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PLS 103 sections 001, 002 and 003 Exam 1 February 11, 2019 30 points

Questions 1-15 are worth one point each
1. More of the countries which require food assistance are located in this world region than
any other.
A) south Asia B) east Asia C) sub-Saharan Africa D) Caribbean E) South America
2. Violent conflict often causes food insecurity. Identify a country whose food insecurity today
is exacerbated by conflict.
3. Stunting in children is a symptom of long-term hunger. Stunting is defined as _________.
A) low height for age B) low weight for height
C) low IQ for age D) low calories for age

4. ________ is the principal cause of hunger.

A) Poverty B) Climate change C) Low agricultural productivity D) High population

5. In what way do many world farms differ from farms in the U.S.A.

A) more world farms grow corn

B) farms in the USA are less specialized than world farms
C) farms in the USA grow more rice
D) world farms do not use inputs to boost yields
E) the average size of world farms is smaller than USA farms

6. According to “America’s Food Machine” what are the four requirements for productive
agriculture? Circle 4 choices here.

A) good soil B) no pests C) plentiful water D) high carbon dioxide

E) sunlight F) urban markets G) many workers H) adequate temperature

7. According to National Geographic “As World’s Population Booms, Will Its Resources Be
Enough for Us?” the key driver for declining family size has been _________.
A) increased food availability B) improved medical care
C) increased contraceptive availability D) improved education for girls
8. The world’s population today is closest to:
A) 800 million B) 2 billion C) 5 billion D) 8 billion E) 12 billion
9. Which of the following sentences is true?

A) The American diet today is lower in sugar than it was in 1980.

B) More people in the world are obese/over-weight than are hungry.
C) World-wide, the percentage of stunted children has increased since 1980.
D) As the calories consumed by Americans has increased, farmers are receiving a greater

share of our food dollar than at any time since 1980.

10. The average world citizen receives 45% of his/her daily calories from which of these foods?

A) meat B) grains C) sugar crops D) egg and dairy products E) fruits and vegetables

11. Which one of these statements is true?

A) Less than 5% of Kentucky families experienced food hardship last year.
B) Hunger in the USA is primarily an urban problem.
C) Food hardship in Kentucky is higher in families with children.
D) Food insecurity has not been identified as a problem at the University of Kentucky.

12. These nutrient classes provide most of our dietary energy. (Circle as many food classes as
A) carbohydrates B) lipids C) minerals D) proteins E) vitamins F) water
13. What is the most consumed cereal grain in the world?
A) Barley B) Corn C) Millet D) Rice
E) Sorghum F) Soybean G) Wheat
14. What crop is grown on more acres worldwide than any other cereal?
A) Barley B) Corn C) Millet D) Rice
E) Sorghum F) Soybean G) Wheat
15. Which of these countries is not a top 10 corn producer?
A) Brazil B) China C) Kenya D) United States
Questions 16 - 20 are worth 3 points each
16. Define Total Fertility Rate
Describe two factors which promote a decline in the total fertility rate in a country.


17. We predict that world grain production will need to increase rapidly in the next 30 years.
Describe the two primary changes occurring in the world that push us to that conclusion.


18. Based on your exploration of the National Geographic interactive web site ‘What the World
Eats’, tell me three things you learned.


19. As described in class, what is the ‘Nutrition Transition’?

Relate these two figures from “Obese

in America” to the nutrition transition.
20. Relate one thing you learned that hasn’t been asked on this exam that you would really like
to show me?

How does this tie to your previous knowledge?

Does it support what you thought you knew or does it cause you to question what you thought
you knew? Explain.

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