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Paradigm of the study (Input, Process, and Output)

Demographics of Barangay Officials
Age ( Scale 18-75 )
Educational Attainment (Scale Elementary-College)
Social capital:
Connections and networks among individuals and groups
Relationships of trust and reciprocity
Shared norms and values

Data collection:
In-depth interviews with key informants (e.g., barangay officials, community leaders,
Survey of barangay residents

Extent of social capital in the barangay
How social capital is created, utilized, and sustained
Impact of social capital on resource allocations and power dynamics
Questions to reveal connections and alliances with government officials and employees in
provincial and municipal levels:
Do you have any close friends or family members who work in the provincial or municipal
If so, what are their positions?
Do you ever call on them for help with barangay matters?
Do you feel that your connections to provincial and municipal officials give you an
advantage in getting things done for your barangay?
In-depth interview or survey?

Both in-depth interviews and surveys can be used to collect data on social capital. In-depth
interviews allow you to explore the topic in depth and to get detailed information about the
participants' experiences and perspectives. Surveys are more efficient and can be used to
collect data from a larger sample of people.

The best method for your study will depend on your specific research questions and
resources. If you are interested in exploring the topic of social capital in depth and
understanding the participants' experiences and perspectives, then in-depth interviews
would be a good choice. If you are interested in collecting data from a larger sample of
people and getting a more generalizable understanding of social capital in the barangay,
then a survey would be a good choice.

Output of the study

The output of your study will be a report that presents your findings and conclusions. The
report should include the following sections:

Introduction: This section should provide an overview of the topic of social capital and the
purpose of the study.
Literature review: This section should summarize the relevant literature on social capital
and resource allocation in barangay politics.
Methodology: This section should describe the methods that you used to collect and
analyze your data.
Findings: This section should present your main findings, including the extent of social
capital in the barangay, how it is created, utilized, and sustained, and its impact on resource
allocations and power dynamics.
Discussion and conclusions: This section should discuss the implications of your findings
and draw some conclusions.
Recommendations: This section should provide recommendations for how to promote
more equitable and just resource allocations and power dynamics in barangay politics.
Here are some questions using a 5-point Likert scale that you can use for your research on
the impact of social capital on resource allocation and power dynamics within barangay
level politics:

Social capital

I have strong relationships with my neighbors and other members of my barangay.

I feel a sense of community and belonging in my barangay.
I can rely on my neighbors and other members of my barangay for help and support when I
need it.
I am involved in social and civic activities in my barangay.
I trust the leaders and other members of my barangay.
Resource allocation

The distribution of resources in my barangay is fair and equitable.

The barangay government is transparent in its decision-making about resource allocation.
I have a say in how resources are allocated in my barangay.
I am satisfied with the way resources are allocated in my barangay.
I believe that the barangay government is using resources effectively.
Power dynamics

The barangay government is responsive to the needs of the community.

The barangay government is accountable to the community.
There is equal opportunity for all members of the community to participate in decision-
The barangay government is inclusive of all members of the community.
The barangay government is fair and just in its treatment of all members of the community.

Survey questions to reveal social capital:

What kind of relationships do you have with your neighbors?
How often do you interact with your neighbors?
In what ways do you support your neighbors, and in what ways do they support you?
Are you involved in any social networks or organizations in your barangay? If so, what are
they, and what role do they play in your life?
Can you describe a time when you felt like you could rely on your friends and neighbors for
help and support?

Survey questions to reveal existing projects allocated in barangay, power

distribution, who is more influential person in barangay:
What are some of the most important projects that have been implemented in your
barangay in the past few years? How have these projects impacted you and your
How do you think decisions about resource allocation are made in your barangay? Who is
involved in this process?
Who do you think are the most influential people in your barangay? Why do you think they
are influential?

Ask questions that are more open-ended and allow respondents to provide more detailed and
nuanced responses. This will help you to better understand the social capital dynamics in the
barangay, as well as the perceptions of resource allocation and power distribution.

Can you describe your social networks in the barangay? Who are the people that you
interact with regularly?
What kinds of support do you provide to your friends and neighbors, and what kinds of
support do they provide to you?
How do you think your social networks have impacted your life in the barangay?
Can you describe a time when your social networks helped you to achieve a goal or
overcome a challenge?

Resource allocation:
What are some of the most important projects that have been implemented in your
barangay in the past few years?
How have these projects impacted you and your community?
How do you think decisions about resource allocation are made in your barangay?
Who is involved in this process?
What are your perceptions of the fairness and equitability of resource allocation in your
Can you describe a time when you felt like you or your community was not fairly treated in
terms of resource allocation?

Power dynamics:
Who do you think are the most influential people in your barangay? Why do you think they
are influential?
How do you think power is exercised in your barangay?
What are your perceptions of the relationship between power and resource allocation in
your barangay?
Can you describe a time when you felt like you were impacted by the power dynamics in
your barangay?

Here are some questions using the Likert scale for a study on the impact of social capital on
resource allocation and power dynamics:

Social capital
I have a strong network of personal relationships with people who can help me get things
(Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)
I am able to access resources that are not available to everyone because of my social
(Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)
My social connections give me power and influence over others. (Strongly disagree,
Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)
Resource allocation

Social capital plays a significant role in how resources are allocated within organizations
and communities. (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly
People with more social capital tend to receive more resources than those with less social
capital. (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)
Social capital can be used to influence the allocation of resources in favor of oneself or one's
group. (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)

Power dynamics
Social capital plays a significant role in shaping power dynamics within organizations and
communities. (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly
People with more social capital tend to have more power and influence over others.
(Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)
Social capital can be used to gain power and influence over others. (Strongly disagree,
Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)
These are just a few examples, and you may need to develop additional questions that are
specific to your research topic. You can also use a variety of Likert scale formats, such as 5-
point (strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, strongly agree) or 7-
point (strongly disagree, disagree, slightly disagree, neither agree nor disagree, slightly
agree, agree, strongly agree).
When using the Likert scale, it is important to ensure that the questions are clear, concise,
and unbiased. You should also avoid using double-barreled questions, which are questions
that ask two things at once. For example, the question "I like my boss and I respect my
coworkers" is a double-barreled question, because it asks about two different things (liking
one's boss and respecting one's coworkers). Instead, you should ask two separate
questions: "I like my boss" and "I respect my coworkers."

Finally, it is important to note that the Likert scale is not a perfect measure of attitudes or
beliefs. However, it is a widely used and accepted method, and it can be a useful tool for
gathering data on your research topic.

Here are some questions using a 5-point Likert scale that you can use for your research on
the impact of social capital on resource allocation and power dynamics within barangay
level politics:

Social capital
I have strong relationships with my neighbors and other members of my barangay.
I feel a sense of community and belonging in my barangay.
I can rely on my neighbors and other members of my barangay for help and support when I
need it.
I am involved in social and civic activities in my barangay.
I trust the leaders and other members of my barangay.

Resource allocation
The distribution of resources in my barangay is fair and equitable.
The barangay government is transparent in its decision-making about resource allocation.
I have a say in how resources are allocated in my barangay.
I am satisfied with the way resources are allocated in my barangay.
I believe that the barangay government is using resources effectively.

Power dynamics
The barangay government is responsive to the needs of the community.
The barangay government is accountable to the community.
There is equal opportunity for all members of the community to participate in decision-
The barangay government is inclusive of all members of the community.
The barangay government is fair and just in its treatment of all members of the community.

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