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Written by Art by

Mike Lafferty JEShields, Jacob Blackmon, Dean Spencer,

Peter Saga, Rick Hershey, Marcum Curlee.
Bradley McDevitt, Jon Gibbons

Based on Havoc Brigade by Layout by

Grant Howitt Craig Williams


Pew! Pew! is a rules-light roleplaying game, with everything you need to play (aside
from dice and friends) contained within this document. It's a light-hearted one-
shot game; this isn't a story about deep-seated emotional turmoil and tortured
introspection. It's a story about explosions and loads of big fights and ray guns and,
maybe, maybe laser swords. It's an excellent game to run at conventions or as an
emergency pick-up game, because all the prep is already done – it's baked into the
system. This is a game designed to tell one particular story: one of bounty hunters
tracking down a target in a sci-fi fantasy western setting.

One player acts as the gamesmaster, controlling the setting and all the non-player
characters within. The other players take on the role of the bounty hunter squad, a
rough-and-tumble bunch on a dangerous mission.

The characters are all pre-generated, so the GM should hand them out at the start
of the session and the players can pick which ones they like.

Pew Pew! is Inspired by
• Guardians of the Galaxy
• Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
• Havoc Brigade by Grant Howitt
• Honey Heist by Grant Howitt
• Killjoys
• The Mandalorian
• Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone


You'll need to print out the character sheets for the players to choose from, and a
copy of the map to reference in the centre of the table so they can plan their assault.

Lots of six-sided dice

About twenty-five should do it. If you don't have that many, you can use tokens or
poker chips to represent them. Using a dice-roller app for this game might prove
difficult, so don't say I didn't warn you.

Something to write with

You'll need pens and pencils for everyone at the table so you can scrawl on the map
and keep your sheets up to date.

About 3 hours
Pew Pew! isn’t a long game, nor should it be, because the pace at which it operates
can get quite tiring if allowed to run on for much longer than that.

lawless, mostly empty, and ripe for ne’er-do-
INTRODUCTION: wells of all sorts. Although if the money is right
BOUNTY HUNTING ON THE bounty hunters will sometimes take jobs in the
Galactic Core where the Government, Military,
GALACTIC FRINGE and Corporation have their headquarters.

Credits The spendable currency of the setting.

Faraday: Money for blood is a peculiar business. Also called lucre, joy, cheddar, juice or more
- Magnificent Seven (2016) simply creds, this is the usual payment for
bounties - although sometimes other forms of
Pew! Pew!: No Disintegrations is a fun and payment or forms of barter are accepted.
rules-light role playing game about science
fiction bounty hunters. The Government
The ruling authorities might be called the
While we don’t want to dictate much more
Federation, the Alliance, the Republic or the
setting than that (so that the GM and the
Empire. They may range from tyrannical to
players can make it how they like), let’s hit a
benevolent. Since they’re based out of The Core,
few of the major highlights:
they’re a long way from here and you’ll have to
provide your own safety and justice for the most
The Galactic Fringe part. Their agents (whether soldiers, bureaucrats,
(also known as The Rim) or lawmen) may occasionally show up - but don’t
It’s the outer edge of galactic civilization bet on that happening at a convenient moment.
where most bounty hunters ply their trade. It’s They may also offer bounties (through the Guild)

on escaped prisoners, terrorists, deserters from stops them, due to a combination of graft and
the military, or other persons of interest. begrudging tolerance - since the Mobs do
keep the remote areas relatively stable and the
The Military government is too busy with the Core Worlds.
The bulk of the Government’s space fleet and If you’re lucky, you’ll never interact with them
legions of soldiers are deployed in The Core, except when you’re carrying out a bounty for
keeping order and policing the space lanes for them. Smart bounty hunters don’t cross them
pirates, rebel scum, smugglers. Except for the and don’t get involved in their turf wars (unless
occasional official colony world or Corporation the pay is really good).
extraction operation with a garrison for protection,
you don’t see the military too often out here. THE SETTING: DODHAR CITY
Grixeon 7 was a sleepy planet in the Galactic
The Corporation Fringe. Inhabited by the Grix (walrus-esque
A massive resource extraction conglomerate, humanoids) living a peaceful and rural
the Corporation has its hooks in most resource existence.
mining operations in the Fringe. While their
primary interest is asteroid mining, they also Then the Dodhar came. They subjugated the
have large operations extracting rare vapors native Grix and erected Dodhar City, a domed
from gaseous planets or nebulas and planet- settlement with a spaceport. Outside the
side mining and drilling. They will offer bounties purview of the Galactic Government, they set up
via the Guild on eco-terrorists and other a rough and tumble frontier border town that
groups who violently interfere with their plans. turned a blind eye to all sorts of criminal activity
More rarely, they offer bounties for bringing - as long as there was profit in it for them.
in company executives or employees who
embezzled or sold trade secrets to competitors. A few years later, Dodhar City has become
a destination for all sorts of villainy and scum
from the Galaxy and the Dodhar have grown
The Guild
rich and complacent. Meanwhile, the Grix have
The independent agency that provides bounties licked their wounds and are waiting for their
for folks like the PCs to carry out. Nominally chance to get some payback…
permitted by the Government, as they help to
provide some measure of social order on the
Fringe, this is how you get paid. They don’t have
many rules, just get the job done and get out. Captain Tagon: It's NOT okay for us to sell a
They frown on bounty hunters who take sides guy back to the people who love him, but it's
in non-bounty related disputes, or who ask too just fine for us to sell him to a body politic that
many questions. The Guild provides bounty wants to incarcerate him or execute him?
hunters with tracking fobs that will direct
hunters to a target’s unique bio-signature if Doythaban: Bounty-hunting is like that.
they are within 500 kilometers. It is possible to - Schlock Mercenary
work as a hunter without Guild support - but
it requires a lot more legwork. Also - the Guild Rayce Gunnar, the salty veteran hunter who is
doesn’t look kindly on competition... the PC’s contact with the Bounty Hunter’s Guild
meets them at his favorite tavern to give them
The Mobs (also known as The Families, their latest mission.
Clans or Great Houses)
Kesegg Nevill is wanted by the Government.
Various organized crime families operate on He’s a mob boss who hides out in the Galactic
the Galactic Fringe. The Government rarely Fringe on a planet called Grixeon 7. He poses

as a legitimate merchant but he’s actually the The Twist
main financier of the Black Fist pirate clan.
He’s hiding out in a settlement called Dodhar So - maybe you want to spice things up. Perhaps
City. It’s a seedy town outside the Galactic the game went way too fast and easy and you
Government’s jurisdiction - which is why they need to surprise the players to keep them on
want to hire you to snatch him. their toes. Here are some curveballs to throw at
your bounty hunters to complicate the mission.
One standard week from today, there’s going (Statblocks for all the threats mentioned are in
to be a gala to commemorate the opening of the Antagonists section in the back.)
Fehu Casino in Dodhar City. It’s Kesegg Nevill’s
1. Fight the Power! A civil war breaks out
casino and he’ll be the guest of honor. With all
in Dodhar City The hunters will have to
the chaos of the celebration, this will be your
navigate street fighting between Dodhar
best shot to grab him.
City Guards and Grix War Wagons while
they close in on their target. It’s very likely
ALTERNATE MISSIONS they’ll be mistaken for enemies by one or
If you're running Pew Pew! for the same group both sides.
more than once, you might want to have a go at 2. Resistance is Futile! The predatory bio-
some different missions. Although I'm sure you mechanical aliens called the Mechadon
can come up with your own, here are some ideas: have set their sights on Dodhar City.
Invasion ships hover over the domed city as
1. Tan Brodo, the leader of the Space Anti- their giant robotic Battle Frames battle their
Paladin stronghold, the Sorcha Temple, way into the city. The hunters will have to
is wanted by the Government and they’re pursue their quarry while the city falls into
willing to pay the highest bounty ever chaos and tries to fight off the invaders.
recorded to bring him in. 3. Kaiju Chaos! So, it turns out that every 500
2. The rulers of Dodhar City have taken out standard years, a species of 30 foot tall,
a bounty on Cotram Bex, the leader of space-faring giant atomic space lizards
the Grix community there who has been return to Grixeon 7 to mate. In fact, they
plotting a revolt. return to the very spot where Dodhar City
3. Father Nephis, the leader of the shady was built. They are enraged that Dodhar City
Melanau Monastery, is wanted for crimes is occupying their traditional spawning site
he committed in the Core Worlds before and 2d6+1 of them attack the domed city,
he took up his monastic vows. The Melnau rampaging through the streets and dealing
monks are experts at hand to hand combat, out destruction as they go. The hunters
and the monks are beloved by the rulers of will have to navigate around or engage the
the city. It will be a tough mission - but it’s beasts as they pursue their bounty.
a large bounty
Planning Don't worry too much about how the bounty
It's up to the bounty hunters to plan how hunters leave the city unless your group is into
they're getting in, through, and out of the that sort of thing. Build in some quick-escape
city. GM, talk through the planning process solution if you feel the need.
in-character with the players. Rayce Gunnar is
a broad-brush manager and prefers to leave If the action was over too soon, it might be fun
details up to his hunters, so he's keen to go to have a rival bounty hunter squad confront
ahead with whatever they suggest so long as the PCs as they’re leaving town and try to steal
they convince him it's a good idea. the target from them. On the same note, having
to contend with planetary defense platforms,

or a group of pirates and they flee the planet defenders, for example) then the group can
could be cool as well. Notes on space combat treat the action as an attack against morale.
and some sample ships are included later in
this book. The GM can always add dice to their hand
from the chaos factor pool, if they feel it's
We have also included a map of the space appropriate. See the chaos factor section later
around Grixeon 7 to aid in any space combat on for more details.
If the task is dangerous (i.e. combat, running
GM ADVICE through a burning cellar, leaping off a building)
any successes one side has over the other
You are a china-shop architect and you have a applied as wounds to the losing party if the
load of bulls to entertain, so break the city in losing party can take wounds.
interesting ways.
When bounty hunters fight guards in white
Say yes a lot. “Hey, is there a teleportation pad plastic armor, they attack the morale of a group,
in the university?” SURE, WHY NOT. so be flexible about what can harm the enemies.
A bounty hunter smashing in heads with a laser
“Can I hack the Spider-Bots in the forest and axe is certainly going to impact morale, but so
use them as minions?” IF YOU MAKE THE ROLL. is climbing a wall and shouting a blood-curse,
or starting a fire, or trapping reinforcements
“Can we sneak through the sewer tunnels?” behind a locked door. Encourage players to be
ABSOLUTELY. YOU PROBABLY WON’T BE creative - the system can take It.

Ask questions of the players, and incorporate SYSTEM PUT MORE SIMPLY
their answers. At the heart of the game lies a very simple
system. It's this:
Gloss over scenes that aren't too interesting –
resolve them with a single dice roll, if you want. Announce you're trying to do a thing.
Roll a D6. The GM will assign a difficulty (usually
COMBAT, DOING STUFF AND 4). If you roll over that number, you succeed at
DIFFICULTY that thing, so long as it's physically possible.
Sometimes, the Game Master will roll their own
The GM rolls dice against a player's roll to
dice, and successes on their roll cancel out
represent the difficulty of the task.
successes on yours.
If the player is acting against a group of
enemies or creature (a Non-Player Character Add dice to your roll.
or NPC), the NPC can use dice from their However, you can add dice to your roll – and
equipment much in the same way a bounty increase your chance of success - by using things
hunter would. on your character sheet. Most of the items listed
below add (at least) one die each. Provided, of
If the bounty hunters are acting against an course, that the Game Master agrees they apply
obstacle, the GM assigns a difficulty rating to to the thing you’re trying to do.
it from zero (pretty easy) to three (pretty hard).
Often, if the player is overcoming an obstacle SKILLS add one dice to an appropriate action.
and doing so would make it easier to harm You can only add one dice from skills to any
enemies (climbing up a high wall to attack given roll.

EQUIPMENT adds one dice, so long as you officer that Vader chokes right before the
explain how it's useful to your action. You can Battle of Hoth can go first. (Spoiler alert: It
use as many different pieces of equipment as was Admiral Ozzel.)
you like on a roll, so long as you can convince
the GM that they're applicable, but you may DRIVES
only use each piece of equipment once per roll.
River: You’re a liar. I don’t think your intentions
DRIVES add two dice so long as you're working are honorable.
towards satisfying them. Like equipment, drives Early: Hell no. I’m a bounty hunter. That’s not
are limited-use, and you can use as many of generally considered honorable so much as… I
them as the GM deems applicable per roll – but live by a code, though. Which I think is worth—
you can only use each drive once per roll. River: You hurt people.

THE CHAOS FACTOR adds anywhere from - Firefly, Objects in Space

two to LOADS of dice, but you can only use
the chaos factor once per game. It's a bit Drives add two dice so long as you're working
complicated, though, so we'll go into it in more towards satisfying them. Drives are limited-use
detail later. (usually twice per game at GM’s discretion),
and you can use as many of them as the GM
THE CAREFULLY CRAFTED PLAN Once per deems justifiable per roll – but you can only use
game, you can come up with a CAREFULLY each drive once per roll.
CRAFTED PLAN for another bounty hunter
to enact before they take their action. If the Sample drives might be:
character you've chosen acts on your advice, • To maintain my reputation as the best in
they add 2 dice to their roll whilst attempting the parsec
to act it out. • To always bring in the bounty
• To help my tribe
YOU OWE ME ONE! This doesn’t add dice to a • To avenge my homeworld
roll - but it enables a re-roll. Each bounty hunter • To follow the Old Ways
has two slots on their sheet labeled “You Owe • To disintegrate as many Government
Me One!” If another character fails a roll but jackboots as possible
you want to help, you can say YOU OWE ME • To blast as many Mob thugs as I can
ONE and they may re-roll all their dice. Cross • To help a nascent rebellion in the Fringe
off one of the slots whenever you use it. You • To earn enough credits to ransom my father
can't proclaim YOU OWE ME ONE to yourself. from the Slug Mafia of Xeron 7

No rules for this. Go in whatever order you Skills add one die to a roll. You can only add a
decide on. If you really need rules - well - here single skill die to a roll.
are some options
1. Maybe the youngest goes first and then the Every pregen character has 4 skills. They are
second youngest and so on? Yaknow - like tailored to fit the characters. If you’re creating
in Candyland. your own character - you and the GM can figure
2. Everyone rolls 1d6. Reroll any ties. Highest out what skills work for you.
goes first
3. Paper, Rock, Scissors. Winner goes first with Keep in mind - this is a rules light system. Just
the person to her left going next. like when you were playing with action figures
4. First one to correctly identify the Imperial as a kid, chances are any given character could

do what the situation called for. Can Duchess
Meya fly that snowspeeder even though she
doesn’t have the Drive/Pilot skil? Sure, why Mal: Fully-loaded, safety off. This here is a
not? Can the greying space wizard sabotage recipe for unpleasantness.
the space station's tractor beam even if he
doesn’t have the Technology skill? Absolutely. - Firefly, Objects in Space
Can the repair droid fight off a couple of battle
droids in the hangar? Go for it! In Pew, Pew!, equipment is simply stuff that
adds one die to a roll as long as you can explain
But, having said that, IF you have a skill how it’s relevant. You can use as many different
relevant to something, you’ve got a particular pieces of equipment as you like on a roll, so
talent or experience that lets you have an extra long as you can convince the GM that they're
die when you’re doing something related. applicable, but you may only use each piece of
equipment once per roll.
Here are some suggestions with explanations:
Below is a list of sample equipment. Some
Combat - Covers both hand-to-hand and of it is self-explanatory - like a blaster or body
melee weapons. armor. Some of it requires some explanation -
Drive/Pilot - Does it fly, walk or roll? You’re like magnetized boots or a hologram projector.
better at it than average with this skill. We’ve included a brief explanation with those
First Aid - Healing your comrades or yourself. about how they can be useful. Feel free to
Each character can only attempt to be healed make up your own as well as make up new and
once per scene. interesting ways to use the equipment on this list.
Infiltration - Being sneaky.
Resilience - Being extra tough. Some equipment (notably medpacks, body
Shooting - General skill that covers all ranged armor and ship shields) are limited use, and will
weapons. be “used up,” as indicated by circles after the
Technology - Being able to work with equipment.
machines, robots, ships and computers.
Tracking - You’re extra good at running down Sample Equipment
your quarry. Medpacks - For first aid. 3 uses before it is
SCAVENGING Binoculars - see far things clearly
Body Armor - You can add this to your roll
After a fight, or when they find a particularly
when you’re opposing an attack roll. 3 uses
useful stash of supplies, the bounty hunters
before it is destroyed.
can scavenge for equipment – but only once
Bionic Limbs - Can be considered weapons
per scene!
and so they can add a dice to attacks.
Built-in Targeting Device - Mostly seen on
GM, roll a die: that's how many useful pieces
cyborgs or robots.
of equipment the characters can scavenge from
Built-in Taser - Embedded weapon usually
this scene. If you want to determine the sort
seen on cyborgs or robots.
of equipment that the characters can take (i.e.
Dagger - Stabby!
“A laser sword,” “A medpack,” “A bionic hand”)
EMP Grenade - Releases a powerful
then go ahead, otherwise, ask the players what
electromagnetic pulse that temporarily
they want to find and work something out
disables any electronic systems (security
robots may or may not be shielded from this
effect at GM's discretion.)

Energy Whip - Ensnares and grapples. Rocket Board - same as rocket boots
Enemy loses one dice to their next but cooler and more extreme. Because
attack. Can also be used as a weapon. it’s a board.
Grapple Hook - Ensnares and grapples. Rocket Boots - you can fly. Space
Enemy loses one dice to their next flight too. But you’d need some kind
attack. Can be used to attach to of life support for that. See the instant
vehicles. helmet.
Hacking Device - allows you to take Scrambler - you can temporarily disable
over any electronic system or NPC electronic communications and monitoring
robot. For example, you could take in the immediate local area (1 square mile).
over the security system on a prison Smoke Bomb - adds +1 difficulty to all
ship - or open a locked door etc. combat attacks rolls.
Hologram Projector - you have a Sticky Grenade - Deploys a 10 ft x 10ft x
small device that can be used to 10ft cube of extremely adhesive gel. Useful
project illusions wherever you place for blocking hallways.
it. For example, you can make it appear Sword - Stabby and Slicey!
that you’re somewhere you’re not. Or Wrist-Mounted FlameThrower -
make it appear that there’s a wall where Basically the same as a blaster - but
there’s a hallway etc. cooler since it involves fire.
Instant Helmet - instant life support and
breathable atmosphere supply. Handy for ANTAGONISTS AND
using the rocket board or boots and zooming
through space. Shrinks down to a tiny and
discrete size when not in use. Boba Fett: You can run, but you’ll only die tired.
Magnetized Boots - walk on any metal surface
(walls, ceilings, exteriors of ships etc). - Book of Boba Fett
Net Gun - ensnares your target(s). They will
lose 2 dice on their next attack. (Note: there are a bunch of antagonists listed
Personal Stealth Field - makes it easy to be at the end of this book.)
sneaky. You cannot be seen by an average
disinterested guard if you move quietly. Non-Player Characters don't act like the player
If you’re evading competent guards - you characters – they can only react to what the
get an extra dice to any rolls to avoid being bounty hunters are doing, usually by defending
seen. If you attack - the field drops. You can themselves, dying messily, or running away.
reactivate it after the fight if you take a turn
to do so.
Pocket Spy Droid - mini drone that can sneak
around corners and report back to its owner.

When the GM acts, they act as all the - a sci-fi version of a first aid kid). Medpacks
antagonists in an area. Get descriptive with or similar medical devices are required to
how many there are, what they're up to, what heal someone.
they're doing, how they're armed, etc. You can • Being healed restores one lost health level.
assume that each distinct unit of antagonists • A character can only be healed once per
has a number of members equal to its morale/ scene.
stamina score plus or minus a couple. When a • Medpacks have 3 uses before they are
player acts in combat, it's fun to assume that exhausted.
every success removes a squad member, but • Default difficulty for a healing roll is 4.
play fast and loose with this for the sake of
Pew! Pew! uses an abstract system. Essentially, Sam Chisolm: What's the plan?
when a bounty hunter attacks a group of Josh Farraday: I've always wanted to blow
antagonists, they're attacking the group’s something up?
morale and the authority of the leader. This is Sam Chisolm: That's not a plan.
represented as morale/stamina points. Once
a squad's morale/stamina points have been - The Magnificent Seven (2016)
eliminated, the whole squad is out of the fight -
they run away, surrender, die, fall down a deep Even the best plans fall victim to random chance
reactor shaft, or whatever. They're no longer and chaos. This is represented by the Chaos
a threat. See the Wound Levels and Healing Factor Pool. This is the capacity of the situation
section below for more detail on how damage to go sideways at any moment - either to the
affects PCs. benefit or detriment of the players.

GM - when you roll the dice against the PCs

WOUND LEVELS AND HEALING either in combat or for non-combat challenges-
If a task is dangerous (i.e. combat, running you can add dice from the Chaos Factor Pool
through a burning bunker, leaping off a to make it more difficult. For example - the
building) any successes one side has over the Dire Walrus that attacks the PCs’ ship as they
other are applied as wounds to the Morale/ attempt to leave the nameless, seedy ice planet
Stamina pool of the losing party if the losing is unusually strong when it attacks their ship
party can take wounds. (thanks to the Chaos Factor dice) and actually
prevents them from lifting off.
Characters have five wound levels (with the last
one being Dying.) Once these are all ticked off, Additionally, when the PCs do something
the bounty hunter is Dying, and will die at the that would make their mission more likely to
end of the scene unless they're a) healed before fail (starting gunfights in public areas, drawing
then or b) take more damage. Dying characters attention by detonating explosives in daylight
can act as normal. in the town square, etc.), you can add a die to
the Chaos Factor Pool. The pool also replenishes
Healing at the end of every turn.
A few rules about healing:
• A character with combat medicine expertise Chaos can also be used to the bounty
can attempt to heal another character or hunters’ favor. Once per game, every character
themselves at any time whether or not they can use the chaos to their advantage. Grab all
have a medpack. the dice in the Chaos Factor Pool (whether the
• Any character can use a medpack (basically GM's rolled them this turn or not) and describe
some awesome but unlikely thing that happens

that benefits your character or Since Pew! Pew! is an abstract system - space
describe an amazing action combat operates functionally
your character is doing. (For identically to ‘regular’
example: it turns out the infant combat. Ships owned by the
that is your bounty secretly players have damage levels,
has telekinetic powers and uses just like characters do, with
them to oppose the attack of the the exact number of levels
monster who was about to kill you.) The depending on the kind of
GM rolls against you at the base Chaos Factor ship. (The massive star
value for the area. destroyer has more
damage levels than the
After the PC has used the Chaos Factor Pool, snub fighter.) Combat
it refreshes to the default level for the area. occurs between ships
and the only equipment that can
Note that different areas have different be used is equipment associated with those
capacities for chaos and disaster. These are the ships - although PCs can use their skills to
baseline Chaos Factor Pool values for scenes in add to the dice pool. Sample spaceships are
those locations. You’ll notice that they are low included in the PC and antagonists sections.
in remote/rural areas and high in urban areas
and enemy HQs. This is because there are many Spaceship Repair
more things and people that can interfere and If a character has the Repair skill, they can make
throw a monkey wrench in the works in those a roll to repair a level of damage to the ship
locales. while in combat. (This can be done multiple
• Forest, farms, and wilderness areas: 2 times.) Note that since you can only take one
• Small settlements and working class action per turn - a single character cannot both
neighborhoods of a large city: 3 attack and repair on the same turn.
• Cruising the space lanes: 3
• Middle-class and commercial districts: 4 So, if you want to make a repair in combat,
• Gas cloud inside of a nebula: 4 you’re leaving the cockpit to mess around with
• Upper-class districts or government wrenches in the engine room and you give up
facilities: 5 your attack action for that turn.
• Asteroid fields: 5
• Inside an enemy HQ (or HOWEVER - if you have
ship): 6 passengers with the Repair
skill, they can do that while
FATIGUE the pilot is in the cockpit
This is an optional rule to speed up doing an attack action. There
combat if it starts to drag. After the first 2-3 is a pretty good argument for
rounds, consider removing one dice per round having some additional characters in
from the Antagonists’ dice pool to simulate the your ship, so they can repair while
stress and fatigue of combat. you’re piloting and shooting.

ALSO - if a ship has a repair droid,

that droid allows you to make both
"The only thing between you and the vacuum a repair roll and an attack roll on
of space is six feet of solid style." the same turn. The repair droid can
repair up to 3 damage levels per combat. (Put
-Spore differently - you can have three successful

repair tests per combat before the droid needs a competent patrol, you get an extra die to
to rest and recover from the stress of combat.) any rolls to avoid being seen. If you attack,
the field drops. You can reactivate it after the
At the GM’s discretion, if your ship has fight or if you take a turn to do so.
multiple weapons (or other gadgets that can Gravimetric Implosion Mines - Maybe you
be used in combat - such as tractor beams) want to drop something out of the back of
then other characters can use those weapons. your ship to discourage a pursuer? This is the
Feel free to have all the characters on one ship Proton Torpedoes - You can add two dice to
man different duty stations - or spread them out an attack roll when using this.
on multiple ships if they prefer - whatever works. Repair Droid - Allows you make repair rolls in
combat while also attacking.
SHIP EQUIPMENT Shields - same as body armor.
Signal Jammer - Prevents a targeted ship from
Here are some more ideas for ship equipment: using its communication gear.
Advanced Avionics Computer: Makes the Tractor Beam - Enables you to tow another
ship more agile. Handy in an asteroid field or ship. If used in combat, reduces the
a dog fight. opponent’s next attack die by 1.
Blasters - Pew pew!
Camouflage Field - It’s a device that, erm,
cloaks your ship. Makes it easy to be SECTION 2:
sneaky. You cannot be seen by an average
disinterested patrol ship. If you’re evading PREGENERATED PCs


The Ekliptar Damage


Blasters Shields

Bhala 9 Damage

Blasters Shields
Camouflage Field

The Dire Wolf Damage


Repair Droid
Tractor Beam

The Emancipator Damage


Blasters Shields
Repair Droid

Skua Class Scout Damage


Blasters Shields
Repair Droid

The Abyss Skimmer Damage


Blasters Shields
Repair Droid
Camouflage Field

Ghost 1 Damage

Blasters Shields
Repair Droid

The White Wyvern Damage


Blasters Shields
Repair Droid

The Ekliptar Damage


Blasters Shields
Signal Jammer

The Dragon's Tooth Damage


Blasters Shields


1) Dodhar City Orbital Battle Station 3) Badger Class Merchant Vessel

Equipment Equipment
• Deflectors • Medium Gravitron Blaster Batteries
• Proton Torpedoes O O O O O (exhausted
after 5 uses) Ship Damage Levels
• Turbo Blasters 10 - O O O O O O O O O O

Station Damage Levels

4) Mechadon Invasion Ship
15 - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
• Deflectors 0000
2) Black Fist Pirate Clan • Long Range Scanners
• Gravimetric Missiles (5)
Hammerhead Class Fighter Ships • Tachyon Blasters
• Heavy Lasers Ship Damage Levels
• Tractor Beam 20 - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

Ship Damage Levels


These are examples of the sorts of things that the characters will be fighting in and around
Dodhar City; make an encounter with some of them for every applicable scene. If you have lots
of players, up their morale; if you have fewer, lower it.

ATOMIC SPACE LIZARD, Once every 500 years,

this mysterious race of star-faring atomic space
lizards return to Grizeon 7 to make baby space
lizards. This time when they show up, they
find someone has built a city on their favorite
mating spot. So - they’re mad, amorous and
rampaging through Dodhar City.

• Atomic Breath
• Big Old Feet
• Deafening Roar
• Massive Tail
• Scaly Armored Skin
• Unusually Resilient (can
survive the rigors of outer

Morale/Stamina: 25-

THE ASTAUROS, Astauros are a bovine humanoid race who
have several settlements throughout the Galactic Fringe -
including a small district in Dodhar City. They have close ties to
the Zwerge community and are generally employed by them at
Dodhar University as security and grounds-
keeping staff. They are quite proud of the
hedge maze they’ve grown on the campus.

Led by: Khras Batta, taciturn experienced

gardener tries to settle conflicts
peacefully if possible to avoid damage
to the beautiful grounds that he and his
fellow Astauros are responsible for.

Describe them in three words:

Taciturn, Violent

• Berserker Rage
• Electrified Two-Handed Battle Axes
• Sharp Horns
• Strong Like Bull
• Zwerge-Built Heavy Armor

Morale/Stamina: 12- O O O O O O O O O O O O

THE BANDUA, The Bandua are a group of saurian

refugees who wander the star lanes making a
livelihood from trade and black market activities.
They can be found patrolling the Market District,
the Opulent Bazaar (where they provide security)
and also in their home in the Bandua District

Led by: Gronhar Tyko - Young buck who has

ascended to leadership of his clan before he
was ready. Trying too hard to make a name for
himself - especially with his fists

Short Summary: Scaly, Huge, Durable

• Mismatched Body Armor
• Blasters
• Claws
• Teeth

Morale/Stamina: 13- O O O O O O O O O O O O O

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BLACK FIST PIRATES, These multi-species space
buccaneers are the scourge of the trade ways and frontier
settlements. They maintain a series of bases throughout the
Rim and have one such installation in the Dorcha Forest from
where they secretly communicate with the Ikoni based in
Dodhar City. They attack any non-Ikoni strangers on sight.

Led By: Professor Laefbex - Once a respected robotics

professor in the Core Worlds, now a remorseless
criminal with a foppish sense of style and a tendency
to speak in overly dramatic manner. He’s the creator of
the Spider-Bot Sentries who patrol the forest around
the Black Fist outpost.

Short Summary: Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels

• Blaster Rifles
• Energy Whips
• Proton Grenades
• Various Bits of Black Market Body Armor

Morale/Stamina: 7 - O O O O O O O


Fist leader, Professor Laefbex, these arachnid-esque robotic sentries
patrol a perimeter around the pirate’s base in the Dorcha Forest.
Gnoll in SPAcE
Led by: AC-73, a sentry bot with a genius level AI (the professor
salvaged him from a research vessel the pirates had looted) who
is annoyed that he’s wasting his intellect walking patrols in a
forest on a backwater planet.

Short Summary: Ramshackle, Does Whatever A

Spider Can, Devious

• Abdomen-Mounted Heavy Blaster
• Does Whatever a Spider Can
• Robotic Reflexes
• Rocket Powered Swing-Line
• Scrap Metal Armor
• Synthetic Webbing

Morale/Stamina: 6- O O O O O O

DODHAR CITY MILITIA, Underpaid and underappreciated
basic security force are mostly just mercenaries who patrol and
keep order in the more respectable areas around the city

Led By: Vero Apave - Resentful bureaucrat willing to look the

other day if the price is right

Short Summary: Overworked, Underpaid, Main Goal is to Go

Home Every Night

• Military Surplus Pulse Wave Rifles
• Stun Batons

Morale/Stamina: 9- O O O O O O O O O


WALKER, these military surplus walker
mecha are used by the regular city militia to
quell demonstrations that get too unruly.

• Giant Clawed Metal Feet
• Medium Armor
• Non-Lethal Sonic Weapon

Morale/Stamina 14- O O O O O O O O O

THE DURIUS, are an aloof, emotionless and elegant race with
green skin and antennae. The Durius have a small community
in Dodhar City. They are paid lavishly by the city government
to manage and maintain both the Dyrwa Exotic Zoo and
Klathanna Gardens. Both establishments feature flora and
fauna from Duriu Prime - the Durius homeworld - and are the
favorite locations in the city for the Dodhar nobility.

Led by: Vinca Delstee, a dedicated zoologist who takes her job
very seriously.
Describe them in three words: Graceful, Telepathic, Fragile

• Ancestral Battle Staffs
• Intelligent/Domesticated Predatory Large Cats
• Masterwork Durius Wrist Blasters
• Mental Blast attacks
• Psychically Attuned Durius Armor
• Sentient Vines and Trees

Morale/Stamina: 8- O O O O O O O O

ELITE DODHAR CITY GUARDS, these guards are the

hippo-folk (aka Dodhar) who founded Dodhar City. They
can be found in the government district of Ironmace,
The Garrison District, the Starport, Iculu Palace and the
Bleeding Twilight nightclub.

Led by: Porro Shif, a Dodhar noble with a short temper

and no patience for anyone who’s not a Dodhar.

Describe them in three words: Arrogant,

Stylishly Dressed, Violent

• Big Muscles
• Huge Mouth with Massive Teeth
• Impressive Speed for Something so Large
• Laser Lance

Morale/Stamina: 12- O O O O O O O O O O O O

GRIX SELF DEFENSE SQUAD, The squat, tusky and angry Grix
were the original inhabitants of the planet Grixeon 7 who were
subjugated by the Dodhar. Those that live in the city are confined
by law to Grixtown -a shanty-town outside the dome. They can
also be found at the Riverine Trading Post and in the Dorcha

Led By: Cotram Bex, a trader who plans for the day
his people can drive out the hated Dodhar. They are
wary of outsiders but are willing to ally with anyone
if there’s clear profit or if it will annoy the Dodhar.

They are planning an uprising against the Dodhar.

Although determined, they are seriously out-gunned
and might be willing to contract with well armed strangers
who could lend a hand.

Short Summary: Squat, Tusky, Angry

• Heavy Blasters
• Big Ol’ Teeth
• There’s a Bunch of Muscle Under that Flab
• Surprisingly Fast

Morale/Stamina: 10 - O O O O O O O O O O

GRIX WAR WAGON, the Grix have constructed these ramshackle but
formidable armored fighting vehicles in secret. They are
hidden in various nondescript warehouses in Grixtown.
They plan to use them in their uprising.

• Battering Ram
• Heavy Mounted Blasters
• Heavy Armor
• Giant Treads

Morale/Stamina 17- O O O O O O

THE IKONI, The Ikoni have a smaller forested
sub-dome to themselves within the main dome of
Dodhar city near the Ikoni Gate due to a special
relationship with the ruling class of hippo-folk (the
Dodhar). The Ikoni prefer to live in the dim lighting of
their forested dome because it reminds them of home
and also affords the opportunity to occasionally
glide using a furred parachute-like skin membrane
that stretches from wrist to ankle.

Led by: Kesegg Nevill, a mob boss who secretly

controls the Black Fist Pirate Clan. He has an
elaborate front as a legitimate merchant and has
used his fortune to build an environment dome for
the Ikoni of Dodhar City - most of whom are related to
him in some way and members of his criminal organization.

Describe them in three words: Fuzzy, Clever, Tricksy

• Gliding Membrane
• Hidden Traps Everywhere
• Body Armor
• Blasters
• Stun Batons
• Surprise Aerial Attacks

Morale/Stamina: 10- O O O O O O O O O O

THE KAURLI, A race renowned for their love of star-faring, the Kaurli
are turtle-folk who often hire out as engineers, navigators and even
mercenaries on the star ships that visit Dodhar City and have carved
out an enclave close to the Star District (little Kaurlitown). The
transient nature of their community makes them more likely to
resolve problems with outsiders with violence.

Led by: Krune Daxo, a retired star ship navigator whose life
has taught her to be very suspicious of outsiders.

Describe them in three words: Leathery, Durable, Persistent

• Dogged Persistence
• Natural Body Armor
• Souped-up, Tricked-Out Blaster Rifles
• Surprisingly Sharp Beaks

Morale/Stamina: 11- O O O O O O O O O O O

KNOT’S LAMENT, toughs and
hoods in the employ of a gang boss
- found in a scruffy neighborhood
known as The Knot.

Led by: Cenzic Horne - drunk

cutthroat trying to make it through
another night

Short summary: Sneaky, Dangerous,


• Black Market Bionic Limbs
• Light Blasters
• Salvaged Body Armor
• Shivs

Morale/Stamina: 4- O O O O

THE MELNAU, a monastic sect of nomadic feline aliens from a race

called the Lilzathi. The Melnau are an ostensibly peaceful group who
seek only to aid the needy, proselytize and practice their martial arts.
They also are rumored to fund their activities via extensive covert
dealings with the black market and renting their services as muscle
to crime syndicates. (The Galactic Government has never
been able to conclusively prove any of this however.)
Their monastery is located in the northern edge of
Dodhar City. They are under contract with the facility
owners to provide security for the Velocidrone and the
Fehu Casino - which are near their monastery. .

Led by: Father Nephis, a grizzled, world-weary Lilzathi who

now seeks redemption (and profit) as a holy man in the
Melnau Order.

Short Summary: Inscrutable, Fuzzy, Deceptive

• Catlike Agility
• Claws
• Discreetly Hidden Blasters
• Monastic Martial Arts
• Prehensile Tails

Morale/Stamina: 8- O O O O O O O O

MECHADON INVADERS, the robotic Mechadons
despise all organic life. This armored and deadly
warrior-bot squad is the tip of the spear of the
scuttling horde they deploy when they’re on the


• Armor
• Heavy Blasters
• Hive Mind Coordinated Tactics
• Sinister Claws

Morale/Stamina 10- O O O O O O O O O O

PINOPTERS, these sentient, horned seal-folk are
native to the rivers and oceans of Grixeon 7.
Like the Grix (their long-time allies) they hate
the Dodhar, Unlike the Grix, they are openly
hostile towards outsiders. They live a
simple existence, hunting and scavenging
whatever they find in the Abhail River and
the sewers beneath Dodhar City; and they
aren’t above attacking unwary travelers.

Led by: Ursol, puckish warrior who lives

for the thrill of the chase and the glory of
the fight. Retreats when things don’t go
his way.

Short Summary: Furry, Horned,


• Bio-Electric Attack
• Cleverly Set Traps
• Horns
• Muscular Tail
• Teeth
• Whoa - They Swim Fast

Morale/Stamina: 8- O O O O O O O O

RIVAL BOUNTY HUNTER SQUAD, Sometimes the Guild sends

multiple teams of hunters after a bounty. They trust that the
hunters can sort out any disagreements they have in the
Led By: Naut Currican - Physical imposing, seasoned hunter
who is known for his brutal methods and his reputation
for never turning down a bounty…or a fight…or a drink.

Short Summary: Professional, Lethal, Greedy

• Strength Enhancing Body Armor
• Heavy Blasters (with optional stun setting)
• Ion Grenades
• Net Gun

Morale/Stamina: 13 - O O O O O O O O O O O

space mystics have a mysterious business
relationship with the Dodhar and the Ikoni.
Hence, they have a permanent base in Dodhar
City - the Sorcha Temple. They can also be
found around the Ikoni Settlement Dome and
Iculu Palace.

Led By: Tan Brodo - a sullen, mysterious figure

in an impressive helmet

Short Summary: Angry, Nihilistic, Psychic

• Black Robes
• Customized Laser Swords
• Next Level Deviousness
• Psychic Lightning
• Surprise Telekinetic Attacks

Morale/Stamina: 12 - O O O O O O O O O O O O

THE ZWERGE, a highly inventive and standoffish dwarf-like

alien race who have a small settlement in the Zwerge Quarter
of Dodhar City. They are employed chiefly as instructors at the
university although some also work at the Starport in various
technical positions.

Led by: Marshall Kam Lah, an grumpy Zwerge elder with

a long, gray beard.

Short Summary: Tough, Stubby, Tricky

• Heavy Blasters
• Power Armor
• Experimental (unstable) Explosives
• Alarming Degree of Tactical Finesse

Morale/Stamina: 12 - O O O O O O O O O O O O

preparing to revolt and have secret caches of
SECTION 5: CITY DISTRICT weapons that have been sold to them by their
GUIDE Kaurli. The Grix Self Defense Squad provides
security here.
Abhail River - River that runs close to the
domed settlement of Dodhar City Iculu Palace - in the center of Dodhar city. This
is where the ruling family of Dodhar (hippo-
Bandua District - Shanty-town home of the folk) resides. The elite Dodhar City Guards
space lizardmen who provide security in the provide security here.
Ikoni Settlement Dome - The Ikoni have a
Bleeding Twilight - High end nightclub close smaller forested dome that adjoins the main
to Grand Bazaar. The ruling class Dodhar dome of Dodhar city at the Ikoni Gate. The Ikoni
(hippo-folk) are often found here along with are monkey-folk who have their own separate
a smattering of Ikoni. The Elite Dodhar City domed district due to a special relationship
Guards provide security. with the ruling class of hippo-folk (the Dodhar).
The Ikoni prefer to live among trees for various
Dorcha Forest - This is the forest that surrounds reasons. It reminds them of home and also
Dodhar City. Here you find various local wildlife, affords the opportunity to occasionally glide
the Black Fist pirates and the native walrus- using a furred parachute-like skin membrane
folks (Grix) who chose to not live in the city that stretches from wrist to ankle.

Dodhar Starport - Starport just outside of Ironmace - the government district of Dodhar.
the dome near Grey Gate. The hardscrabble The elite Dodhar City Guards are found
Dodhar City Militia keep the peace here. patrolling here.

Dyrwa Exotic Zoo -. This elaborate wildlife Little Kaurlitown- A race renowned for their
refuge features fauna from Duriu Prime - the love of star-faring, the Kaurli are turtle-folk
Durius homeworld. The zoo is staffed and who often hire out as engineers, navigators
guarded by a large contingent of Durius who and even mercenaries on the star ships that
are employed by the city. visit Dodhar City and have carved out an
enclave close to the Star District. The Kaurli
Fehu Casino - One of the most decadent are secretly allied with the Grix and have been
gambling establishments on the galactic using their positions on spaceships to smuggle
frontier. Run by the local ruling class Dodhar. weapons and other supplies to the incipient
The casino security is handled by the Melnau Grix insurgency.
Klathanna Gardens - These intricately
Garrison District - This is the barracks for the landscaped gardens feature the fauna from
security forces and the Dodhar City Police HQ. Durius Prime. It shares staff with Dyrwa
Both the under-funded militia and the elite Exotic Zoo - and the same expatriate Durius
Dodhar City Guards are based here. community guards and maintains both.

Grixtown- This segregated neighborhood The Knot - The oldest part of the town, now a
where the walrus-folk (Grix) are forced to live. ghetto of twisting streets and alleys inhabited
The Grix are the original inhabitants of the by poor working class beings. The Knot’s
valley and were subjugated when the Dodhar Lament gang patrol the alleys and streets here.
settlers arrived several years ago. The Grix are

Market District - The open air bazaar and to hire onto starships. The militia provides
shopping district for the working class denizens security here.
of the city. The Bandua provide security here.
University District - the Dodhar City University
Opulent Bazaar - High end/luxury shopping of Engineering and mining is run by the city’s
district. Patrons are almost exclusively Dodhar Zwerge community although Astauros may
and Ikoni. The Bandua also provide security here. also be encountered in this area as they are
employed by the University for security and
Riverine Trading Post - A small fortified grounds keeping.
trading post outside the city and along the
banks of the Abhail River for trading with the Velocidrone - Associated with the Fehu Casino,
native Grix. Small militia presence. this is a racetrack/arena for speeder races and
occasional gladiatorial games. Security here is
Sorcha Temple - Space Anti-Paladin outpost. provided by the Melnau monks under special
The Space Anti-Paladins are rumored to have contact.
some sort of business arrangement with the
Dodhar and Ikoni. No one is quite sure what Woodside - The district closest to the Dorcha
they get up to here and no one really wants to Gate. This district is home to the Astauros
check. community - bovine humanoids.

Star District - The district closest to the Grey Zwerge Quarter - The residences for the space
Gate that leads to the space-port. Home to dwarves who run the local university. They also
mechanics, engineers and freelancers looking provide security in their own district.


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