist season. With the darkness however,
the island’s inhabitants need to find a way to confront its horrors while
still keeping the season alive before Labor Day arrives.

The Town: Malice Island

Description: Malice Island is a small island, just off the Maine coast. It is
not reachable by conventional means, requiring visitors to take a ferry
across the water.

Town Location Options:

• The Hub - Mainland Ferry Dock
• The Cafe - Schooner’s Cafe
• The Office - Malice Island Real Estate
• The Infirmary - Lifeguard Station #2
• The Center - Tourist Information Center
• The Tavern - Captain Ron’s Floating Casino
• The Station - State Police Outpost
• The Plant - 2Four Surf and Ski Manufacturing

Because of this playset, the town also has the Pier added as a Location.

THE Body: The Arm of Peter Kintner

A severed arm washed up by the shore next to the Pier, belong to visit-
ing college student Peter Kintner. The rest of the body is missing, but
fingerprints from a former drunk and disorderly charge identified the

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 19

Potential Questions:
• Who was the last person to see Peter alive?
• Where was he staying on the Island?


Description: In order to bring in new business from the mainland, the
town is holding its first surfing competition.

Setback: Despite enthusiasm, the town has never held a competition like
this before. The budget for the event has gone higher than had been an-
ticipated, causing a lot of tension on the event's success.

Potential Questions:
• Who has agreed to sponsor the competition on the island?
• On the mainland, who is being courted as a future sponsor?

Darkness: Blodughadda (Siren)

Description: Blodughadda is considered one of the deadliest of the crea-
tures known as the Nine Sisters (or Wavemaidens). As the patron moth-
er of sharks, she has been attracted to the island due to the number of
sharks caught and killed in its waters.

Potential Manifestations:
• An increase of sharks spotted in the area, including in areas they do
not normally enter
• Strange singing heard throughout the village
• People having sudden emotional breakdowns

20 Acts of Malice, Vol. 1

Final Confrontation Table
Once both Acts conclude, it’s time for the Final Confrontation for the
Event and Darkness Pillars.

Final Confrontation for the Event

• The Event loses - The competition isn't going to be able to cover the
overall expenses, not even paying the prize money to the winner.
• The Event ties - Although a few minor sponsors have agreed to sign
on for next year, this year's event will still end in the red.
• The Event wins - A major national sponsor has agreed to co-sponsor
the competition next year and thereafter.

Final Confrontation for the Darkness

• The Darkness loses - Blodughadda is vanquished, causing all her chil-
dren (sharks) to swim off into the ocean.
• The Darkness ties - Blodughadda is driven away from the island, but
the story has leaked to the mainland about the dangers of the island.
Next year’s tourist season is going to suffer.
• The Darkness wins - Blodughadda not only survives, but manages to
flip over the local ferry. Many people drown to death, although they
are considered the lucky ones compared to the remains of the others

Total Failure
The island reverberates with the strange melody of a woman’s singing.
All of the inhabitants stop what they are doing as the song begins to
entrance them to slowly walk into the water, drowning themselves en
masse. All of the players begin to hear the song in their heads as well, as
they find their footsteps take them forward to the water’s edge against
their will.

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 21

22 Acts of Malice, Vol. 1

Pg. 6 - Janko Ferlič, via Pexels.com

Pg. 8 - Pavel Chagochkin, via Shutterstock
Pg. 12 - Fer Gregory, via Shutterstock
Pg. 18 - Rangizzz, via Shutterstock

Acts of Malice, Vol. 1 23

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