02 eLMS Activity 2

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Rizal’s Life and Works

02 eLMS Activity 2 (Prelim) - ARG

"Imagined Communities" by Benedict Anderson SUMMARY (seven [7] sentences MAX)

-The book talks about how countries and nations

are kind of like big groups of people who feel like
they belong together. Even if they don't know
each other personally, they share a connection
because they think of themselves as part of the
same nation. This feeling of belonging is created
through things like newspapers, books, and
shared language.

Anderson explains that print media, like

newspapers, played a huge role in making people
from different regions feel like they are part of
the same nation. He also shows how language
helps create this sense of togetherness.

Throughout the book, Anderson looks at different

countries and times to show how nations were
formed. He also points out that while nations can
bring people together and create a sense of
pride, they can also be a source of problems, like
conflicts between different nations or excluding
certain groups of people.

In simple terms, "Imagined Communities" helps

us understand that nations aren't just physical
places, but they're also ideas that exist in
people's minds. These ideas can be powerful,
both in positive and sometimes challenging ways,
shaping how people see themselves and others.

How does this develop and/or promote

nationalism to you?

-For my own opinion, the book doesn't try to

make people like nationalism or not like it.

Instead, the book encourages people to think

carefully and ask questions about nationalism. It's
like saying, "Let's think about why we feel
connected to our country and what that means."

Whether someone thinks nationalism is a good

thing or a bad thing depends on their own
thoughts and opinions. The book doesn't tell you
Rizal’s Life and Works
02 eLMS Activity 2 (Prelim) - ARG

what to think about nationalism; it just helps you

understand it better.

Did Rizal demonstrate popular nationalism

through his works? Justify your answer.

-Yes, Jose Rizal demonstrated popular nationalism

through his works. He wrote in a way that regular
people could understand and connect with. His
writings encouraged Filipinos to love their
country and be proud of their identity. He spoke
out against the unfair treatment of Filipinos
under Spanish colonial rule, inspiring many to
take action. Rizal's works played a crucial role in
uniting Filipinos and motivating them to strive for
independence. His ideas continue to influence
Filipino nationalism to this day.

How will the study of our national

history affect your actions in the

-Studying our national history helps we

understand where we come from, the struggles
our ancestors faced, and the values they held.
This knowledge can inspire us to appreciate our
culture and heritage, and it may influence us to
make informed decisions that benefit our country
and society today. It reminds us of the
importance of preserving our national identity
and working towards a better future.
HISTORY by Reynaldo Ileto
- This is a book that looks at the life of Jose Rizal,
a famous hero in the Philippines. It shows how
Rizal's writings made Filipinos feel proud and
united. These writings also inspired them to stand
up against the unfair treatment by Spanish rulers.
The book explains that Rizal's impact is not just
about his books, but about how he made people
believe in themselves and their country. It also
talks about the tough times Filipinos faced during
Spanish rule, like social inequality and injustice.
By understanding all of this, we can appreciate
how Rizal's ideas still matter today and how they
inspire us to work for a better future for the
Rizal’s Life and Works
02 eLMS Activity 2 (Prelim) - ARG

How does this develop and/or promote

nationalism to you?

- The book develops and promotes nationalism by

showing how Jose Rizal, a national hero, inspired
Filipinos to be proud of their country and stand
up against unfair treatment. It explains that
Rizal's writings made people believe in
themselves and their nation. By learning about
the challenges Filipinos faced during Spanish rule,
like inequality and injustice, it helps us appreciate
the importance of working together for a better
future for the Philippines. In simple terms, the
book reminds us of our history and how Rizal's
ideas continue to inspire love and loyalty for our

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